Media Flogging Photo of Russian "Massacre" Without a Drop of Blood Anywhere

Yahoo News/AP

Not saying it didn't happen but that is the dangest massakree I've ever seen. I've seen pictures of My Lai, Chicago Valentines Day gang-land slaughter, I mean blood everywhere, soaking in ground, faces unrecognizable, yikes. So please forgive my skepticism, MSM. The same MSM which also tells me Jeffrey Epstein hung himself from a bunk, and Covid is Spanish Flu.

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Perhaps the blood soaked in the ground they are laying on
Yahoo News/AP

Not saying it didn't happen but that is the dangest massakree I've ever seen. I've seen pictures of My Lai, Chicago Valentines Day gang-land slaughter, I mean blood everywhere, soaking in ground, faces unrecognizable, yikes. So please forgive my skepticism, MSM. The same MSM which also tells me Jeffrey Epstein hung himself from a bunk, and Covid is Spanish Flu.

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It’s a false flag leftist bs lie as usual.

You should see what the REAL news tells ppl when it’s the truth.

Russia Claims Bucha “Massacre” Is A False Flag As U.S. Media Calls For “Direct Military Involvement” In Conflict​

It’s a false flag leftist bs lie as usual.

You should see what the REAL news tells ppl when it’s the truth.

Russia Claims Bucha “Massacre” Is A False Flag As U.S. Media Calls For “Direct Military Involvement” In Conflict​

Russia has responded to claims that its forces committed war crimes by brutally Murdering civilians in a town close to Kiev, calling the incident “fake” and labelling its orchestration as a “staged” false flag “provocation.”

The so far unverified claims of the Ukrainian mayor of the town Bucha that Russian forces tortured and massacred civilians have been amplified by the media.
Sorry.....they started bombing movie theaters and nurseries. They've been focusing on the civilian population. After that...the gloves come off.
There's going to be some back and forth. You can't blame these people from doing everything they can to get rid of those SOBs.
If they came into my neighborhood I'd pick out their commander and blow his head off with a high-powered rifle. Most of the soldiers are conscripts and will run.
If I could get ahold of explosives....I'd be booby-trapping everything.
Those troops need to pay a price for invading their neighbors.
I don't like this any more than you do. But the person who needs to pay a price is Zalensky for choosing war. He had other choices and they weren't so bad. Hell he already did not have control over the two contested provinces so No change there. Also you are totally ignoring the 9 years of atrocities and the deaths of nearly 20,000 Russian speaking civilians at the hands of Ukraine. Kidnappings, rapes, murders....where the hell do you think the Russian army got the idea from in the first place? All with the blessing of the Ukrainian presidency. Putin is Putin....what he does is fairly predictable. But Zalensky was supposed to be this highly enlightened western style poltico.....yeah right. He was every bit the blood lusting murderer that we are now making Putin out to be. Two wrongs don't make a right.....but YOU DO NOT ENCOURAGE CHILDREN TO GO TO WAR.....that is totally fucked up beyond any way of fixing it as a social dysfunction. The parents who think they are doing something good have devolved into creatures that are less than civilized humans.

I don't like this any more than you do. But the person who needs to pay a price is Zalensky for choosing war. He had other choices and they weren't so bad. Hell he already did not have control over the two contested provinces so No change there. Also you are totally ignoring the 9 years of atrocities and the deaths of nearly 20,000 Russian speaking civilians at the hands of Ukraine. Kidnappings, rapes, murders....where the hell do you think the Russian army got the idea from in the first place? All with the blessing of the Ukrainian presidency. Putin is Putin....what he does is fairly predictable. But Zalensky was supposed to be this highly enlightened western style poltico.....yeah right. He was every bit the blood lusting murderer that we are not making Putin out to be. Two wrongs don't make a right.....but YOU DO NOT ENCOURAGE CHILDREN TO GO TO WAR.....that is totally fucked up beyond any way of fixing it as a social dysfunction. The parents who think they are doing something good have devolved into something less than civilized humans.


It's looking more and more like he's going to end up making the same deal with Putin that would have prevented the war.

It's looking more and more like he's going to end up making the same deal with Putin that would have prevented the war.
This is a danger point. The blood lusting lefties don't want to see that happen. They want a reason to send the US into the conflict....that will only bring about a nuclear confrontation. These assholes are totally insane. Yes the deal is almost the same one with the exception that Russia is willing to see Zalensky stay and doesn't care about the EU offering protection to long as its not NATO. Putin is correct in assuming that NATO absolutely wants to dissect Russia in behalf of the Banking cabal.

