McDonalds cashier requirements

And you find the American journalists and professionals you encounter around the world to be poorly educated?

He is poorly educated himself, what do you expect?

What causes you to make such a claim? He doesn't seem poorly educated to me. Is it because he has a different perspective than you? Do you not realize that labeling someone as poorly educated simply because they have a different take on things is an indication of your own limitations?

Yes, I always say that people that think differently than I do are poorly educated. FYI, that is your approach, I have never once accused you of not having an education, have I? The simple fact is that he is completely ignorant about history and economics. He also uses absolutes all the time, which no one with type of quality education will ever do.

And, as you pointed out, he over generalizes and thinks his personal experience trumps empirical data.

Want to explain how any of that squares with your sudden assertion that he does not seem poorly educated?

Give it some thought, try to avoid shoving your other foot in your mouth, you might choke.
He is poorly educated himself, what do you expect?

What causes you to make such a claim? He doesn't seem poorly educated to me. Is it because he has a different perspective than you? Do you not realize that labeling someone as poorly educated simply because they have a different take on things is an indication of your own limitations?

Yes, I always say that people that think differently than I do are poorly educated. FYI, that is your approach, I have never once accused you of not having an education, have I? The simple fact is that he is completely ignorant about history and economics. He also uses absolutes all the time, which no one with type of quality education will ever do.

And, as you pointed out, he over generalizes and thinks his personal experience trumps empirical data.

Want to explain how any of that squares with your sudden assertion that he does not seem poorly educated?

Give it some thought, try to avoid shoving your other foot in your mouth, you might choke.

I don't assume people who have a different perspective than I do are poorly educated. Do you have evidence of that?

I am trying to rise above the level here, as far as using rude and crude insults as a given in the argumentation process.

He did over generalize in the post I took exception to. I don't know that he does that all the time. He seems to know a lot about history. Perhaps he is more familiar with European history as opposed to American history? In any case, he is one of the more thoughtful and intelligent posters here, and does not resort to insults with every post he makes, which makes him a better debater than those who do. Another sign of an intelligent and well educated person.
What causes you to make such a claim? He doesn't seem poorly educated to me. Is it because he has a different perspective than you? Do you not realize that labeling someone as poorly educated simply because they have a different take on things is an indication of your own limitations?

Yes, I always say that people that think differently than I do are poorly educated. FYI, that is your approach, I have never once accused you of not having an education, have I? The simple fact is that he is completely ignorant about history and economics. He also uses absolutes all the time, which no one with type of quality education will ever do.

And, as you pointed out, he over generalizes and thinks his personal experience trumps empirical data.

Want to explain how any of that squares with your sudden assertion that he does not seem poorly educated?

Give it some thought, try to avoid shoving your other foot in your mouth, you might choke.

I don't assume people who have a different perspective than I do are poorly educated. Do you have evidence of that?

I am trying to rise above the level here, as far as using rude and crude insults as a given in the argumentation process.

He did over generalize in the post I took exception to. I don't know that he does that all the time. He seems to know a lot about history. Perhaps he is more familiar with European history as opposed to American history? In any case, he is one of the more thoughtful and intelligent posters here, and does not resort to insults with every post he makes, which makes him a better debater than those who do. Another sign of an intelligent and well educated person.

If you don't think people with a different perspective are poorly educated, why would you think anyone else does? My experience is that people are most likely to see the faults in others they themselves have, hence the parable of the beam in the eye.

He certainly thinks he knows a lot about history, he just gets all of the details wrong. Maybe what he is actually familiar with is his delusions. Maybe the reason you think he is thoughtful and intelligent is you agree with most of his positions, despite the fact that they are based in rampant ignorance.

Just a thought.
Yes, I always say that people that think differently than I do are poorly educated. FYI, that is your approach, I have never once accused you of not having an education, have I? The simple fact is that he is completely ignorant about history and economics. He also uses absolutes all the time, which no one with type of quality education will ever do.

And, as you pointed out, he over generalizes and thinks his personal experience trumps empirical data.

Want to explain how any of that squares with your sudden assertion that he does not seem poorly educated?

Give it some thought, try to avoid shoving your other foot in your mouth, you might choke.

I don't assume people who have a different perspective than I do are poorly educated. Do you have evidence of that?

I am trying to rise above the level here, as far as using rude and crude insults as a given in the argumentation process.

He did over generalize in the post I took exception to. I don't know that he does that all the time. He seems to know a lot about history. Perhaps he is more familiar with European history as opposed to American history? In any case, he is one of the more thoughtful and intelligent posters here, and does not resort to insults with every post he makes, which makes him a better debater than those who do. Another sign of an intelligent and well educated person.

