McDonald’s CA franchisee on new minimum wage: "The sheer scale of the impact is just breathtaking"

The progressives in california are committing economic suicide

Already workers have lost their jobs and more will lose jobs in the future

What libs have done is put a choke hold on small business and ultimately the entire economy will suffer
The Marxists dont give a damn about US citizens, they have to destroy the middle class so the new brown skin slaves can be captured by said Marxist Party. So now that those who are making 20 dollars minimum, even though fewer, will be paying a lot more in taxes, which will end up in the hands of those illegal brown skins, who will vote Democrat.

California has done us all a favor. We Conservatives have been saying forever that a "high" minimum wage is bad for workers, specifically bad for those whom it is trying to help.

Now we will see how it plays out in the real world (if you can accept the proposition that California represents the real world).

It only applies to large fast-food chains, so people who want quick food can still go to Mom&Pop's or a pizza shop, but there will certainly be hours cut and layoffs at the McDonald's & such, AND their prices will increase. Will people pay $15-20 for a Happy Meal? We don't know yet.

Give it a year.
You rather have McDonald's workers eligible for food stamps ... okay ... your taxes, not mine ... see how high your new medical insurance premiums are now ... that's McDonald's workers getting all their medical care at the emergency room ...

If you can't afford California, don't go ... be more afraid of California coming to you ...
California has done us all a favor. We Conservatives have been saying forever that a "high" minimum wage is bad for workers, specifically bad for those whom it is trying to help.

Now we will see how it plays out in the real world (if you can accept the proposition that California represents the real world).

It only applies to large fast-food chains, so people who want quick food can still go to Mom&Pop's or a pizza shop, but there will certainly be hours cut and layoffs at the McDonald's & such, AND their prices will increase. Will people pay $15-20 for a Happy Meal? We don't know yet.

Give it a year.
California accounts for about $3.5 Billion in annual McDonalds revenues.

The people whining are the franchise owners who will have to settle for a little less profit.

But if you think McDonalds is walking away from $70M per year in clear profit then...Well thinking really doesn't enter into the proposition then does it?
California accounts for about $3.5 Billion in annual McDonalds revenues.

The people whining are the franchise owners who will have to settle for a little less profit.

But if you think McDonalds is walking away from $70M per year in clear profit then...Well thinking really doesn't enter into the proposition then does it?

Franchise margins are already slim, and this makes them worse.

The progressives in california are committing economic suicide

Already workers have lost their jobs and more will lose jobs in the future

What libs have done is put a choke hold on small business and ultimately the entire economy will suffer
We were told the same nonsense when the $10 and $15 minimum wage was being discussed. Magically, the same guys bitching about $20 an hour were able to survive at $10 and $15 an hour. So you can shove that argument straight away.

What I do agree with is that doing it at one time--raising it right to 20 from what it was-- was flat out idiotic.

The folks who are REALLY going to be hurt are not the employees but the line managers. They are hopelessly screwed beyond recognition at this point. Ninety-nine percent of the work is done by the employees they bark at to work harder, come in when they are sick, or (my favorite) come in on your day off because someone quit. Well, now that platoon of blamable peons are reduced to the point to where you will have to man the grill or the fry station. When orders are wrong and customers are not satisfied, who you going to blame Judy?

So yeah, line managers are going to become endangered species at this point.
California has done us all a favor. We Conservatives have been saying forever that a "high" minimum wage is bad for workers, specifically bad for those whom it is trying to help.

Now we will see how it plays out in the real world (if you can accept the proposition that California represents the real world).

It only applies to large fast-food chains, so people who want quick food can still go to Mom&Pop's or a pizza shop, but there will certainly be hours cut and layoffs at the McDonald's & such, AND their prices will increase. Will people pay $15-20 for a Happy Meal? We don't know yet.

Give it a year.

