meanwhile back in the real world ..

Under the GOP tax plan:

If you're an elementary school teacher and you have to buy pencils and papers for your students because the school can't afford the purchase, YOU WILL NO LONGER BE ABLE TO DEDUCT THAT EXPENSE....


If you're a corporation and you buy pencils and papers for your employee, that purchase is FULLY deductible from your taxes.....

Sounds fair???
Trump claims he will pay more tax under the GOP tax plan -

we know this how ? He refuses to release his tax returns.

the news from Trump Tower;

multiple provisions in the House and Senate bills appear likely to benefit his business and family.

Taxpaying citizens - YOU'VE BEEN GROPED.


In the real world, everyone knows, including yourself, that you don't care about any of that.

You hate Trump, not because he is rich, or because he is not paying enough taxes, but because he is a problem for your agenda.

He could give it ALL to the government, and you would hate him not one iota less.
Trump claims he will pay more tax under the GOP tax plan -

we know this how ? He refuses to release his tax returns.

the news from Trump Tower;

multiple provisions in the House and Senate bills appear likely to benefit his business and family.

Taxpaying citizens - YOU'VE BEEN GROPED.


The income tax is unconstitutional and was only put in place to pay interest to the foreign owned Federal reserve bankers to pay interest on "money" that they created out of thin air that has no intrinsic value. View attachment 160227

This more accurate
View attachment 160249

Define "fair share", Bulldawg?

Fortunately, that is not my job to determine. I do know that the Trickle Down Scam that the republicans are trying to force through helps rich people at the expense of the working and poor. Warren Buffett paying less in taxes than he does is wrong too. You don't think the rich paying a little more out of the millions they have received in tax breaks instead of taking the small amount of money the rest of us need for food and cloths for our kids would be fair?

Income taxes goes to the shareholders of the Federal Reserve which is a private I am not sure as to how you believe that by taxing everyone at a higher rate that it would help accomplish the things you claim. Until we return to an honest monetary system that is not built on debt? We could take the ever-lovin' shit out of everyone and it wouldn't mean diddly squat to this corporate entity that we call "government". Composite government is the majority shareholders of nearly every Fortune 500 corporation and their subsidiaries with proxy voters that decide whether or not to move their jobs overseas or not depending on how it affects their bottom line. Every city, town, county and state is incorporated and a subsidiary of USA.INC and they have to fill out a comprehensive annual financial report and you can find each and every one of them on ""....why does it matter if all these entities are "incorporated"? Because when you take something and incorporate it, you take it from the land jurisdiction to commercial jurisdiction known as "admiralty law" or what they call the Uniform Commercial Code aka "statutory law" and public policy. That is why we have acts, statutes, codes and ordinances because USA.INC is no different than say....Wal-Mart?
Trump claims he will pay more tax under the GOP tax plan -

we know this how ? He refuses to release his tax returns.

the news from Trump Tower;

multiple provisions in the House and Senate bills appear likely to benefit his business and family.

Taxpaying citizens - YOU'VE BEEN GROPED.


The income tax is unconstitutional and was only put in place to pay interest to the foreign owned Federal reserve bankers to pay interest on "money" that they created out of thin air that has no intrinsic value. View attachment 160227

This more accurate
View attachment 160249

Define "fair share", Bulldawg?

Fortunately, that is not my job to determine. I do know that the Trickle Down Scam that the republicans are trying to force through helps rich people at the expense of the working and poor. Warren Buffett paying less in taxes than he does is wrong too. You don't think the rich paying a little more out of the millions they have received in tax breaks instead of taking the small amount of money the rest of us need for food and cloths for our kids would be fair?

Income taxes goes to the shareholders of the Federal Reserve which is a private I am not sure as to how you believe that by taxing everyone at a higher rate that it would help accomplish the things you claim. Until we return to an honest monetary system that is not built on debt? We could take the ever-lovin' shit out of everyone and it wouldn't mean diddly squat to this corporate entity that we call "government". Composite government is the majority shareholders of nearly every Fortune 500 corporation and their subsidiaries with proxy voters that decide whether or not to move their jobs overseas or not depending on how it affects their bottom line. Every city, town, county and state is incorporated and a subsidiary of USA.INC and they have to fill out a comprehensive annual financial report and you can find each and every one of them on ""....why does it matter if all these entities are "incorporated"? Because when you take something and incorporate it, you take it from the land jurisdiction to commercial jurisdiction known as "admiralty law" or what they call the Uniform Commercial Code aka "statutory law" and public policy. That is why we have acts, statutes, codes and ordinances because USA.INC is no different than say....Wal-Mart?