If you don't think people with a different perspective are poorly educated, why would you think anyone else does? My experience is that people are most likely to see the faults in others they themselves have, hence the parable of the beam in the eye.
He certainly thinks he knows a lot about history, he just gets all of the details wrong. Maybe what he is actually familiar with is his delusions. Maybe the reason you think he is thoughtful and intelligent is you agree with most of his positions, despite the fact that they are based in rampant ignorance.

Just a thought.

Well, you are making a couple of broad generalizations of your own, and making knowledge claims for which you don't provide any support. Anyway, I'm done with this discussion, simply because it is not that compelling for me. You will think as you wish, and so will I. There is no point in continuing, and it is very tiresome.
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And you find the American journalists and professionals you encounter around the world to be poorly educated?

Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I wouldn't want to make a generalisation on journalists from that perspective. Experience is probably a bigger factor than training/education with journalists.

But I meet and work with A LOT of NGO workers in Africa, and my experience of American NGO workers is not particularly positive.

I've met 25-year-old college graduates who work in Africa teaching local people about childcare - despite the fact they have no kids themselves, speak no African language, know little to nothing about African cultures, politics or history, and often don't seem entirely sure what country they are in.

In my experience, the NGO workers I meet from France, Holland and Ireland are better skilled, trained and equipped to do the work they do. They have better language skills, often seem to be a bit older, and have a wider education.
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QW -

I always say that people that think differently than I do are poorly educated

He also uses absolutes all the time, which no one with type of quality education will ever do.

he over generalizes and thinks his personal experience trumps empirical data.

Maybe you evaluate your own posting style by the same standards?

Jesus wept, man, do you not think there is a reason 95% of your posting is simply off-topic abuse?
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I don't believe Americans are too stupid to learn. Remember, on his website Mitt Romney talked about "fewer teachers" and bringing immigrants here who already had degrees and helping them out. While I have no problem bringing the educated here, I also believe people here can be educated. Except those who say education is a liberal plot or is for snobs. Those people are morons. They can't be educated.

Americans are definitely smart enough, but at the moment I do think the US education system is falling behind in some areas.

While those lucky enough to attend MIT, Harvard or Yale probably receive the best education available anywhere on the planet, it seems to me that colleges set the bar very low for graduation. A US college degree is so far below a European Bachelor's degree now that it is useless at an international level. What that means is that US employers are hiring people who, on average, are less educated than those workers hired by the companies they compete against worldwide. Every day on this board we see people who claim to be college graduates, but can scarecely read or write, think Hitler was a Marxist and that Al Gore invented climate change. That basic level of education needs to be raised.
Where do you get this information? Do you have any facts to support your assertion? For the past 10 years, I've been working internationally, for non-American concerns, working and living in foreign countries, including four years in Europe. My co-workers are from around the world, including from the United States. As well, I have met countless Americans working for non-American employers around the world. There is no evidence from my experience that people educated in American schools are considered inferior in any way to those educated in Europe. My personal experience in working closely with Europeans (not only in Europe but in other countries as well) is that their education is, essentially, no different than my own and that Americans succeed as well at all levels in my field as do Europeans. I have not worked for an American owned concern for 10 years.

I agree that a lot of posters on this message board exhibit poor thinking skills, poor use of language, an inadequate grasp of history, and a limited knowledge base. However, they do not represent American college and university graduates in general. I've been on other forums whose members, primarily American, do not exhibit, on average, that level of ignorance and weak development of the mind. You should go on a British based forum sometime and see how well educated the average Brit appears to be. Oh, and btw, I have a liberal arts degree: I have not found it to be useless, quite the contrary.
Of course not. You are working with those who have excelled.
Not a cross section at all.
Bottom line.. Out public education system is not about learning. It is about indoctrination.
Students are not taught to think critically. The mode is memorization and regurgitation to prepare for standardized testing. Independent thought, non-conformity and debate are not permitted.
Basic skills such as language usage, sentence construction, creative writing, basic math skills, US history, geography and civics are no longer taught to the degree to that of when I went to school in the 60's and 70's.
Americans are definitely smart enough, but at the moment I do think the US education system is falling behind in some areas.

While those lucky enough to attend MIT, Harvard or Yale probably receive the best education available anywhere on the planet, it seems to me that colleges set the bar very low for graduation. A US college degree is so far below a European Bachelor's degree now that it is useless at an international level. What that means is that US employers are hiring people who, on average, are less educated than those workers hired by the companies they compete against worldwide. Every day on this board we see people who claim to be college graduates, but can scarecely read or write, think Hitler was a Marxist and that Al Gore invented climate change. That basic level of education needs to be raised.
Where do you get this information? Do you have any facts to support your assertion? For the past 10 years, I've been working internationally, for non-American concerns, working and living in foreign countries, including four years in Europe. My co-workers are from around the world, including from the United States. As well, I have met countless Americans working for non-American employers around the world. There is no evidence from my experience that people educated in American schools are considered inferior in any way to those educated in Europe. My personal experience in working closely with Europeans (not only in Europe but in other countries as well) is that their education is, essentially, no different than my own and that Americans succeed as well at all levels in my field as do Europeans. I have not worked for an American owned concern for 10 years.