Yahoo News/AP

Not saying it didn't happen but that is the dangest massakree I've ever seen. I've seen pictures of My Lai, Chicago Valentines Day gang-land slaughter, I mean blood everywhere, soaking in ground, faces unrecognizable, yikes. So please forgive my skepticism, MSM. The same MSM which also tells me Jeffrey Epstein hung himself from a bunk, and Covid is Spanish Flu.

View attachment 625845
Blood can soak into pavement?
Its a staged scene that's pretty obvious....I'm sure those people are dead. This scene is similar to the scenes in Donbass and Luhansk over the past ten years of civil war wherein Ukrainian Military kidnapped, raped and murdered Russian speaking separatists in those provinces with Zalensky's blessing., The number of civilian deaths from those provinces is said to be about 20,000 that they know of. If it wasn't for a double standard the left would have no standards.

Nope, just stating facts. What are fighting aged Ukrainian men doing in Russian occupied areas?
What is she doing in Bucha? "sinister music playing" I hear she has those 200,000 votes that went missing in Georgia.

Col. MacGregor says the Ukrainian Army is doing what they saw in the Middle East: using civilians. that gives the Russians an excuse to shell their homes and their hospitals.

Think anyone will buy it?
You sure did.....but is anyone else this stupid?
Col. MacGregor says the Ukrainian Army is doing what they saw in the Middle East: using civilians.
Remember when Putin and Trump met in private and no one else was allowed to be in that private/secret meeting? I wonder what they talked about.

Macgregor, who served as a senior advisor under Trump, has frequently appeared on Fox News, including Tucker Carlson's show, to discuss Russia's invasion. He has received backlash from both Democrats and Republicans for seeming to take a stance favorable toward Russia and its President Vladimir Putin.

Leaked Kremlin Memo to Russian Media: It Is “Essential” to Feature Tucker Carlson​

The Russian government has pressed outlets to highlight the Fox host’s Putin-helping broadcasts.​

Connect the dots. Come on. You can connect the dots between Hunter, China and Burista I'm sure connecting these dots should be easy. Makes Trump look like a Putin puppet.
tucker and the rest of the useful idiots and all the sock puppets can fuck themselves.

Condoning and excusing and denying these atrocities just exposes them
tucker and the rest of the useful idiots and all the sock puppets can fuck themselves.

Condoning and excusing and denying these atrocities just exposes them
You would think they would have met and said, "you know, on this one issue, let's not play politics with it. It'll be just too hard to get Republican voters to go along with us on this one. Even though it's our job to say the exact opposite of whatever the Democrats say, this one maybe we should just not try that"

But we see Tucker tried, it didn't work, yet still the farthest right of right wingers on USMB are trying to convince us.

It's like a Democrat trying to defend Will Smith. We just can't as much as we want to.
Its a staged scene that's pretty obvious....I'm sure those people are dead. This scene is similar to the scenes in Donbass and Luhansk over the past ten years of civil war wherein Ukrainian Military kidnapped, raped and murdered Russian speaking separatists in those provinces with Zalensky's blessing., The number of civilian deaths from those provinces is said to be about 20,000 that they know of. If it wasn't for a double standard the left would have no standards.

Yep...Russia didn't invade.....they're shelling Ukraine in self-defense.
I don't like this any more than you do. But the person who needs to pay a price is Zalensky for choosing war. He had other choices and they weren't so bad. Hell he already did not have control over the two contested provinces so No change there. Also you are totally ignoring the 9 years of atrocities and the deaths of nearly 20,000 Russian speaking civilians at the hands of Ukraine. Kidnappings, rapes, murders....where the hell do you think the Russian army got the idea from in the first place? All with the blessing of the Ukrainian presidency. Putin is Putin....what he does is fairly predictable. But Zalensky was supposed to be this highly enlightened western style poltico.....yeah right. He was every bit the blood lusting murderer that we are now making Putin out to be. Two wrongs don't make a right.....but YOU DO NOT ENCOURAGE CHILDREN TO GO TO WAR.....that is totally fucked up beyond any way of fixing it as a social dysfunction. The parents who think they are doing something good have devolved into creatures that are less than civilized humans.

I never heard of any of that. I have heard of Crimea and Georgia.
I never heard of any of that. I have heard of Crimea and Georgia.

The new Google algorithms are already kicking in. I noticed that a number of my bookmarks were redirected today and I had to hand scratch with the mouse to re-find many of them. some of them actually required being typed in point for point. Soon we will have to get newspapers from Europe and Asia and have them translated to find out what is actually going on . We are heading into an information back out I think.

Well you can view the page but the NET LORDS won't allow you to open the video
I'll get it from my brother in law in France.....the I'll up load it to a post...might take a week.

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Oh look. A sock puppet spewing more Russian propaganda

Nah....its the real thing. Anyone who has watched international news for the past ten years knows these things happened there. Sorry Charlie you don't make the starkist can.


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