Media Cuts Off Trump on National TV

Incredible anti-American censorship. The media and the leftists are 100% done with free speech and have declared all out war on America. It's time to raise up.

This is a fucking disgrace. Arrest these talking heads, line them up and put them down. End of threat.
When he's just rambling it's not worth valuable airtime.
Uhh if you had bothered to watch the video and listened to the person reporting the news of how they unfairly cut him off,instead of coming on here babbling,you would know that you are rambling,telling the truth as trump was doing is not fucking rambling.jesus christ,grow up you trump haters.
I watched him when he was on. When it was done he had not said anything worthy of repeating. Just a bunch of bitching and baseless accusations.
If you are talking about the guy that was talking about what trump was saying in the video you are fucking lying and trolling as well the fact that guy was stating fucking proven FACTS not baseless accusations,hardly bitching at all telling the truth,grow up.
Right now the Trumpverse is even more fact-free than usual. You would do well to disregard any claims made by them. He's not going to be able to bullshit his way into another term.
When he's just rambling it's not worth valuable airtime.
Uhh if you had bothered to watch the video and listened to the person reporting the news of how they unfairly cut him off,instead of coming on here babbling,you would know that you are rambling,telling the truth as trump was doing is not fucking rambling.jesus christ,grow up you trump haters.
I watched him when he was on. When it was done he had not said anything worthy of repeating. Just a bunch of bitching and baseless accusations.
If you are talking about the guy that was talking about what trump was saying in the video you are fucking lying and trolling as well the fact that guy was stating fucking proven FACTS not baseless accusations,hardly bitching at all telling the truth,grow up.
Right now the Trumpverse is even more fact-free than usual. You would do well to disregard any claims made by them. He's not going to be able to bullshit his way into another term.

You are correct. The American People will elect him "into" another term. Wait and see. Pray, in fact, that Donald Trump is elected President again, in 2020. You want to threaten and intimidate We The People with mobs and riots; with a fake pandemic and mass fraud at the polls? Okay, Jack—fine. We will not threaten. We will not riot. If the Presidential Election is hijacked . . . well, you don't want to find out what happens next. Shiver and shake, do whatever you need to do, as you ponder this.
When the president acts like a madman and uses his pulpit for treason....what should they do? Give him a platform?

They were cool with it when Obama told us we could keep our health care plan and keep our doctor and are Healthcare premiums would decreased by $2,500 a year. I lost both my health care plan and my doctor which I like and I'm still waiting on my $2,500 reduction and health care premiums?
Thanks for exposing her closed mind and biased on trump as well as the media’s bias on biden.
When he's just rambling it's not worth valuable airtime.
Uhh if you had bothered to watch the video and listened to the person reporting the news of how they unfairly cut him off,instead of coming on here babbling,you would know that you are rambling,telling the truth as trump was doing is not fucking rambling.jesus christ,grow up you trump haters.
I watched him when he was on. When it was done he had not said anything worthy of repeating. Just a bunch of bitching and baseless accusations.
If you are talking about the guy that was talking about what trump was saying in the video you are fucking lying and trolling as well the fact that guy was stating fucking proven FACTS not baseless accusations,hardly bitching at all telling the truth,grow up.
Right now the Trumpverse is even more fact-free than usual. You would do well to disregard any claims made by them. He's not going to be able to bullshit his way into another term.

