Media crucifies Baseball star who called for siccing alligators on illegal invaders

people who talk shit one day and the next day or even hours later apologizing for what they said are pure gutless, spineless jelly fish like creatures who other people should shun as though they carried the "Black Plague".

i personally despise people who don't have the balls, guts or courage to stand behind their words.., remember, what is said, can not [sic] be un-said, what is heard, can not [sic] be un-heard, what is seen, can not [sic] be un-seen. :up:

You should apologize for that inappropriate statement.

ha ha ha...., you ARE joking.., RIGHT ? :laugh2:
people who talk shit one day and the next day or even hours later apologizing for what they said are pure gutless, spineless jelly fish like creatures who other people should shun as though they carried the "Black Plague".

i personally despise people who don't have the balls, guts or courage to stand behind their words.., remember, what is said, can not be un-said, what is heard, can not be un-heard, what is seen, can not be un-seen. :up:

"What is said cannot be unsaid", huh?
That belief kind of explains your insipid posting.

Neither you nor ShitSpitter know jack shit about baseball, do you? Chipper Jones is anything but "spineless" I assure you.
How to solve the "Illegal Immigration" problem.

if you are caught hiring an illegal alien, you pay a $10,000 fine and are put on a watch list. No "His papers looked legit". No "The agency sent her, I had no idea". Once you get caught, you are on the list, from the factory owner to the rich cow who can't be bothered raising her own children.

Second time you get caught. The fine goes up to $100,000, you have to put a sign in your business or home detailing what you did. Something like "I was caught hiring illegal aliens, cheating an American out of a good paying job. Please consider my lack of ethics when doing business with me."

Third time. Government takes everything you have.

Oh, yeah, and you create a 1-800 number where your employees can rat you out. If they are right, they get 10% of the proceeds.

Well, apparently people should learn to accept the fact that he has a right to free speech. If he said something supporting gay marriage, nobody would have said a word condemning it. I like this hypocrisy. Chipper was and is a role model for me. He can say whatever the hell he wants, he deserves it.
How to solve the "Illegal Immigration" problem.

if you are caught hiring an illegal alien, you pay a $10,000 fine and are put on a watch list. No "His papers looked legit". No "The agency sent her, I had no idea". Once you get caught, you are on the list, from the factory owner to the rich cow who can't be bothered raising her own children.

Second time you get caught. The fine goes up to $100,000, you have to put a sign in your business or home detailing what you did. Something like "I was caught hiring illegal aliens, cheating an American out of a good paying job. Please consider my lack of ethics when doing business with me."

Third time. Government takes everything you have.

Oh, yeah, and you create a 1-800 number where your employees can rat you out. If they are right, they get 10% of the proceeds.


Or, shoot on sight at the border. Nip it in the bud. Electrify the border fence. Do everything to deter it, except by legal means of course.
people who talk shit one day and the next day or even hours later apologizing for what they said are pure gutless, spineless jelly fish like creatures who other people should shun as though they carried the "Black Plague".

i personally despise people who don't have the balls, guts or courage to stand behind their words.., remember, what is said, can not be un-said, what is heard, can not be un-heard, what is seen, can not be un-seen. :up:

"What is said cannot be unsaid", huh? (i am guessing you are too stupid to understand that phrase)
That belief kind of explains your insipid posting. ("explains..,"only to a liarberal)

Neither you nor ShitSpitter know jack shit about baseball, do you? Chipper Jones is anything but "spineless" I assure you.

hummmm, pogo.., just as i thought.., swamp scum :laugh2: "insipid".., where did you learn that word ? sounds like you might want to suckle my "insipid" ..., aaah forget it !! you as a liarberal can NOT "assure" me of a damn thing. what the fuck does my knowledge of baseball have to do with a spineless jerk who is too cowardly to stand up and defend what he said ?
people who talk shit one day and the next day or even hours later apologizing for what they said are pure gutless, spineless jelly fish like creatures who other people should shun as though they carried the "Black Plague".

i personally despise people who don't have the balls, guts or courage to stand behind their words.., remember, what is said, can not be un-said, what is heard, can not be un-heard, what is seen, can not be un-seen. :up:

"What is said cannot be unsaid", huh? (i am guessing you are too stupid to understand that phrase)
That belief kind of explains your insipid posting. ("explains..,"only to a liarberal)

Neither you nor ShitSpitter know jack shit about baseball, do you? Chipper Jones is anything but "spineless" I assure you.

hummmm, pogo.., just as i thought.., swamp scum :laugh2: "insipid".., where did you learn that word ? sounds like you might want to suckle my "insipid" ..., aaah forget it !! you as a liarberal can NOT "assure" me of a damn thing. what the fuck does my knowledge of baseball have to do with a spineless jerk who is too cowardly to stand up and defend what he said ?

Sorry if "insipid" was over your head but that's your problem.
You attached an adjective to a person who you clearly have no clue about. Not that that doesn't describe virtually all of the human race. Sorry if "virtually" is over your head too.

Say OP, I missed where Chipper got "crucified". Is he gonna resurrect? Can I get tickets? Just don't let him put a Breves uniform on again. He makes my team cry.
Unkatore and Buckeye! Only 1 of 21 votes for illegal immigration on the poll! I win the Chipper Jones thread!
The Mexicans aren't even in the top 20 of what's destroying America. But talking about them can really stir up a crowd :cool:

40 million of these stinking parasites stealing jobs and govt benefits and IDs from the american people. And killing thousands of americans every year by their serial drunk driving. And you liberals say "no sweat'.

Illegal wars, illegal bailouts, and illegal aliens are the three biggest problems in america. THINK
How to solve the "Illegal Immigration" problem.

if you are caught hiring an illegal alien, you pay a $10,000 fine and are put on a watch list. No "His papers looked legit". No "The agency sent her, I had no idea". Once you get caught, you are on the list, from the factory owner to the rich cow who can't be bothered raising her own children.

I feel the same way. We can't let employers use the "i didn't know" excuse though naturally, if they can show they were unaware, the penalty should be less. It you're caught in bed with a 15 year old girl, you're not excused just because her ID said 18.

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