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McDonald Shooting: Justifiable ? Or Not ?

Yes, w hen you go to war with another country, they are going to find ways to strike back.

Maybe France should ahve thought of that before they went to war with ISIL.
Oh, so France should not have gone to war against ISIS, because ISIS will fight back. ? Good lord! You are deranged. Maybe you think they should have fought the Nazis in world War II either (a much lesser danger than ISIS and WMDs)
1. A gun in the home is not more likely to kill a family member in MY home. Maybe that could be true of some people, if they're stupid. But as is the case with everything in life, DON'T BE STUPID.

Frankly, guy, given the crazy you've displayed here, I wouldn't put good money on that.
The gamble you are already taking, is with much higher stakes than "good money". The gamble is with your life, and you are gambling with it, by walking around without a gun. I wouldn't be surprised if you don't even have one in your home. So when MR Home Invader shows up, how do you keep him from killing you ? Sing him songs ?
HA HA! I seriously doubt if "Protectionist's Law" holds up in any court room setting! Although the first two shots might have been fatal, the officer firing didn't know that at the time. WIth the subject down and on the ground the threat was neutralized. Any shots fired after that just reflected the mean murderous spirit of the cop. His intent was to kill and not just to neutralize the threat. I guess he was not a pro-life cop.
I agree that the officer could not know if the first 2 shots were fatal. Therefore, the threat was NOT neutralized , and was very much still active. All the more reason for him to keep firing, as a possibly still alive suspect could pull a gun and shoot the officer.

Also, don't you know that police ARE SUPPOSED TO KILL threatening suspects, because there is no other way to neutralize a threat in a case like this. Try reading the OP to get a handle on this. You are way off the mark here.
The news media thrives on so-called Black criminality and continuously projects the notion that Blacks are a race of criminals. You just verified that falsehood in your preceding statement. See how subtly you have been indoctrinated. The frightening thing is there are millions like you who are unaware that they have been brainwashed,

The news media thrives on alleged police criminality, and continuously projects the notion that cops are a band of criminals. You just verified that falsehood in your preceding statement. See how subtly you have been indoctrinated ? The frightening thing is there are millions like you who are unaware that they have been brainwashed
I'm sorry, but these shootings and protesting's of only the few they throw out there is becoming a bore already. out of 360 Million people they pick and choose which black person they want to protest (while so many more have been killed by the hands of their bros in that time period) and they don't blink an eye over those. NO Bowelmovements out protesting any of those. And not even a peep when it comes to any other race. I'm so over these already. If those idiots standing out in the cold want to be used by the BLM AND THE DNC so be it. but stop shoving it off on the rest of us. Trayvon was enough where you tried to lynch a Hispanic man who was found not to be guilty of anything.

And now you're doing it to all these Civilian Police Officers before they even are bought up for charges or have a trial.
this is being driven by a certain party (who is Rahm Emanuel? he was a top aide to Obama) with the help of these LAMESstream medias. let them know you are sick of it already

Listen when some corn fed blue eyed child of yours is riddled with 16 fuckin bullets, your bullshit rant will get notice...until then, shut the fuck up sugar britches
HA HA! I seriously doubt if "Protectionist's Law" holds up in any court room setting! Although the first two shots might have been fatal, the officer firing didn't know that at the time. WIth the subject down and on the ground the threat was neutralized. Any shots fired after that just reflected the mean murderous spirit of the cop. His intent was to kill and not just to neutralize the threat. I guess he was not a pro-life cop.
I agree that the officer could not know if the first 2 shots were fatal. Therefore, the threat was NOT neutralized , and was very much still active. All the more reason for him to keep firing, as a possibly still alive suspect could pull a gun and shoot the officer.

Also, don't you know that police ARE SUPPOSED TO KILL threatening suspects, because there is no other way to neutralize a threat in a case like this. Try reading the OP to get a handle on this. You are way off the mark here.

