Media at "Koran burning pastor's" house snaps...


<--- Pic is not me
Jan 23, 2010
Well, not ALL the media.

Hot Air Media outside pastor&#8217;s home finally snaps: &#8220;You&#8217;re just using us! We should all leave!&#8221;


I’m not kidding when I tell you that, in four-plus years of blogging here, this is one of the most comically pathetic stories I’ve posted. To set the stage, the church said earlier today that they wanted a promise from Feisal Rauf within two hours that the Ground Zero mosque would be moved. The two hours came and went with no promise, and then the church spokesmen came out and announced … nothing. They didn’t know their next move yet.

And it was then, my friends, that our tired, bedraggled, drama-starved press finally lost it.

“Are you just toying with us to get attention?” asked a sweaty woman in a suit, crouching near the hot grass to keep out of the shot of multiple cameras over her head…
“Why did you give this two-hour window?” came a shout from another side of the scrum.
“So will you say you’re going to burn a Koran anytime you want press coverage?” snapped a reporter with a German accent…
“You’re just using us! We should all leave!” someone yelled from deep in the media pack.
Silence – for a moment. “Yeah! Let’s all leave!”
Jones’s response: “Fine, we’re not press hungry, go!”
But no one moved, until Jones turned and shuffled back to the church.

They can’t quit now, baby, not when this story’s building to … something. It’d be like walking out of the circus before they bring out the bearded lady. All we know for sure at the moment: Nothing’s going to happen tomorrow. Oh, and we also know, according to Jones’s own daughter, that he “needs help.” So there you go. You’re now up to speed on The Biggest Story In The World.


Exit question: Which network has done the least to hype this moronic story over the past week?

Yeah, that would be Fox News. :lol:

Koran Burning | Fox News | Media Coverage | Mediaite

Now that the media circus has come full circle and Rev. Jones appears to have canceled plans to burn the Koran (or not), many are wondering just how complicit the media has been in elevating a fringe character to the global spotlight. Already the White House has weighed in, pointing out that there is more press covering Rev. Jones’ statements than there are parishioners in his church.

Today, ABC’s Jake Tapper asked President Obama if his administration also played a part in giving too much attention to Rev. Jones (particularly since Defense Secretary Robert Gates reportedly made a personal phone call asking Jones to cease and desist.) Mr. Obama made clear in his response that he held the safety of the U.S. troops stationed in Muslim countries as far more important than worrying about “elevating a fringe character” as Tapper described the situation.

But that’s exactly what’s occured: a fringe character with 50 or so parishioners has somehow developed the power to create an international incident. And many in the media have come to recognize that absurdity. Chris Cuomo of ABC News candidly tweeted out: “I am in the media, but think media gave life to this Florida burning…and that was reckless.” Mediaite founder Dan Abrams also tweeted “The massive media coverage of this whack job pastor is shameful. His “announcement” is being treated like a huge jury verdict.” WaPo’s Howard Kurtz added via Twitter: “Of course Terry Jones says he’s only delaying his Koran-burning; if he cancels it, the media mob bails and he’s left with 50 followers.”

Terms Mentioned
“Koran+Burning” 8 39 51 54
“Terry Jones” 9 17 26 31
Total 17 56 77 85
Your post is spot on. The whole thing is beyond absurd. And, Obama is really lowering himself and the presidency by contributing to the circus-like quality of this lame story.

The pastor is now a celebrity and will probably cash in big time from his new status, thanks to all this tabloid like coverage.
Only reason they care is because he is a white Christian. They (WC) are the evil forces in the world don't ya know? And, it's perfectly acceptable and even popular to bash white Christians. Kerry On.
Well I guarantee you, had it been a muslim imam planning to burn a pile of Bibles, no one would have given a rats ass, because there wouldn't have been any Christians threatening to KILL anybody or PROTEST WORLD WIDE about it. Those "peaceful muslims" are the only ones that go ape shit if you insult their, ahem, so called religion.
Only reason they care is because he is a white Christian. They (WC) are the evil forces in the world don't ya know? And, it's perfectly acceptable and even popular to bash white Christians. Kerry On.
And did'ya know Terry Jones attended the same high school and was in the same graduating class as RUSH LIMBAUGH?

The media was able to uncover that fact, but very little of importance about the candidate who would become president of the US. . .
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Well, not ALL the media.

Hot Air Media outside pastor’s home finally snaps: “You’re just using us! We should all leave!”


I’m not kidding when I tell you that, in four-plus years of blogging here, this is one of the most comically pathetic stories I’ve posted. To set the stage, the church said earlier today that they wanted a promise from Feisal Rauf within two hours that the Ground Zero mosque would be moved. The two hours came and went with no promise, and then the church spokesmen came out and announced … nothing. They didn’t know their next move yet.

And it was then, my friends, that our tired, bedraggled, drama-starved press finally lost it.

“Are you just toying with us to get attention?” asked a sweaty woman in a suit, crouching near the hot grass to keep out of the shot of multiple cameras over her head…
“Why did you give this two-hour window?” came a shout from another side of the scrum.
“So will you say you’re going to burn a Koran anytime you want press coverage?” snapped a reporter with a German accent…
“You’re just using us! We should all leave!” someone yelled from deep in the media pack.
Silence – for a moment. “Yeah! Let’s all leave!”
Jones’s response: “Fine, we’re not press hungry, go!”
But no one moved, until Jones turned and shuffled back to the church.

They can’t quit now, baby, not when this story’s building to … something. It’d be like walking out of the circus before they bring out the bearded lady. All we know for sure at the moment: Nothing’s going to happen tomorrow. Oh, and we also know, according to Jones’s own daughter, that he “needs help.” So there you go. You’re now up to speed on The Biggest Story In The World.


