McDaniel to challenge Primary Results


And folks, we have a bona fide case of voter intimidation. Watch the rightwingloons that melted down over the phoney black panther intimidation pretend this didn't happen.

Voter intimidation reported at Canton precinct - Madison County Journal - Madison County Mississippi

Phony Black Panther issue? Who are these ass clowns then? The Boy Scouts?Get a brain.

The two guys in 2008 that STILL terrify Righties. :D

Actually I see them as targets of opportunity.
Hey dummy the Klan were and are democrats ....please go learn some history of your party.

They are, and always have been, right wingers. Learn some history yourself!

No they weren't. Only a fucking retard thinks they were. You need to go to the democrat party because you sound just like them more every day.

Of course they were right wingers. And in the aftermath of the civil rights movement, they started to migrate to the GOP. When Reagan ran in 1980, he actively courted these Dixiecrats and conservative Southern Democrats by kicking off his post-convention campaign in Philadelphia, MS (site of the movie, Mississippi Burning) where he just so happened to mention States' Rights.
They are, and always have been, right wingers. Learn some history yourself!

No they weren't. Only a fucking retard thinks they were. You need to go to the democrat party because you sound just like them more every day.

Of course they were right wingers. And in the aftermath of the civil rights movement, they started to migrate to the GOP. When Reagan ran in 1980, he actively courted these Dixiecrats and conservative Southern Democrats by kicking off his post-convention campaign in Philadelphia, MS (site of the movie, Mississippi Burning) where he just so happened to mention States' Rights.

God Bless Haley Barbour
Hey dummy the Klan were and are democrats ....please go learn some history of your party.

They are, and always have been, right wingers. Learn some history yourself!

No they weren't. Only a fucking retard thinks they were. You need to go to the democrat party because you sound just like them more every day.

The only retard here is you, and people like you who conflate "Democrat" with the right wing racism of the Old South. You think just because the right wing racists of 60 years ago were Democrats, that the modern day GOP is somehow not infected with bigots and racists, despite the overwhelming evidence it is.

You have to be willfully retarded to not see all the bigoted anti-gay, anti-Mexican, anti-black, and anti-Muslim rhetoric flooding this forum every single day from the RIGHT.

That's why you tards always have to go back 60 years to find Republican policies and behaviors that were classical liberal policies, and right wing Democrats who were racists.

Two words, idiot: Southern Strategy. Learn your history.

Nixon's Southern Strategy: "It's All In The Charts"

"From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that...but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats."

That's a Republican strategist laying out the GOP plan going forward.
Hey dummy the Klan were and are democrats ....please go learn some history of your party.

They are, and always have been, right wingers. Learn some history yourself!

No they weren't. Only a fucking retard thinks they were. You need to go to the democrat party because you sound just like them more every day.
Just ignore the race baiting leftists here.. New polling data shows that NORMAL Americans , over 70% believe that race HAS NOTHING to do with opposition to Odummy. These kooks that flood forums online are the most ardent hard left freaks in the country.. Remember that. On top of that, some are paid to post here and on other sites.
We have voter ID here. There's no fraud. And the faux cry about the blacks is ..... racist. The dem party here is 98% black and 11% white. Some blacks crossed over. But there's no way to tell how much of the extra turnout was white medical, educational, govt workers. Cochran got something like 30-35K new votes. That's not a hell of a lot.

No, I'm not being racist, I'm stating the truth. Don't play the race card on me as I will not tolerate it. 98% Blacks are Dem in Mississippi? Then where did all of Cochran new votes come from as he picked up majority of the 50,000+ new votes cast in the run-off? Thank's for validating my point.

No you are being racist for assuming all those votes were black or dems. A majority of REPUBLICANS didn't vote in the first primary. Cochran won his last general election with over 700K votes. There were barely over 300K votes in the first primary. You made an assumption based on racist belief. Some dems no doubt voted for cocharn. I'm a swing voter myself, and I voted for him twice. But I personally know three white republicans who voted for him yesterday who didn't vote two weeks ago. Cochran ran a lousy campaign. He should have won outright.

No. 98% of Blacks in Mississippi are Democrats. Many voted for Cochran.
Mississippi election results 2014: How Thad Cochran?s campaign pulled it off -
Like I said, you have to be willfully retarded to not see all the bigoted anti-gay, anti-Mexican, anti-black, and anti-Muslim rhetoric flooding this forum every single day from the RIGHT.

This racist and bigoted trash is dragging down the GOP.
Like I said, you have to be willfully retarded to not see all the bigoted anti-gay, anti-Mexican, anti-black, and anti-Muslim rhetoric flooding this forum every single day from the RIGHT.

Leftist hack a part of the measly 26% ^^^^
Like I said, you have to be willfully retarded to not see all the bigoted anti-gay, anti-Mexican, anti-black, and anti-Muslim rhetoric flooding this forum every single day from the RIGHT.

This racist and bigoted trash is dragging down the GOP.

You are to fucking stupid to even know what the GOP is. Go back to the dems lefty. Take your revisionist history with you.
I asked this earlier today on LGS's race baiting thread. Any takers?

Bonus points for any one who can
name that republican:

"You have to face the fact that the whole problem is really the blacks. The key is to devise a system that recognizes that while not appearing to." - Once said by a famous republican.
As per the link I provided in my last post, only 84,339 votes were cast in the Democratic primary this year.

