McDonald's reportedly temporarily shuts its U.S. offices and prepares layoff notices -- Thanks Joe!

I'm guessing the advent of “McDonald’s Black365, Celebrating African-American culture 365 days a year” didn’t help much. Alienating a huge part of your potential clientele while pandering to a smaller segment, isn’t good business.

Go woke, go broke.
Not right now. I'm watching 'Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze' starring Ron Ely.

Not right now, not today, not this week, not this year, maybe next century... anyway, who's interested in the truth, the made up shit is more entertaining, right?
Signs in the windows here announce $11/hr., and of course nobody works full time hours, plus they like to work people ith both morning and evening hours, so they can't attend school due to weird hours and makes it a lot tougher to keep two jobs. Considering minimum wage adjusted for real inflation would be well over $20/hr Mcd's is getting workers dirt cheap at $15 an hour where they pay that, which isn't around here.

Of course for the GOP shills workers should be paying their employers for the privilege of working for shareholders and others they've never met and are entitled to free dividends and ever increasing stock prices and profits, cuz 'capitalism n stuff', whatever that is in their imaginary economic fantasies. You would think all these 'capitalist producers' would pitch in and work for their own companies outlets for free to help out if they're so short of labor, but they never do, they just snivel about having to pay ungrateful employees.

'$10 burgers' would still be coming if labor costs were $0 an hour, but that doesn't fit with the right wing sniveling.
I've been buying a lot of stuff from the Amish dent 'n bent stores around here. Much of the stuff they have hasn't expired, so we're good to go. I'm hooked on that red or white canned clam sauce for $1, that costs over $3 in the stores. Packages of pasta or spaghetti for 65 cents, that stuff lasts forever. All kinds of cheeses for around $2.00 per pound, locally-grown eggs for $2.50 a dozen...

And my favorite aisles in the Walmart are the clearance and markdown aisles. Some pretty good bargains there.

Unfortunately, most places like that have closed down in the DFW area. There used to be TONS of outlets for half priced breads and snax by Mrs. Bairds or Dolly Maison, but those have been gone for years because they sold the companies to fucking Mexico.

I get what I can from the "bent and dent" clearance section of my grocery store, but it's not always full of stuff I need or buy.

I still get stuff from the food pantries, but I don't get to choose what I get. Most of the canned veggies they give are always beans, corn, and peas.

The dollar stores here are ok, but usually cleaned out by the time I get paid and can get to one.
Explain how this is Biden's fault.

Why bother?

Your post count vs reaction score already tells me you have no interest in conversation or being realistic. Someone could write an entire dissertation on how it's the Biden administrations doing but you'd ignore it, make up excuses off the cuff or just hand wave it.
Why bother?

Your post count vs reaction score already tells me you have no interest in conversation or being realistic. Someone could write an entire dissertation on how it's the Biden administrations doing but you'd ignore it, make up excuses off the cuff or just hand wave it.

You're literally looking at "post count vs reaction score" rather than actually engaging people .

Fucking hell, you seem to be the sort that isn't interested in debate.

You don't know me, and you're totally wrong about me.

But "Why bother?"
Well when you are paying burger flippers $15+ a hour and operating costs are rising on a continuing basis something is gonna have to give.

What was that about transitory again? :laughing0301:
Don't offer that wage and you don't have to pay it.
I live in a predominately black suburb where all the Mickey D's employees are black. Trust me, they can't do the job.
The McDonald's where I live has all black employees. It takes 20 minutes to get a cheeseburger through the drive thru even if it's a short line. It's even worse in the mornings about this time for breakfast. Instead of burning all my gas up, I downloaded the app and order from home on it and surprisingly, it's quicker to get your food when you pull into the curbside service parking spot. Plus you build up points for free food.
Teabaggers blame the 'gubmint" for what corporations are doing...............

Gov. Sanders declares state of emergency amid severe ...​

1680527980446.png › 2023/03/04 › gov-sanders-decla...

Mar 3, 2023 — On Friday, March 3, Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders said she would be declaring a state of emergency after severe storms hit the ...

Sanders Requests Major Disaster Declaration from ...​

Arkansas (.gov) › News

– Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders today requested a Major Disaster Declaration from President Joe Biden to support ongoing recovery efforts in communities .

WHY didn't Sanders cal McDonalds?
People can't afford fast food much anymore.

Fast food was a "friday" thing when it was first invented.
Then it became a lazy American staple.

Since paycheck taxes were doubled, I can't even afford all my bills anymore, much less fast food.
Same can be said for millions of other working Americans too.

They can either shut doors, or they can lower prices. You KNOW they ain't gonna lower prices.
/——/ In 1968, (I was 17) my first part time job paid $2 an hour. I could get a burger, fries and soda and change for my dollar. It was a once a week treat. I haven’t had fast food since moving to NY and discovering the variety of authentic ethnic foods.
/——/ In 1968, (I was 17) my first part time job paid $2 an hour. I could get a burger, fries and soda and change for my dollar. It was a once a week treat. I haven’t had fast food since moving to NY and discovering the variety of authentic ethnic foods.

Plus the food you got back then was much higher quality. Younger to middle-aged people today have no idea what a real big mac tasted like, or a real Whopper. I think if one of their franchises made those sandwiches using the same ingredients as when they first came out, most people wouldn't recognize them.
Plus the food you got back then was much higher quality. Younger to middle-aged people today have no idea what a real big mac tasted like, or a real Whopper. I think if one of their franchises made those sandwiches using the same ingredients as when they first came out, most people wouldn't recognize them.
/——/ When I want a decent burger, I go to a pub.
lol so why not just stat paying $2 an hour again, if burgers were so much better then? lol

Around here you afford an apartment and a car on minimum wage if you worked full time back when MW was $1.65 an hour. Warehouse jobs paid $2.50 an hour and rents on 3 bedroom brick houses were around $90 to $120 a month, utilities ran around $15 -$20 a month total. A decent fairly new used car could be had for $1,200, $700-$800 if you didn't mind having an 'old people's car'. lol
Stolen elections by a Usurper and his puppeteers have serious consequences. McDonald's is the latest victim of Biden's policies.

McDonalds is overpriced.
Stolen elections by a Usurper and his puppeteers have serious consequences. McDonald's is the latest victim of Biden's policies.

My impression is that the stores are busy as usual

But corporate may be too top heavy for a slow biden economy

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