Media Flogging Photo of Russian "Massacre" Without a Drop of Blood Anywhere

I know you've already seen this link what makes you think I didn't see it too? Zalensky is no hero he's a craven coward who was willing to throw his entire nation under the wheel of a crushing war machine just save a few Western alliances and a few personal wealth bucks. Just fess up and admit that you're a propaganda hack who is more dedicated to the narrative than you are to telling the truth. Go march with the rest of your rainbow coalition faggots who are too busy putting skirts on men to pay attention to the fact that our enemies globally have already outpaced us in the race for domination because they're actually paying attention.
Awww, from your own link proving these people are volunteers.

Volunteer to serve Russia.
Awww, from your own link proving these people are volunteers.

Volunteer to serve Russia.
Like I said you don't send children into battle. Zalensky stupidly deputized his entire nation by saying anyone who wants to fight can fight. If a Russian soldier sees a 12 year old girl with a combat rifle pointed at him he's going to pop her. Zalensky knows this.... The girl's parents know this. You want to blame somebody be honest and put the blame where it belongs. These pictures are disgusting.... They are no different than Palestinian parents strapping bombs on their 6 year old kids. In the end when that asshole signs the documents that he should have signed in the first place all the war memorials will be over dead bodies who died for nothing but global aggression, ambition and greed. And yes by allowing it to continue he is sending them.
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I don't give a shit what it sounds like to you. You stuck on a word? Good for you. Maybe you can explain that to the parents of the kids who get shot because they're using weapons against Russian soldiers. Oh well he wasn't officially conscripted. If you have to run to the dictionary to save your ass it means you've already lost the argument. And what about that metrosexual faggot Zalensky? Any Man worth his salt would see something like this happening and move very quickly to avoid it. He's going to sign the same damn documents he could have signed a month ago without a single bullet being fired.
Why would Zalensky sign or have to sign ANYTHING from Russia?

" Maybe you can explain that to the parents of the kids who get shot because they're using weapons against Russian soldiers. Oh well he wasn't officially conscripted".

Explain what?
Kids who get shot?

Ukrainians do watch the US news, they are well aware of what happens to kids who get shot.

" If you have to run to the dictionary to save your ass it means you've already lost the argument".

Just trying to help Trumptards with the correct pronunciation and definition of the bigly words,
/kənˈskripSH(ə)n/ ISN'T VOLUNTEERING.
Yahoo News/AP

Not saying it didn't happen but that is the dangest massakree I've ever seen. I've seen pictures of My Lai, Chicago Valentines Day gang-land slaughter, I mean blood everywhere, soaking in ground, faces unrecognizable, yikes. So please forgive my skepticism, MSM. The same MSM which also tells me Jeffrey Epstein hung himself from a bunk, and Covid is Spanish Flu.

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I'll expose what your trying to say.
Youre saying its propaganda because you support the communists.

How do you know how they were slaughtered? Perhaps they were placed there for pick up like the other 380 they buried in a mass grave. Perhaps it was all faked just to make your communist buddy look ruthless.

You Trump supporters are a disgusting mob of idiots. You'll do and say anything to make Biden look bad.
In the end putin will lose and Biden will be responsible. Let's see if you sell parade around chortling about the victory then. You gutless wimp.
Why would Zalensky sign or have to sign ANYTHING from Russia?

" Maybe you can explain that to the parents of the kids who get shot because they're using weapons against Russian soldiers. Oh well he wasn't officially conscripted".

Explain what?
Kids who get shot?

Ukrainians do watch the US news, they are well aware of what happens to kids who get shot.

" If you have to run to the dictionary to save your ass it means you've already lost the argument".

Just trying to help Trumptards with the correct pronunciation and definition of the bigly words,
/kənˈskripSH(ə)n/ ISN'T VOLUNTEERING.
Sure Putin's going to have to face it too.
There's already a tremendous amount of civil unrest in Russia over the deaths of young Russian soldiers. What's the matter with you retards why must you always try to pigeonhole someone who disagrees with you into the enemy side? That is a serious neurosis.
In the end there's no way you can justify what Ukraine is allowing its children to do. You can't whitewash it you can't rationalize it you can't make it okay no matter how hard you try. Zalensky didn't have to do anything but he's going to do it now isn't he asshole? This was so much better for him to wait until tens of thousands of civilians were dead don't you think? Your boy is nothing but a camera hungry self-important little puke.
I noticed that his kids are just fine geez I wonder where they are??probably not in the country.
Like I said you don't send children into battle. Zalensky stupidly deputized his entire nation by saying anyone who wants to fight can fight.
Nothing wrong with it.
If Russia or China were invading the US, children would be firing weapons here too.

Where else would the poor children go?
If a Russian soldier sees a 12 year old girl with a combat rifle pointed at him he's going to pop her. Zalensky knows this.... The girl's parents know this. You want to blame somebody be honest and put the blame where it belongs. These pictures are disgusting.... They are no different than Palestinian parents strapping bombs on their 6 year old kids.
WOW, you're FOS.
Strapping a bomb on a child is guaranteed suicide, defending oneself with a weapon isn't.

In the end when that asshole signs the documents that he should have signed in the first place all the war memorials will be over dead bodies who died for nothing but global aggression, ambition and greed.
WTF did Ukraine do that was ANY of that?

