McDaniel to challenge Primary Results

The democrats are all crowing about what they did the evil bastards. They just love the status quo they fight to return one of their own back to congress, and by accounts it was done the democrat old fashion way, lying and cheating.

Lying in the form of a phamplet that was spread before the election saying all kinds of lies about how McDaniel would end food stamps and such BS.

Then there is the fact that no one put their name to the phamplet, which is against the law.

Then there is the fact that if democrats voted in the actual primary they were by law not allowed to vote in this election.

And there is another law in Mississippi that states that if you are not going to support the candidate in the general election you are not allowed to vote in the primary. In other words you can't do exactly what they did, by law.

If just the Republicans would have voted then McDaniel wins by 25000 votes. BTW he had already won two elections just not by enough. This time he was robbed and the robbers are laughing at the evilness. The liberals always whine and cry about alleged disenfranchisement. Well their lying and a cheating to help the Republicans sure disenfranchised 60 percent of the Republicans in Mississippi and we all know the liberals could care less.

McCain, McConnell, Hatch and the rest of the Republicans that openly attacked a true conservative need to be removed. Any Republican foolish enough to send the RNC or the RNSC money need to stop now. I am not sure what direction we need to take but we don't need to support people opening fighting conservatives. The democrats are bad enough.

Note what I bolded in the quote. NOT against the law.

Crazy uncle e-mails are never cited, and there's no law requiring notations on political leaflets. Several superpacs out there are completely untraceable.

The November vote is by secret ballot. Nobody can tell anyone else who to vote for.
The democrats are all crowing about what they did the evil bastards. They just love the status quo they fight to return one of their own back to congress, and by accounts it was done the democrat old fashion way, lying and cheating.

Lying in the form of a phamplet that was spread before the election saying all kinds of lies about how McDaniel would end food stamps and such BS.

Then there is the fact that no one put their name to the phamplet, which is against the law.

Then there is the fact that if democrats voted in the actual primary they were by law not allowed to vote in this election.

And there is another law in Mississippi that states that if you are not going to support the candidate in the general election you are not allowed to vote in the primary. In other words you can't do exactly what they did, by law.

If just the Republicans would have voted then McDaniel wins by 25000 votes. BTW he had already won two elections just not by enough. This time he was robbed and the robbers are laughing at the evilness. The liberals always whine and cry about alleged disenfranchisement. Well their lying and a cheating to help the Republicans sure disenfranchised 60 percent of the Republicans in Mississippi and we all know the liberals could care less.

McCain, McConnell, Hatch and the rest of the Republicans that openly attacked a true conservative need to be removed. Any Republican foolish enough to send the RNC or the RNSC money need to stop now. I am not sure what direction we need to take but we don't need to support people opening fighting conservatives. The democrats are bad enough.

Note what I bolded in the quote. NOT against the law.

Crazy uncle e-mails are never cited, and there's no law requiring notations on political leaflets. Several superpacs out there are completely untraceable.

The November vote is by secret ballot. Nobody can tell anyone else who to vote for.

Go back and reread the second thing you bolded. He got it wrong. Horribly. He's obviously not too bright. :)
Here is an article outlining McDanials possible challenge.

Here is a snippet clearly pointing out yet another violation of the law.

In predominantly black neighborhoods of Hattiesburg's south side, an organized effort for Cochran was evident. Ronnie Wilson, a 50-year-old unemployed Hattiesburg man, said he had been encouraged by his pastor to vote for Cochran.

"They say the other guy is trying to cut food stamps and all that," Wilson said. "I'm trying to look after the majority of people not working." (THIS IS A BALD FACED LIE)

Of particular interest to the McDaniel campaign was the turnout in Hinds County, which Cochran won by nearly 11,000 votes Tuesday. By contrast, Cochran won the county by 5,300 votes on June 3. Just under 25,000 total ballots were cast in Hinds County Tuesday, while 16,640 total ballots were cast on June 3.

Cochran defeats McDaniel in tight Mississippi GOP Senate runoff race | Fox News
The democrats are all crowing about what they did the evil bastards. They just love the status quo they fight to return one of their own back to congress, and by accounts it was done the democrat old fashion way, lying and cheating.

Lying in the form of a phamplet that was spread before the election saying all kinds of lies about how McDaniel would end food stamps and such BS.

Then there is the fact that no one put their name to the phamplet, which is against the law.

Then there is the fact that if democrats voted in the actual primary they were by law not allowed to vote in this election.

And there is another law in Mississippi that states that if you are not going to support the candidate in the general election you are not allowed to vote in the primary. In other words you can't do exactly what they did, by law.

If just the Republicans would have voted then McDaniel wins by 25000 votes. BTW he had already won two elections just not by enough. This time he was robbed and the robbers are laughing at the evilness. The liberals always whine and cry about alleged disenfranchisement. Well their lying and a cheating to help the Republicans sure disenfranchised 60 percent of the Republicans in Mississippi and we all know the liberals could care less.

McCain, McConnell, Hatch and the rest of the Republicans that openly attacked a true conservative need to be removed. Any Republican foolish enough to send the RNC or the RNSC money need to stop now. I am not sure what direction we need to take but we don't need to support people opening fighting conservatives. The democrats are bad enough.

Note what I bolded in the quote. NOT against the law.

Crazy uncle e-mails are never cited, and there's no law requiring notations on political leaflets. Several superpacs out there are completely untraceable.

The November vote is by secret ballot. Nobody can tell anyone else who to vote for.

Both the bolded are against the law, unless you can prove otherwise. I'll work on finding the actual law. How do you wish your crow prepared?

From the following article: Under Mississippi law, voters in one party's primary must intend to support that party's nominee in the general election.

Cochran defeats McDaniel in tight Mississippi GOP Senate runoff race | Fox News
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Few whites participated and even fewer objected.

Nope, thats wrong. I lived in the south during that time. What hollywood and the libs have told you is a lie.

The vast majority of whites did not support the KKK or think that things like separate drinking fountains was right. The racists were a tiny minority, as they are today.

BTW, racists come in all colors.

A tiny minority? Bullshit. I lived in the deep south in the 60s and the racism against blacks was stifling, palpable and shameful.

There were riots in our local high school and neighborhood meetings in our lily-white middle class neighborhoods about these "*******" who were "out of control" and "after our daughters". We started having bag and locker checks and kids, both black and white, were scared to death.

I don't know what "south" you lived in but you're full of shit to deny that racism wasn't fucking rampant and hasn't been revitalized since Obama was elected.

Don't be so harsh on Democrats. Not all of them were racist. Sheesh.
"Crow served piping hot.

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Freewill is right. It will be interesting to see what happens when the parties collide over who they will vote for.

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