Mcconnell Falls Behind In Kentucky

Just on a side note: regardless who controls the Senate as of January 2015, the margin will be so slim that we will essentially be every bit as deadlocked in the legislative process as we are now.

Mitch McConnell, assuming he is re-elected and also elected by his colleagues to be Majority leader should the GOP take the Senate (and I think they will, indeed), could decide to completely nuke the filibuster and then also pass alot of stuff using reconciliation, but it only goes so far.

The HOR could be crazy enough to pass articles of Impeachment against our President, which would then die in the Senate, for there will never be enough votes to convict.

The Senate could try to defund parts of Obamacare, but that would end in disaster.

What a GOP controlled Senate CAN do would be to permanently stall any and all judicial nominations and of course, in the next two years, we could lose a Supreme Court justice, when you consider the age and health of a number of those nine justices.

I guess that's why I, as a Democrat, especially when considering the electoral history of US midterms, am less disturbed at a GOP takeover of the Senate. Plus, it could be very short-lived, with the real prospect of a Clinton prez landslide in 2016. To see what seats are up in 2016:

United States Senate elections 2016 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

24 GOP seats will be up for grabs in 2016 and of the 10 DEM seats, only CO and NV (the same two where Democrats won in spite of a GOP wave in 2010 and also in spite of flawed polling) are somewhat competitive. The other 8 are very safe DEM seats.

So, I suspect that a GOP takeover of the Senate may be very short-lived and too much overreach would probably play right into Hillary Clinton's hands.
Both KY and GA are competitive right now. In GA, Perdue's aggregate is +2.2, well within the MoE. In KY, polling froze for a while, so this new poll is indeed interesting.

I will research the history of the Bluegrass polling firm and then come back to this thread.

For a while it looked like McConnell was pulling away

The latest poll is a wakeup call
what McConnell is doing is trying to say well, "she is one of Obama's lackies"... the people Of KY can see he's desperate ... and they are turning on him ....
First, let me just observe that the Grimes chick is pretty hot. The libs have some pretty hot ass on their side, you know? Just look at some of their minions. First there is Wendy Davis of Texas. Everyone knows what a despicable piece of shit she is as a human being. But I would totally screw her. Just watching her for more than a couple moments on TV makes my dicker harder than saving money is for a black man.

Next, everybody who knows me knows that I have a great big throbbing SHANKER for that shithead Debbie Wasserman Shultz.
She is a total moron, but also totally fuckworthy. I have had much worse.

Of course, we got a pretty fucking hot-assed gash stash on the right too. Obviously every man would like to take a stab or two at Palin. Second, there is Michelle Bachman. I have thought for a long time that it would be a helluva good time to go to Pound Town with her.

Finally, an honorable mention gets awarded to Mia Love. I think she is a Republican, but really, who cares? The first thing that comes to mind with her is having her naked and bent over a table with her hands bound behind her, tied with red lace.

McConnell has a pretty kinky thing going on with that Asian chick he is married to. Of course, they are both old as fuck, so thinking about those two making fuck noises and rubbing their wrinkled old bodies up against each other is just gross. But, he went there. That earns him points in my book. I admire that. I have never gone Asian. I have crossed other racial barriers, but not Asian. However, he ultimately loses points because he married her. What the fuck?

So, on one hand you have a hot bitch who shoots guns but is a leftist. On the other you have a seasoned and influential establishment Republican who married an egg roll. Hmmmmmmm....

McConnell is the obvious choice. They are not going to put that dumb, leftist twat in the Senate. The electorate there is pissed at McConnell, but they are not stupid. Moreover, the people there are predominately conservative and they understand that with the Senate midterms being so critical they cannot send a leftist turd like Grimes to DC. The very thought of this is asinine.
Post of the day.
Well played, sir.

Your buddy there calls a woman a "twat" and you pat him on the back.

And then the Right scratches it's head and wonders why it gets clobbered in the female vote.

Thank you for once again showing your ass.
I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.
Yeah, tell us, arschlager.

...A Democrat...lie???