And yes by allowing it to continue he is sending them.
Sure Putin's going to have to face it too.
There's already a tremendous amount of civil unrest in Russia over the deaths of young Russian soldiers. What's the matter with you retards why must you always try to pigeonhole someone who disagrees with you into the enemy side?
That is only because...............................YOU DO.
That is a serious neurosis.
In the end there's no way you can justify what Ukraine is allowing its children to do. You can't whitewash it you can't rationalize it you can't make it okay no matter how hard you try. Zalensky didn't have to do anything but he's going to do it now isn't he asshole?
Sign a peace agreement?
Zalenski was calling for that in the first week.

Zalenski still isn't signing Putin's papers.
This was so much better for him to wait until tens of thousands of civilians were dead don't you think?
That is only because...............................YOU DO.

Sign a peace agreement?
Zalenski was calling for that in the first week.

Zalenski still isn't signing Putin's papers.
Bullshit..... What he was asked to do he did not want to do. I'm not saying it was easy... But nothing is set in stone. He could have negotiated without a single shot being fired and he chose War instead that simple. The United States and NATO have their fingerprints all over this shit. In the final analysis he took some bad advice from some very bad actors.
Bullshit..... What he was asked to do he did not want to do. I'm not saying it was easy... But nothing is set in stone. He could have negotiated without a single shot being fired and he chose War instead that's simple.
Ukraine invaded Russia?
The United States and NATO has its finger prints all over this shit. In the final analysis he took some bad advice from some very bad actors.
Of course, they did.
They forced Ukraine to invade Russia.

Does the Kremlin email you directly or do you go through Belarus?
Ukraine invaded Russia?

Of course, they did.
They forced Ukraine to invade Russia.

Does the Kremlin email you directly or do you go through Belarus?
This post is pretty much non-sequitur.... Which means you're desperately trying to regain face after having your ass handed to you..

I don't respond to non sequitur.... Except to do this.

And I'm not going to help you stop looking like an idiot.
I knew the day Russian atrocities started coming to light the Putin fan club would say it's all fake. Thank all you traitors for being entirely predictable. May you all rot in Hell.
It just keeps getting worse. They're emboldened now. It appears we really may be heading into a period of authoritarianism.
This post is pretty much non-sequitur.... Which means you're desperately trying to regain face after having your ass handed to you..
Sure, whatever.
Just like Trump, a page right out of the Putin playbook.

"Nyet, my people would never poison me".


I don't respond to non sequitur.... Except to do this.

And I'm not going to help you stop looking like an idiot.
As you are the Trump cult defending Russia?
It just keeps getting worse. They're emboldened now. It appears we really may be heading into a period of authoritarianism.
Republicans spent so much time in Russia, meeting with Russians and defending Russians, they figured why not give it a shot?


And then...........................................they did.
Start listing your reasons then. These folks were called upon by the Ukrianian president to resist and serve, yet were supposedly unarmed in enemy occupied territory.
Says who? Who are you listening to? They may be cherry picking and trying to make something out of nothing. Are you telling us you have a credible source? Boots on the ground?

Then you're being spoon fed by Alex Jones. He also said Sandy Hook was a hoax.
We will....right next to Obama, Trump,Bush

The Ukrainians are firing on the Russian Troops. Yes....even the children are doing it with Zalensky's blessing. He's giving them the guns. He stupidly deputized all of his citizens by saying that anyone who wants to fight can fight.....Now THAT IS a war crime IMO. If they fire on the regular Russian infantry as untrained civilians not wearing a uniform.....well.....what can I say?
Sorry.....they started bombing movie theaters and nurseries. They've been focusing on the civilian population. After that...the gloves come off.
There's going to be some back and forth. You can't blame these people from doing everything they can to get rid of those SOBs.
If they came into my neighborhood I'd pick out their commander and blow his head off with a high-powered rifle. Most of the soldiers are conscripts and will run.
If I could get ahold of explosives....I'd be booby-trapping everything.
Those troops need to pay a price for invading their neighbors.
Yahoo News/AP

Not saying it didn't happen but that is the dangest massakree I've ever seen. I've seen pictures of My Lai, Chicago Valentines Day gang-land slaughter, I mean blood everywhere, soaking in ground, faces unrecognizable, yikes. So please forgive my skepticism, MSM. The same MSM which also tells me Jeffrey Epstein hung himself from a bunk, and Covid is Spanish Flu.

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You're rootin' for Putin and his war crimes, aren't you?
There is a video, Russia is calling an emergency meeting of UN Security Council regarding Bucha. What was fist though to be retaliation for those 100+ burned alive at Odessa, may have been a Ukrainian provocation. White armbands on the dead identified them as pro-Russian. Russians left Bucha on 31 Mar and the massacre was reported on 3 Ap. Germany is a now an excellent place for pro-Russian rallies.
Sorry.....they started bombing movie theaters and nurseries. They've been focusing on the civilian population. After that...the gloves come off.
There's going to be some back and forth. You can't blame these people from doing everything they can to get rid of those SOBs.
If they came into my neighborhood I'd pick out their commander and blow his head off with a high-powered rifle. Most of the soldiers are conscripts and will run.
If I could get ahold of explosives....I'd be booby-trapping everything.
Those troops need to pay a price for invading their neighbors.
Col. MacGregor says the Ukrainian Army is doing what they saw in the Middle East: using civilians.

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