You are correct. The American People will elect him "into" another term. Wait and see. Pray, in fact, that Donald Trump is elected President again, in 2020. You want to threaten and intimidate We The People with mobs and riots; with a fake pandemic and mass fraud at the polls? Okay, Jack—fine. We will not threaten. We will not riot. If the Presidential Election is hijacked . . . well, you don't want to find out what happens next. Shiver and shake, do whatever you need to do, as you ponder this.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :TH_WAY~113:
When he's just rambling it's not worth valuable airtime.
Uhh if you had bothered to watch the video and listened to the person reporting the news of how they unfairly cut him off,instead of coming on here babbling,you would know that you are rambling,telling the truth as trump was doing is not fucking rambling.jesus christ,grow up you trump haters.
I watched him when he was on. When it was done he had not said anything worthy of repeating. Just a bunch of bitching and baseless accusations.
If you are talking about the guy that was talking about what trump was saying in the video you are fucking lying and trolling as well the fact that guy was stating fucking proven FACTS not baseless accusations,hardly bitching at all telling the truth,grow up.
Right now the Trumpverse is even more fact-free than usual. You would do well to disregard any claims made by them. He's not going to be able to bullshit his way into another term.
Trump is always looking for someone to blame. He is losing the election but instead of manning up to it and taking responsibility, he choses to blame our electoral system with unsubstantiated claims of fraud. This seems to be the pattern with Trump. He refused to take responsible for his botched management of the epidemic and blamed everybody from China to Obama to the Hospitals and their staff. He blamed the failure of his casino on the banks and Harrah management when in fact he timed the whole venture wrong and interfered with management he hired and undercut their decisions about something he knew nothing about. He blamed the failure of his football team, the New Jersey Generals on the coach he hired and the players. In fact, just about every one of his failures and there have been many, he managed find a scapegoat.

To put it bluntly, this man is a coward and can not face defeat. He always has to find something or someone to blame.
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When he's just rambling it's not worth valuable airtime.
Uhh if you had bothered to watch the video and listened to the person reporting the news of how they unfairly cut him off,instead of coming on here babbling,you would know that you are rambling,telling the truth as trump was doing is not fucking rambling.jesus christ,grow up you trump haters.
I watched him when he was on. When it was done he had not said anything worthy of repeating. Just a bunch of bitching and baseless accusations.
If you are talking about the guy that was talking about what trump was saying in the video you are fucking lying and trolling as well the fact that guy was stating fucking proven FACTS not baseless accusations,hardly bitching at all telling the truth,grow up.
Right now the Trumpverse is even more fact-free than usual. You would do well to disregard any claims made by them. He's not going to be able to bullshit his way into another term.
Trump is always looking for someone to blame. He is losing the election but instead of manning up to it and taking responsibility, he choses to blame our electoral system with unsubstantiated claims of fraud. This seem to be the pattern with Trump. He refused take responsible for his botched management of the epidemic and blamed everybody from China to Obama to Hospitals and their staff. He blamed the failure of his casino on the banks and Harrah management. Blamed the failure of his football team, the New Jersey Generals on the coach he hired and the players. In fact just about every one of his failure and there have been many, he managed find a scapegoat.

To put it bluntly, this man is a coward and can not face defeat.
Hey Charlie,had you done your research,you would know the virus was made here in the states and that mass murderer Obama which you will tell me of course,was not a mass murderer,did indeed have a huge hand in it.I don’t know why I even bother with even trying to explain that to you know the fact you cowardly evade facts covid is not anywhere near as dangerous as the yearly flu virus.

you are an even bigger coward than he is that you can’t accept defeat the virus numbers are inflated. And just because he is telling the truth that the election was rigged against him with big tech company’s funded by democrats with illegal mail in ballots and is doing the right thing challenging it going to court,only an idiot would accept defeat and not take it to court you dork. :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: Man don’t you ever get tired of embarrassing yourself here? Lol
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Hey Charlie,had you done your research,you would know the virus was made here in the states and that mass murderer Obama which you will tell me of course,was not a mass murderer,did indeed have a huge hand in it.I don’t know why I even bother with even trying to explain that to you know the fact you cowardly evade facts covid is not anywhere near as dangerous as the yearly flu virus.
All I can say is WOW!!!