So what do you imagine is going to happen in a year?
We were told the same nonsense when the $10 and $15 minimum wage was being discussed. Magically, the same guys bitching about $20 an hour were able to survive at $10 and $15 an hour. So you can shove that argument straight away.

What I do agree with is that doing it at one time--raising it right to 20 from what it was-- was flat out idiotic.

The folks who are REALLY going to be hurt are not the employees but the line managers. They are hopelessly screwed beyond recognition at this point. Ninety-nine percent of the work is done by the employees they bark at to work harder, come in when they are sick, or (my favorite) come in on your day off because someone quit. Well, now that platoon of blamable peons are reduced to the point to where you will have to man the grill or the fry station. When orders are wrong and customers are not satisfied, who you going to blame Judy?

So yeah, line managers are going to become endangered species at this point.

Once you cross the line of the pay exceeding the value of the work added to the product, then basically you are forcing the employer to operate at a loss in labor value.
We were told the same nonsense when the $10 and $15 minimum wage was being discussed. Magically, the same guys bitching about $20 an hour were able to survive at $10 and $15 an hour. So you can shove that argument straight away.

What I do agree with is that doing it at one time--raising it right to 20 from what it was-- was flat out idiotic.

The folks who are REALLY going to be hurt are not the employees but the line managers. They are hopelessly screwed beyond recognition at this point. Ninety-nine percent of the work is done by the employees they bark at to work harder, come in when they are sick, or (my favorite) come in on your day off because someone quit. Well, now that platoon of blamable peons are reduced to the point to where you will have to man the grill or the fry station. When orders are wrong and customers are not satisfied, who you going to blame Judy?

So yeah, line managers are going to become endangered species at this point.

And the employees worth only $10 an hour will be laid off, and replaced with someone who can do the $20 an hour of work required to make them economically viable.
We were told the same nonsense when the $10 and $15 minimum wage was being discussed. Magically, the same guys bitching about $20 an hour were able to survive at $10 and $15 an hour. So you can shove that argument straight away.

What I do agree with is that doing it at one time--raising it right to 20 from what it was-- was flat out idiotic.

The folks who are REALLY going to be hurt are not the employees but the line managers. They are hopelessly screwed beyond recognition at this point. Ninety-nine percent of the work is done by the employees they bark at to work harder, come in when they are sick, or (my favorite) come in on your day off because someone quit. Well, now that platoon of blamable peons are reduced to the point to where you will have to man the grill or the fry station. When orders are wrong and customers are not satisfied, who you going to blame Judy?

So yeah, line managers are going to become endangered species at this point.

You got a point there. The automated machines that will be doing most of the work previously done by human fast food geeks don't respond as well to getting nagged and chewed out. It will require a different set of skills on the part of the bosses.

The progressives in california are committing economic suicide

Already workers have lost their jobs and more will lose jobs in the future

What libs have done is put a choke hold on small business and ultimately the entire economy will suffer
Why is it the low wage folks who always have to pay the price?

How about if the CEO has one less yacht and keeps the employees on?

The progressives in california are committing economic suicide

Already workers have lost their jobs and more will lose jobs in the future

What libs have done is put a choke hold on small business and ultimately the entire economy will suffer
Just like big business has a choke hold on plebs with their price fixing and gouging of the consumer.
The Marxists dont give a damn about US citizens, they have to destroy the middle class so the new brown skin slaves can be captured by said Marxist Party. So now that those who are making 20 dollars minimum, even though fewer, will be paying a lot more in taxes, which will end up in the hands of those illegal brown skins, who will vote Democrat.

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Totally ass backwards. You and your ilk want wage slaves, not employees. Democrats are trying to lift them up out of that.
Why is it the low wage folks who always have to pay the price?

How about if the CEO has one less yacht and keeps the employees on?

Low wage folks have low wages because they have low skills that are easy to replace.

Just a lot easier to invent a machine that can flip burgers than it is to invent one that can manage a complex operation like a chain of restaurants.

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