I agree that a lot of posters on this message board exhibit poor thinking skills, poor use of language, an inadequate grasp of history, and a limited knowledge base. However, they do not represent American college and university graduates in general. I've been on other forums whose members, primarily American, do not exhibit, on average, that level of ignorance and weak development of the mind. You should go on a British based forum sometime and see how well educated the average Brit appears to be. Oh, and btw, I have a liberal arts degree: I have not found it to be useless, quite the contrary.
Of course not. You are working with those who have excelled.
Not a cross section at all.
Bottom line.. Out public education system is not about learning. It is about indoctrination.
Students are not taught to think critically. The mode is memorization and regurgitation to prepare for standardized testing. Independent thought, non-conformity and debate are not permitted.
Basic skills such as language usage, sentence construction, creative writing, basic math skills, US history, geography and civics are no longer taught to the degree to that of when I went to school in the 60's and 70's.

It is of note that "Independent thought, non-conformity and debate are" rarely permitted in Asian education. "The mode is memorization and regurgitation."

I think most of the people I encounter represent middle to higher, yes. If they didn't, they probably would not have the initiative to seek overseas employment.

Standardized testing is certainly, imo, a plague on American education; however, it is limited to elementary and secondary education and has no connection to college and university programs. There are good universities in the US, mediocre ones and poor ones. It is a fact that students from all over the world aspire to study in American universities, a fact which somehow belies the premise that they are not on a par with the rest of the world.

BTW, Saigon, how many people are knocking themselves out to get into Finnish universities? Besides Finns? ; )
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Bachelors degree and 2 years of experience.

Want to tell me again how wonderful the economy is?

McDonald's cashier job requires bachelor's degree | Video Library | Detroit Free Press
Looks like you're safe, it wasn't true.

McDonald's: No bachelor's degree needed |

The story was true, even your link admits that, it just turned out to be a mistake that, apparently, was not the fault of McDonalds.

But you used it to have a go at the economy and, by implication, Obama's government.
Perhaps you'd like to retract your statement. :)
You said liberal arts, not religious studies. Those used to be an indication of a lot of different things, one of which was a well rounded education grounded firmly in science and mathematics. Now they are the biggest joke on the planet, all because idiots, like you, got the idea that education is an end instead of a process.

liberal arts degree that only leaves you qualified to work at McDonalds

Why are you such a shithead? Seriously. You know you take things out of context. I said:

liberal arts degree that only leaves you qualified to work at McDonalds

Get it asswipe? I qualified that. You really are a snot. Really. And clearly, what would you know about "education". If you did, you could debate instead of falling back on what fucking conservatives always do. Pick a few words out of context. Like "you didn't build that" or some shit. You guys are all the same.

Like a PhD in Women's Studies?

I was thinking more like a degree in Bible Study. But since you have no degree at all, the point it "moot".

The story was true, even your link admits that, it just turned out to be a mistake that, apparently, was not the fault of McDonalds.

But you used it to have a go at the economy and, by implication, Obama's government.
Perhaps you'd like to retract your statement. :)

It will never happen. Not from that idiot.

We have 3.7 million jobs open because there aren't enough qualified people to fill them.

And there never will be when an entire political party nominates assholes to be president.

[ame=]Santorum: Obama "A Snob" For Wanting Everyone To Go To College - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Santorum: "We Will Never Have The Elite, Smart People On Our Side" - YouTube[/ame]

And the idiots who cheer such nonsense. What a disgrace.
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I don't assume people who have a different perspective than I do are poorly educated. Do you have evidence of that?

I am trying to rise above the level here, as far as using rude and crude insults as a given in the argumentation process.

He did over generalize in the post I took exception to. I don't know that he does that all the time. He seems to know a lot about history. Perhaps he is more familiar with European history as opposed to American history? In any case, he is one of the more thoughtful and intelligent posters here, and does not resort to insults with every post he makes, which makes him a better debater than those who do. Another sign of an intelligent and well educated person.

If you don't think people with a different perspective are poorly educated, why would you think anyone else does? My experience is that people are most likely to see the faults in others they themselves have, hence the parable of the beam in the eye.
He certainly thinks he knows a lot about history, he just gets all of the details wrong. Maybe what he is actually familiar with is his delusions. Maybe the reason you think he is thoughtful and intelligent is you agree with most of his positions, despite the fact that they are based in rampant ignorance.

Just a thought.

