McConnell hints Blacks are not Americans might want to bite your tongue before you speak in the future...
I didn't see any of the DemNazis exhibit the usual fake outrage when Biden said this:

Jan. 31, 2007

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man."

Joe Biden, describing fellow candidate Barack Obama.
I didn't see any of the DemNazis exhibit the usual fake outrage when Biden said this:

Jan. 31, 2007

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man."

Joe Biden, describing fellow candidate Barack Obama.
If McConnell became a Democrat tomorrow the Libs would love him.
Well don’t the rest of us just call ourselves Americans? Where is his statement inaccurate? He’s using the term they supposedly prefer to be called? How’s that disrespectful?
The objection is: black Americans as “opposed to” Americans. might want to bite your tongue before you speak in the future...
Oh Shut yer infernal damn pie hole ... Punked.Going to infernally driven
great lenghts to try and make something out of nothing.
Forgetting that is precisely how Countries are Communized.
One of the phases first adopted is to Change around the language.
In order to make for better propaganda and therefore change in the
way words are interpreted.
George Orwell called it Newspeak.
Go back and read - Animal Farm - Punk.It's very short.
cannot be Misinterpreted even if it's Snowballing outside.
That's exactly what he said, shithead.
Explain then how Trump managed to lower Unemployment in the
Black Community to an historic low.He was the exact opposite of a
Racist.I guess if saying " What do you have to lose " as far as voting
and Supporting his Policy's.
Yer as snarky full of shit as Talk Radio Bigot Joe Madison.
Explain then how Trump managed to lower Unemployment in the
Black Community to an historic low.He was the exact opposite of a
Racist.I guess if saying " What do you have to lose " as far as voting
and Supporting his Policy's.
Yer as snarky full of shit as Talk Radio Bigot Joe Madison.
You explain how he did it and while you are at explain how it dropped to record lows under Pres Obama.
You explain how he did it and while you are at explain how it dropped to record lows under Pres Obama.
Maybe because on Obama's watch the United States for the first
time in modern memory Fell Into Decline.
based around the census of last decade.It wasn't reported.
Just as how Poverty rose sharply under Obama's watch.nearly double in
Black Communities.
Maybe because on Obama's watch the United States for the first
time in modern memory Fell Into Decline.
based around the census of last decade.It wasn't reported.
Just as how Poverty rose sharply under Obama's watch.nearly double in
Black Communities.
Tell me the policies Trump put in place that dropped black unemployment as you claimed. All I am hearing is weak ass excuses.
Tell me the policies Trump put in place that dropped black unemployment as you claimed. All I am hearing is weak ass excuses.

Stopping cheap mexican labor from funneling in is the most obvious boon you could give to poor black Americans....?
During his conference, McConnell was asked about the concerns people of color would have now that voting reform is no longer possible. In response, he said, "The concern is misplaced. Because if you look at the statistics, African-American voters are voting in just as high a percentage as Americans."

That sounds like African American voters are not really "Americans."
That sounds like you a fucking moron, as African American already defines them as Americans. You people will whine about anything, all the while going all gaga for a racist asshole that still refers to blacks as negroes.

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