Meanwhile, in fdr's Concentration Camps....

Oh shit. We go . Japan is victim again. Even though they started this. Please.
You forgot to mention FDR instigated the war and if he were not such a corrupt fool, could have avoided the war.
Oh shit. We go . Japan is victim again. Even though they started this. Please.
You forgot to mention FDR instigated the war and if he were not such a corrupt fool, could have avoided the war.
Forgot? Bush and and his WMD's. History repeats itself. Sorry.
I feel the same way about any Japanese person who was alive during pearl harbor. They were jap scumbags. They didn't just defend their leader they worshipped him. Suicide bombers like Isis.

I also feel the same way about anti gay people who think it's OK to be that way.

Every president before Lincoln freed the slaves too.

So why didn't you stay in Japan? Who you gooks come here?
You are one sick puppy.

The idiot doesn't seem to realize how pointlessly misguided his attempts at being a racist are.
I'm just saying what a lot of people are thinking.

The only thing people are thinking is why you are trying so hard to make a fool of yourself.

At least stick to the topic and limit the damage.

The 6 most evil presidents in US history who aren't George W. Bush

Harry Truman: Japan was willing to surrender to the United States in July of 1945 with one condition, that the Japanese Emperor Hirohito not be tried as a war criminal. The truth was that Japan was virtually helpless by this time, its military in a shambles, its cities bombed, and its people starving. Truman ignored the offer, and in August ordered the bombs dropped.

Also on the list was that scumbag Ronald Reagan.

4. Ronald Reagan

Hey look, FDR made honorable mention:

George W. Bush: For invading Iraq under false pretenses (“Weapons of Mass Destruction”), resulting in the deaths of thousands of U.S. soldiers, and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi citizens.

Franklin Roosevelt: For the imprisonment of over 100,000 Japanese American citizens for the crime of looking Asian.
No one likes that bush and Reagan are on the scumbag list?
Oh shit. We go . Japan is victim again. Even though they started this. Please.
You forgot to mention FDR instigated the war and if he were not such a corrupt fool, could have avoided the war.
The rich called fdr a traitor to his class. Of course they slandered him just like they do Obama and did Clinton and Carter.

And we know what they did to Kennedy.
Then we get Obama. Higher health care costs, middle class loses their jobs.Poor Americans surrender their jobs to poor illegal aliens Ain't it great or what?
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Then we get Obama. Higher health care costs, middle class loses their jobs.Poor Americans surrender their jobs to poor illegal aliens Ain't it great or what?
What if you found out it was under Reagan this started and they did it because Americans ask for too much?

Because I remember years ago Republicans defended illegals. You guys said they were doing jobs Americans won't do.

So its funny to see the flip flop.

I can show you articles from during the bush presidency where us liberals explained how your party is split on this. The racists vs. The illegal employers who love the cheap labor.

Glad to see you're coming around. Bout time.
Interesting how attempts are made to show that FDR didn't go far enough to defend Pearl Harbor from Japanese attack and yet castigate him or going too far to defend the West Coast from sabotage.
Interesting how attempts are made to show that FDR didn't go far enough to defend Pearl Harbor from Japanese attack and yet castigate him or going too far to defend the West Coast from sabotage.
FDR was the president of the people of course the right who's afraid Obama or Bernie Sanders or hillary will pass some new deal type policies, of course they're going to want to re write history and pretend FDR wasn't loved by the masses.
... it wasn't a scumbag decision based on racism....

It absolutely WAS a scumbag decision based on racism made by a racist fucking scumbag who was the most vile, anti-American POS to ever sully the White House.
Interesting how attempts are made to show that FDR didn't go far enough to defend Pearl Harbor from Japanese attack and yet castigate him or going too far to defend the West Coast from sabotage.
FDR was the president of the people of course the right who's afraid Obama or Bernie Sanders or hillary will pass some new deal type policies, of course they're going to want to re write history and pretend FDR wasn't loved by the masses.
Do you work for the DNC?

When will you partisans realize it is all a big game designed to divide and conquer? There is very little difference between the two major parties...they both do the bidding of the oligarchy.
Oh shit. We go . Japan is victim again. Even though they started this. Please.
You forgot to mention FDR instigated the war and if he were not such a corrupt fool, could have avoided the war.
Oh shit. We go . Japan is victim again. Even though they started this. Please.
You forgot to mention FDR instigated the war and if he were not such a corrupt fool, could have avoided the war.
Forgot? Bush and and his WMD's. History repeats itself. Sorry.
History most certainly repeats itself because the public refuses to learn from the past.
The reason the Japanese were put in internment camps is because the Japanese attacked the USA. Nothing to do with race, everything to do with war. The racial aspect was made up by Reagan to attack FDR. The racist in the equation is Reagan. And the OP for continuing the lie.
Interesting how attempts are made to show that FDR didn't go far enough to defend Pearl Harbor from Japanese attack and yet castigate him or going too far to defend the West Coast from sabotage.
FDR was the president of the people of course the right who's afraid Obama or Bernie Sanders or hillary will pass some new deal type policies, of course they're going to want to re write history and pretend FDR wasn't loved by the masses.
Do you work for the DNC?

When will you partisans realize it is all a big game designed to divide and conquer? There is very little difference between the two major parties...they both do the bidding of the oligarchy.
You're half right.