I don't believe taxing everybody at a higher rate will cure anything. Taxing the rich at a higher rate and everyone else at their same or a lower rate would cure a lot. I ignored the rest of your post. It was just more conspiracy theory crap.
The income tax is unconstitutional and was only put in place to pay interest to the foreign owned Federal reserve bankers to pay interest on "money" that they created out of thin air that has no intrinsic value. View attachment 160227

This more accurate
View attachment 160249

Define "fair share", Bulldawg?

Fortunately, that is not my job to determine. I do know that the Trickle Down Scam that the republicans are trying to force through helps rich people at the expense of the working and poor. Warren Buffett paying less in taxes than he does is wrong too. You don't think the rich paying a little more out of the millions they have received in tax breaks instead of taking the small amount of money the rest of us need for food and cloths for our kids would be fair?

Income taxes goes to the shareholders of the Federal Reserve which is a private I am not sure as to how you believe that by taxing everyone at a higher rate that it would help accomplish the things you claim. Until we return to an honest monetary system that is not built on debt? We could take the ever-lovin' shit out of everyone and it wouldn't mean diddly squat to this corporate entity that we call "government". Composite government is the majority shareholders of nearly every Fortune 500 corporation and their subsidiaries with proxy voters that decide whether or not to move their jobs overseas or not depending on how it affects their bottom line. Every city, town, county and state is incorporated and a subsidiary of USA.INC and they have to fill out a comprehensive annual financial report and you can find each and every one of them on ""....why does it matter if all these entities are "incorporated"? Because when you take something and incorporate it, you take it from the land jurisdiction to commercial jurisdiction known as "admiralty law" or what they call the Uniform Commercial Code aka "statutory law" and public policy. That is why we have acts, statutes, codes and ordinances because USA.INC is no different than say....Wal-Mart?

I don't believe taxing everybody at a higher rate will cure anything. Taxing the rich at a higher rate and everyone else at their same or a lower rate would cure a lot. I ignored the rest of your post. It was just more conspiracy theory crap.

Ignore the rest of my post at your own detriment even though it is 100 percent true......but given the incredible number of tax loopholes (which is why the IRS code is so massive) that those with wealth will never pay what you believe is their "fair share" of the income that they have earned. You always avoid the question as to why you believe that this corporate entity is entitled to a portion of the proceeds of one's labor on top of all the consumption taxes one must pay. You are either unbelievably stupid or simply a closet communist. There is no "middle ground". You either believe in the organic constitution and it's principles or you believe in confiscating the fruits of someone else's labor.......which is it?

Define "fair share", Bulldawg?

Fortunately, that is not my job to determine. I do know that the Trickle Down Scam that the republicans are trying to force through helps rich people at the expense of the working and poor. Warren Buffett paying less in taxes than he does is wrong too. You don't think the rich paying a little more out of the millions they have received in tax breaks instead of taking the small amount of money the rest of us need for food and cloths for our kids would be fair?

Income taxes goes to the shareholders of the Federal Reserve which is a private I am not sure as to how you believe that by taxing everyone at a higher rate that it would help accomplish the things you claim. Until we return to an honest monetary system that is not built on debt? We could take the ever-lovin' shit out of everyone and it wouldn't mean diddly squat to this corporate entity that we call "government". Composite government is the majority shareholders of nearly every Fortune 500 corporation and their subsidiaries with proxy voters that decide whether or not to move their jobs overseas or not depending on how it affects their bottom line. Every city, town, county and state is incorporated and a subsidiary of USA.INC and they have to fill out a comprehensive annual financial report and you can find each and every one of them on ""....why does it matter if all these entities are "incorporated"? Because when you take something and incorporate it, you take it from the land jurisdiction to commercial jurisdiction known as "admiralty law" or what they call the Uniform Commercial Code aka "statutory law" and public policy. That is why we have acts, statutes, codes and ordinances because USA.INC is no different than say....Wal-Mart?

I don't believe taxing everybody at a higher rate will cure anything. Taxing the rich at a higher rate and everyone else at their same or a lower rate would cure a lot. I ignored the rest of your post. It was just more conspiracy theory crap.

