McConnell hints Blacks are not Americans

You are a moron, go learn some history you fucking cocksucka.
I leave the sucking of cocks to you, motherfucker.

I know history, by the way. And I know that you are a fully propagandized ignorant twat.

Now, you have a great evening. With your superbadbreath, don’t forget to floss and brush your teeth. And don’t forget to say your prayers. Maybe ask God for a measurable IQ. You clearly need divine help.
Why when the black moves in, Jack moves out. Come to stay, Jack moves away. Ain't we all people how the hell can a color be no good to a neighborhood. PE.
When's the last time you actually saw this happen?
My next door is a Black police officer and I never felt safer.
Black police officers hate Black thugs with a passion. might want to bite your tongue before you speak in the future...

Why don't you bite yours and show us how it is done? McConnell said absolutely nothing wrong, he said that Black voting was consistent with the general voting rates in America thererby showing that blacks are not being undewr represented or held back from voting as you idiots claim, he just didn't phrase it as well as he could have. But then, anyone with an IQ above a dim bulb like you got that.
IDK why people, including blacks themselves, say they are "african american"
No bitch, you are American.
People say they are Irish American, German American, Asian American,.... hey we got Native Americans too... all the time...

He didn't call Irish American not Americans...
Mitch is an ingrate and an asshole. Kevin McCarthy is a whining pussy. Republicans need new leadership.
You are out to lunch :rolleyes:

From, the link :
"The concern is misplaced. Because if you look at the statistics, African-American voters are voting in just as high a percentage as Americans."

It means the American "of African ancestry" voters' voting % is the same as the national %. Then, your statement does not say white kids including poor kids.

P.S. African-American does not mean black (there are white African-Americans), and not all back are African-American.

Like Irish American or Italian American. We are groping for new levels of stupidity.
Don't need to, I have posted plenty of white on white crime stories. Never heard you call any of them a thug or you stat how you hate white thugs.
Apparently most consumers of don’t care about targeted crime as much as crime for the hell of it.

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