Mcconnell Falls Behind In Kentucky

Even I would vote for McConnell in this case. It is a case of corrupt vs more corrupt.
Can anyone else understand this from the left? Why are you voting in people who will not pass the torch to younger ones?

One of the reasons I hate and detest McConnells, the McCains or the Bushs or the Clintons that they refuse to pass the torch.

What the hell is wrong with you guys on the left? I used to be one of you. You should detest political dynasties. Instead you are voting for them more than the conservatives.

It was either last election cycle or the one before that there was a Dem running for something in California that was going to go on a hunger strike but "not really hurt myself" lol.........lulz. He was a real young guy. Yeah, it ain't looking good for either side.
First, let me just observe that the Grimes chick is pretty hot. The libs have some pretty hot ass on their side, you know? Just look at some of their minions. First there is Wendy Davis of Texas. Everyone knows what a despicable piece of shit she is as a human being. But I would totally screw her. Just watching her for more than a couple moments on TV makes my dicker harder than saving money is for a black man.

Next, everybody who knows me knows that I have a great big throbbing SHANKER for that shithead Debbie Wasserman Shultz.
She is a total moron, but also totally fuckworthy. I have had much worse.

Of course, we got a pretty fucking hot-assed gash stash on the right too. Obviously every man would like to take a stab or two at Palin. Second, there is Michelle Bachman. I have thought for a long time that it would be a helluva good time to go to Pound Town with her.

Finally, an honorable mention gets awarded to Mia Love. I think she is a Republican, but really, who cares? The first thing that comes to mind with her is having her naked and bent over a table with her hands bound behind her, tied with red lace.

McConnell has a pretty kinky thing going on with that Asian chick he is married to. Of course, they are both old as fuck, so thinking about those two making fuck noises and rubbing their wrinkled old bodies up against each other is just gross. But, he went there. That earns him points in my book. I admire that. I have never gone Asian. I have crossed other racial barriers, but not Asian. However, he ultimately loses points because he married her. What the fuck?

So, on one hand you have a hot bitch who shoots guns but is a leftist. On the other you have a seasoned and influential establishment Republican who married an egg roll. Hmmmmmmm....

McConnell is the obvious choice. They are not going to put that dumb, leftist twat in the Senate. The electorate there is pissed at McConnell, but they are not stupid. Moreover, the people there are predominately conservative and they understand that with the Senate midterms being so critical they cannot send a leftist turd like Grimes to DC. The very thought of this is asinine.
Post of the day.
Well played, sir.
First, let me just observe that the Grimes chick is pretty hot. The libs have some pretty hot ass on their side, you know? Just look at some of their minions. First there is Wendy Davis of Texas. Everyone knows what a despicable piece of shit she is as a human being. But I would totally screw her. Just watching her for more than a couple moments on TV makes my dicker harder than saving money is for a black man.

Next, everybody who knows me knows that I have a great big throbbing SHANKER for that shithead Debbie Wasserman Shultz.
She is a total moron, but also totally fuckworthy. I have had much worse.

Of course, we got a pretty fucking hot-assed gash stash on the right too. Obviously every man would like to take a stab or two at Palin. Second, there is Michelle Bachman. I have thought for a long time that it would be a helluva good time to go to Pound Town with her.

Finally, an honorable mention gets awarded to Mia Love. I think she is a Republican, but really, who cares? The first thing that comes to mind with her is having her naked and bent over a table with her hands bound behind her, tied with red lace.

McConnell has a pretty kinky thing going on with that Asian chick he is married to. Of course, they are both old as fuck, so thinking about those two making fuck noises and rubbing their wrinkled old bodies up against each other is just gross. But, he went there. That earns him points in my book. I admire that. I have never gone Asian. I have crossed other racial barriers, but not Asian. However, he ultimately loses points because he married her. What the fuck?

So, on one hand you have a hot bitch who shoots guns but is a leftist. On the other you have a seasoned and influential establishment Republican who married an egg roll. Hmmmmmmm....

McConnell is the obvious choice. They are not going to put that dumb, leftist twat in the Senate. The electorate there is pissed at McConnell, but they are not stupid. Moreover, the people there are predominately conservative and they understand that with the Senate midterms being so critical they cannot send a leftist turd like Grimes to DC. The very thought of this is asinine.
Post of the day.
Well played, sir.
I agree Rabbi. LMFAO. But how much of the voting Demographic are frat guys?:booze:
Ok, some information for comparison:

2008 Kentucky Senatorial: McConnell (R-inc) vs. Lunsford (D)
Final Bluegrass poll: McConnell 47 / Lunsford 42 / margin: McConnell +5

Bluegrass Poll McConnell leads Lunsford by 5 Bluegrass Politics

Actual result, 2008 Senatorial:
McConnell 52.97% / Lunsford 47.03% / Margin: McConnell +5.93% (it looks like it should be +5.94, but when you divide the actual raw vote margin by the total, it rounds DOWN to 5.93)

So, the Bluegrass poll was off to the LEFT by 1 point, but picked the correct winner.

