McConnell should explain why he obscured Russian interference in our election

I am so sick of Republican shenanigans the sooner we get the out the better. Comey needs to loose his job as well. McConnell needs to step down, he has been part of the swamp for tooooo long. He is the head of the alligator. Ryan can accompany him to Sewer Ville too, will not be missed.

Mitch needs a investigation on how he was able to make millions for the Big Pharma, which comes out of our pockets people..
So stupid not to see him for who he is..and who he works for

View attachment 104903


Mitch needs a investigation on how he was able to make millions for the Big Pharma,

and then we can find out how Harry Reid put millions in his own pocket working as a public servant his entire adult life.

Make a thread about Harry then...this thread is about Mitch McConnell ...

The more time I spend un-weaving what this horrible man McConnell has done, I feel sick to my stomach..
The more you post about McConnell, the more I see how much the democrats have covered for Reid over the years.

But, he's one of yours.

Personally, I still think a Neutron bomb should have been set off at the State of the Union years ago.

so we could start fresh.

I would be interested in seeing what you have to say about Reid, I think they are all corrupted..

You really seem to be a good soul. I don't find many on my travels these days. And I do like that you haven't given up on it yet.

Just person to person I really don't like it that I as a voter am required to choose the least of who the hell is gonna inflict the least damage.

Come on now. This sucks. :lol:

We have this season turned it all up on its head. This is a good thing. I believe in the people. I believe we have a new day in front of us.

I'm dual. True dual. Boone. I want to see us rock again. I want to see America rise without needing to have Merkel approve America.
I was talking about a particular situation, and Gipper irrationally turned it into a general statement. Neither td nor you are rational on this subject, so I won't discuss it with you. Tough, but there it is.
Could you be rational for once ?
I am so sick of Republican shenanigans the sooner we get the out the better. Comey needs to loose his job as well. McConnell needs to step down, he has been part of the swamp for tooooo long. He is the head of the alligator. Ryan can accompany him to Sewer Ville too, will not be missed.

Mitch McConnell should explain why he obscured Russian interference in our election

Read more here: Mitch McConnell should explain why he obscured Russian interference in our election

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell should explain why he blocked a bipartisan denunciation of Russian interference in our election before voters went to the polls.

Americans deserve to hear why McConnell did not trust them with the evidence that he and 11 other congressional leaders received in a confidential briefing in September.

The Washington Post reports that during that briefing McConnell “made clear to the administration that he would consider any effort by the White House to challenge the Russians publicly an act of partisan politics.”

McConnell also questioned the veracity of the intelligence, according to the Post, based on information from unidentified officials present at the September briefing.

On Monday, McConnell said he had the “highest confidence” in U.S. intelligence agencies.

But McConnell would not answer reporters’ questions about the Post’s account. He passed up the opportunity to deny that he torpedoed the administration’s request for a bipartisan pre-election statement calling out the Russians.

Now McConnell and other Republicans are saying the integrity of our elections is too important for partisanship. But before the election McConnell appears to have put partisan concerns first.

Mitch needs a investigation on how he was able to make millions for the Big Pharma, which comes out of our pockets people..
So stupid not to see him for who he is..and who he works for

View attachment 104903


Mitch needs a investigation on how he was able to make millions for the Big Pharma,

and then we can find out how Harry Reid put millions in his own pocket working as a public servant his entire adult life.

Make a thread about Harry then...this thread is about Mitch McConnell ...

The more time I spend un-weaving what this horrible man McConnell has done, I feel sick to my stomach..
The more you post about McConnell, the more I see how much the democrats have covered for Reid over the years.

But, he's one of yours.

Personally, I still think a Neutron bomb should have been set off at the State of the Union years ago.

so we could start fresh.

I would be interested in seeing what you have to say about Reid, I think they are all corrupted..

You really seem to be a good soul. I don't find many on my travels these days. And I do like that you haven't given up on it yet.

Just person to person I really don't like it that I as a voter am required to choose the least of who the hell is gonna inflict the least damage.

Come on now. This sucks. :lol:

We have this season turned it all up on its head. This is a good thing. I believe in the people. I believe we have a new day in front of us.

I'm dual. True dual. Boone. I want to see us rock again. I want to see America rise without needing to have Merkel approve America.

Thank you and
Amen, I have agreed with you on so many things..