You rationalizing white fuck heads are so far gone, only God and a wad of gum can make anything you say, worthy. How in the fuck do you people sleep at night, how? A 17 year old with bullets in his body on the ground...can somehow miraculously get up and fire at a officer???? So help me, I live for the day, your race goes through the shit nigga's go through in this country and yes, your days are coming and its coming fast......the bible speaks of the first shall be last and the last shall be first...I just hate that I won't be around to wittness you bastards and your whines of injustice in this country.
Not. The first shots maybe legally justified. Morally...a police supervisor would say a taser could easily have been tried (although the Taser Corporation strongly discourages using a taser vs a knife because he could fall on the knife and die).

But the shots after he was downed? Not justified. Cop threw himself under this bus. Sucks for all the other Chicago cops whose reputation he just wrecked.
You're falling for the BLM narrative that blacks have a right to attack the police. His left hand was in his pocket and he could have withdrawn it holding a gun. Watch the freakin' video closely. The officer feared for his life. It matters not if the black boy didn't charge at him.
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It's good to see the Police Union is backing the LEO.
That means the PU will be funding the best defense team in the country to defend the LEO.
That means the LEO will walk and the negro ghetto thugs get another chance to destroy the shithole inner cities they live in.
Wait till the attending officers tell the jury the career criminal thug told them he had a gun in his pocket.
It's all good.
Oh, so France should not have gone to war against ISIS, because ISIS will fight back. ? Good lord! You are deranged. Maybe you think they should have fought the Nazis in world War II either (a much lesser danger than ISIS and WMDs)

ISIL isn't an existential threat to the US or France.

I'm not saying France shouldn't have gone to war with ISIS. I'm saying that if you stick your dick in a hornet's nest, you shouldn't whine about getting stung.
It's good to see the Police Union is backing the LEO.
That means the PU will be funding the best defense team in the country to defend the LEO.
That means the LEO will walk and the negro ghetto thugs get another chance to destroy the shithole inner cities they live in.
Wait till the attending officers tell the jury the career criminal thug told them he had a gun in his pocket.
It's all good.

the Union is legally obligated to provide him a defense attorney.

But he's still going to prison for this.
You're falling for the BLM narrative that blacks have a right to attack the police. His left hand was in his pocket and he could have withdrawn it holding a gun. Watch the freakin' video closely. The officer feared for his life. It matters not if the black boy didn't charge at him.

I've watched the freaking video, dude. The kid looks like he's totally out of it, and not a threat to anyone.

Now maybe you can use the "He had a gun" argument to justify the first shot, but not the other 15 when he was on the ground in a fetal position.

This guy is going to prison. Meh, heh, heh, heh. Just a pity that Wilson and Zimmerman aren't joining him.
The gamble you are already taking, is with much higher stakes than "good money". The gamble is with your life, and you are gambling with it, by walking around without a gun. I wouldn't be surprised if you don't even have one in your home. So when MR Home Invader shows up, how do you keep him from killing you ? Sing him songs ?

No, guy, I don't have a gun in my home because statistically, a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy.
Listen when some corn fed blue eyed child of yours is riddled with 16 fuckin bullets, your bullshit rant will get notice...until then, shut the fuck up sugar britches
What the hell makes you think White people aren't being shot to death by any amount of bullets ? You still aren't hip to the Obama/Sharpton/Jackson/Crump big race hustle that's been going on ever since the Zimmerman fiasco/SCAM ? Get with it, bro.
You rationalizing white fuck heads are so far gone, only God and a wad of gum can make anything you say, worthy. How in the fuck do you people sleep at night, how? A 17 year old with bullets in his body on the ground...can somehow miraculously get up and fire at a officer???? So help me, I live for the day, your race goes through the shit nigga's go through in this country and yes, your days are coming and its coming fast......the bible speaks of the first shall be last and the last shall be first...I just hate that I won't be around to wittness you bastards and your whines of injustice in this country.
1. So you're saying he has to "get up" to fire his gun ? Pheeeew!! (high-pitched whistle) Let me fill you in. In both Army and Army National Guard and Security Officer license training, I was trained that if you have to engage an opponent in a shootout, and you are out in the open, you are SUPPOSED to fall to the ground, and shoot from the PRONE POSITION, thereby making yourself a smaller target , and harder for your opponent to hit you.

