McDaniel to challenge Primary Results

Few whites participated and even fewer objected.

Nope, thats wrong. I lived in the south during that time. What hollywood and the libs have told you is a lie.

The vast majority of whites did not support the KKK or think that things like separate drinking fountains was right. The racists were a tiny minority, as they are today.

BTW, racists come in all colors.
A. Someone who was an attorney, for someone who is KKK, giving $800.00 in a statewide election is hardly a major contributor, justifying the KKK link;
B. The Daily Beast is a biased site, as is Townhall, and many others.
C. If you do not like open primaries, write the state legislature. (I wish Florida had "open", a moderate Republican would stand a chance.)
D. DC knows Cochran, thus he can do more the state, McDaniel, even if wins with Bush 2000 'stratagery', cannot do much as an unknown.
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No they weren't. Only a fucking retard thinks they were. You need to go to the democrat party because you sound just like them more every day.

Of course they were right wingers. And in the aftermath of the civil rights movement, they started to migrate to the GOP. When Reagan ran in 1980, he actively courted these Dixiecrats and conservative Southern Democrats by kicking off his post-convention campaign in Philadelphia, MS (site of the movie, Mississippi Burning) where he just so happened to mention States' Rights.

The movie was fiction, dipshit. The incidents it portrayed were rare, not common. It was a glorified anti-white, anti-south piece of fictional garbage.

Yes, there were abuses by the democrats that made up the KKK. But the vast majority of whites in the south did not participate in that terrible activity.

Yes, the KKK was made up of southern democrats. Nothing you say can negate that historical FACT.

The movie was a fictionalized account of real events. That means the murders actually happened. It's part of the historical record.

While it's true that the vast majority of whites in the South did not participate. Neither did they do much, if anything, to stop what was going on, either because they were sympathizers and agreed with it or because they were afraid of what would happen to them and their families if they said or did anything to interfere.

I don't dispute that the KKK was made up of Southern Democrats, but they were CONSERVATIVE Southern Democrats who were Democrats essentially because the Democratic Party grew in the aftermath of the Civil War when it was Republicans who were in power in Washington DC. With that said, people have switched political party allegiance in the years since the civil rights movement. THAT is why the Republicans have such a hold on the South. Simply put, Southern Democrats have migrated to the Republican Party. Everyone knows that. I mean, it's not as if it's a secret. Over the course of a few years, people basically followed Strom Thurmond's lead. It just accelerated in the aftermath of the civil rights legislation of the 1960s wihch LBJ pushed through following Kennedy's assassination. In fact, LBJ noted that he expected something like that to happen when he stated that Democrats have probably lost the South for a generation. The way I see it, he was only wrong about the length of time.
I asked this earlier today on LGS's race baiting thread. Any takers?

Bonus points for any one who can
name that republican:

"You have to face the fact that the whole problem is really the blacks. The key is to devise a system that recognizes that while not appearing to." - Once said by a famous republican.

He devised a "Strategy" to make the GOP tent bigger--by making room for and welcoming all the racists.
Of course they were right wingers. And in the aftermath of the civil rights movement, they started to migrate to the GOP. When Reagan ran in 1980, he actively courted these Dixiecrats and conservative Southern Democrats by kicking off his post-convention campaign in Philadelphia, MS (site of the movie, Mississippi Burning) where he just so happened to mention States' Rights.

The movie was fiction, dipshit. The incidents it portrayed were rare, not common. It was a glorified anti-white, anti-south piece of fictional garbage.

Yes, there were abuses by the democrats that made up the KKK. But the vast majority of whites in the south did not participate in that terrible activity.

Yes, the KKK was made up of southern democrats. Nothing you say can negate that historical FACT.

The movie was a fictionalized account of real events. That means the murders actually happened. It's part of the historical record.

While it's true that the vast majority of whites in the South did not participate. Neither did they do much, if anything, to stop what was going on, either because they were sympathizers and agreed with it or because they were afraid of what would happen to them and their families if they said or did anything to interfere.

I don't dispute that the KKK was made up of Southern Democrats, but they were CONSERVATIVE Southern Democrats who were Democrats essentially because the Democratic Party grew in the aftermath of the Civil War when it was Republicans who were in power in Washington DC. With that said, people have switched political party allegiance in the years since the civil rights movement. THAT is why the Republicans have such a hold on the South. Simply put, Southern Democrats have migrated to the Republican Party. Everyone knows that. I mean, it's not as if it's a secret. Over the course of a few years, people basically followed Strom Thurmond's lead. It just accelerated in the aftermath of the civil rights legislation of the 1960s wihch LBJ pushed through following Kennedy's assassination. In fact, LBJ noted that he expected something like that to happen when he stated that Democrats have probably lost the South for a generation. The way I see it, he was only wrong about the length of time.

