McEnany Announces 234 Pages of Affidavits Alleging Election Irregularities in Michigan

And that's just Michigan... so far.

“We keep hearing the drumbeat of ‘where is the evidence?’ Right here, Sean, 234 pages of sworn affidavits, these are real people, real allegations, signed with notaries,” McEnany said.

Kayleigh McEnany AND the Epoch times?
Doubling down on the bullshit.

The same bullshit that people left the cities for.
Who said every county in the entire country?
I don't know what you guys want because recounts are automatic where it's really close and no one is fighting them.
I’ll speak for myself.
Yes, I’d like them to recount, which I believe is what they are required to do when it is within a certain margin.
I’d also like closer scrutiny in those precincts/counties where Biden suddenly surged and had incredible turnout.
Also places where there were “glitches” that shifted votes.
If there are areas where similar oddities occurred in Trumps favor, investigate them too.
I’ll speak for myself.
Yes, I’d like them to recount, which I believe is what they are required to do when it is within a certain margin.
I’d also like closer scrutiny in those precincts/counties where Biden suddenly surged and had incredible turnout.
Also places where there were “glitches” that shifted votes.
If there are areas where similar oddities occurred in Trumps favor, investigate them too.
No one is fighting a recount where it is mandated. We are not going to recount everything for no reason.

There's been a lot of disinformation about turnout surging. A lot of people are either miscalculating turnout by using inaccurate data from prior years or not using consistent calculations. You may have seen Republicans (I believe one of the Trump kids tweeted it) that Wisconsin increased turnout from like 60% to 90%, it's based on faulty math. The 60% number is voters divided by eligible voters. The 90% number is voters divided by registered voters. Pretty big differences.

Glitches due to human error have occurred and will always occur. The only reason we are hearing about it is because Trump's team is looking for anything to cling to that gives them hope.
He's not pissed, he deranged.
You mean Gina Haspel and Chris Wray didn't spy on the Biden family ?
Leak news about Hunter to the press...

Show the proof in court. Show the proof. You got nuttin'. You lost and your Orange Deity lost. Get over it. Get past the first stage of denial. It's over. Otherwise, you can keep singing your "The party of the Rump" Campaign song.

Yesterday a judge in MI told the blob to fuck off.
These deep state Clinton/Obama judges seem to be everywhere,
don't they ?

You see it in their dark eyes.
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The black guy isn't a Clinton Judge you moron....

Judge Sullivan was appointed by Bush Sr....but knowing dic suckers like you, you will claim he is the same as Clinton -- which just makes you republicans even more stupid....
She was hired to lie for the administration so.......................................... If you have something we find out when the lawsuits are filed.

I don't understand why all you harris regime acolytes are having a problem with all the allegations- I'd think you'd want them investigated to prove just how wonderful the deacons in your church are-
I get it, they feel they won and want to celebrate, gloat, whatever. Ok. It’s to be expected after 4 years of bullshit back and forth.
But the sudden attitude of “our election process is solid, there is no fraud. Hell, there isn’t even anything that looks shady” and the absolute desire to not have any type of investigation into shady looking things is what bothers me. You can win, and still be open minded.
I can tell you the God’s honest truth that if all the swing states went RED/trump, I would believe that it was due to people being sick of the media/democrats constant bullshit. I’d think Trump legit won. However, I can also tell you the democrats would be saying that it looks suspect that all the swing states flipped for trump. I’d understand if they wanted to recount, to check ballots, see if software wasnt “glitching”, etc.
I’d want democrat voters to know that yes, the country went for Trump fair and square. There was no cheating. So if you want to bitch about policies and whatever, go for it. But shut up about the cheating bullshit.

One would think you’d want a recount, ballots checked for authenticity, etc.

I bet you didn't have this same energy when Trump won by a margin 3 times smaller than what Biden is winning by.....

And not only did evil Hillary concede the next day -- there were not 21893828 law suits alleging voter fraud with no evidence...

Even the Russian investigation produced 100 indictments filed by Trump's own DOJ
I don't understand why all you harris regime acolytes are having a problem with all the allegations- I'd think you'd want them investigated to prove just how wonderful the deacons in your church are-
I get it, they feel they won and want to celebrate, gloat, whatever. Ok. It’s to be expected after 4 years of bullshit back and forth.
But the sudden attitude of “our election process is solid, there is no fraud. Hell, there isn’t even anything that looks shady” and the absolute desire to not have any type of investigation into shady looking things is what bothers me. You can win, and still be open minded.
I can tell you the God’s honest truth that if all the swing states went RED/trump, I would believe that it was due to people being sick of the media/democrats constant bullshit. I’d think Trump legit won. However, I can also tell you the democrats would be saying that it looks suspect that all the swing states flipped for trump. I’d understand if they wanted to recount, to check ballots, see if software wasnt “glitching”, etc.
I’d want democrat voters to know that yes, the country went for Trump fair and square. There was no cheating. So if you want to bitch about policies and whatever, go for it. But shut up about the cheating bullshit.

One would think you’d want a recount, ballots checked for authenticity, etc.

I bet you didn't have this same energy when Trump won by a margin 3 times smaller than what Biden is winning by.....

And not only did evil Hillary concede the next day -- there were not 21893828 law suits alleging voter fraud with no evidence...

Even the Russian investigation produced 100 indictments filed by Trump's own DOJ
Energy for what?
Did Hillary want a recount? I’d be fine with it.
But my energy is the same as it’s always been... saying our voting system is seriously flawed and needs to be fixed. Exactly what I said in 2000 and 2004 when Bush won, and so in and so forth.
I may be many things, but dishonest and inconsistent is not 2 of them.
I don't understand why all you harris regime acolytes are having a problem with all the allegations- I'd think you'd want them investigated to prove just how wonderful the deacons in your church are-
I get it, they feel they won and want to celebrate, gloat, whatever. Ok. It’s to be expected after 4 years of bullshit back and forth.
But the sudden attitude of “our election process is solid, there is no fraud. Hell, there isn’t even anything that looks shady” and the absolute desire to not have any type of investigation into shady looking things is what bothers me. You can win, and still be open minded.
I can tell you the God’s honest truth that if all the swing states went RED/trump, I would believe that it was due to people being sick of the media/democrats constant bullshit. I’d think Trump legit won. However, I can also tell you the democrats would be saying that it looks suspect that all the swing states flipped for trump. I’d understand if they wanted to recount, to check ballots, see if software wasnt “glitching”, etc.
I’d want democrat voters to know that yes, the country went for Trump fair and square. There was no cheating. So if you want to bitch about policies and whatever, go for it. But shut up about the cheating bullshit.

One would think you’d want a recount, ballots checked for authenticity, etc.

I bet you didn't have this same energy when Trump won by a margin 3 times smaller than what Biden is winning by.....

And not only did evil Hillary concede the next day -- there were not 21893828 law suits alleging voter fraud with no evidence...

Even the Russian investigation produced 100 indictments filed by Trump's own DOJ
Actually evil Hilliary threw a hissy fit the night of the election (likely got drunk) and refused to go see her poor supporters who waited for her all night and into the wee hours of the next morning only to be told by an aid to go home.

It is likely that Hilliary CHEATED her arse off as the dems do every year but even more so in 2016 and didnt' want the the vote tallies looked at that closely as losing came as shock----

this year saw more FRAUD----------and the dems propaganda arm the media has been trying to hide it but it is still leaking out. There is plenty of evidence of voter Fraud---the numbers and the computer glitchs alone are more than enough to prove this.

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