Well, you are making a couple of broad generalizations of your own, and making knowledge claims for which you don't provide any support. Anyway, I'm done with this discussion, simply because it is not that compelling for me. You will think as you wish, and so will I. There is no point in continuing, and it is very tiresome.

Talking about one person is making broad generalizations.

Good to know.
QW -

I always say that people that think differently than I do are poorly educated
He also uses absolutes all the time, which no one with type of quality education will ever do.
he over generalizes and thinks his personal experience trumps empirical data.
Maybe you evaluate your own posting style by the same standards?

Jesus wept, man, do you not think there is a reason 95% of your posting is simply off-topic abuse?

The first of those was part of a sarcastic response to a specific, and outrageously stupid, question, the second is an example of hyperbola, the third is a critical statement about the way you post. Why, exactly, do you think I need to examine my posting style using those standards?

As to your question, the answer is because it is fun to see idiots get upset when they are criticized, and watch them whine about all the abuse.

Anything else you want to know?
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liberal arts degree that only leaves you qualified to work at McDonalds

Why are you such a shithead? Seriously. You know you take things out of context. I said:

liberal arts degree that only leaves you qualified to work at McDonalds

Get it asswipe? I qualified that. You really are a snot. Really. And clearly, what would you know about "education". If you did, you could debate instead of falling back on what fucking conservatives always do. Pick a few words out of context. Like "you didn't build that" or some shit. You guys are all the same.

Like a PhD in Women's Studies?

I was thinking more like a degree in Bible Study. But since you have no degree at all, the point it "moot".

There is a small problem with that argument rdean, theology is not considered liberal arts. One would think that someone who is well educated, like, for example, an engineer, would know that.

You just beat yourself in an argument, for the first time ever, you won a debate on this board.
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Just saw this, sorry for not replying earlier.

The story was true, even your link admits that, it just turned out to be a mistake that, apparently, was not the fault of McDonalds.

But you used it to have a go at the economy and, by implication, Obama's government.
Perhaps you'd like to retract your statement. :)

I never mentioned Obama, the economy does suck, and I already admitted I jumped too early. I expect to see this in a few years though, especially if we start pretending that college is free.
If you don't think people with a different perspective are poorly educated, why would you think anyone else does? My experience is that people are most likely to see the faults in others they themselves have, hence the parable of the beam in the eye.
He certainly thinks he knows a lot about history, he just gets all of the details wrong. Maybe what he is actually familiar with is his delusions. Maybe the reason you think he is thoughtful and intelligent is you agree with most of his positions, despite the fact that they are based in rampant ignorance.

Just a thought.

Well, you are making a couple of broad generalizations of your own, and making knowledge claims for which you don't provide any support. Anyway, I'm done with this discussion, simply because it is not that compelling for me. You will think as you wish, and so will I. There is no point in continuing, and it is very tiresome.

Talking about one person is making broad generalizations.

Good to know.

people are most likely to see the faults in others they themselves have
This is a broad generalization. Parable or not, it IS a broad generalization, which you are applying to me, whom you don't know; you are making an assumption based on a broad generalization. Capisce?
Like a PhD in Women's Studies?

I was thinking more like a degree in Bible Study. But since you have no degree at all, the point it "moot".

There is a small problem with that argument rdean, theology is not considered liberal arts. One would think that someone who is well educated, like, for example, an engineer, would know that.

You just beat yourself in an argument, for the first time ever, you won a debate on this board.

The Theological Foundations of the Christian Liberal Arts in Relation to the Distinctives of the Christian Liberal Arts College/University

Just saw this, sorry for not replying earlier.

The story was true, even your link admits that, it just turned out to be a mistake that, apparently, was not the fault of McDonalds.

But you used it to have a go at the economy and, by implication, Obama's government.
Perhaps you'd like to retract your statement. :)

I never mentioned Obama, the economy does suck, and I already admitted I jumped too early. I expect to see this in a few years though, especially if we start pretending that college is free.

Perhaps more reflection and study and less "jumping"?

Just a suggestion.
Well, you are making a couple of broad generalizations of your own, and making knowledge claims for which you don't provide any support. Anyway, I'm done with this discussion, simply because it is not that compelling for me. You will think as you wish, and so will I. There is no point in continuing, and it is very tiresome.

Talking about one person is making broad generalizations.

Good to know.

people are most likely to see the faults in others they themselves have
This is a broad generalization. Parable or not, it IS a broad generalization, which you are applying to me, whom you don't know; you are making an assumption based on a broad generalization. Capisce?

That is not a broad generalization. Most is simply more than half. If I had said everyone, or even all but a select few, that would be a broad generalization. Most is simply a generalization. If you want to provide evidence that I am wrong, feel free to attempt it. My guess is that you already know I am right, and are just unwilling to admit it because I caught you doing it when you accused me of thinking people are uneducated just because they have a different perspective. `

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