Meanwhile in Egypt. The killing of Christians continues.

But the Crusades, the Crusades!

They literally can't help themselves.

The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?


I thought that was a Sicilian proverb.

Here's the thing. From my viewpoint, "The enemy of the Zionist is not my enemy".

We don't have a problem with Islam.

The Zionists do because they refuse to roll over and let them steal their land.

The Oil Companies do, because they refuse to roll over and let them take their resources.

Our Mideast policy is to stick our dicks in a hornet's nest and then whine about getting stung. Then blame the hornets' religion!

That is when we aren't raising a bigger and nastier hornet.

Bin Laden was a guy who the CIA Armed and trained because it was easier to recruit Arab mercenaries to fight the Russians in Afghanistan than to figure out how to speak Pushtan and work with the tribes. Those dirty commies might teach girls how to read or something!

Then we were all surprised when the religious fanatic we armed turned on us.

Saddam was a guy who Reagan thought we could work with. That's why we kept bailing him out when the Iranians turned the tide of war against him and looked the other way when he gassed his own people.

Then he invaded Kuwait and threatened Exxon's profits, and suddenly he was a dirty Jihadist!!!!

But it's not like you or Mac will ever be the ones coming home with PTSD or without a leg.

Well, aren't zionists Jewish? So, you don't like the Jews then. I get it.
Hey, I'm not a religious person, and I can agree that in the past, the Christians have also participated in some horrible things. HOWEVER, that was then and this is now.

Bullshit. We are STILL doing horrible things. 500,000 Iraqis died in the Iraq War. 3 million Vietnamese died in the Vietnam War. (but we still whine about the 5000 or 56,000 we lost in wars we started.)

I guess you should donate yours to an Indian reservation then. Lol.

I think most Americans understand we did a wrong to Native Americans...Not so much the Zionists... Only a matter of time before they answer any criticism of Zionism with "But, but, but...Hitler"
Why is it that Kristians are only concerned about people of their own religion being harmed or dying? Aren't all people 'god's children'? Or is that just a bumper sticker?
Who said that? Nobody. Your voices in your head telling you what we believe and think again?
Genocide Watch

interactive map showing where Christians are being persecuted and exterminated.

90 Christians a day are shot & killed over here! So I'm wondering if we show up on your map?
Robberies and Murders are not the same. They do it over there based on their cultural beliefs. That they are inferior and should be treated as slaves or killed based on their religion. Slaughter because of their beliefs. Not the same and a lame comment.
The Religion of Peace at it again in Egypt. Attacking 2 churches simply because they are Christian.

44 Dead Christians: Islam’s Latest Victims - Raymond Ibrahim

Egypt’s Christians began Holy Week celebrations by being blown up today. Two Coptic Christian Orthodox churches packed with worshippers for Palm Sunday mass were attacked by Islamic suicide bombers; a total of 44 were killed and 126 wounded or mutilated.

Horrific scenes of carnage—limbs and blood splattered on altars and pews—are being reported from both churches. Twenty-seven people—initial reports indicate mostly children—were killed in St. George’s in Tanta, north Egypt. “Where is the government?” yelled an angry Christian there to AP reporters. “There is no government! There was a clear lapse in security, which must be tightened from now on to save lives.”

Less than two hours later, 17 people were killed in St. Mark’s Cathedral in Alexandria, which—since the original church building founded by the Evangelist Mark in the first century was burned to the ground during the seventh century Muslim invasions of Egypt—has been the historic seat of Coptic Christendom. Pope Tawadros, who was present—and apparently targeted—evaded the carnage.

Terrible news. They really do need to blame their government. I'm just glad I was lucky enough to be born here in America where we don't have to deal with such things . . . YET.
We`re alright with being gunned down in movie theaters, classrooms, churches, road rage, etc. as long as the shooters aren`t Muslim. I don`t think we`re the ones to be preaching to other countries about security.
Individual madness or the CRAZIES are apples to oranges considering it is a group intent on choose my religion or die............Trying to make comparisons like these are a complete joke given what is happening in the Middle East and has been since 700. You cannot justify what they have been doing in the middle east. To their own people because their version of Islam is better than the other or killing Christians because they consider them less than a dog.
Why is it that Kristians are only concerned about people of their own religion being harmed or dying? Aren't all people 'god's children'? Or is that just a bumper sticker?
Who said that? Nobody. Your voices in your head telling you what we believe and think again?

So in your world if someone doesn't say something then it doesn't exist? Join us in reality, actions speak louder than words. Inaction speaks loudest of all. Kristians ignore the slaughter of Muslims, and in fact many of them cheer for it.
Why is it that Kristians are only concerned about people of their own religion being harmed or dying? Aren't all people 'god's children'? Or is that just a bumper sticker?
Who said that? Nobody. Your voices in your head telling you what we believe and think again?

So in your world if someone doesn't say something then it doesn't exist? Join us in reality, actions speak louder than words. Inaction speaks loudest of all. Kristians ignore the slaughter of Muslims, and in fact many of them cheer for it.
Reality.........LOL........I've served over there during my life. How about you? We went into Somalia to save starving people. We went into Bosnia to end Genocide. We went into Kuwait to drive out the armies of Iraq to save WHOM dumb ass.............

We reinforced Yazidi's and Kurds to prevent them from getting slaughtered by WHOM......................