Ignore the rest of my post at your own detriment even though it is 100 percent true......but given the incredible number of tax loopholes (which is why the IRS code is so massive) that those with wealth will never pay what you believe is their "fair share" of the income that they have earned. You always avoid the question as to why you believe that this corporate entity is entitled to a portion of the proceeds of one's labor on top of all the consumption taxes one must pay. You are either unbelievably stupid or simply a closet communist. There is no "middle ground". You either believe in the organic constitution and it's principles or you believe in confiscating the fruits of someone else's labor.......which is it?

At least you understand I am against the massive tax loopholes the rich have enjoyed for so long (I think you do) Our government, what you call a corporate entity, constitutionally is able to levy taxes.

Define "fair share", Bulldawg?

Fortunately, that is not my job to determine. I do know that the Trickle Down Scam that the republicans are trying to force through helps rich people at the expense of the working and poor. Warren Buffett paying less in taxes than he does is wrong too. You don't think the rich paying a little more out of the millions they have received in tax breaks instead of taking the small amount of money the rest of us need for food and cloths for our kids would be fair?

Income taxes goes to the shareholders of the Federal Reserve which is a private I am not sure as to how you believe that by taxing everyone at a higher rate that it would help accomplish the things you claim. Until we return to an honest monetary system that is not built on debt? We could take the ever-lovin' shit out of everyone and it wouldn't mean diddly squat to this corporate entity that we call "government". Composite government is the majority shareholders of nearly every Fortune 500 corporation and their subsidiaries with proxy voters that decide whether or not to move their jobs overseas or not depending on how it affects their bottom line. Every city, town, county and state is incorporated and a subsidiary of USA.INC and they have to fill out a comprehensive annual financial report and you can find each and every one of them on ""....why does it matter if all these entities are "incorporated"? Because when you take something and incorporate it, you take it from the land jurisdiction to commercial jurisdiction known as "admiralty law" or what they call the Uniform Commercial Code aka "statutory law" and public policy. That is why we have acts, statutes, codes and ordinances because USA.INC is no different than say....Wal-Mart?

I don't believe taxing everybody at a higher rate will cure anything. Taxing the rich at a higher rate and everyone else at their same or a lower rate would cure a lot. I ignored the rest of your post. It was just more conspiracy theory crap.

Ignore the rest of my post at your own detriment even though it is 100 percent true......but given the incredible number of tax loopholes (which is why the IRS code is so massive) that those with wealth will never pay what you believe is their "fair share" of the income that they have earned. You always avoid the question as to why you believe that this corporate entity is entitled to a portion of the proceeds of one's labor on top of all the consumption taxes one must pay. You are either unbelievably stupid or simply a closet communist. There is no "middle ground". You either believe in the organic constitution and it's principles or you believe in confiscating the fruits of someone else's labor.......which is it?

At least you understand I am against the massive tax loopholes the rich have enjoyed for so long (I think you do) Our government, what you call a corporate entity, constitutionally is able to levy taxes.


I know all about the 16th amendment and the controversy surrounding it and the four separate rulings of the SCOTUS that ruled that the 16th amendment did not give the federal government the ability to place an unproportionate tax on the people....of course since most have wittingly or unwittingly declared themselves as de-facto employees of USA.INC? They are subject to the tax. If you are a "person" as defined by Black's Law dictionary instead of the living, breathing human being and need the safety net that comes with it in the form of benefits? You cede jurisdiction to the corporation that is USA.INC. I opted out of the U.C.C and all the S.S tax and that I paid for and by my employers was forfeited. I no longer have that "security net" but I am fine with that. If I can't earn my way through this world on my own? Then that is MY problem and no one else's. It's all about self-governing and taking the risks that come with it.
I no longer have that "security net" but I am fine with that. If I can't earn my way through this world on my own? Then that is MY problem and no one else's. It's all about self-governing and taking the risks that come with it.

Stay off the highways, then, you "moocher"..........LOL
Fortunately, that is not my job to determine. I do know that the Trickle Down Scam that the republicans are trying to force through helps rich people at the expense of the working and poor. Warren Buffett paying less in taxes than he does is wrong too. You don't think the rich paying a little more out of the millions they have received in tax breaks instead of taking the small amount of money the rest of us need for food and cloths for our kids would be fair?

