Meanwhile, in fdr's Concentration Camps....

^^^ head case wrong as usual.

This thread is not about the new deal. That SOB fdr was a fucking scumbag for the crime highlighted here, regardless of his other misdeeds. Leftyboy Cramp is just trying to change the subject. You are just following along sniffing his ass.

As for President Bush, you may be too young to remember that in the days following 9/11 he was the one who made a point of addressing the nation and reminding everyone that we were not at war with Islam, and that Muslim-Americans should not be blamed for what the terrorists had done.

As with that scumbag fdr's concentration camps, it was a prominent Republican who spoke up for American principles.

You seem very fond of your ignorance.
I remember him lying during his State of the Union Address and telling the world Saddam was "giving aid and protection to terrorist, including al Qaeda"

That was not a lie.
Of course it was.....

It certainly was not. There have been hundreds of threads on that topic. Go find one if you want to be wrong about it again. This thread is of another topic.
^^^ head case wrong as usual.

This thread is not about the new deal. That SOB fdr was a fucking scumbag for the crime highlighted here, regardless of his other misdeeds. Leftyboy Cramp is just trying to change the subject. You are just following along sniffing his ass.

As for President Bush, you may be too young to remember that in the days following 9/11 he was the one who made a point of addressing the nation and reminding everyone that we were not at war with Islam, and that Muslim-Americans should not be blamed for what the terrorists had done.

As with that scumbag fdr's concentration camps, it was a prominent Republican who spoke up for American principles.

You seem very fond of your ignorance.
I remember him lying during his State of the Union Address and telling the world Saddam was "giving aid and protection to terrorist, including al Qaeda"

That was not a lie.
Of course it was.....

It certainly was not. There have been hundreds of threads on that topic. Go find one if you want to be wrong about it again. This thread is of another topic.
I've been on those threads. No one has ever debunked that specific lie. Nor can you. You are just making an excuse. It was what many have called Bush's biggest and boldest lie. The one no one has ever been able to back up. It is a very famous lie. If there were any evidence to it being true it would be easy to find. Sure wouldn't have to search through a hundred message board threads to find some poster who could prove it. I've posted videos of the lie, transcripts of the speech and made at least a dozen challenges here a USMB to show Bush's comment wasn't a lie. Never got an answer, just like I am not getting one from you. You just are not credible.
And I didn't bring Bush into the conversation, you did. You tried to compare George Bush to FDR.
Why were the japanese americans paid reparations but the german americans were not?
Because the Germans were not rounded up and detained in camps while their property was confiscated.
30% of those interred were german americans.
What is your source for the 30% or 36% number? Are you counting German prisoners of war? I believe the exact number to be less than 12,000 and they are not counted as being part of the 120,000 Japanese number. It is my understanding that all those interned or detained received individual judicial hearing and of particular interest were those who had been affiliated with the American Bund of which there were an estimated 25,000 members. The American Bund were pro Hitler, pro NAZI sympathizers. Where were these people detained?
The 1940 census put the number of Germans born in Germany and living in the USA as 1.7 million.
I could be wrong about that number, but German Americans (and Italian Americans) were put in internment camps. The only reparations I've been able to find were paid exclusively to Japanese Americans and I'd just like to know why.

German American Internee Coalition
I studied the site you provided. The German American Internee Coalition. I suggest those interested click on the camps on the map. You may be shocked to learn that one camp included 785 diplomats and high ranking folks who were put up in luxury hotels. There are also many camps which housed foreign nationals of German ancestry from South America, crew members of German merchant vessels and cruise liners and an assortment of random individuals of Italian or German citizenry who would have been used in the enemies war effort if released.
I see very little comparison to the types of camps or the reasons for interment between the Japanese and the Germans, Italians, etc. Don't think the Japanese had any camps that were luxury hotels.
Prison is prison and not all detainees were living in luxury, which really doesn't answer my question.
I love FDR. What makes FDR the bad guy here? He basically did what any politician is supposed to do. Reflect the current popular sentiment. Like Obama NOW and his pro illegal alien amnesty politically correct stance. Let's flip this around: What do you think Obama would have done say, if he was president in 1941? What do you think FDR would do NOW if he alive and President NOW in 2015? I doubt anything would be much different.
Deliberately engaging in blatant dishonesty ^^^^^^ because one cannot justify playing the apologist for that scumbag fdr can only be the act of a shameless, classless liar. Willfully misrepresenting another out of a desperate inability to support the insupportable is the act of a low-life loser of the worst sort. Such a cur is devoid of integrity entirely.

That scumbag fdr's concentration camps cannot be defended, in fact or principle. Those who insist on worshiping that scumbag nonetheless, are complicit in his crime against America, Americans, and the Constitution.
I feel the same way about any Japanese person who was alive during pearl harbor. They were jap scumbags. They didn't just defend their leader they worshipped him. Suicide bombers like Isis.

I also feel the same way about anti gay people who think it's OK to be that way.

Every president before Lincoln freed the slaves too.

So why didn't you stay in Japan? Who you gooks come here?
You are one sick puppy.

The idiot doesn't seem to realize how pointlessly misguided his attempts at being a racist are.
I'm just saying what a lot of people are thinking.

The only thing people are thinking is why you are trying so hard to make a fool of yourself.

At least stick to the topic and limit the damage.

The 6 most evil presidents in US history who aren't George W. Bush

Harry Truman: Japan was willing to surrender to the United States in July of 1945 with one condition, that the Japanese Emperor Hirohito not be tried as a war criminal. The truth was that Japan was virtually helpless by this time, its military in a shambles, its cities bombed, and its people starving. Truman ignored the offer, and in August ordered the bombs dropped.

Also on the list was that scumbag Ronald Reagan.

4. Ronald Reagan

Hey look, FDR made honorable mention:

George W. Bush: For invading Iraq under false pretenses (“Weapons of Mass Destruction”), resulting in the deaths of thousands of U.S. soldiers, and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi citizens.

Franklin Roosevelt: For the imprisonment of over 100,000 Japanese American citizens for the crime of looking Asian.

And a liar lies two more times. Such a surprise.
Bush lied about Saddam and al Qaeda being in collusion.
You are lying about the WWII Japanese camps and FDR.
Those are the two lies.
You will be bitter all your life if you don't put all of this in perspective.
You are lying about the WWII Japanese camps and FDR.

How so?
The OP always presents this issue in a biased fashion that ignores all the other people and circumstances that influenced FDR into issuing the EO that created the camps. When the other factors are brought up his response is simply that the scumbag FDR signed the EO. The OP does not address the other factors that indicate FDR's decision was based on overwhelming advice from the military and civilians alike, meaning it wasn't a scumbag decision based on racism, but a decision made from concern about national security.
Obviously, in hindsight, just about everyone believes it was a mistake and was unfair to the Japanese.
And a liar lies two more times. Such a surprise.
Bush lied about Saddam and al Qaeda

I told you to go be wrong in the appropriate place if you can't let it go.
You brought up the subject and I responded. You called me a liar because you did not agree with my response. You continue to demand having the last word, which includes the liar comments and now making demands about how someone can respond to comments you make. You are the one who needs to let it go and STFU about it if you want the topic of your Bush posting to disappear. Otherwise, as long as you keep bringing it up you will get a response. Quit your whining or learn to take what you try to dish out.
Oh shit. We go . Japan is victim again. Even though they started this. Please.
You forgot to mention FDR instigated the war and if he were not such a corrupt fool, could have avoided the war.

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