McConnell Offers 3-Stage ’Last Choice’ Debt Option

There is no Constitutional right to collective bargaining. If there is the federal government is actually violating it by denying those rights to federal employees.

Sure there is.

It the same right that allows corporations to lobby the government.

You really are ignorant of the Constitution aren't ya?

Not as much as you, which is not a very high standard.

Why don't federal employees have collective bargaining rights?

Erm..probably because of some unconstitutional unitary executive power wrangling?

What's your point?
The gop is doing their job.

So I guess ill go look in that other thread to see your cries about Obama playing politics with seniors. I look forward to seeing you play both sides fairly since your not a partisan hack like me.

Did you bother to read the story? The GOP is playing politics. They're not doing their job, that's the problem.

But no, you'll just keep attacking Obama thinking that it's all his fault alone.

I got screwed today and it was 100% Obamas fault. Excuse me while I vent

You are correct though I have been so pissed for the last couple hours that I didnt read your link. Im heading out to dinner now, Ill read it when I get back

My bond trading friends are blaming Republicans. An investor friend of mine today said that he's voted Republican all his life but would never vote Republican again if they didn't come to an agreement. I'm sure he's exaggerating though. I'm sure in a decade he'd vote Republican again.

Better hope the checks don't bounce due to lack of money.

from the link-

At the time, Clinton's lawyers pointed out that Social Security checks could be mailed during a shutdown, because the program doesn't need Congress to authorize funds for it each year. Instead, Social Security benefits are paid from the program's trust fund.

There are no marketable assets to sell in the trust fund. They can't raise cash.

Cash flows are lumpy.

on Aug. 3, we project that the government will have about $12 billion in receipts and $32 billion in committed payments, including a $23 billion Social Security payment.

Opinion: Real implications of debt debate - Jerome H. Powell -

Not enough money for when that day arrives.

Will there be enough for when the seniors cash the checks? I don't know. Nobody does.

uhm Q- do you think banks, the banks that have been bending over the gov. and packing them in the ass for 3 years would refuse to cash the checks?
Will McConnell, Boehner & Cantor still get their checks? YOU BETCHA' ;) LOL
Did you bother to read the story? The GOP is playing politics. They're not doing their job, that's the problem.

But no, you'll just keep attacking Obama thinking that it's all his fault alone.

I got screwed today and it was 100% Obamas fault. Excuse me while I vent

You are correct though I have been so pissed for the last couple hours that I didnt read your link. Im heading out to dinner now, Ill read it when I get back

My bond trading friends are blaming Republicans. An investor friend of mine today said that he's voted Republican all his life but would never vote Republican again if they didn't come to an agreement. I'm sure he's exaggerating though. I'm sure in a decade he'd vote Republican again.


:eek:Hey, aren't they the scum that help get us here?

You tell them trajan says; do what you feel........ sorry if your kids don't get to ivy league this term, but thats how the coupon crumbles.....
uhm Q- do you think banks, the banks that have been bending over the gov. and packing them in the ass for 3 years would refuse to cash the checks?

Don't know. Do you?

Wanna play?


But get another four bullets first. That'll make it more exciting!
They'd be heroes if they ran away to Canada to AVOID the vote. Right?

Nope. Though they are effectively doing their best to avoid voting anyway with this proposal.

All you're trying to do though is deflect because you do not have a good argument to refute what I said.

If the debt ceiling isn't raised and all hell breaks loose, all because of the tax/revenue issue, the Republicans will be seen as the bad guys. But if they don't stick to their guns about not raising or eliminating certain tax breaks, they'll be seen as caving to the Democrats. Either way, the Republicans have backed themselves into a corner. I think McConnell is using his wiggle room.
uhm Q- do you think banks, the banks that have been bending over the gov. and packing them in the ass for 3 years would refuse to cash the checks?

Don't know. Do you?

Wanna play?


But get another four bullets first. That'll make it more exciting!

so you're calling the odds at 9-5?

naaaah, first the checks will go out, they are on automatic pilot.

second the banks will cash them.

IF the feds don't provide recompense right away, they will carry them. It would be sheer stupidity not to, they would have plenty to lose and nothing to gain from either dems or reps. if they refused to honor them.
They'd be heroes if they ran away to Canada to AVOID the vote. Right?

Nope. Though they are effectively doing their best to avoid voting anyway with this proposal.

All you're trying to do though is deflect because you do not have a good argument to refute what I said.

If the debt ceiling isn't raised and all hell breaks loose, all because of the tax/revenue issue, the Republicans will be seen as the bad guys. But if they don't stick to their guns about not raising or eliminating certain tax breaks, they'll be seen as caving to the Democrats. Either way, the Republicans have backed themselves into a corner. I think McConnell is using his wiggle room.

so, it appears you are fine with just rolling along, no cuts no structural changes
Nope. Though they are effectively doing their best to avoid voting anyway with this proposal.