Income taxes goes to the shareholders of the Federal Reserve which is a private I am not sure as to how you believe that by taxing everyone at a higher rate that it would help accomplish the things you claim. Until we return to an honest monetary system that is not built on debt? We could take the ever-lovin' shit out of everyone and it wouldn't mean diddly squat to this corporate entity that we call "government". Composite government is the majority shareholders of nearly every Fortune 500 corporation and their subsidiaries with proxy voters that decide whether or not to move their jobs overseas or not depending on how it affects their bottom line. Every city, town, county and state is incorporated and a subsidiary of USA.INC and they have to fill out a comprehensive annual financial report and you can find each and every one of them on ""....why does it matter if all these entities are "incorporated"? Because when you take something and incorporate it, you take it from the land jurisdiction to commercial jurisdiction known as "admiralty law" or what they call the Uniform Commercial Code aka "statutory law" and public policy. That is why we have acts, statutes, codes and ordinances because USA.INC is no different than say....Wal-Mart?

I don't believe taxing everybody at a higher rate will cure anything. Taxing the rich at a higher rate and everyone else at their same or a lower rate would cure a lot. I ignored the rest of your post. It was just more conspiracy theory crap.

Ignore the rest of my post at your own detriment even though it is 100 percent true......but given the incredible number of tax loopholes (which is why the IRS code is so massive) that those with wealth will never pay what you believe is their "fair share" of the income that they have earned. You always avoid the question as to why you believe that this corporate entity is entitled to a portion of the proceeds of one's labor on top of all the consumption taxes one must pay. You are either unbelievably stupid or simply a closet communist. There is no "middle ground". You either believe in the organic constitution and it's principles or you believe in confiscating the fruits of someone else's labor.......which is it?

At least you understand I am against the massive tax loopholes the rich have enjoyed for so long (I think you do) Our government, what you call a corporate entity, constitutionally is able to levy taxes.


I know all about the 16th amendment and the controversy surrounding it and the four separate rulings of the SCOTUS that ruled that the 16th amendment did not give the federal government the ability to place an unproportionate tax on the people....of course since most have wittingly or unwittingly declared themselves as de-facto employees of USA.INC? They are subject to the tax. If you are a "person" as defined by Black's Law dictionary instead of the living, breathing human being and need the safety net that comes with it in the form of benefits? You cede jurisdiction to the corporation that is USA.INC. I opted out of the U.C.C and all the S.S tax and that I paid for and by my employers was forfeited. I no longer have that "security net" but I am fine with that. If I can't earn my way through this world on my own? Then that is MY problem and no one else's. It's all about self-governing and taking the risks that come with it.

If you did all that goofy crap, and the government doesn't care, then I don't care either. What does your goofy ideas about the government have to do with me?Tell your therapist.
I no longer have that "security net" but I am fine with that. If I can't earn my way through this world on my own? Then that is MY problem and no one else's. It's all about self-governing and taking the risks that come with it.

Stay off the highways, then, you "moocher"..........LOL

Gas tax and the registration tax goes towards highway funding ( or so we have been told) as well as the tolls paid for roads subsidized by taxpayers that fund the bonds to build them. See? I know more than you........
I no longer have that "security net" but I am fine with that. If I can't earn my way through this world on my own? Then that is MY problem and no one else's. It's all about self-governing and taking the risks that come with it.

Stay off the highways, then, you "moocher"..........LOL

Gas tax and the registration tax goes towards highway funding ( or so we have been told) as well as the tolls paid for roads subsidized by taxpayers that fund the bonds to build them. See? I know more than you........

Yes, those things are supposed to go towards highway funding. Do you think all highway funding is provided by only those taxes? What about your police department, fire department, the military, and all the other things that our taxes pay for? Do you just not use those?
Income taxes goes to the shareholders of the Federal Reserve which is a private I am not sure as to how you believe that by taxing everyone at a higher rate that it would help accomplish the things you claim. Until we return to an honest monetary system that is not built on debt? We could take the ever-lovin' shit out of everyone and it wouldn't mean diddly squat to this corporate entity that we call "government". Composite government is the majority shareholders of nearly every Fortune 500 corporation and their subsidiaries with proxy voters that decide whether or not to move their jobs overseas or not depending on how it affects their bottom line. Every city, town, county and state is incorporated and a subsidiary of USA.INC and they have to fill out a comprehensive annual financial report and you can find each and every one of them on ""....why does it matter if all these entities are "incorporated"? Because when you take something and incorporate it, you take it from the land jurisdiction to commercial jurisdiction known as "admiralty law" or what they call the Uniform Commercial Code aka "statutory law" and public policy. That is why we have acts, statutes, codes and ordinances because USA.INC is no different than say....Wal-Mart?

I don't believe taxing everybody at a higher rate will cure anything. Taxing the rich at a higher rate and everyone else at their same or a lower rate would cure a lot. I ignored the rest of your post. It was just more conspiracy theory crap.

