Media Bias...Obama's Advantage

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Well, not exactly a huge revelation...:lol:

but.. what the heck, shall we talk about the fact that Democrats always have an unfair advantage when it comes to the media or just accept it, laugh and move along..?


Just 22% of voters believe most reporters will try to offer unbiased coverage of Election 2012. Only nine percent (9%) think most reporters will try to help Romney win, while 51% believe most will be trying to help the president.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

Media bias in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So you're saying that our national media, which is entirely owned by _extremely_ conservative corporations, is actually liberal? The media is crazy pro-corporate, which generally translates into pro-Republican. Every Democrat knows they have to run against both the Republicans and the media.

The other problem with the modern media is how lazy it is, because reporting costs money. Almost every modern media outlet will unapologetically state that their mission isn't to report the truth. They'll say their mission is "to be fair". That is, play stenographer to the powerful and only report the hesaid/shesaid, which is an abdication of journalistic responsibility. If one side says "the earth is round" and one says "the earth is flat", the media headline will be "Opinions on Shape of Earth Differ." That's a huge benefit for the Republicans, being they are far more often the ones who are simply making it all up. So is the Ryan budget a laughable fantasy from top to bottom? Who cares. Adding up the numbers is haaaaaaaard. Far easier to just report "Budget Ideas Differ." And anyone who did dare add up the numbers and report it would get the label "LIBERAL MEDIA!", being that arithmetic is a socialist plot.
Well, not exactly a huge revelation...:lol:

but.. what the heck, shall we talk about the fact that Democrats always have an unfair advantage when it comes to the media or just accept it, laugh and move along..?


Just 22% of voters believe most reporters will try to offer unbiased coverage of Election 2012. Only nine percent (9%) think most reporters will try to help Romney win, while 51% believe most will be trying to help the president.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

Media bias in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's true. Most of the so-called journalists went to liberal colleges and were taught by liberal professors. It's a mindset. One to overcome for a win to save America from socialism, then bankruptcy.

Go R&R......:woohoo:
Well, not exactly a huge revelation...:lol:

but.. what the heck, shall we talk about the fact that Democrats always have an unfair advantage when it comes to the media or just accept it, laugh and move along..?


Just 22% of voters believe most reporters will try to offer unbiased coverage of Election 2012. Only nine percent (9%) think most reporters will try to help Romney win, while 51% believe most will be trying to help the president.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

Media bias in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's true. Most of the so-called journalists went to liberal colleges and were taught by liberal professors. It's a mindset. One to overcome for a win to save America from socialism, then bankruptcy.

Go R&R......:woohoo:

thanks for sharing.
Like you said, they're obviously pre-positioning their excuses for losing. Their two main excuses will be "LIBERAL MEDIA! and "DEMOCRATIC VOTE FRAUD!".
Well, not exactly a huge revelation...:lol:

but.. what the heck, shall we talk about the fact that Democrats always have an unfair advantage when it comes to the media or just accept it, laugh and move along..?


Just 22% of voters believe most reporters will try to offer unbiased coverage of Election 2012. Only nine percent (9%) think most reporters will try to help Romney win, while 51% believe most will be trying to help the president.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

Media bias in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's true. Most of the so-called journalists went to liberal colleges and were taught by liberal professors. It's a mindset. One to overcome for a win to save America from socialism, then bankruptcy.

Go R&R......:woohoo:

thanks for sharing.

Yes indeed, it's always nice when someone offers up a view or established fact in this case to stimulate discussion...:thup:
Like you said, they're obviously pre-positioning their excuses for losing. Their two main excuses will be "LIBERAL MEDIA! and "DEMOCRATIC VOTE FRAUD!".

Nope, there is no excuse. Either we are past the point of no return, or we still have time to repair the damage.
It's true. Most of the so-called journalists went to liberal colleges and were taught by liberal professors. It's a mindset. One to overcome for a win to save America from socialism, then bankruptcy.

Go R&R......:woohoo:

thanks for sharing.

Yes indeed, it's always nice when someone offers up a view or established fact in this case to stimulate discussion...:thup:

please, this is not discussion, nor is it debate.

it is the usual.
So you're saying that our national media, which is entirely owned by _extremely_ conservative corporations, is actually liberal? The media is crazy pro-corporate, which generally translates into pro-Republican. Every Democrat knows they have to run against both the Republicans and the media.

The other problem with the modern media is how lazy it is, because reporting costs money. Almost every modern media outlet will unapologetically state that their mission isn't to report the truth. They'll say their mission is "to be fair". That is, play stenographer to the powerful and only report the hesaid/shesaid, which is an abdication of journalistic responsibility. If one side says "the earth is round" and one says "the earth is flat", the media headline will be "Opinions on Shape of Earth Differ." That's a huge benefit for the Republicans, being they are far more often the ones who are simply making it all up. So is the Ryan budget a laughable fantasy from top to bottom? Who cares. Adding up the numbers is haaaaaaaard. Far easier to just report "Budget Ideas Differ." And anyone who did dare add up the numbers and report it would get the label "LIBERAL MEDIA!", being that arithmetic is a socialist plot.

Ted Turner is an extremely conservative corporation?

Who knew?
I like Bernie Goldbergs take on this;

its not that their is no bias, there is, in fox too, yet the msm gives themselves a pass, they will tell you fox is slanted bias and hard right yet they will also in thee same breath tell you that they are, as in Dan Rathers parlance, straight down the middle....:rolleyes: see; its only the other side that has a bias....:lol:
Everything has a bias, because we only experience the world subjectively.

Do I think there's an organizational left-wing bias in the media? No.

Do I think there's an organizational money bias in the media? Of course.
I like Bernie Goldbergs take on this;

its not that their is no bias, there is, in fox too, yet the msm gives themselves a pass, they will tell you fox is slanted bias and hard right yet they will also in thee same breath tell you that they are, as in Dan Rathers parlance, straight down the middle....:rolleyes: see; its only the other side that has a bias....:lol:
Msnbc is honest and says its left. Fox lies and says is fair and balanced. Can't you see this?
Everything has a bias, because we only experience the world subjectively.

Do I think there's an organizational left-wing bias in the media? No.

Do I think there's an organizational money bias in the media? Of course.

You don't believe the Democrat Party/Obama deliver talking points to the left wing media?

It's obvious to me, the same attacks, the same phrases, the same statistics...through-out the left wing media just picked up and repeated incessantly.
So you're saying that our national media, which is entirely owned by _extremely_ conservative corporations, is actually liberal? The media is crazy pro-corporate, which generally translates into pro-Republican. Every Democrat knows they have to run against both the Republicans and the media.

The other problem with the modern media is how lazy it is, because reporting costs money. Almost every modern media outlet will unapologetically state that their mission isn't to report the truth. They'll say their mission is "to be fair". That is, play stenographer to the powerful and only report the hesaid/shesaid, which is an abdication of journalistic responsibility. If one side says "the earth is round" and one says "the earth is flat", the media headline will be "Opinions on Shape of Earth Differ." That's a huge benefit for the Republicans, being they are far more often the ones who are simply making it all up. So is the Ryan budget a laughable fantasy from top to bottom? Who cares. Adding up the numbers is haaaaaaaard. Far easier to just report "Budget Ideas Differ." And anyone who did dare add up the numbers and report it would get the label "LIBERAL MEDIA!", being that arithmetic is a socialist plot.

owned by _EXTREMELY_ conservative corporations..
how the hell do you know that?
as for the rest...:eusa_shifty:

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