If you look here, you see that 528,260 people voted for Obama in 2012.

674,302 people voted for Romney.

Thus the turnout for the Democratic primary was paltry, to say the least. Only 15% of the number who voted for Obama two years ago.

That leaves a lot of Democrats eligible to vote in yesterday's primary.

Therefore, McDaniel's challenge probably won't succeed.

lmao As if you speak for anything or anyone.. Do you have a crystal ball that we're not aware of that shows the number of democrat voters who had already voted in a democrat primary, showing up to vote for the old fossil Cochran??? NO YOU DO NOT.

Nor do you.

Physician, heal thyself.
LMAO Their in a panicked frenzy farting out one race baiting post after another..

Remember Rasmussen.. Only 26% buy in to that.. THAT'S THE KOOK FRINGE :)
As per the link I provided in my last post, only 84,339 votes were cast in the Democratic primary this year.

If you look here, you see that 528,260 people voted for Obama in 2012.

674,302 people voted for Romney.

Thus the turnout for the Democratic primary was paltry, to say the least. Only 15% of the number who voted for Obama two years ago.

That leaves a lot of Democrats eligible to vote in yesterday's primary.

Therefore, McDaniel's challenge probably won't succeed.

lmao As if you speak for anything or anyone.. Do you have a crystal ball that we're not aware of that shows the number of democrat voters who had already voted in a democrat primary, showing up to vote for the old fossil Cochran??? NO YOU DO NOT.

Nor do you.

Physician, heal thyself.

Where did I claim to know the outcome IDIOT????I didn't but your leftist hack friend did.. :lol:
As per the link I provided in my last post, only 84,339 votes were cast in the Democratic primary this year.

If you look here, you see that 528,260 people voted for Obama in 2012.

674,302 people voted for Romney.

Thus the turnout for the Democratic primary was paltry, to say the least. Only 15% of the number who voted for Obama two years ago.

That leaves a lot of Democrats eligible to vote in yesterday's primary.

Therefore, McDaniel's challenge probably won't succeed.

lmao As if you speak for anything or anyone.. Do you have a crystal ball that we're not aware of that shows the number of democrat voters who had already voted in a democrat primary, showing up to vote for the old fossil Cochran??? NO YOU DO NOT.

Comprehension fail.

It is more likely than not that those Democratic voters who voted yesterday were eligible. It is likely that some ineligible voters will shake out, but probably not enough to turn the election to McDaniel's favor.

Based on the figures I provided, something on the order of 85% of all Mississippi Democrats were eligible to vote yesterday. That is way more than enough to tip the primary to Cochran.
As per the link I provided in my last post, only 84,339 votes were cast in the Democratic primary this year.

If you look here, you see that 528,260 people voted for Obama in 2012.

674,302 people voted for Romney.

Thus the turnout for the Democratic primary was paltry, to say the least. Only 15% of the number who voted for Obama two years ago.

That leaves a lot of Democrats eligible to vote in yesterday's primary.

Therefore, McDaniel's challenge probably won't succeed.

lmao As if you speak for anything or anyone.. Do you have a crystal ball that we're not aware of that shows the number of democrat voters who had already voted in a democrat primary, showing up to vote for the old fossil Cochran??? NO YOU DO NOT.

Comprehension fail.

It is more likely than not that those Democratic voters who voted yesterday were eligible. It is likely that some ineligible voters will shake out, but probably not enough to turn the election to McDaniel's favor.

Something on the order of 85% of all Mississippi Democrats were eligible to vote yesterday. That is way more than enough to tip the primary to Cochran.

Yea sure Skippy.. Whatever you say librul..:cuckoo:
lmao As if you speak for anything or anyone.. Do you have a crystal ball that we're not aware of that shows the number of democrat voters who had already voted in a democrat primary, showing up to vote for the old fossil Cochran??? NO YOU DO NOT.

Comprehension fail.

It is more likely than not that those Democratic voters who voted yesterday were eligible. It is likely that some ineligible voters will shake out, but probably not enough to turn the election to McDaniel's favor.

Something on the order of 85% of all Mississippi Democrats were eligible to vote yesterday. That is way more than enough to tip the primary to Cochran.

Yea sure Skippy.. Whatever you say librul..:cuckoo:

You work really hard at being stupid, don't you.
lmao As if you speak for anything or anyone.. Do you have a crystal ball that we're not aware of that shows the number of democrat voters who had already voted in a democrat primary, showing up to vote for the old fossil Cochran??? NO YOU DO NOT.

Nor do you.

Physician, heal thyself.

Where did I claim to know the outcome IDIOT????I didn't but your leftist hack friend did.. :lol:

Already forget your original post in this thread?

Comprehension = Nil
Memory = Nil

Exactly what DO you have going for you?
Comprehension fail.

It is more likely than not that those Democratic voters who voted yesterday were eligible. It is likely that some ineligible voters will shake out, but probably not enough to turn the election to McDaniel's favor.

Something on the order of 85% of all Mississippi Democrats were eligible to vote yesterday. That is way more than enough to tip the primary to Cochran.

Yea sure Skippy.. Whatever you say librul..:cuckoo:

You work really hard at being stupid, don't you.

Says the low life librul who demanded the Filmmaker of that video Odumbo and HE used to blame the 9/11 attack on, BE HUNG.. You didn't want a trial.. Oh no..Just like now, you were the arbiter of justice, all knowing.. FREAK

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