McDonalds Introduces Self Serving Kiosks in Response to Min Wage Increase

'McDonalds Introduces Self Serving Kiosks in Response to Min Wage Increase'

This just means the Liberals will want to triple or quadruple the minimum wage for any actual human workers still around.

According to the National Restaurant Association, a $15.00 minimum wage equates a 4.3% increase in cost to a Big Mac.
in other words, the dollar menu won't even double in price, due to minimum wage increase, price inflation. i got it. just right wing fantasy, hearsay, and soothsay, like usual.
Restaurants in my area are simply adding a surcharge onto the bill for min wage hike. I love it.
Restaurants in my area are simply adding a surcharge onto the bill for min wage hike. I love it.
As liberals showed with the failed Stimulus Bill (packed with 7,000 pieces of DNC pork), fiscal intelligence / responsibility is not their strong suit. :p
Restaurants in my area are simply adding a surcharge onto the bill for min wage hike. I love it.
As liberals showed with the failed Stimulus Bill (packed with 7,000 pieces of DNC pork), fiscal intelligence / responsibility is not their strong suit. :p

The stimulus bill added 2M jobs. How is that a failure? Then, of course, it wouldn't have been necessary if Bush had done his job.

The failure in Washington has been Republicans not pushing for living wages for American workers.
According to the National Restaurant Association, a $15.00 minimum wage equates a 4.3% increase in cost to a Big Mac.
Consider it a 'Burger Tax' to go along with your 'soda tax'. :p

I don't eat at McDonald's because I can't eat chemically laden food, but if I did, paying $0.17 more for a Big Mac isn't going to break me, especially if my income tax bill is reduced by several hundred dollars for doing so.

Having taxpayers support low wage workers through EIC's and food stamps so that prices won't rise by a small percentage, is a lot more fiscally sound that having every taxpaying American sudsidize Walmart to the tune of $2,500 per year.
Restaurants in my area are simply adding a surcharge onto the bill for min wage hike. I love it.
As liberals showed with the failed Stimulus Bill (packed with 7,000 pieces of DNC pork), fiscal intelligence / responsibility is not their strong suit. :p

Well no Democrat has cratered the economy. Republicans have done it twice. And Reagan came close with his stock market crash, but the middle class still had income and savings then so it wasn't the catastrophe that Bush's crash was.
Restaurants in my area are simply adding a surcharge onto the bill for min wage hike. I love it.
As liberals showed with the failed Stimulus Bill (packed with 7,000 pieces of DNC pork), fiscal intelligence / responsibility is not their strong suit. :p

Well no Democrat has cratered the economy. Republicans have done it twice. And Reagan came close with his stock market crash, but the middle class still had income and savings then so it wasn't the catastrophe that Bush's crash was.
Democrats in Congress cratered the economy many times, with Republicans reversing it.

If this happens, McDonald's reveals what's truly important to them. Either they're going to create jobs for humans, or jobs for machines. Either way, we'll see their true colors soon enough, and respond accordingly by refusing to eat there if they value profit dollars over jobs.

Businesses do not open up to provide jobs. Businesses do not open up to provide living wages. Businesses do not open up as a social obligation. Businesses open up to provide products or services for a profit. That's it.

Says who? You? Some know-nothing welfare recipient on the internet? Don't try speaking for other companies, conservative. Many are very much about job creation along with providing products/services for a profit.
According to the National Restaurant Association [NRA], a $15.00 minimum wage equates a 4.3% increase in cost to a Big Mac.

Hmmm....How could the NRA know that? Is that figure just an estimate on their part and that is extrapolated (by the NRA or by you) from some sort of industry wide data? The COGs for a Big Mac is a very specific thing and a data point that would be proprietary to McDonald's. ("Cost" and "price" are not the same things. They may and can be to you as a consumer, but to a business, they are not. I wouldn't raise that point were it you sharing your own ideas for I'd presume you mean "price" not "cost," but you are ostensibly sharing an financial measurement data point calculated by an industry organization; therefore the distinction becomes relevant.)

I found a similar assertion to yours, but it's not at all the same assertion. What I found is, "Raising wages to $15 an hour for limited-service restaurant employees would lead to an estimated 4.3 percent increase in prices at those restaurants, according to a recent study." A 4.3% price increase is something that applies across the board -- all producers and their offerings throughout the industry -- but the specific impact will be less at companies that are less dependent on labor and more at companies that rely more heavily on labor.

What's the real impact of that? That's not easy to say outside of at very high levels and withing an economics context. Why? Well, take a look at the various dimensions at which restaurant labor compensated. Here are some considerations:
  • In the presence of an increased minimum wage whereby all employees were paid below $15/hour, will all workers be content with their statutorily granted raise or will more skilled/senior workers demand relatively higher wages than lower skilled workers, even though both just received a decent pay increase? I don't know.
  • In locales where the monopsony effect will occur, the mandated wage increase is a better thing than a worse thing. Thus, small-enough town America stands to benefit greatly from minimum wage increases, whereas larger cities, and definitely big ones, will benefit differently. We can talk about those different types of benefits if you want, but the short of it is that the big city benefit is a better quality of life due to lower crime rates. That's actually better for city dwellers as well as visitors.
Those are just two examples, but if you read the content at the links, you'll surely see the complexity of the matter as well as the insufficiency of concluding based on one metric.