There are paid people to keep the loud noise going so we fight and don't stand together for what is really happening in DC.
These elected people who we hired for our best interest are being paid off ..while voting in laws for their own benefit. Right under our noses and we don't do anything about it.

We aren't paying attention, it is so bad.
The Russians didn't so much interfere with our elections, as they did with your party...assuming what we're hearing from the intelligence community is correct. The DNC was hacked because your guys were to stupid to avoid a simple phishing email that businesses deflect every day. The emails released reveled a fair amount of embarrassing shit your guys wrote and did. Why is this anyone else's fault but theirs? They wrote the damn emails. They didn't secure them.

Rather than being pissed at the Republicans, maybe you could focus your ire on your own party leadership.

No much embarrassing about it, but made into a nightmare. Now if we would of seen the Pubs, I'm sure they had some good stuff. Well grabbing the pussy was embarrassing but not for Trump or the Trumpers. Now if Obama has said that or had 5 kids from 3 women , one born out of wedlock, the Pubs would of lynched him up, they did anyway even without nothing.
I am so sick of Republican shenanigans the sooner we get the out the better. Comey needs to loose his job as well. McConnell needs to step down, he has been part of the swamp for tooooo long. He is the head of the alligator. Ryan can accompany him to Sewer Ville too, will not be missed.

Mitch McConnell should explain why he obscured Russian interference in our election

Read more here: Mitch McConnell should explain why he obscured Russian interference in our election

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell should explain why he blocked a bipartisan denunciation of Russian interference in our election before voters went to the polls.

Americans deserve to hear why McConnell did not trust them with the evidence that he and 11 other congressional leaders received in a confidential briefing in September.

The Washington Post reports that during that briefing McConnell “made clear to the administration that he would consider any effort by the White House to challenge the Russians publicly an act of partisan politics.”

McConnell also questioned the veracity of the intelligence, according to the Post, based on information from unidentified officials present at the September briefing.

On Monday, McConnell said he had the “highest confidence” in U.S. intelligence agencies.

But McConnell would not answer reporters’ questions about the Post’s account. He passed up the opportunity to deny that he torpedoed the administration’s request for a bipartisan pre-election statement calling out the Russians.

Now McConnell and other Republicans are saying the integrity of our elections is too important for partisanship. But before the election McConnell appears to have put partisan concerns first.

No Its just about ready to start, not over by a long shot. Where are Trumpsters Tax returns.
and then we can find out how Harry Reid put millions in his own pocket working as a public servant his entire adult life.

Make a thread about Harry then...this thread is about Mitch McConnell ...

The more time I spend un-weaving what this horrible man McConnell has done, I feel sick to my stomach..
The more you post about McConnell, the more I see how much the democrats have covered for Reid over the years.

But, he's one of yours.

Personally, I still think a Neutron bomb should have been set off at the State of the Union years ago.

so we could start fresh.

I would be interested in seeing what you have to say about Reid, I think they are all corrupted..

You really seem to be a good soul. I don't find many on my travels these days. And I do like that you haven't given up on it yet.

Just person to person I really don't like it that I as a voter am required to choose the least of who the hell is gonna inflict the least damage.

Come on now. This sucks. :lol:

We have this season turned it all up on its head. This is a good thing. I believe in the people. I believe we have a new day in front of us.

I'm dual. True dual. Boone. I want to see us rock again. I want to see America rise without needing to have Merkel approve America.

Thank you and
Amen, I have agreed with you on so many things..

There are paid people to keep the loud noise going so we fight and don't stand together for what is really happening in DC.
These elected people who we hired for our best interest are being paid off ..while voting in laws for their own benefit. Right under our noses and we don't do anything about it.

We aren't paying attention, it is so bad.

I'm not sure where we start. But there is a somewhere. And if I can believe in you enough and you can believe in me there's a beginning.
No Its just about ready to start, not over by a long shot. Where are Trumpsters Tax returns.

^ What difference, at this point, does it make?

The only reason ya'll wanted to see them was to fling mud and get folks not to vote for him - too late now.
I am so sick of Republican shenanigans the sooner we get the out the better. Comey needs to loose his job as well. McConnell needs to step down, he has been part of the swamp for tooooo long. He is the head of the alligator. Ryan can accompany him to Sewer Ville too, will not be missed.

