Mcconnell Falls Behind In Kentucky

The tards watch Fox News and whine in harmony about the national debt, but when they go in the voting booth they are going to pull the lever for the guy who can bring home the most pork.

And that is what is going to give McConnell the edge.
The debt isnt high because of pork. It doesnt help anything and the GOP has tried to put through a pork free diet but the public always demands it.
Remind me what Democrats have done to eliminate pork.
I love polls.

They give the opportunity to fill the pollsters so full of shit their eyes turn brown. They cannot build in enough fudge factors to account for the people who go all Democrat and lie to them in order to invalidate their "results".
Republicans likely will take the senate which makes me even further disgusted by the stupidity of the American people.

Lets not count our chickens

There are quite a few races that are very close
I love polls.

They give the opportunity to fill the pollsters so full of shit their eyes turn brown. They cannot build in enough fudge factors to account for the people who go all Democrat and lie to them in order to invalidate their "results".

They were pretty damned close in the 2012 election.....
Right like their are undecided Kentuckians changing votes back and forth a month out. Horseshit.

I'm going to put myself right in here. Not been posting here a lot. There are comment sections on every media website in Kentucky.

McConnell for the most part vs Grimes has been able to control his legacy because of all the PSA radio or print. $$$$$ talks when it comes to the "news" . Herb Tarlek vs the "news". Herb wins every time.

What the old bastard Mitch didn't count on were serious conservatives wanting him gone as much as oh someone like me.

Now when I say I'm a Boone that may not mean a lot to anyone in New Mexico for example, but Boone trumps McConnell when it comes to Kentucky.

Now I am dragging kin one way or the other to stand with me against McConnell but lets see how this plays out.
I hear there is talk of prosecuting him for campaign finance fraud/violations.

He should already be in prison for breaking into a Senator's office.
In your dreams, sweetheart.
Why is Harry Reid a free man?
I hear there is talk of prosecuting him for campaign finance fraud/violations.

He should already be in prison for breaking into a Senator's office.
I can't believe conservatives are still trotting out O'Keefe
The debt isnt high because of pork. It doesnt help anything and the GOP has tried to put through a pork free diet but the public always demands it.
Remind me what Democrats have done to eliminate pork.
Still going with the tu quoque fallacies, eh? :laugh:

When it comes to actual behaviors, I frankly see no difference between the GOP and the Democrats these days, whichever one is in power.

Well, there is some difference. GOP: Borrow and spend. Democrats: Tax and spend.

That's about it.

As for deficit spending, by far the biggest cause of our debt is tax expenditures. Those tax credits, deductions, and exemptions we all love so much. They are costing the federal budget over a trillion dollars a year and are the largest cause of higher tax rates. But watch a Republican scream like a hippie welfare queen when you try to take them away.

"Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it."
Can Grimes be anymore centrist than McConnell? Cripes she stands more right than Mitch from my viewpoint.

What I love about her is she is fresh. She is Kentucky. She isn't Washington. And she's not a crazy old bugger who at 80 freaking plus doesn't want to lose his power.
Both KY and GA are competitive right now. In GA, Perdue's aggregate is +2.2, well within the MoE. In KY, polling froze for a while, so this new poll is indeed interesting.

I will research the history of the Bluegrass polling firm and then come back to this thread.

The best source for Kentucky politics is Sam Youngman of the Lexington, Ky. Herald-Leader: Lexington KY
Can anyone else understand this from the left? Why are you voting in people who will not pass the torch to younger ones?

One of the reasons I hate and detest McConnells, the McCains or the Bushs or the Clintons that they refuse to pass the torch.

What the hell is wrong with you guys on the left? I used to be one of you. You should detest political dynasties. Instead you are voting for them more than the conservatives.
Both KY and GA are competitive right now. In GA, Perdue's aggregate is +2.2, well within the MoE. In KY, polling froze for a while, so this new poll is indeed interesting.

I will research the history of the Bluegrass polling firm and then come back to this thread.

The best source for Kentucky politics is Sam Youngman of the Lexington, Ky. Herald-Leader: Lexington KY

I love him to death. Spot on most of the time. Hell's bells almost all of the time.
Excellent job, Stat.
Thanks, Jake. I have indicated time and time over that although I'm a Democrat, when it comes to numbers, I'm brutally neutral. The aggregate has shown Sen. McConnell ahead the entire time. That being said, I suspect that a bevy of new polls is coming our way soon. Sen. McConnell has the advantage of the incumbency in a state that is growing more and more red from cycle to cycle. Mrs. Grimes has a major climb in front of her. Wait and see.

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Excellent job, Stat.
Thanks, Jake. I have indicated time and time over that although I'm a Democrat, when it comes to numbers, I'm brutally neutral. The aggregate has shown Sen. McConnell ahead the entire time. That being said, I suspect that a bevy of new polls is coming our way soon. Sen. McConnell has the advantage of the incumbency in a state that is growing more and more red from cycle to cycle. Mrs. Grimes has a major climb in front of her. Wait and see.
That's the conventional wisdom, but I think it's about to be turned on it's head due to social media and demographics. I also don't think a lot of these polls are taking into consideration the huge numbers of people, overwhelmingly Democrat, that are registering to vote. Georgia is a good example, and I think the GOP is in for a shock.

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