Then I realize this is why we're 25th in math and science.
When he's just rambling it's not worth valuable airtime.
Uhh if you had bothered to watch the video and listened to the person reporting the news of how they unfairly cut him off,instead of coming on here babbling,you would know that you are rambling,telling the truth as trump was doing is not fucking rambling.jesus christ,grow up you trump haters.
I watched him when he was on. When it was done he had not said anything worthy of repeating. Just a bunch of bitching and baseless accusations.
If you are talking about the guy that was talking about what trump was saying in the video you are fucking lying and trolling as well the fact that guy was stating fucking proven FACTS not baseless accusations,hardly bitching at all telling the truth,grow up.
Right now the Trumpverse is even more fact-free than usual. You would do well to disregard any claims made by them. He's not going to be able to bullshit his way into another term.
Trump is always looking for someone to blame. He is losing the election but instead of manning up to it and taking responsibility, he choses to blame our electoral system with unsubstantiated claims of fraud. This seem to be the pattern with Trump. He refused take responsible for his botched management of the epidemic and blamed everybody from China to Obama to Hospitals and their staff. He blamed the failure of his casino on the banks and Harrah management. Blamed the failure of his football team, the New Jersey Generals on the coach he hired and the players. In fact just about every one of his failure and there have been many, he managed find a scapegoat.

To put it bluntly, this man is a coward and can not face defeat.
Hey Charlie,had you done your research,you would know the virus was made here in the states and that mass murderer Obama which you will tell me of course,was not a mass murderer,did indeed have a huge hand in it.I don’t know why I even bother with even trying to explain that to you know the fact you cowardly evade facts covid is not anywhere near as dangerous as the yearly flu virus.

you are an even bigger coward than he is that you can’t accept defeat the virus numbers are inflated. And just because he is telling the truth that the election was rigged against him with big tech company’s funded by democrats with illegal mail in ballots and is doing the right thing challenging it going to court,only an idiot would accept defeat and not take it to court you dork. :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: Man don’t you ever get tired of embarrassing yourself here? Lol
On the eve of the D-Day invasion, General Eisenhower penciled a note on a small pad to deliver if the invasion went wrong. Thankfully, he never needed to deliver it. It reads as follows:

"Our landings in the Cherbourg-Havre area have failed to gain a satisfactory foothold and I have withdrawn the troops," Eisenhower wrote. "My decision to attack at this time and place was based upon the best information available. The troops, the air and the Navy did all that bravery and devotion to duty could do. If any blame or fault attaches to the attempt it is mine alone."

One can only imagine what that letter would have looked like if Trump had written it, maybe something like this:

"Our landings in the Cherbourg-Havre area has failed to gain a satisfactory foothold. I have ordered the troops withdrawn. My generals who planned the invasion are a bunch of idiots and I've fired them. I take no responsibility for their failed attempt. I knew nothing about it at all."
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Hey Charlie,had you done your research,you would know the virus was made here in the states and that mass murderer Obama which you will tell me of course,was not a mass murderer,did indeed have a huge hand in it.I don’t know why I even bother with even trying to explain that to you know the fact you cowardly evade facts covid is not anywhere near as dangerous as the yearly flu virus.
All I can say is WOW!!!

Then I realize this is why we're 25th in math and science.
Donald Trump has been bullying science for the last seven months. Well he's about to get his ass handed to him by science's older brother, math.
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When the president acts like a madman and uses his pulpit for treason....what should they do? Give him a platform?
It's not their call to decide what I should or should not not hear the president say.
When the president acts like a madman and uses his pulpit for treason....what should they do? Give him a platform?

We have never before had an electoral situation where the POTUS was absolutely unhinged before. Never.
No we have not and the fool sounded deranged as he lied to America. That's why he got cut off.
When the president acts like a madman and uses his pulpit for treason....what should they do? Give him a platform?
It's not their call to decide what I should or should not not hear the president say.
Actually it is. Every time the president speaks it is not televised.
Just read today that Twitter will remove Trump's "special treatment" once he's out of office, or something like that.

And I personally witnessed ABC pulling the plug on him last night. Disgraceful.

It's worse than that.

If Main Stream Media declares Trump the winner (not the Electors later in the year!), Twitter will immediately enact this measure while Trump is still the President (which could mean tomorrow).
When the president acts like a madman and uses his pulpit for treason....what should they do? Give him a platform?
It's not their call to decide what I should or should not not hear the president say.
As matter of fact, it is their call. News networks have the right to report whatever they want to report. If they believe broadcasting unsubstantiated accusation by the president about our electoral system does not meet their standards, it's their right to pull it. In fact, many would say it is their responsible to not report false and misleading information that damages the faith in our elections. Had the president presented evidence to support his claims then it would be a different matter.