Mitch McConnell should explain why he obscured Russian interference in our election

Read more here: Mitch McConnell should explain why he obscured Russian interference in our election

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell should explain why he blocked a bipartisan denunciation of Russian interference in our election before voters went to the polls.

Americans deserve to hear why McConnell did not trust them with the evidence that he and 11 other congressional leaders received in a confidential briefing in September.

The Washington Post reports that during that briefing McConnell “made clear to the administration that he would consider any effort by the White House to challenge the Russians publicly an act of partisan politics.”

McConnell also questioned the veracity of the intelligence, according to the Post, based on information from unidentified officials present at the September briefing.

On Monday, McConnell said he had the “highest confidence” in U.S. intelligence agencies.

But McConnell would not answer reporters’ questions about the Post’s account. He passed up the opportunity to deny that he torpedoed the administration’s request for a bipartisan pre-election statement calling out the Russians.

Now McConnell and other Republicans are saying the integrity of our elections is too important for partisanship. But before the election McConnell appears to have put partisan concerns first.
Pen, they know, as we all do, that the Trump people had in fact direct contacts with Russia during the 2016 elections....Trump just said, that there are things he knows that the CIA is unaware of, check out the news, they're all talking about it. Trump is dangerous and unpolished, this guy sooner or later is gonna say things that will engulf this nation into its deepest nightmare with no turning back.... I wish people would understand, we live in a world, were words matter if spoken by a US president...I just cringe at what world this man is gonna lead us too.

Nice Flynn, what a foul man and Trump had dealings with Russia since 08, his son bragged about it.
^ What difference, at this point, does it make?

The only reason ya'll wanted to see them was to fling mud and get folks not to vote for him - too late now.

Nope sorry, Trump is going to get what the Pubs and he gave to Obama from day one. Not over , just starting.
If the Obama administration went along with alleged Russian 'interference in our election" how can you blame McConnell? As a matter of fact John McCain is chairman of the Armed Services Committee and a member of the Homeland Security committee and he never said a thing about alleged Russian hacking until the election was over. It's likely that there was no Russian interference in our election and McCain is acting as an agent of the Obama regime by keeping the fake issue alive.
Last edited:
I'm not sure when the one day Came.
I am so sick of Republican shenanigans the sooner we get the out the better. Comey needs to loose his job as well. McConnell needs to step down, he has been part of the swamp for tooooo long. He is the head of the alligator. Ryan can accompany him to Sewer Ville too, will not be missed.

Mitch McConnell should explain why he obscured Russian interference in our election

Read more here: Mitch McConnell should explain why he obscured Russian interference in our election

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell should explain why he blocked a bipartisan denunciation of Russian interference in our election before voters went to the polls.

Americans deserve to hear why McConnell did not trust them with the evidence that he and 11 other congressional leaders received in a confidential briefing in September.

The Washington Post reports that during that briefing McConnell “made clear to the administration that he would consider any effort by the White House to challenge the Russians publicly an act of partisan politics.”

McConnell also questioned the veracity of the intelligence, according to the Post, based on information from unidentified officials present at the September briefing.

On Monday, McConnell said he had the “highest confidence” in U.S. intelligence agencies.

But McConnell would not answer reporters’ questions about the Post’s account. He passed up the opportunity to deny that he torpedoed the administration’s request for a bipartisan pre-election statement calling out the Russians.

Now McConnell and other Republicans are saying the integrity of our elections is too important for partisanship. But before the election McConnell appears to have put partisan concerns first.
Pen, they know, as we all do, that the Trump people had in fact direct contacts with Russia during the 2016 elections....Trump just said, that there are things he knows that the CIA is unaware of, check out the news, they're all talking about it. Trump is dangerous and unpolished, this guy sooner or later is gonna say things that will engulf this nation into its deepest nightmare with no turning back.... I wish people would understand, we live in a world, were words matter if spoken by a US president...I just cringe at what world this man is gonna lead us too.

Nice Flynn, what a foul man and Trump had dealings with Russia since 08, his son bragged about it.



Are you people really mother fucking nuts? Please tell me you understand insane
I am so sick of Republican shenanigans the sooner we get the out the better. Comey needs to loose his job as well. McConnell needs to step down, he has been part of the swamp for tooooo long. He is the head of the alligator. Ryan can accompany him to Sewer Ville too, will not be missed.

