Meanwhile in Egypt. The killing of Christians continues.

Terrible news. They really do need to blame their government. I'm just glad I was lucky enough to be born here in America where we don't have to deal with such things . . . YET.

"First come the refugees, then come the armies."
Joe thinks if he sucks enough Democrat ass they'll offer him a Big Important Government Job or something and he'll get to terrorize and order a bunch of peasants around and stuff, and get to wear one of those cool Maoist pant suits like Hillary's. All the 'Joes' here dream of this paradise.

Naw, Guy, I'll just be happy for the republicans to "not fuck things up", because they always do... in case you haven't paid attention who was in charge for our last four recessions.
Cite an example where they weren't; that's a much shorter list versus me writing a 30 volume book for a half-wit on the innernetz.


Okay. Vietnam. We got a shitload of refugees and the Vietnamese Army never showed up in California.
Cite an example where they weren't; that's a much shorter list versus me writing a 30 volume book for a half-wit on the innernetz.


Okay. Vietnam. We got a shitload of refugees and the Vietnamese Army never showed up in California.

Vietnamese refugees fleeing before the North Vietnamese/Chinese armies invading, yes. Thanks for helping prove my point.
Vietnamese refugees fleeing before the North Vietnamese/Chinese armies invading, yes. Thanks for helping prove my point.

Um, no, dude.. you really didn't have a point. First, the Chinese Armies weren't involved in Vietnam. secondly, there weren't refugees fleeing from the north into the South. there were people in the south who didn't like the fucked up government we imposed on them.

But it was nice of us to take in some of the Quislings who supported us, I guess.
Um, no, dude.. you really didn't have a point. First, the Chinese Armies weren't involved in Vietnam.

You just proved yourself a clueless idiot right there ...

secondly, there weren't refugees fleeing from the north into the South.

Ditto ...

there were people in the south who didn't like the fucked up government we imposed on them.

And Ditto again ......

But it was nice of us to take in some of the Quislings who supported us, I guess.

... and some more stupid stuff thrown in from a commie narrative for bonus points from an establishment tool.
... and some more stupid stuff thrown in from a commie narrative for bonus points from an establishment tool.

Guy, Vietnam was a huge fucking mistake... We never should have went over there.

We supported a bunch of quislings against someone the Vietnamese considered a national hero.

That's why we lost.
Vietnamese refugees fleeing before the North Vietnamese/Chinese armies invading, yes. Thanks for helping prove my point.

Um, no, dude.. you really didn't have a point. First, the Chinese Armies weren't involved in Vietnam. secondly, there weren't refugees fleeing from the north into the South. there were people in the south who didn't like the fucked up government we imposed on them.

But it was nice of us to take in some of the Quislings who supported us, I guess.

China invaded Vietnam after the US withdrawal dipshit. There was a mass refugee exodus from the North to the South and from the South to the US after the Norths invasion.

Operation Passage to Freedom was a term used by the United States Navy to describe its assistance in transporting in 1954–55 310,000 Vietnamese civilians, soldiers and non-Vietnamese members of the French Army from communist North Vietnam (the Democratic Republic of Vietnam) to South Vietnam (the State of Vietnam, later to become the Republic of Vietnam). The French and other countries may have transported a further 500,000.[1][2][3] In the wake of the French defeat at the Battle of Dien Bien Phu, the Geneva Accords of 1954 decided the fate of French Indochina after eight years of war between French Union forces and the Viet Minh, which sought Vietnamese independence. The accords resulted in the partition of Vietnam at the 17th parallel north, with Ho Chi Minh's communist Viet Minh in control of the north and the French-backed State of Vietnam in the south. The agreements allowed a 300-day period of grace, ending on May 18, 1955, in which people could move freely between the two Vietnams before the border was sealed. The partition was intended to be temporary, pending elections in 1956 to reunify the country under a national government. Between 600,000 and one million northerners moved south, including more than 200,000 French citizens and soldiers in the French army [4] while between 14,000 - 45,000 civilians and approximately 100,000 Viet Minh fighters moved in the opposite direction.[1][5][6]

Operation Passage to Freedom - Wikipedia
China invaded Vietnam after the US withdrawal dipshit. There was a mass refugee exodus from the North to the South and from the South to the US after the Norths invasion.

No, China invaded Vietnam after Vietnam deposed the murderous Khmer Rogue in Cambodia.

Which had nothing to do with all the quislings we took in after we lost the war.
China invaded Vietnam after the US withdrawal dipshit. There was a mass refugee exodus from the North to the South and from the South to the US after the Norths invasion.

No, China invaded Vietnam after Vietnam deposed the murderous Khmer Rogue in Cambodia.

Which had nothing to do with all the quislings we took in after we lost the war.

Yes the murderous Chinese regime invaded Vietnam after the murderous Vietnamese regime invaded their former murderous Khymer Rouge allies in Cambodia which had nothing to do with human rights and everything to do with border disputes.
Yes the murderous Chinese regime invaded Vietnam after the murderous Vietnamese regime invaded their former murderous Khymer Rouge allies in Cambodia which had nothing to do with human rights and everything to do with border disputes.

Actually, the Khmer Rogue attacked Vietnam first, because they thought the Chinese would have their back. Then the Chinese were so inept in their invasion they called it off after two months.

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