McConnell makes grim prediction about Republicans in Senate races, references 'candidate quality'

Is this panic on the MAGA-RIGHT?
Not PANIC, surely? Just a little less triumphantalism. TRUMPhantalism. We'll probably be fine. Still, I'd love a four-senator margin. That would really work. We could get those hearings and impeachments GOING.
McConnell is finally coming to terms with the fact that unqualified, ill prepared Trumpy candidates will likely cost the Republicans control of the Senate, snatching defeat from what should have been the jaws of victory.

McConnell probably does know things we don't. He's most definitely part of the Establishment deep state
Not PANIC, surely? Just a little less triumphantalism. TRUMPhantalism. We'll probably be fine. Still, I'd love a four-senator margin. That would really work. We could get those hearings and impeachments GOING.

That would be a done deal......
If ONLY you could get all conservatives up off their arses and to the polls.
But, they will find excuse after excuse to fail as usual then come here sobbing over how victimized they are
That would be a done deal......
If ONLY you could get all conservatives up off their arses and to the polls.
But, they will find excuse after excuse to fail as usual then come here sobbing over how victimized they are
(Shuuuuusssssh ---- private message: I think you meant the Democrats? They're the ones who don't vote in the Midterms. We're the one who'll crawl over broken glass to vote.)
Senate is staying Blue and hate to tell you but I am going to say it again that I believe the House stays Blue also because Trump will do whatever he can to pull that victory away from the Republicans!
Yeah ---- I'm beginning to get worried myself. I'd love to see a four-Senator majority for us, but if McConnell is worried, I'm worried.
The reason he's worried is he could very well lose his leadership position.....One way or the other....It's RINO/neocon hunting season.

He's not said squat about the MAL raid with leads me to believe that he may have gave it his blessing.

Pay no attention to the MSM's breathlessness right now.....It will be a good month and a half before things solidify poll wise.....Then you might get a better bead on how things are going to go.
McConnell is finally coming to terms with the fact that unqualified, ill prepared Trumpy candidates will likely cost the Republicans control of the Senate, snatching defeat from what should have been the jaws of victory.

Nice, Mitch.
As far as Arizona is concerned McConnell is on the money.

I had hoped for some strong, intelligent Republican candidates. But the GOP gave us a bunch of worthless crackpots. Lying Trump election deniers, whining about anything and everything.

The worthless kunt, Kari Lake, started crying about a "crooked" election (if she loses) - even before the voting had taken place. I guess she thinks every election is crooked - if SHE doesn't win. She's a world-class dumbass.

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