There's a huge difference between parties.
Interesting how attempts are made to show that FDR didn't go far enough to defend Pearl Harbor from Japanese attack and yet castigate him or going too far to defend the West Coast from sabotage.
FDR was the president of the people of course the right who's afraid Obama or Bernie Sanders or hillary will pass some new deal type policies, of course they're going to want to re write history and pretend FDR wasn't loved by the masses.
Do you work for the DNC?

When will you partisans realize it is all a big game designed to divide and conquer? There is very little difference between the two major parties...they both do the bidding of the oligarchy.
You're half right.

There's a huge difference between parties.
Unfortunately you are not alone with that foolish belief.
... Nothing to do with race, everything to do with war....

That is, of course, absurd.

"Over 127,000 United States citizens were imprisoned during World War II. Their crime? Being of Japanese ancestry."

"Despite the lack of any concrete evidence..., Japanese Americans were suspected of remaining loyal to their ancestral land. ANTI-JAPANESE PARANOIA increased because of a large Japanese presence on the West Coast. ... President Roosevelt signed an executive order in February 1942 ordering the RELOCATION of all Americans of Japanese ancestry to CONCENTRATION CAMPS in the interior of the United States.

...Until the camps were completed, many of the evacuees were held in temporary centers, such as stables at local racetracks. Almost two-thirds of the interns wereNISEI, or Japanese Americans born in the United States. It made no difference that many had never even been to Japan. Even Japanese-American veterans of World War I were forced to leave their homes...

... the interns knew that if they tried to flee, armed sentries who stood watch around the clock, would shoot them.

... While the American concentration camps never reached the levels of Nazi death camps as far as atrocities are concerned, they remain a dark mark on the nation's record of respecting civil liberties and cultural differences."

Japanese-American Internment []
The reason the Japanese were put in internment camps is because the Japanese attacked the USA. Nothing to do with race....

"These Japanese Americans, half of whom were children, were incarcerated for up to 4 years, without due process of law or any factual basis, in bleak, remote camps surrounded by barbed wire and armed guards."

"Some Japanese Americans died in the camps due to inadequate medical care and the emotional stresses they encountered. Several were killed by military guards posted for allegedly resisting orders."

"At the time, Executive Order 9066 was justified as a "military necessity" to protect against domestic espionage and sabotage. However, it was later documented that "our government had in its possession proof that not one Japanese American, citizen or not, had engaged in espionage, not one had committed any act of sabotage." (Michi Weglyn, 1976).

Rather, the causes for this unprecedented action in American history, according to the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians, "were motivated largely by racial prejudice, wartime hysteria, and a failure of political leadership.""

Children of the Camps | INTERNMENT HISTORY
"August 18, 1941
In a letter to President Roosevelt, Representative John Dingell of Michigan suggests incarcerating 10,000 Hawaiian Japanese Americans as hostages to ensure "good behavior" on the part of Japan."

"November 12, 1941
Fifteen Japanese American businessmen and community leaders in Los Angeles Little Tokyo are picked up in an F.B.I. raid. A spokesman for the Central Japanese Association states: "We teach the fundamental principles of America and the high ideals of American democracy. We want to live here in peace and harmony. Our people are 100% loyal to America.""

"May 13, 1942
Forty-five-year-old Ichiro Shimoda, a Los Angeles gardener, is shot to death by guards while trying to escape from Fort Still (Oklahoma) internment camp. The victim was seriously mentally ill, having attempted suicide twice since being picked up on December 7. He is shot despite the guards' knowledge of his mental state."

"May 16, 1942
Hikoji Takeuchi, a Nisei, is shot by a guard at Manzanar. The guard claims that he shouted at Takeuchi and that Takeuchi began to run away from him. Takeuchi claims he was collecting scrap lumber and didn't hear the guard shout. His wounds indicate that he was shot in the front. Though seriously injured, he eventually recovered. "

"July, 27 1942
Two Issei -- Brawley, CA farmer Toshiro Kobata and San Pedro fisherman Hirota Isomura -- are shot to death by camp guards at Lourdsburg, New Mexico enemy alien internment camp. The men had allegedly been trying to escape. It would later be reported, however, that upon their arrival to the camp, the men had been too ill to walk from the train station to the camp gate."

"October 20, 1942
President Roosevelt calls the "relocation centers" "concentration camps" at a press conference. The WRA had consistently denied that the term "concentration camps" accurately described the camps."

"April 11, 1943
James Hatsuki Wakasa, a sixty-three-year-old chef, is shot to death by a sentry at Heart Mountain camp while allegedly trying to escape through a fence. It is later determined that Wakasa had been inside the fence and facing the sentry when shot. The sentry would stand a general court-martial on April 28 at Fort Douglas, Utah and be found "not guilty.""

"April 13, 1943
"A Jap's a Jap. There is no way to determine their loyalty... This coast is too vulnerable. No Jap should come back to this coast except on a permit from my office." Gereral John L. DeWitt, head, Western Defense Command; before the House Naval Affairs Subcommittee."

"May 24, 1944
Shoichi James Okamoto is shot to death at Tule Lake by a guard after stopping a construction truck at the main gate for permission to pass. Private Bernard Goe, the guard, would be acquitted after being fined a dollar for "unauthorized use of government property" --a bullet."

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