I don't know if this link will work. I can't listen at work, though I do at home. But "segment two" was a pretty interesting discussion about a book concerning the integration of Mississippi's health care system.

Wednesday, 6/25 | Mississippi Edition | Mississippi Public Broadcasting

I'm going to have to read this book.
Of course they were right wingers. And in the aftermath of the civil rights movement, they started to migrate to the GOP. When Reagan ran in 1980, he actively courted these Dixiecrats and conservative Southern Democrats by kicking off his post-convention campaign in Philadelphia, MS (site of the movie, Mississippi Burning) where he just so happened to mention States' Rights.

The movie was fiction, dipshit. The incidents it portrayed were rare, not common. It was a glorified anti-white, anti-south piece of fictional garbage.

Yes, there were abuses by the democrats that made up the KKK. But the vast majority of whites in the south did not participate in that terrible activity.

Yes, the KKK was made up of southern democrats. Nothing you say can negate that historical FACT.

The movie was a fictionalized account of real events. That means the murders actually happened. It's part of the historical record.

While it's true that the vast majority of whites in the South did not participate. Neither did they do much, if anything, to stop what was going on, either because they were sympathizers and agreed with it or because they were afraid of what would happen to them and their families if they said or did anything to interfere.

I don't dispute that the KKK was made up of Southern Democrats, but they were CONSERVATIVE Southern Democrats who were Democrats essentially because the Democratic Party grew in the aftermath of the Civil War when it was Republicans who were in power in Washington DC. With that said, people have switched political party allegiance in the years since the civil rights movement. THAT is why the Republicans have such a hold on the South. Simply put, Southern Democrats have migrated to the Republican Party. Everyone knows that. I mean, it's not as if it's a secret. Over the course of a few years, people basically followed Strom Thurmond's lead. It just accelerated in the aftermath of the civil rights legislation of the 1960s wihch LBJ pushed through following Kennedy's assassination. In fact, LBJ noted that he expected something like that to happen when he stated that Democrats have probably lost the South for a generation. The way I see it, he was only wrong about the length of time.

they were CONSERVATIVE Southern Democrats who were Democrats essentially because the Democratic Party grew in the aftermath of the Civil War when it was Republicans who were in power in Washington DC.

Exactly, though Reagan tried to get the nomination from Ford in 1976, lost Mississippi to Ford. Ford was a good man(.)
Few whites participated and even fewer objected.

Nope, thats wrong. I lived in the south during that time. What hollywood and the libs have told you is a lie.

The vast majority of whites did not support the KKK or think that things like separate drinking fountains was right. The racists were a tiny minority, as they are today.

BTW, racists come in all colors.

You ever take off those rose-colored glasses? I didn't live there but I lived through those times. In tho pre-Southern Strategy south Governor Wallace was probably the most infamous segregationist ever. In the 1962 election he won with 96% of the vote. You get the back of the bus for being such a polyanna regarding historical truths, especially if you actually "lived there".
The GOP just fucked itself for a really long time. Look up Pyrrhic victory

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk


They did that when the elected Dubya.

Anyway, good luck with the recount. Tell them darkies they shouldn't be voting!!!

I was going to say Reagan. That's when jobs started going overseas and H-1B visas started coming here. That's when the "trickle down" theory was circulated as the economic narrative for America. That's when Wall Street banks started telling Reagan what to say when they propped him up to the podium. And you can see how it's all played out.
Few whites participated and even fewer objected.

Nope, thats wrong. I lived in the south during that time. What hollywood and the libs have told you is a lie.

The vast majority of whites did not support the KKK or think that things like separate drinking fountains was right. The racists were a tiny minority, as they are today.

BTW, racists come in all colors.

A tiny minority? Bullshit. I lived in the deep south in the 60s and the racism against blacks was stifling, palpable and shameful.

There were riots in our local high school and neighborhood meetings in our lily-white middle class neighborhoods about these "*******" who were "out of control" and "after our daughters". We started having bag and locker checks and kids, both black and white, were scared to death.

I don't know what "south" you lived in but you're full of shit to deny that racism wasn't fucking rampant and hasn't been revitalized since Obama was elected.
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I asked this earlier today on LGS's race baiting thread. Any takers?

Bonus points for any one who can
name that republican:

"You have to face the fact that the whole problem is really the blacks. The key is to devise a system that recognizes that while not appearing to." - Once said by a famous republican.
Ronald Reagan?

Few whites participated and even fewer objected.

Nope, thats wrong. I lived in the south during that time. What hollywood and the libs have told you is a lie.