All you're trying to do though is deflect because you do not have a good argument to refute what I said.

If the debt ceiling isn't raised and all hell breaks loose, all because of the tax/revenue issue, the Republicans will be seen as the bad guys. But if they don't stick to their guns about not raising or eliminating certain tax breaks, they'll be seen as caving to the Democrats. Either way, the Republicans have backed themselves into a corner. I think McConnell is using his wiggle room.

so, it appears you are fine with just rolling along, no cuts no structural changes

And you are fine with cuts being the only way?
McConnell Offers 3-Stage

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell proposed a “last choice option” to avoid a default on U.S. debt obligations that effectively would grant President Barack Obama power to unilaterally raise the debt limit in installments.

McConnell’s plan would let the president raise the limit in three stages unless Congress disapproves by a two-thirds majority, while Obama would also be required to propose offsetting spending cuts. The spending reductions would be advisory, and the debt-ceiling increase would occur regardless of whether lawmakers enact the cuts, McConnell said.

Don Stewart, a spokesman for McConnell, said the plan would allow Obama to raise the debt limit while putting the onus on him and congressional Democrats to cut spending.

At the same time, Republicans wouldn’t have to agree to tax increases. The proposal would force Democrats to cast multiple votes to raise the debt ceiling before the next election, while giving Republicans the chance to vote against it without risking a default.

I would hope everyone can see through McConnell's plan and see his true intentions are just to play politics in order to make sure his plan of Obama being a one term President comes true. Despicable and irresponsible.

According to the bolded, above, the debt-ceiling increase would occur regardless of whether spending cuts were actually enacted.

Why does Obama and the Dems have such an aversion to cutting spending?

They don't. The offer is on the table to cut $4 trillion but with elimination of certain tax benefits (not even raising the rate on the richest). As long as the "T" word is there, the pubs will just say no. They'd rather go with the $2 trillion just in cuts. Silly, isn't it?
If the debt ceiling isn't raised and all hell breaks loose, all because of the tax/revenue issue, the Republicans will be seen as the bad guys. But if they don't stick to their guns about not raising or eliminating certain tax breaks, they'll be seen as caving to the Democrats. Either way, the Republicans have backed themselves into a corner. I think McConnell is using his wiggle room.

so, it appears you are fine with just rolling along, no cuts no structural changes

And you are fine with cuts being the only way?

are you?
McConnell Offers 3-Stage

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell proposed a “last choice option” to avoid a default on U.S. debt obligations that effectively would grant President Barack Obama power to unilaterally raise the debt limit in installments.

McConnell’s plan would let the president raise the limit in three stages unless Congress disapproves by a two-thirds majority, while Obama would also be required to propose offsetting spending cuts. The spending reductions would be advisory, and the debt-ceiling increase would occur regardless of whether lawmakers enact the cuts, McConnell said.

Don Stewart, a spokesman for McConnell, said the plan would allow Obama to raise the debt limit while putting the onus on him and congressional Democrats to cut spending.

At the same time, Republicans wouldn’t have to agree to tax increases. The proposal would force Democrats to cast multiple votes to raise the debt ceiling before the next election, while giving Republicans the chance to vote against it without risking a default.

I would hope everyone can see through McConnell's plan and see his true intentions are just to play politics in order to make sure his plan of Obama being a one term President comes true. Despicable and irresponsible.

So he is playing politics like Obama did this morning when he said seniors may not get their checks?

I dont see the thread you made about that partisan play anywhere on the forum what gives? Maybe it is you that is playing partisan politics?

If that was the alleged "lie," Obama was referring to the priorities that must be paid if the debt ceiling isn't raised. One of those priorities, further down the list, could possibly be (but highly doubtful) that Social Security won't have the PROJECTED funds needed to pay the CURRENT Social Security benefits. It wasn't a "lie," it was a threat.
McConnell Offers 3-Stage

I would hope everyone can see through McConnell's plan and see his true intentions are just to play politics in order to make sure his plan of Obama being a one term President comes true. Despicable and irresponsible.

According to the bolded, above, the debt-ceiling increase would occur regardless of whether spending cuts were actually enacted.

Why does Obama and the Dems have such an aversion to cutting spending?