Ignore the rest of my post at your own detriment even though it is 100 percent true......but given the incredible number of tax loopholes (which is why the IRS code is so massive) that those with wealth will never pay what you believe is their "fair share" of the income that they have earned. You always avoid the question as to why you believe that this corporate entity is entitled to a portion of the proceeds of one's labor on top of all the consumption taxes one must pay. You are either unbelievably stupid or simply a closet communist. There is no "middle ground". You either believe in the organic constitution and it's principles or you believe in confiscating the fruits of someone else's labor.......which is it?

At least you understand I am against the massive tax loopholes the rich have enjoyed for so long (I think you do) Our government, what you call a corporate entity, constitutionally is able to levy taxes.


I know all about the 16th amendment and the controversy surrounding it and the four separate rulings of the SCOTUS that ruled that the 16th amendment did not give the federal government the ability to place an unproportionate tax on the people....of course since most have wittingly or unwittingly declared themselves as de-facto employees of USA.INC? They are subject to the tax. If you are a "person" as defined by Black's Law dictionary instead of the living, breathing human being and need the safety net that comes with it in the form of benefits? You cede jurisdiction to the corporation that is USA.INC. I opted out of the U.C.C and all the S.S tax and that I paid for and by my employers was forfeited. I no longer have that "security net" but I am fine with that. If I can't earn my way through this world on my own? Then that is MY problem and no one else's. It's all about self-governing and taking the risks that come with it.

If you did all that goofy crap, and the government doesn't care, then I don't care either. What does your goofy ideas about the government have to do with me?Tell your therapist.

I am not asking you to "care". I am simply explaining the nature of the cage and how this huge ponzi scheme actually works. All the money that you have paid into the system was spent a long time ago and even though USA.INC easily has the means to fund your old age retirement and healthcare (that you paid into as well as your employer on your behalf)...your owners don't wanna "pony up".............they were great at taxing the shit out of ya until it came time to pay up. How many trillions are owed by what is now unfunded liabilities because the money was already spent and what was left in it's place is a bunch of fancy looking I.O.Us disguised as "Treasury Bonds" held be the very thieves that "loaned" money into existence with checks written on an account that had nothing in it? I believe it's about 65 TRILLION dollars at last count. Do you know how much a TRILLION dollars is in Federal Reserve notes? You would have to stack one hundred dollar bills one on top of the other and you would have to drive 68 miles before you reached a trillion. USA.INC owes 65 of those on top of the 20 plus trillion that USA.INC owes to the Fed and other holders of Treasury Bonds..........good luck getting back even a **** hair's portion of what you paid in.......

Spare me a thought when my revelations come to fruition and you are wondering what the fuck happened to all those "benefits" you thought would be there for ya.
I no longer have that "security net" but I am fine with that. If I can't earn my way through this world on my own? Then that is MY problem and no one else's. It's all about self-governing and taking the risks that come with it.

Stay off the highways, then, you "moocher"..........LOL

Gas tax and the registration tax goes towards highway funding ( or so we have been told) as well as the tolls paid for roads subsidized by taxpayers that fund the bonds to build them. See? I know more than you........

Yes, those things are supposed to go towards highway funding. Do you think all highway funding is provided by only those taxes? What about your police department, fire department, the military, and all the other things that our taxes pay for? Do you just not use those?

Property tax pays for those along with all the fines collected for violating an act, statute, code or ordinance of the corporate entity that you reside in........
Property tax pays for those along with all the fines collected for violating an act, statute, code or ordinance of the corporate entity that you reside in........

Of course, Dale, we all know that property taxes are NOT enough....and you must stay up all night with your trusty guns to protect your home (since calling the cops would be a no-no)....and you have your garden hose ready and your dick in your hand to put out a possible fire (since calling the fire department is also a no-no.)

LOL (a true, clueless "libertarian".....a rebel without a fucking clue.)
I no longer have that "security net" but I am fine with that. If I can't earn my way through this world on my own? Then that is MY problem and no one else's. It's all about self-governing and taking the risks that come with it.

Stay off the highways, then, you "moocher"..........LOL

Gas tax and the registration tax goes towards highway funding ( or so we have been told) as well as the tolls paid for roads subsidized by taxpayers that fund the bonds to build them. See? I know more than you........

Yes, those things are supposed to go towards highway funding. Do you think all highway funding is provided by only those taxes? What about your police department, fire department, the military, and all the other things that our taxes pay for? Do you just not use those?