The vast majority of whites did not support the KKK or think that things like separate drinking fountains was right. The racists were a tiny minority, as they are today.

BTW, racists come in all colors.

A tiny minority? Bullshit. I lived in the deep south in the 60s and the racism against blacks was stifling, palpable and shameful.

There were riots in our local high school and neighborhood meetings in our lily-white middle class neighborhoods about these "*******" who were "out of control" and "after our daughters". We started having bag and locker checks and kids, both black and white, were scared to death.

I don't know what "south" you lived in but you're full of shit to deny that racism wasn't fucking rampant and hasn't been revitalized since Obama was elected.

Did some of this happen? Absolutely, but please you are getting excessive here. I'm from the deep south. I've seen some of what you say, including in the noose hanging from a tree................Yet it wasn't as dang bad as you say.
Nope, thats wrong. I lived in the south during that time. What hollywood and the libs have told you is a lie.

The vast majority of whites did not support the KKK or think that things like separate drinking fountains was right. The racists were a tiny minority, as they are today.

BTW, racists come in all colors.

A tiny minority? Bullshit. I lived in the deep south in the 60s and the racism against blacks was stifling, palpable and shameful.

There were riots in our local high school and neighborhood meetings in our lily-white middle class neighborhoods about these "*******" who were "out of control" and "after our daughters". We started having bag and locker checks and kids, both black and white, were scared to death.

I don't know what "south" you lived in but you're full of shit to deny that racism wasn't fucking rampant and hasn't been revitalized since Obama was elected.

Did some of this happen? Absolutely, but please you are getting excessive here. I'm from the deep south. I've seen some of what you say, including in the noose hanging from a tree................
Yet it wasn't as dang bad as you say.

Yea hanging and shooting people because of there color wasn't so bad (for the southern crackers)
A tiny minority? Bullshit. I lived in the deep south in the 60s and the racism against blacks was stifling, palpable and shameful.

There were riots in our local high school and neighborhood meetings in our lily-white middle class neighborhoods about these "*******" who were "out of control" and "after our daughters". We started having bag and locker checks and kids, both black and white, were scared to death.

I don't know what "south" you lived in but you're full of shit to deny that racism wasn't fucking rampant and hasn't been revitalized since Obama was elected.

Did some of this happen? Absolutely, but please you are getting excessive here. I'm from the deep south. I've seen some of what you say, including in the noose hanging from a tree................
Yet it wasn't as dang bad as you say.

Yea hanging and shooting people because of there color wasn't so bad (for the southern crackers)

Do you guys ever tire of lying about what others say....................

You make it sound like it was the days of the Civil War.............

Your side is full of it.
The democrats are all crowing about what they did the evil bastards. They just love the status quo they fight to return one of their own back to congress, and by accounts it was done the democrat old fashion way, lying and cheating.

Lying in the form of a phamplet that was spread before the election saying all kinds of lies about how McDaniel would end food stamps and such BS.

Then there is the fact that no one put their name to the phamplet, which is against the law.

Then there is the fact that if democrats voted in the actual primary they were by law not allowed to vote in this election.

And there is another law in Mississippi that states that if you are not going to support the candidate in the general election you are not allowed to vote in the primary. In other words you can't do exactly what they did, by law.

If just the Republicans would have voted then McDaniel wins by 25000 votes. BTW he had already won two elections just not by enough. This time he was robbed and the robbers are laughing at the evilness. The liberals always whine and cry about alleged disenfranchisement. Well their lying and a cheating to help the Republicans sure disenfranchised 60 percent of the Republicans in Mississippi and we all know the liberals could care less.

McCain, McConnell, Hatch and the rest of the Republicans that openly attacked a true conservative need to be removed. Any Republican foolish enough to send the RNC or the RNSC money need to stop now. I am not sure what direction we need to take but we don't need to support people opening fighting conservatives. The democrats are bad enough.
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A. Someone who was an attorney, for someone who is KKK, giving $800.00 in a statewide election is hardly a major contributor, justifying the KKK link;
B. The Daily Beast is a biased site, as is Townhall, and many others.
C. If you do not like open primaries, write the state legislature. (I wish Florida had "open", a moderate Republican would stand a chance.)
D. DC knows Cochran, thus he can do more the state, McDaniel, even if wins with Bush 2000 'stratagery', cannot do much as an unknown.

Oh yes, the country is going broke so the most admirable thing about Cochran is he can pork barrel spend. People like think that way scare the crap out of me and are ruining the country.
LMAO Their in a panicked frenzy farting out one race baiting post after another..

Remember Rasmussen.. Only 26% buy in to that.. THAT'S THE KOOK FRINGE :)

Lindsey Graham (R-SC) "We're not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term.". :laugh2:

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