They don't. The offer is on the table to cut $4 trillion but with elimination of certain tax benefits (not even raising the rate on the richest). As long as the "T" word is there, the pubs will just say no. They'd rather go with the $2 trillion just in cuts. Silly, isn't it?

a) I'd like to see that in writing and by Harry and Obama... b) they already have raises built in, BUT thats not enough?

why not?

here ya go-

•Starting in 2013, the bill adds an additional 0.9% to the 2.9% Medicare tax for singles who earn more than $200,000 and couples making more than $250,000.

• For first time, the bill also applies Medicare’s 2.9% payroll tax rate to investment income, including dividends, interest income and capital gains. Added to the 0.9% payroll surcharge, that means a 3.8-percentage point tax hike on “the rich.” Oh, and these new taxes aren’t indexed for inflation, so many middle-class families will soon be considered rich and pay the surcharge as their incomes rise past $250,000 due to tax-bracket creep. Remember how the Alternative Minimum Tax was supposed to apply only to a handful of millionaires?

• Also starting in 2013 is a 2.3% excise tax on medical device manufacturers and importers. That’s estimated to raise $20 billion.

• Already underway this year is the new annual fee on “branded” drug makers and importers, which will raise $27 billion.

• Another $15.2 billion will come from raising the floor on allowable medical deductions to 10% of adjusted gross income from 7.5%.

• Starting in 2018, the bill imposes a whopping 40% “excise tax” on high-cost health insurance plans. Though it only applies to two years in the 2010-2019 window of ObamaCare’s original budget score, this tax would still raise $32 billion—and much more in future years.

• And don’t forget a new annual fee on health insurance providers starting in 2014 and estimated to raise $60 billion. This tax, like many others on this list, will be passed along to consumers in higher health-care costs.
McConnell Offers 3-Stage

I would hope everyone can see through McConnell's plan and see his true intentions are just to play politics in order to make sure his plan of Obama being a one term President comes true. Despicable and irresponsible.

So he is playing politics like Obama did this morning when he said seniors may not get their checks?

I dont see the thread you made about that partisan play anywhere on the forum what gives? Maybe it is you that is playing partisan politics?

If that was the alleged "lie," Obama was referring to the priorities that must be paid if the debt ceiling isn't raised. One of those priorities, further down the list, could possibly be (but highly doubtful) that Social Security won't have the PROJECTED funds needed to pay the CURRENT Social Security benefits. It wasn't a "lie," it was a threat.

so a threats ok....? I thought that was bad? and, again, the checks will go out.
They'd be heroes if they ran away to Canada to AVOID the vote. Right?

Nope. Though they are effectively doing their best to avoid voting anyway with this proposal.

All you're trying to do though is deflect because you do not have a good argument to refute what I said.

As long as there are still checks in the check book we can spend as much as we feel like, right? The balance does not really matter???
If we run out of checks, we can just print up more? That is what you are arguing. If a Business spent that way, or you and I, we would soon be in Federal Prison.

Why should the Government be allowed to do what is a crime for the rest of us???

You seem to demonize any attempt to correct course, which seems silly considering that the proposals at best reduce the rate of Government Growth, and do little or nothing to pay off Interest or Principle. It seems more every effort does more to compound the problem and lead us closer to destruction, almost deliberate, the way I see it. What is the offense??? Liberty, Independence, Choice, Private Property, Individual Conscience, Witness and Voice, For which of these do you want to bring us all down with you?

Not really. Businesses usually have an established line of credit. Individuals have credit limits and if their credit is good, can always ask that it be raised. The government operates under the same concept. The difference is that the US has basically unlimited credit because we are still considered on a global level the best investment. Does it need to be brought under control? I don't think anyone disputes that. How to get there is the debate.
naaaah, first the checks will go out, they are on automatic pilot.

second the banks will cash them.

IF the feds don't provide recompense right away, they will carry them. It would be sheer stupidity not to, they would have plenty to lose and nothing to gain from either dems or reps. if they refused to honor them.

Maybe. I don't know.

What I do know is that someone is going to get stiffed, either creditors, doctors, soldiers or granny. One, or more, of those, is not going to be happy if this drags on.

But still, I can't believe the politicians would be that fucking stupid to try it.
Maybe. I don't know.

What I do know is that someone is going to get stiffed, either creditors, doctors, soldiers or granny. One, or more, of those, is not going to be happy if this drags on.

But still, I can't believe the politicians would be that fucking stupid to try it.

I can. Many of them have become so arrogant, that along with the crazies they just may be "that fucking stupid to try it." Especially with the base cheering them on.

This harks back to what I was saying yesterday:

Except somebody won't be getting paid if we don't raise the debt ceiling. Someone is going to get stiffed by the Federal Government because they failed to live up to their obligation.

The people who are against raising the debt ceiling either don't realize that or don't care. And the scary thing is the ones who don't care are growing in number it seems.

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