2008 Presidential election in Kentucky: McCain (R) vs. Obama (D)

Final Bluegrass poll:
McCain 51 / Obama 42 / margin: McCain +9

Actual results:
McCain 57.37% / Obama 41.15% / margin: McCain +16.22%

So, the bluegrass poll was off to the LEFT by 7 points, but picked the correct winner.

2010 Kentucky Senatorial election: Paul (R) vs. Conway (D)
Final Bluegrass poll
Paul 52 / Conway 43 / margin: Paul +9

Local News The Courier-Journal

Actual result:

Paul 55.69% / Conway 44.22% / margin: Paul +11.47%

So, the Bluegrass poll was off 2.5 points to the LEFT, but picked the correct winner.

2012 Presidential election in Kentucky: Romney (R) vs. Obama (D-inc)
Final Bluegrass poll:
Romney 54 / Obama 41 / margin: Romney +13

Actual result:

Romney 60.47% / Obama 37.78% / margin: Romney +22.69%

So, the Bluegrass poll was off by 10.7 points to the LEFT (which is completely inexcusable, we expect better than this from pollsters), but called the correct winner.

In all four major marquee elections from 2008, 2010 and 2012, the Bluegrass Poll shows a verifiable mathematical bias to the LEFT, consistently.

With the current 2014 Senatorial poll showing Grimes (D) at only 46 and only +2 over McConnell, when you factor in a mathematically proven Liberal bias by this pollster, this poll could mean as much as McConnell +5 to +7.

I am sorry, but the Bluegrass poll does not pass the test of accuracy when it comes to predicting margins, but it has indeed picked the correct winner at least in the last 6 years. Should the next Bluegrass polls show Grimes' margin growing, I could maybe believe it, but for now, this poll is likely the outlier.

So the Bluegrass poll is under for the conservative candidate on average 5%. Shows bias and is an indicator that McConnel will win by around 4.7% +
Can't be against coal and expect to win the Senate seat.

They are going to support O'Keefe until he gets nailed for another million. At some point he will become a liability rather than a short term propaganda tool.
He videotapes democrats or liberals saying stupid things and you people blame O'Keefe for their stupidly. Be thankful he's culling the true idiots from your party.

They are going to support O'Keefe until he gets nailed for another million. At some point he will become a liability rather than a short term propaganda tool.

Can't believe they keep posting these pimp videos

Especially since it is illegal to film private citizens without their consent.
Like the video of Mitt's 47% speech, hypocrites?
The people of Kentucky are going to want a Senator who can bring home the pork, and no one can bring home pork like a Majority Leader.

Lip service about deficits be damned, Red Staters want more federal money spent in their state than they pay for.
Remind me which party Robert "Sheets" Byrd represented and how much pork he brought home.
And now, class, we are going to learn the difference between hypocrisy and a tu quoque fallacy.

Hypocrisy: Claiming to stand for something, but acting the opposite.

Tu quoque: Whining "they do it, too" when caught behaving badly.
I dont recall McConnell swearing he would not bring projects home. Please post where he did.
They all do that. Anyone who pretends otherwise is a moron.

I hate when I'm ever on the other side of the fence than you. Truly I do.

But in my mind as a true conservative we have to take Mitch out. I promised this way back. It's how when we started the conservative revolution up here we had to purge anyone and everyone who was your version on a rino. And then work back to center.
Giving the seat to a stinking Democrat is called cutting of your nose to spite your face. Yeah I wasnt happy McConnell won against his challenger. Yeah, McConnell is a big part of what i wrong wih the GOP today. But recall Reagan's 11th Commandment. I'd still rather see someone like McConnell who can come through every now and then over someone like Grimes who will be Harry Reid's stooge.
Mitchell doesn't have a birthright to Senate leadership. The senators can always vote for someone to replace him without Kentucky voters replacing him with a fucking Democrat. We have to take the Senate people. Priority One!
Ok, some information for comparison:

2008 Kentucky Senatorial: McConnell (R-inc) vs. Lunsford (D)
Final Bluegrass poll: McConnell 47 / Lunsford 42 / margin: McConnell +5

Bluegrass Poll McConnell leads Lunsford by 5 Bluegrass Politics

Actual result, 2008 Senatorial:
McConnell 52.97% / Lunsford 47.03% / Margin: McConnell +5.93% (it looks like it should be +5.94, but when you divide the actual raw vote margin by the total, it rounds DOWN to 5.93)

So, the Bluegrass poll was off to the LEFT by 1 point, but picked the correct winner.

