Media Caught Editing UCLA Killer's Religion Before Publication

Not surprising. Right after the shooting, they gave the impression it was some white guy, maybe a rightwing NRA member. At least that's what they were hoping. No, the guy was Indian and a Muslim. His profile was quickly changed from Islam as his religion to Hindu. Wow, the media will do anything to protect the image of Islam. They can't even report anything honestly unless it fits their narrative.

"As America’s Freedom Fighters reported earlier, media outlets, including the school’s paper, described the UCLA shooting suspect as a "6 foot tall white male," and the left was having a field day, blaming a "white, right-wing terrorist." There’s just one problem- he’s NOT white!

That’s why the liberal media isn’t telling their viewers his name- Mainak Sarkar. Not exactly a white person’s name huh?

If that’s not bad enough, the deceptive media has been caught been in the act of attempting to cover up both the race and religion of Sarkar in an effort to make his crime fit with a political narrative by editing his profile before publicizing his name.

UCLA student Pardes Seleh witnessed a shocking moment when everipedia changed Sarkar’s religion from Islam to Hindu, according to RedStateWatcher. The news is now all over social media:"

As usual, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. It's just more fear driven Right Wing crap. The guy is Bengali, which is predominantly Hindu, so the entry was corrected. That stupid shit about the liberal media is just more ignorance since that site can be updated by anyone just like Wikipedia. Besides much to your disappointment, the change to Hindu was CORRECT!
Judging a persons ethnicity by their name? More stupidity. People of certain regions of India ARE considered to be Caucasian, so any initial assessment was not unreasonable.
Not surprising. Right after the shooting, they gave the impression it was some white guy, maybe a rightwing NRA member. At least that's what they were hoping. No, the guy was Indian and a Muslim. His profile was quickly changed from Islam as his religion to Hindu. Wow, the media will do anything to protect the image of Islam. They can't even report anything honestly unless it fits their narrative.

"As America’s Freedom Fighters reported earlier, media outlets, including the school’s paper, described the UCLA shooting suspect as a "6 foot tall white male," and the left was having a field day, blaming a "white, right-wing terrorist." There’s just one problem- he’s NOT white!

That’s why the liberal media isn’t telling their viewers his name- Mainak Sarkar. Not exactly a white person’s name huh?

If that’s not bad enough, the deceptive media has been caught been in the act of attempting to cover up both the race and religion of Sarkar in an effort to make his crime fit with a political narrative by editing his profile before publicizing his name.

UCLA student Pardes Seleh witnessed a shocking moment when everipedia changed Sarkar’s religion from Islam to Hindu, according to RedStateWatcher. The news is now all over social media:"

As usual, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. It's just more fear driven Right Wing crap. The guy is Bengali, which is predominantly Hindu, so the entry was corrected. That stupid shit about the liberal media is just more ignorance since that site can be updated by anyone just like Wikipedia. Besides much to your disappointment, the change to Hindu was CORRECT!
Judging a persons ethnicity by their name? More stupidity. People of certain regions of India ARE considered to be Caucasian, so any initial assessment was not unreasonable.
Ya I mean his PICTURE sure looks Caucasian, RIGHT?
Even if he was a Muslim, this wasn't a terror attack, it was premeditated murder over some intellectual property that was in dispute, as well as the fact that this guy's elevator didn't go all the way to the top.
Which then begs the question 'so, why alter the facts?'.
This is about lefty media protecting the image of something perceived as non-white-male-Christian-American.
Not surprising. Right after the shooting, they gave the impression it was some white guy, maybe a rightwing NRA member. At least that's what they were hoping. No, the guy was Indian and a Muslim. His profile was quickly changed from Islam as his religion to Hindu. Wow, the media will do anything to protect the image of Islam. They can't even report anything honestly unless it fits their narrative.

"As America’s Freedom Fighters reported earlier, media outlets, including the school’s paper, described the UCLA shooting suspect as a "6 foot tall white male," and the left was having a field day, blaming a "white, right-wing terrorist." There’s just one problem- he’s NOT white!

That’s why the liberal media isn’t telling their viewers his name- Mainak Sarkar. Not exactly a white person’s name huh?

If that’s not bad enough, the deceptive media has been caught been in the act of attempting to cover up both the race and religion of Sarkar in an effort to make his crime fit with a political narrative by editing his profile before publicizing his name.

UCLA student Pardes Seleh witnessed a shocking moment when everipedia changed Sarkar’s religion from Islam to Hindu, according to RedStateWatcher. The news is now all over social media:"

As usual, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. It's just more fear driven Right Wing crap. The guy is Bengali, which is predominantly Hindu, so the entry was corrected. That stupid shit about the liberal media is just more ignorance since that site can be updated by anyone just like Wikipedia. Besides much to your disappointment, the change to Hindu was CORRECT!
Judging a persons ethnicity by their name? More stupidity. People of certain regions of India ARE considered to be Caucasian, so any initial assessment was not unreasonable.
So was he a six foot tall WHITE guy Hindu?
Not surprising. Right after the shooting, they gave the impression it was some white guy, maybe a rightwing NRA member. At least that's what they were hoping. No, the guy was Indian and a Muslim. His profile was quickly changed from Islam as his religion to Hindu. Wow, the media will do anything to protect the image of Islam. They can't even report anything honestly unless it fits their narrative.

"As America’s Freedom Fighters reported earlier, media outlets, including the school’s paper, described the UCLA shooting suspect as a "6 foot tall white male," and the left was having a field day, blaming a "white, right-wing terrorist." There’s just one problem- he’s NOT white!

That’s why the liberal media isn’t telling their viewers his name- Mainak Sarkar. Not exactly a white person’s name huh?

If that’s not bad enough, the deceptive media has been caught been in the act of attempting to cover up both the race and religion of Sarkar in an effort to make his crime fit with a political narrative by editing his profile before publicizing his name.

UCLA student Pardes Seleh witnessed a shocking moment when everipedia changed Sarkar’s religion from Islam to Hindu, according to RedStateWatcher. The news is now all over social media:"

As usual, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. It's just more fear driven Right Wing crap. The guy is Bengali, which is predominantly Hindu, so the entry was corrected. That stupid shit about the liberal media is just more ignorance since that site can be updated by anyone just like Wikipedia. Besides much to your disappointment, the change to Hindu was CORRECT!
Judging a persons ethnicity by their name? More stupidity. People of certain regions of India ARE considered to be Caucasian, so any initial assessment was not unreasonable.
Almost all of India is considered Caucasian, dumbass, and there is a high number of Muslims that are Bengali, hence the establishment of Bangladesh.
I don't believe the guy's religion played any part in his crime, but I DO question why the media did what they did. Any reasonable person would.
I don't believe the guy's religion played any part in his crime, but I DO question why the media did what they did. Any reasonable person would.

Maybe they didn't report on his religion (still have yet to see any news story say what it was), because they knew that if it sounded even vaguely Islamic, the scared people would start panicking and it would just stir up more anti Islamic sentiment.

Clearly, they knew it wasn't a terror attack, because they said on the news that it was a disagreement over intellectual property with 2 professors, and he was estranged from his wife. There's also some who are saying that he's not quite all there upstairs either.

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