But we don't care about anyone but Christians getting killed in your DELUSIONAL MIND. This article is one aspect of the whole dang picture. Making shit up doesn't change that they are slaughtering others.
Why is it that Kristians are only concerned about people of their own religion being harmed or dying? Aren't all people 'god's children'? Or is that just a bumper sticker?
Who said that? Nobody. Your voices in your head telling you what we believe and think again?

So in your world if someone doesn't say something then it doesn't exist? Join us in reality, actions speak louder than words. Inaction speaks loudest of all. Kristians ignore the slaughter of Muslims, and in fact many of them cheer for it.
Reality.........LOL........I've served over there during my life. How about you? We went into Somalia to save starving people. We went into Bosnia to end Genocide. We went into Kuwait to drive out the armies of Iraq to save WHOM dumb ass.............

We reinforced Yazidi's and Kurds to prevent them from getting slaughtered by WHOM......................

But we don't care about anyone but Christians getting killed in your DELUSIONAL MIND. This article is one aspect of the whole dang picture. Making shit up doesn't change that they are slaughtering others.

So your one of those who uses a stint in the military, if you in fact did serve, as a crutch to try to beat other people over the head with. All the service people I know are humble and would never USE the military as a crutch. You also seem to internalize EVERYTHING. It's all about you and only you. We're done here, you have your delusions enjoy them.

Kristians in the US ignore other religions here and abroad in favor of 'their own kind'. They view others as their competitors. If you don't then good for you have a cupcake.
Why is it that Kristians are only concerned about people of their own religion being harmed or dying? Aren't all people 'god's children'? Or is that just a bumper sticker?
Who said that? Nobody. Your voices in your head telling you what we believe and think again?

So in your world if someone doesn't say something then it doesn't exist? Join us in reality, actions speak louder than words. Inaction speaks loudest of all. Kristians ignore the slaughter of Muslims, and in fact many of them cheer for it.
Reality.........LOL........I've served over there during my life. How about you? We went into Somalia to save starving people. We went into Bosnia to end Genocide. We went into Kuwait to drive out the armies of Iraq to save WHOM dumb ass.............

We reinforced Yazidi's and Kurds to prevent them from getting slaughtered by WHOM......................

But we don't care about anyone but Christians getting killed in your DELUSIONAL MIND. This article is one aspect of the whole dang picture. Making shit up doesn't change that they are slaughtering others.

So your one of those who uses a stint in the military, if you in fact did serve, as a crutch to try to beat other people over the head with. All the service people I know are humble and would never USE the military as a crutch. You also seem to internalize EVERYTHING. It's all about you and only you. We're done here, you have your delusions enjoy them.

Kristians in the US ignore other religions here and abroad in favor of 'their own kind'. They view others as their competitors. If you don't then good for you have a cupcake.
You made a broad branch accusation that we don't care about anyone other than Christians being slaughtered. Which is a bunch of crap. So I gave you examples of how we helped others or attempted to do so in my own personal time. Then you feign outrage for me giving examples that show you are full of it.

GO PLAY IN TRAFFIC. Your nonsense is why I left these boards before. Takes a backhoe to shovel it.
Reality.........LOL........I've served over there during my life. How about you? We went into Somalia to save starving people. We went into Bosnia to end Genocide. We went into Kuwait to drive out the armies of Iraq to save WHOM dumb ass.............

We went into Kuwait to save the Oil for Exxon and because the Zionists who run things in this country wanted to take Saddam down a peg. Not to worry, the Jews have explained to Trump who is really in charge and we'll be fighting another war over there soon enough.

We reinforced Yazidi's and Kurds to prevent them from getting slaughtered by WHOM......................

That's the problem, dummy. We keep arming people over there and then wonder why they turn on us. Saddam, Bin Laden, ISIS, these were all people we armed at some point and then they attacked us.
Genocide Watch

interactive map showing where Christians are being persecuted and exterminated.

90 Christians a day are shot & killed over here! So I'm wondering if we show up on your map?
Robberies and Murders are not the same. They do it over there based on their cultural beliefs. That they are inferior and should be treated as slaves or killed based on their religion. Slaughter because of their beliefs. Not the same and a lame comment.

So the white southern boy that went into a black church and slaughtered 9 people is ok with you because it happened over here?
Genocide Watch

interactive map showing where Christians are being persecuted and exterminated.

90 Christians a day are shot & killed over here! So I'm wondering if we show up on your map?
Robberies and Murders are not the same. They do it over there based on their cultural beliefs. That they are inferior and should be treated as slaves or killed based on their religion. Slaughter because of their beliefs. Not the same and a lame comment.

So the white southern boy that went into a black church and slaughtered 9 people is ok with you because it happened over here?

This isn't about one random nutjob! It's an entire belief system with MANY followers. :eusa_eh:
The Religion of Peace at it again in Egypt. Attacking 2 churches simply because they are Christian.

and this is my problem, why?
Nothing is a problem for Joe, other than the constant promotion of the heinous political ideology known as progressivism.

Joe thinks if he sucks enough Democrat ass they'll offer him a Big Important Government Job or something and he'll get to terrorize and order a bunch of peasants around and stuff, and get to wear one of those cool Maoist pant suits like Hillary's. All the 'Joes' here dream of this paradise.

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