What Donald Trump is doing is creating a scapegoat for his failure to win the election just as he did for his failure to management the epidemic, and his numerous business failures. He simple lacks the courage to admit he failed, not because our electoral system failed him but rather because he failed to to get the votes he needed to win. In short, the man is a coward for not manning up to his failures.
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Just read today that Twitter will remove Trump's "special treatment" once he's out of office, or something like that.

And I personally witnessed ABC pulling the plug on him last night. Disgraceful.

It's worse than that.

If Main Stream Media declares Trump the winner (not the Electors later in the year!), Twitter will immediately enact this measure while Trump is still the President (which could mean tomorrow).
Mainstreet America has declared Trump a loser by 4.1 million votes with the highest voter turnout in over a century. The people have spoken loud and clear.
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When the president acts like a madman and uses his pulpit for treason....what should they do? Give him a platform?
It's not their call to decide what I should or should not not hear the president say.
As matter of fact, it is their call. News networks have the right to report whatever they want to report. If they believe broadcasting unsubstantiated accusation by the president about our electoral system does not meet their standards, it's their right to pull it. In fact, many would say it is their responsible to not report false and misleading information that damages the faith our elections. Had the president presented evidence to support his claims then it would be different matter.

What Donald Trump is doing is creating a scapegoat for his failure to win the election just as he did for his failure to management the epidemic, and his numerous business failures. He simple lacks the courage to admit he lost the election, not because our electoral system failed him but rather because he failed to to get the votes he needed to win. In short, the man is coward for not manning up to his failures.
Along with privilege comes responsibility, and if the networks are privileged to tell me what they want the president to have said, they are responsible to provide the whole context, not just the bits and pieces that further their narrative.

And who cares what TRUMP! is doing? He's the president and what he says matters a whole lot more than what just about anyone else has to say. Anyway, he'll be out of office soon enough and the Biden doldrums will commence. Just like Hillary refused to accept that she was retired by a talk show host, TRUMP! will have his own coping mechanisms. Why do you care?
When the president acts like a madman and uses his pulpit for treason....what should they do? Give him a platform?
It's not their call to decide what I should or should not not hear the president say.
As matter of fact, it is their call. News networks have the right to report whatever they want to report. If they believe broadcasting unsubstantiated accusation by the president about our electoral system does not meet their standards, it's their right to pull it. In fact, many would say it is their responsible to not report false and misleading information that damages the faith our elections. Had the president presented evidence to support his claims then it would be different matter.

What Donald Trump is doing is creating a scapegoat for his failure to win the election just as he did for his failure to management the epidemic, and his numerous business failures. He simple lacks the courage to admit he lost the election, not because our electoral system failed him but rather because he failed to to get the votes he needed to win. In short, the man is coward for not manning up to his failures.
Along with privilege comes responsibility, and if the networks are privileged to tell me what they want the president to have said, they are responsible to provide the whole context, not just the bits and pieces that further their narrative.

And who cares what TRUMP! is doing? He's the president and what he says matters a whole lot more than what just about anyone else has to say. Anyway, he'll be out of office soon enough and the Biden doldrums will commence. Just like Hillary refused to accept that she was retired by a talk show host, TRUMP! will have his own coping mechanisms. Why do you care?
I don't care about most of what the president says but when he launches unsubstantiated attack after attack on our electoral system, I do care. Faith that our electoral system is free and fair is essential to our democracy. Voters will turn away from a "rigged" fraudulent system that he claims exists. If Trump has real evidence of fraud, let him present it in a court of law so it can be corrected. But using the Bully Pulpit to spread unproven accusations and rumors does only harm. The networks were not only within their right to cut off the president, they were doing the right thing. Just as the guy that ran through a crowed auditorium screaming fire when none existed, what Trump is doing is equally as dangerous. He has done more to damage our election process in a few weeks than years of Russian hackers.
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