One other thing:

I don't eat at McDonald's because I can't eat chemically laden food, but if I did, paying $0.17 more for a Big Mac isn't going to break me, especially if my income tax bill is reduced by several hundred dollars for doing so.

Having taxpayers support low wage workers through EIC's and food stamps so that prices won't rise by a small percentage, is a lot more fiscally sound that having every taxpaying American sudsidize Walmart to the tune of $2,500 per year.

Assuming the $0.17 is correct (see discussion above), McDonald's is thrilled about your expressed relatively price inelastic stance; moreover they are counting on that being so for millions of other people. (McD's knows the demand for their produces is relatively inelastic.) They are because that seventeen cents to McDonald's is some ~$93M.

If this happens, McDonald's reveals what's truly important to them. Either they're going to create jobs for humans, or jobs for machines. Either way, we'll see their true colors soon enough, and respond accordingly by refusing to eat there if they value profit dollars over jobs.

Businesses do not open up to provide jobs. Businesses do not open up to provide living wages. Businesses do not open up as a social obligation. Businesses open up to provide products or services for a profit. That's it.

Says who? You? Some know-nothing welfare recipient on the internet? Don't try speaking for other companies, conservative. Many are very much about job creation along with providing products/services for a profit.

If that's what you believe, then you are a certified idiot. Nobody risks their money with the primary intention to provide good jobs. You leftists live in your own little world and watch way too much television. Business hires people for one reason only, and that is to produce the work they need to make the company successful so that they can show a profit.
According to the National Restaurant Association, a $15.00 minimum wage equates a 4.3% increase in cost to a Big Mac.
Consider it a 'Burger Tax' to go along with your 'soda tax'. :p

I don't eat at McDonald's because I can't eat chemically laden food, but if I did, paying $0.17 more for a Big Mac isn't going to break me, especially if my income tax bill is reduced by several hundred dollars for doing so.

Having taxpayers support low wage workers through EIC's and food stamps so that prices won't rise by a small percentage, is a lot more fiscally sound that having every taxpaying American sudsidize Walmart to the tune of $2,500 per year.

The the solution is not to have government forcing companies to pay more, the solution is to cut these social programs for people that can work.
Restaurants in my area are simply adding a surcharge onto the bill for min wage hike. I love it.
As liberals showed with the failed Stimulus Bill (packed with 7,000 pieces of DNC pork), fiscal intelligence / responsibility is not their strong suit. :p

The stimulus bill added 2M jobs. How is that a failure? Then, of course, it wouldn't have been necessary if Bush had done his job.

The failure in Washington has been Republicans not pushing for living wages for American workers.

Right, because that's what DumBama and the Democrats did when they had full power of the federal government.
I love the innovation that the push for a $15.00 federal minimum wage was fostered! Thanks, Service Employees International Union, for speeding up the process of convenience to the customer.

I'd rather buy a cheeseburger from a kiosk than a shithead snowflake who thinks this is a career anyways.

I had a couple I rented an apartment to. They moved out about a year ago. They were with me for several years, and both worked restaurant jobs. She worked at Pizza Hut and he at McDonald's.

It's not like there were no other opportunities around, it's just that they smoked pot and couldn't get a better job because better jobs drug test employees.

They were always late with the rent, drove beat up cars, but they always paid and were good kids. It was my hope that one day when financial interests became more important than pot, they's smoke their last bag and concentrate how to be more productive in life.

If we ever had a huge increase in minimum wage, that day might come a lot later if at all. They would be professional pizza flippers and french fry makers, and never pursue a better life for themselves.

probably just a phase they are going through, once they realize it is about politics and how you place the blame.

they probably just need to watch more videos on YouTube, on how to fix things, like their car, appliances, property, etc. It is incredible what you can learn at home, just watching the YouTube.

So, you think it's goodwill towards men to give them things so they don't pursue a better life?

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you need to be more consistent. public charity is no different from private charity.

It's much different. Public charity is a political tool used by Democrats to buy votes.
The average McDonalds nets $156,000 on 2.6 million dollars in yearly sales. If they can't afford a wage increase out of the $156,000 how they hell are they going to purchase expensive automation equipment?

The Ugly Truth About Ed Rensi

Did you read the article you quoted? McDonalds head office takes 35% of that $2.6 million for rent, franchise fees and various other charges.

Considering that McDonalds made 9 billion net profit last year, they could certainly afford to adjust those fees to assist franchise owners with changes in the minimum wage.

McDonalds in Canada manages to pay $12 per hour and our prices are lower on some items that they are in the US. So does Walmart. Both corporations are very profitable in Canada. Puts the lie to the idea that these companies can't afford a wage hike.

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Again, it has nothing to do with what McDonald's can afford, it has to do with paying people a wage the job is worth. Only a fool would pay somebody more money than they need to.

How much do you pay an employee that makes you all of your money?

The value of an employee is what an employer can get another person do to the same job for. That's it.
So can the black flash-mobs still beat the crap out of white customers in the new kiosks?
If nobody was dumb enough to app!y at McDonalds the whole topic is mute. People who enjoy that goop are not very bright either so mcpukes preys on dumb people. Parents who let their kids eat that should be ridiculed. The fact that mcpukes is successful tells how americans just cannot figure it out. As I stated I would have never let my kids think about applying there.

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