2008 Presidential election in Kentucky: McCain (R) vs. Obama (D)

Final Bluegrass poll:
McCain 51 / Obama 42 / margin: McCain +9

Actual results:
McCain 57.37% / Obama 41.15% / margin: McCain +16.22%

So, the bluegrass poll was off to the LEFT by 7 points, but picked the correct winner.

2010 Kentucky Senatorial election: Paul (R) vs. Conway (D)
Final Bluegrass poll
Paul 52 / Conway 43 / margin: Paul +9

Local News The Courier-Journal

Actual result:

Paul 55.69% / Conway 44.22% / margin: Paul +11.47%

So, the Bluegrass poll was off 2.5 points to the LEFT, but picked the correct winner.

2012 Presidential election in Kentucky: Romney (R) vs. Obama (D-inc)
Final Bluegrass poll:
Romney 54 / Obama 41 / margin: Romney +13

Actual result:

Romney 60.47% / Obama 37.78% / margin: Romney +22.69%

So, the Bluegrass poll was off by 10.7 points to the LEFT (which is completely inexcusable, we expect better than this from pollsters), but called the correct winner.

In all four major marquee elections from 2008, 2010 and 2012, the Bluegrass Poll shows a verifiable mathematical bias to the LEFT, consistently.

With the current 2014 Senatorial poll showing Grimes (D) at only 46 and only +2 over McConnell, when you factor in a mathematically proven Liberal bias by this pollster, this poll could mean as much as McConnell +5 to +7.

I am sorry, but the Bluegrass poll does not pass the test of accuracy when it comes to predicting margins, but it has indeed picked the correct winner at least in the last 6 years. Should the next Bluegrass polls show Grimes' margin growing, I could maybe believe it, but for now, this poll is likely the outlier.

So the Bluegrass poll is under for the conservative candidate on average 5%. Shows bias and is an indicator that McConnel will win by around 4.7% +

That is one way to interpret, and it very close to the current aggregate, yes.

I just updated the rankings over at my big Senate thread:

2014 battle for control of the US Senate Page 8 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

They are going to support O'Keefe until he gets nailed for another million. At some point he will become a liability rather than a short term propaganda tool.

Can't believe they keep posting these pimp videos

Especially since it is illegal to film private citizens without their consent.
Like the video of Mitt's 47% speech, hypocrites?

Mitt Romney was not speaking as a private citizen. He was speaking as a very PUBLIC figure at an advertised, albeit closed, event.

You do understand the difference between public and private, right?

You see, it's this kind of ignorance on dislay that makes the Right look even crazier than it is, if that is even possible.

They are going to support O'Keefe until he gets nailed for another million. At some point he will become a liability rather than a short term propaganda tool.

Can't believe they keep posting these pimp videos

Especially since it is illegal to film private citizens without their consent.
Like the video of Mitt's 47% speech, hypocrites?
No, not likie that at all

O'Keefe doctors his videos and edits out what doesn't fit his message
First, let me just observe that the Grimes chick is pretty hot. The libs have some pretty hot ass on their side, you know? Just look at some of their minions. First there is Wendy Davis of Texas. Everyone knows what a despicable piece of shit she is as a human being. But I would totally screw her. Just watching her for more than a couple moments on TV makes my dicker harder than saving money is for a black man.

Next, everybody who knows me knows that I have a great big throbbing SHANKER for that shithead Debbie Wasserman Shultz.
She is a total moron, but also totally fuckworthy. I have had much worse.

Of course, we got a pretty fucking hot-assed gash stash on the right too. Obviously every man would like to take a stab or two at Palin. Second, there is Michelle Bachman. I have thought for a long time that it would be a helluva good time to go to Pound Town with her.

Finally, an honorable mention gets awarded to Mia Love. I think she is a Republican, but really, who cares? The first thing that comes to mind with her is having her naked and bent over a table with her hands bound behind her, tied with red lace.

McConnell has a pretty kinky thing going on with that Asian chick he is married to. Of course, they are both old as fuck, so thinking about those two making fuck noises and rubbing their wrinkled old bodies up against each other is just gross. But, he went there. That earns him points in my book. I admire that. I have never gone Asian. I have crossed other racial barriers, but not Asian. However, he ultimately loses points because he married her. What the fuck?

So, on one hand you have a hot bitch who shoots guns but is a leftist. On the other you have a seasoned and influential establishment Republican who married an egg roll. Hmmmmmmm....

McConnell is the obvious choice. They are not going to put that dumb, leftist twat in the Senate. The electorate there is pissed at McConnell, but they are not stupid. Moreover, the people there are predominately conservative and they understand that with the Senate midterms being so critical they cannot send a leftist turd like Grimes to DC. The very thought of this is asinine.
Post of the day.
Well played, sir.

Your buddy there calls a woman a "twat" and you pat him on the back.

And then the Right scratches it's head and wonders why it gets clobbered in the female vote.

Thank you for once again showing your ass.

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