Property tax pays for those along with all the fines collected for violating an act, statute, code or ordinance of the corporate entity that you reside in........

OK. So what exactly do you think payroll taxes pay for? Be specific.
Property tax pays for those along with all the fines collected for violating an act, statute, code or ordinance of the corporate entity that you reside in........

Of course, Dale, we all know that property taxes are NOT enough....and you must stay up all night with your trusty guns to protect your home (since calling the cops would be a no-no)....and you have your garden hose ready and your dick in your hand to put out a possible fire (since calling the fire department is also a no-no.)

LOL (a true, clueless "libertarian".....a rebel without a fucking clue.)

"We"? You have a mouse in your pocket? Cops protect property? They only arrive after the fact and the 2005 SCOTUS ruling has already stated that the police are not responsible nor they have any duty to protect the public. When allodial right to property was lost with the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933, all property was put up as collateral and HJR -192 proclaimed that all property was by mere user and must be subservient in accordance to the state. Look it up, dipshit. You are mere chattel, a resource with an ever declining value to your owners. You are like one of those chickens on a free range farm squawking and insisting that the owner adhere to your wants and desires before your neck is twisted's pretty funny to me and the irony is delicious....the jokes practically write themselves.
I no longer have that "security net" but I am fine with that. If I can't earn my way through this world on my own? Then that is MY problem and no one else's. It's all about self-governing and taking the risks that come with it.

Stay off the highways, then, you "moocher"..........LOL

Gas tax and the registration tax goes towards highway funding ( or so we have been told) as well as the tolls paid for roads subsidized by taxpayers that fund the bonds to build them. See? I know more than you........

Yes, those things are supposed to go towards highway funding. Do you think all highway funding is provided by only those taxes? What about your police department, fire department, the military, and all the other things that our taxes pay for? Do you just not use those?

Property tax pays for those along with all the fines collected for violating an act, statute, code or ordinance of the corporate entity that you reside in........

OK. So what exactly do you think payroll taxes pay for? Be specific.

Payroll taxes as in the Social Security tax were you pay one half of the 15 percent and the employer pays the other half? Is that what you are talking about?????
Stay off the highways, then, you "moocher"..........LOL

Gas tax and the registration tax goes towards highway funding ( or so we have been told) as well as the tolls paid for roads subsidized by taxpayers that fund the bonds to build them. See? I know more than you........

Yes, those things are supposed to go towards highway funding. Do you think all highway funding is provided by only those taxes? What about your police department, fire department, the military, and all the other things that our taxes pay for? Do you just not use those?

Property tax pays for those along with all the fines collected for violating an act, statute, code or ordinance of the corporate entity that you reside in........

OK. So what exactly do you think payroll taxes pay for? Be specific.

Payroll taxes as in the Social Security tax were you pay one half of the 15 percent and the employer pays the other half? Is that what you are talking about?????

I assume that's what you mean by tax on labor. Were there more?
Gas tax and the registration tax goes towards highway funding ( or so we have been told) as well as the tolls paid for roads subsidized by taxpayers that fund the bonds to build them. See? I know more than you........

Yes, those things are supposed to go towards highway funding. Do you think all highway funding is provided by only those taxes? What about your police department, fire department, the military, and all the other things that our taxes pay for? Do you just not use those?

Property tax pays for those along with all the fines collected for violating an act, statute, code or ordinance of the corporate entity that you reside in........

OK. So what exactly do you think payroll taxes pay for? Be specific.

Payroll taxes as in the Social Security tax were you pay one half of the 15 percent and the employer pays the other half? Is that what you are talking about?????

I assume that's what you mean by tax on labor. Were there more?

Yes. there is an unproportionate tax that is levied on the bartering of one's labor in one hour increments in exchange of something of value on top of the S.S tax.......
Yes, those things are supposed to go towards highway funding. Do you think all highway funding is provided by only those taxes? What about your police department, fire department, the military, and all the other things that our taxes pay for? Do you just not use those?

Property tax pays for those along with all the fines collected for violating an act, statute, code or ordinance of the corporate entity that you reside in........

OK. So what exactly do you think payroll taxes pay for? Be specific.

Payroll taxes as in the Social Security tax were you pay one half of the 15 percent and the employer pays the other half? Is that what you are talking about?????

I assume that's what you mean by tax on labor. Were there more?

Yes. there is an unproportionate tax that is levied on the bartering of one's labor in one hour increments in exchange of something of value on top of the S.S tax.......

OK. What ever. What do you think all those taxes in your little list pay for? Be specific.

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