2. What Blacks go through in this country ? HERE'S what they go through. They get PREFERENCE over Whites in AFFIRMATIVE ACTION, giving them a racist, unfair advantage over Whites, in college admissions, college financial aid, job hiring, job promotions, business loans, etc. Also, Hispanics (I am 50%) and Asians are also discriminated against. Years ago, I was denied an assistantship in college (as were 16 other non-Blacks), and all the assistantships were given only to Blacks. That anti-White, anti-Hispanic, anti-Asian racism caused all my 5 years of college to be be totally wasted and down the drain, as I couldn't afford to continue my studies. It ruined my work life for decades, and now in retirement, I still suffer reduced Social Security payments because of the lower paid jobs I had to settle for, all my life, when Blacks who got those assistantships, stayed in school and graduated with the degree. And then they were being given the better jobs as a result of that, + the preference in AA job hiring. You don't know what you're talking about., and you're falling for the race hustlers' SCAM talk like a ton of bricks.
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ISIL isn't an existential threat to the US or France.

I'm not saying France shouldn't have gone to war with ISIS. I'm saying that if you stick your dick in a hornet's nest, you shouldn't whine about getting stung.
So Roosevelt shouldn't whine about the hundreds of thousazs4rr4nds of Americans killed in World War II ? EARTH TO JOE: Roosevelt didn't start world War II. He helped to finish it. The coalition fighting ISIS didn't start war against ISIS. ISIS started war against them. Didn't you know. ? And this isn't about whining about anything. it is about destroying a cancerous, org hell bent on conquest of the whole world (similar to WW2 Nazis), and DEFENDING ourselves from them.

And of course they are an existential threat to the US and France, and everyone else in the world. Did you think they didn't exist ?
Well they do, and they are currently going after NUCLEAR weapons and oth r WMDs and have openly expressed their intent to attack New York, Washington DC, et all cities, and raise teir stupid flag over the White House.

BTW, this thread is supposed to be about a shooting in Chicago.
I've watched the freaking video, dude. The kid looks like he's totally out of it, and not a threat to anyone.

Now maybe you can use the "He had a gun" argument to justify the first shot, but not the other 15 when he was on the ground in a fetal position.

This guy is going to prison. Meh, heh, heh, heh. Just a pity that Wilson and Zimmerman aren't joining him.
AvgGuy has it 100% right in his post # 187. You haven't refuted one word of what he said.

Good post, AvgGuy!
No, guy, I don't have a gun in my home because statistically, a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy.
And as I asked you > "when MR Home Invader shows up, how do you keep him from killing you ?"

You'll tell him he cant kill you, because the statistics aren't right Maybe you COULD sing him a song ? You could try it. I'll stick with my .380.

PS - I didn't see any link on that "43 times more likely" (not that it means a damn thing to me)

PPS - did you ever stop to think that just maybe because some family members are getting killed by guns in the house, is because there is someone in the house who is a killer ? Well, if there is someone in your house who is a killer, you need to get that person OUT of your house. They can kill with or without a gun. (gas, poison, fire, knife, etc)
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You're falling for the BLM narrative that blacks have a right to attack the police. His left hand was in his pocket and he could have withdrawn it holding a gun. Watch the freakin' video closely. The officer feared for his life. It matters not if the black boy didn't charge at him.

I've watched the freaking video, dude. The kid looks like he's totally out of it, and not a threat to anyone.

Now maybe you can use the "He had a gun" argument to justify the first shot, but not the other 15 when he was on the ground in a fetal position.

This guy is going to prison. Meh, heh, heh, heh. Just a pity that Wilson and Zimmerman aren't joining him.
. You have proven that you're incapable of wanting justice.
You don't know that. That cop was obviously a loose cannon, who knows what he would have done even if the guy obeyed his orders.

By saying what you said you make it sound as if you were alright with the cop shooting him for not complying ... You need to revise what and how you say it.
Of course the cop should shoot him for not complying. Not complying means YOU THE COP are IN DANGER of being killed, at any next moment. Get it ?

Yep, the cop was in mortal danger from the 3in knife at 20 ft away.
Now proceed to tell us about how dangerous the black kid was.

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