"If you like your plan, you can keep it. Period"

Did you lose your plan, Frank?
its all he has ... In colorado they had a state run health care system called Covered colorado ... I lost that plan... now that plan cost me 550 dollars a month with a 5000 dollar deductible ... was I pissed ???? well Obama care came to life My broker sign me up to my plan thats was 250 dollars a month with a 1200 deductible .... so you tell me if I was Pissed "Katzndogz ????
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First, let me just observe that the Grimes chick is pretty hot. The libs have some pretty hot ass on their side, you know? Just look at some of their minions. First there is Wendy Davis of Texas. Everyone knows what a despicable piece of shit she is as a human being. But I would totally screw her. Just watching her for more than a couple moments on TV makes my dicker harder than saving money is for a black man.

Next, everybody who knows me knows that I have a great big throbbing SHANKER for that shithead Debbie Wasserman Shultz.
She is a total moron, but also totally fuckworthy. I have had much worse.

Of course, we got a pretty fucking hot-assed gash stash on the right too. Obviously every man would like to take a stab or two at Palin. Second, there is Michelle Bachman. I have thought for a long time that it would be a helluva good time to go to Pound Town with her.

Finally, an honorable mention gets awarded to Mia Love. I think she is a Republican, but really, who cares? The first thing that comes to mind with her is having her naked and bent over a table with her hands bound behind her, tied with red lace.

McConnell has a pretty kinky thing going on with that Asian chick he is married to. Of course, they are both old as fuck, so thinking about those two making fuck noises and rubbing their wrinkled old bodies up against each other is just gross. But, he went there. That earns him points in my book. I admire that. I have never gone Asian. I have crossed other racial barriers, but not Asian. However, he ultimately loses points because he married her. What the fuck?

So, on one hand you have a hot bitch who shoots guns but is a leftist. On the other you have a seasoned and influential establishment Republican who married an egg roll. Hmmmmmmm....

McConnell is the obvious choice. They are not going to put that dumb, leftist twat in the Senate. The electorate there is pissed at McConnell, but they are not stupid. Moreover, the people there are predominately conservative and they understand that with the Senate midterms being so critical they cannot send a leftist turd like Grimes to DC. The very thought of this is asinine.
Post of the day.
Well played, sir.

Your buddy there calls a woman a "twat" and you pat him on the back.

And then the Right scratches it's head and wonders why it gets clobbered in the female vote.

Thank you for once again showing your ass.
I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.
Yeah, tell us, arschlager.

Ahhh, the good old "get out of Jail" cards for RWNJs. I was wondering how long it would take for you to be that ignorant.
First, let me just observe that the Grimes chick is pretty hot. The libs have some pretty hot ass on their side, you know? Just look at some of their minions. First there is Wendy Davis of Texas. Everyone knows what a despicable piece of shit she is as a human being. But I would totally screw her. Just watching her for more than a couple moments on TV makes my dicker harder than saving money is for a black man.

Next, everybody who knows me knows that I have a great big throbbing SHANKER for that shithead Debbie Wasserman Shultz.
She is a total moron, but also totally fuckworthy. I have had much worse.

Of course, we got a pretty fucking hot-assed gash stash on the right too. Obviously every man would like to take a stab or two at Palin. Second, there is Michelle Bachman. I have thought for a long time that it would be a helluva good time to go to Pound Town with her.

Finally, an honorable mention gets awarded to Mia Love. I think she is a Republican, but really, who cares? The first thing that comes to mind with her is having her naked and bent over a table with her hands bound behind her, tied with red lace.

McConnell has a pretty kinky thing going on with that Asian chick he is married to. Of course, they are both old as fuck, so thinking about those two making fuck noises and rubbing their wrinkled old bodies up against each other is just gross. But, he went there. That earns him points in my book. I admire that. I have never gone Asian. I have crossed other racial barriers, but not Asian. However, he ultimately loses points because he married her. What the fuck?

So, on one hand you have a hot bitch who shoots guns but is a leftist. On the other you have a seasoned and influential establishment Republican who married an egg roll. Hmmmmmmm....

McConnell is the obvious choice. They are not going to put that dumb, leftist twat in the Senate. The electorate there is pissed at McConnell, but they are not stupid. Moreover, the people there are predominately conservative and they understand that with the Senate midterms being so critical they cannot send a leftist turd like Grimes to DC. The very thought of this is asinine.
Post of the day.
Well played, sir.

Your buddy there calls a woman a "twat" and you pat him on the back.

And then the Right scratches it's head and wonders why it gets clobbered in the female vote.