Mitch McConnell should explain why he obscured Russian interference in our election

Read more here: Mitch McConnell should explain why he obscured Russian interference in our election

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell should explain why he blocked a bipartisan denunciation of Russian interference in our election before voters went to the polls.

Americans deserve to hear why McConnell did not trust them with the evidence that he and 11 other congressional leaders received in a confidential briefing in September.

The Washington Post reports that during that briefing McConnell “made clear to the administration that he would consider any effort by the White House to challenge the Russians publicly an act of partisan politics.”

McConnell also questioned the veracity of the intelligence, according to the Post, based on information from unidentified officials present at the September briefing.

On Monday, McConnell said he had the “highest confidence” in U.S. intelligence agencies.

But McConnell would not answer reporters’ questions about the Post’s account. He passed up the opportunity to deny that he torpedoed the administration’s request for a bipartisan pre-election statement calling out the Russians.

Now McConnell and other Republicans are saying the integrity of our elections is too important for partisanship. But before the election McConnell appears to have put partisan concerns first.
Pen, they know, as we all do, that the Trump people had in fact direct contacts with Russia during the 2016 elections....Trump just said, that there are things he knows that the CIA is unaware of, check out the news, they're all talking about it. Trump is dangerous and unpolished, this guy sooner or later is gonna say things that will engulf this nation into its deepest nightmare with no turning back.... I wish people would understand, we live in a world, were words matter if spoken by a US president...I just cringe at what world this man is gonna lead us too.

Nice Flynn, what a foul man and Trump had dealings with Russia since 08, his son bragged about it.

OMG. Dealings with Russia.Member of the G8.

OMG OH GOD ALMIGHTY Russia was a member of the G8.
If the Obama administration went along with alleged Russian 'interference in our election" how can you blame McConnell? As a matter of fact John McCain is chairman of the Armed Services Committee and a member of the Homeland Security committee and he never said a thing about alleged Russian hacking until the election was over. It's likely that there was no Russian interference in our election and McCain is acting as an agent of the Obama regime by keeping the fake issue alive.

Always remember McCain is Obama's man.
McCain backs terrorists that kill Christians. He and Lindsey tried to save the Muslim Brotherhood who killed Coptic Christians.

I WANT ANSWERS JOHN AND LINDSAY. Why did you let them kill the Coptics?
Russian interference in our election? There is zero evidence for "interference". There is marginal evidence for Russian hacking "attempts".

Even that has to be taken with a grain of salt, because it is easy to embed data in a hack message to make it appear as if it originated from Russia or China or wherever. Liberals who do not understand hacking use it to explain Hillary's epic defeat. That's less painful than facing the Truth.
That's a lie, MM, and you are not a very good liar.

The intel agencies say the Russians interfered.

Then they should be happy to show the proof.
In their time, not yours.

That's fine. In the meantime, the skepticism will remain.
No skepticism exists with rational people.

Skepticism ALWAYS exists with rational people.
No Its just about ready to start, not over by a long shot. Where are Trumpsters Tax returns.

^ What difference, at this point, does it make?

The only reason ya'll wanted to see them was to fling mud and get folks not to vote for him - too late now.
One, to see if he would keep his word. Two, to use them to show that Trump has no concept what it means to be of the working classes. Three, to get people not to vote for him.

Sooner or later, they will be released, formally or leaked.
If the Obama administration went along with alleged Russian 'interference in our election" how can you blame McConnell? As a matter of fact John McCain is chairman of the Armed Services Committee and a member of the Homeland Security committee and he never said a thing about alleged Russian hacking until the election was over. It's likely that there was no Russian interference in our election and McCain is acting as an agent of the Obama regime by keeping the fake issue alive.

Always remember McCain is Obama's man.
McConnell and Hatch threatened Obama with making the release of the information "partisan politics," then cheered Comey.
That's a lie, MM, and you are not a very good liar.

The intel agencies say the Russians interfered.

Then they should be happy to show the proof.
In their time, not yours.

That's fine. In the meantime, the skepticism will remain.
No skepticism exists with rational people.

Skepticism ALWAYS exists with rational people.
You committed a fallacy of confirmation bias. You expanded a specific, limited example into a general principle. Very foolish.

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