Yeah, that would be Fox News. :lol:

Koran Burning | Fox News | Media Coverage | Mediaite

Now that the media circus has come full circle and Rev. Jones appears to have canceled plans to burn the Koran (or not), many are wondering just how complicit the media has been in elevating a fringe character to the global spotlight. Already the White House has weighed in, pointing out that there is more press covering Rev. Jones’ statements than there are parishioners in his church.

Today, ABC’s Jake Tapper asked President Obama if his administration also played a part in giving too much attention to Rev. Jones (particularly since Defense Secretary Robert Gates reportedly made a personal phone call asking Jones to cease and desist.) Mr. Obama made clear in his response that he held the safety of the U.S. troops stationed in Muslim countries as far more important than worrying about “elevating a fringe character” as Tapper described the situation.

But that’s exactly what’s occured: a fringe character with 50 or so parishioners has somehow developed the power to create an international incident. And many in the media have come to recognize that absurdity. Chris Cuomo of ABC News candidly tweeted out: “I am in the media, but think media gave life to this Florida burning…and that was reckless.” Mediaite founder Dan Abrams also tweeted “The massive media coverage of this whack job pastor is shameful. His “announcement” is being treated like a huge jury verdict.” WaPo’s Howard Kurtz added via Twitter: “Of course Terry Jones says he’s only delaying his Koran-burning; if he cancels it, the media mob bails and he’s left with 50 followers.”

Terms Mentioned
“Koran+Burning” 8 39 51 54
“Terry Jones” 9 17 26 31
Total 17 56 77 85

He used them and they used him. the Left wing media blasted that story as loud as they could. AS a tool to put the focus on our intolerance in the middle of the Mosque debate. Their Agenda is so transparent it is laughable.
Well, not ALL the media.

Hot Air Media outside pastor’s home finally snaps: “You’re just using us! We should all leave!”


I’m not kidding when I tell you that, in four-plus years of blogging here, this is one of the most comically pathetic stories I’ve posted. To set the stage, the church said earlier today that they wanted a promise from Feisal Rauf within two hours that the Ground Zero mosque would be moved. The two hours came and went with no promise, and then the church spokesmen came out and announced … nothing. They didn’t know their next move yet.

And it was then, my friends, that our tired, bedraggled, drama-starved press finally lost it.

“Are you just toying with us to get attention?” asked a sweaty woman in a suit, crouching near the hot grass to keep out of the shot of multiple cameras over her head…
“Why did you give this two-hour window?” came a shout from another side of the scrum.
“So will you say you’re going to burn a Koran anytime you want press coverage?” snapped a reporter with a German accent…
“You’re just using us! We should all leave!” someone yelled from deep in the media pack.
Silence – for a moment. “Yeah! Let’s all leave!”
Jones’s response: “Fine, we’re not press hungry, go!”
But no one moved, until Jones turned and shuffled back to the church.

They can’t quit now, baby, not when this story’s building to … something. It’d be like walking out of the circus before they bring out the bearded lady. All we know for sure at the moment: Nothing’s going to happen tomorrow. Oh, and we also know, according to Jones’s own daughter, that he “needs help.” So there you go. You’re now up to speed on The Biggest Story In The World.


Yeah, that would be Fox News. :lol:

Koran Burning | Fox News | Media Coverage | Mediaite

Now that the media circus has come full circle and Rev. Jones appears to have canceled plans to burn the Koran (or not), many are wondering just how complicit the media has been in elevating a fringe character to the global spotlight. Already the White House has weighed in, pointing out that there is more press covering Rev. Jones’ statements than there are parishioners in his church.

Today, ABC’s Jake Tapper asked President Obama if his administration also played a part in giving too much attention to Rev. Jones (particularly since Defense Secretary Robert Gates reportedly made a personal phone call asking Jones to cease and desist.) Mr. Obama made clear in his response that he held the safety of the U.S. troops stationed in Muslim countries as far more important than worrying about “elevating a fringe character” as Tapper described the situation.

But that’s exactly what’s occured: a fringe character with 50 or so parishioners has somehow developed the power to create an international incident. And many in the media have come to recognize that absurdity. Chris Cuomo of ABC News candidly tweeted out: “I am in the media, but think media gave life to this Florida burning…and that was reckless.” Mediaite founder Dan Abrams also tweeted “The massive media coverage of this whack job pastor is shameful. His “announcement” is being treated like a huge jury verdict.” WaPo’s Howard Kurtz added via Twitter: “Of course Terry Jones says he’s only delaying his Koran-burning; if he cancels it, the media mob bails and he’s left with 50 followers.”

Terms Mentioned
“Koran+Burning” 8 39 51 54
“Terry Jones” 9 17 26 31
Total 17 56 77 85

As to the question of who is using whom, one should ask one's self who is making money off of it. The answer would be enlightening.
Well I guarantee you, had it been a muslim imam planning to burn a pile of Bibles, no one would have given a rats ass, because there wouldn't have been any Christians threatening to KILL anybody or PROTEST WORLD WIDE about it. Those "peaceful muslims" are the only ones that go ape shit if you insult their, ahem, so called religion.
Surely you jest.
I may or may not burn some kittens on Sept 29th...but I don't want any media coverage.

Any suggestions on how to approach this?
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm just laughing at the media. It's about time these so-called journalists got a taste of their own medicine!

Perhaps they might learn a lesson out of this and take steps towards more responsible journalism?

Naaahhhh! They won't learn a damn thing here.
I may or may not burn some kittens on Sept 29th...but I don't want any media coverage.

Any suggestions on how to approach this?

Yeah. Don't make a press release announcing it.

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