Thank you for once again showing your ass.
I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.
Yeah, tell us, arschlager.
he didn't have sexual relations ... she gave him a blow job .... blow jobs aren't sexual relations ... learn something for once in your life
Just on a side note: regardless who controls the Senate as of January 2015, the margin will be so slim that we will essentially be every bit as deadlocked in the legislative process as we are now.

Mitch McConnell, assuming he is re-elected and also elected by his colleagues to be Majority leader should the GOP take the Senate (and I think they will, indeed), could decide to completely nuke the filibuster and then also pass alot of stuff using reconciliation, but it only goes so far.

The HOR could be crazy enough to pass articles of Impeachment against our President, which would then die in the Senate, for there will never be enough votes to convict.

The Senate could try to defund parts of Obamacare, but that would end in disaster.

What a GOP controlled Senate CAN do would be to permanently stall any and all judicial nominations and of course, in the next two years, we could lose a Supreme Court justice, when you consider the age and health of a number of those nine justices.

I guess that's why I, as a Democrat, especially when considering the electoral history of US midterms, am less disturbed at a GOP takeover of the Senate. Plus, it could be very short-lived, with the real prospect of a Clinton prez landslide in 2016. To see what seats are up in 2016:

United States Senate elections 2016 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

24 GOP seats will be up for grabs in 2016 and of the 10 DEM seats, only CO and NV (the same two where Democrats won in spite of a GOP wave in 2010 and also in spite of flawed polling) are somewhat competitive. The other 8 are very safe DEM seats.

So, I suspect that a GOP takeover of the Senate may be very short-lived and too much overreach would probably play right into Hillary Clinton's hands.
this might be so but if you look at all the senate races that the republicans are hoping they will win it appears in the polls that they aren't that close colorado dems a head ... in (correction) Kansas the repub-lie-cans are behind by 10 points ... do I think the dems will get the super majority??? they will be close ... you can bet on that ... the way the polling looks like in the house the republicans will lose more seats ... will that turn them around on their thinking????hey they're repub-lie-cans
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...A Democrat...lie???

"If you like your plan, you can keep it. Period"

Did you lose your plan, Frank?
its all he has ... In colorado they had a state run health care system called Covered colorado ... I lost that plan... now that plan cost me 550 dollars a month with a 5000 dollar deductible ... was I pissed ???? well Obama care came to life My broker sign me up to my plan thats was 250 dollars a month with a 1200 deductible .... so you tell me if I was Pissed "Katzndogz ????

IF, this is true and that's a big IF, then you will vote for democrats, the millions of people who have lost their health insurance, or experience the higher costs will not vote democrat. That's what has the democrats so worried and why they are running from obamacare as fast as they can.
What Louisville Courier-Journal reported is the change from the poll of a month ago, when McConnell was leading in that poll. So compared with the other published polls of this last weekend(?), regarding the Kentucky senate race: Then this lends support to the contention that anti-Obama sentiment may becoming less persuasive. The McConnell campaign is cited as trying to make Obama the issue, and not Senator McConnell's attempt to spread around The Plague, for everyone!

You would think that McConnell had made a wrong turn, somewhere, even(?)! In fact, in Conservative-Land, "It seems like only a year ago, yesterday: That the Republicans had manage to shut down all the federal government, including Center for Disease Control." Somewhere, a little kid died over the weekend, from an even different plague!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Government not sending White Eyes To Lands of Many Nations! White Eyes coming on in, on their own(?)! "Invacion!")

That the Republicans had manage to shut down all the federal government, including Center for Disease Control." Somewhere, a little kid died over the weekend, from an even different plague!

Didn't happen the CDC was never shut down,no matter how many time you repeat that untruth it will never become a truth.

...A Democrat...lie???

"If you like your plan, you can keep it. Period"

Did you lose your plan, Frank?
its all he has ... In colorado they had a state run health care system called Covered colorado ... I lost that plan... now that plan cost me 550 dollars a month with a 5000 dollar deductible ... was I pissed ???? well Obama care came to life My broker sign me up to my plan thats was 250 dollars a month with a 1200 deductible .... so you tell me if I was Pissed "Katzndogz ????

IF, this is true and that's a big IF, then you will vote for democrats, the millions of people who have lost their health insurance, or experience the higher costs will not vote democrat. That's what has the democrats so worried and why they are running from obamacare as fast as they can.

No, they're not. You live in a fantasy world, as is usual for RWNJs.

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