Media Hoax: 20 Muslims Holding Hands Become 1,000-Strong ‘Ring of Peace’ at Oslo Synagogue

False Reuters Headline at Yahoo News President Obama Visits the Border

It's not a lie. Reuters is not Liberal, so by definition it must be Right-wing. :biggrin:
Why lie?
But some Right wing headlines said there were 1,000 Muslims. As was pointed out, AP reported it correctly and Reuters reported it wrong. For the most part those media that cited AP, Left or Right, got it correct and those who cited Reuters, Left or Right got it wrong. Why would the Right-wing media citing Reuters be pulling a hoax. The real hoaxers are the ones accusing the media of a hoax.
Since when is Reuters "right-wing?"
Since always.
Further proof Reuters is Right-wing.
from rosie
do you have a link to support your assertion that muslims are "LESS LIKELY"
to report hate crimes against themselves?

answer from coyote
Statistics - Muslim Public Affairs Council
According to the LACCHR'S 2003 report, many immigrant groups including Asians, Middle Easterners and Latinos, are likely to under-report hate crimes against them for several cultural reasons, such as reluctance to contact authorities, lack of familiarity with hate crime laws, etc.

from rosie>>>
I am still waiting for a link to YOUR assertion COYOTE---that
MUSLIMS are less likely to report hate crimes In the post 9-11
period they were reporting "crimes" that did not exist all the way
to ------on the NEW SUBWAY system "SOMEBOY LOOKED AT ME
WITH HOSTILITY" "a person pulled my hijab" was the most common
shit mouth lie-----somehow such acts were never witnessed by an impartial
entity. The cops were beside themselves----being FORCED to make this
idiot claim a "report" Same people who refuse to make reports on petty
vandalisms like -------swawstikas-----the one on the side of my house ----
the one I lived in back then-----is still there---- no one cares---including me.
Wherever there are muslims-----they used to show up----but not in the Italian
sections of town. Plaster garden Marys----no longer get smashed

Come on, Rosie. Coyote wouldn't devote so many tens of thousands of postings across multiple forums if she didn't C.A.I.R. so much about the plight of the poor, misunderstood Islamist supremacist.
So as of last night al Jazeera America was still promoting the 1000 strong "Ring of Peace" hoax.
from rosie
do you have a link to support your assertion that muslims are "LESS LIKELY"
to report hate crimes against themselves?

answer from coyote
Statistics - Muslim Public Affairs Council
According to the LACCHR'S 2003 report, many immigrant groups including Asians, Middle Easterners and Latinos, are likely to under-report hate crimes against them for several cultural reasons, such as reluctance to contact authorities, lack of familiarity with hate crime laws, etc.

from rosie>>>
I am still waiting for a link to YOUR assertion COYOTE---that
MUSLIMS are less likely to report hate crimes In the post 9-11
period they were reporting "crimes" that did not exist all the way
to ------on the NEW SUBWAY system "SOMEBOY LOOKED AT ME
WITH HOSTILITY" "a person pulled my hijab" was the most common
shit mouth lie-----somehow such acts were never witnessed by an impartial
entity. The cops were beside themselves----being FORCED to make this
idiot claim a "report" Same people who refuse to make reports on petty
vandalisms like -------swawstikas-----the one on the side of my house ----
the one I lived in back then-----is still there---- no one cares---including me.
Wherever there are muslims-----they used to show up----but not in the Italian
sections of town. Plaster garden Marys----no longer get smashed

Come on, Rosie. Coyote wouldn't devote so many tens of thousands of postings across multiple forums if she didn't C.A.I.R. so much about the plight of the poor, misunderstood Islamist supremacist.

At least she's been outed now. For so long I thought this women Coyote was simply a misguided person. Now we know shes a mouth piece for the islamist.
Not according to FBI statistics - the same statistics that record anti-semitic viiolence.

Frankly, I always assumed attacks against ANY innocent people mattered and no one life weighed more than another.

You certainly have an interesting outlook on the value of life.

Religious bias
Of the 1,340 victims of an anti-religious hate crime:

  • 62.4 percent were victims of an offender’s anti-Jewish bias.
  • 11.6 percent were victims of an anti-Islamic bias.
  • 7.5 percent were victims of a bias against groups of individuals of varying religions (anti-multiple religions, group).
  • 6.4 percent were victims of an anti-Catholic bias.
  • 2.6 percent were victims of an anti-Protestant bias.
  • 0.9 percent were victims of an anti-Atheist/Agnostic bias.
  • 8.6 percent were victims of a bias against other religions (anti-other religion). (Based on Table 1

Hate crimes are grossly underreported and Muslims are less likely to report it. And yes - hate crimes against Jews are higher than those against Muslim. However - anti-Muslim hate crimes have gone up, hugely, since 9/11 Anti-Muslim hate crimes are still five times more common today than before 9 11 - The Washington Post Even when you take into acount the spike that followed 9/11 it is still many times higher than before. Hate crimes against Muslims are the second largest group of religious crimes.

And again: I always assumed attacks against ANY innocent people mattered and no one life weighed more than another.

do you have a link to support your assertion that muslims are "LESS LIKELY"
to report hate crimes against themselves?

Statistics - Muslim Public Affairs Council
According to the LACCHR'S 2003 report, many immigrant groups including Asians, Middle Easterners and Latinos, are likely to under-report hate crimes against them for several cultural reasons, such as reluctance to contact authorities, lack of familiarity with hate crime laws, etc.

muslim Public Affairs Council has it's origins in the muslim Brotherhood as does CAIR

MPAC claims that Islam is a religion of peace and moderation, and contends that Muslim extremists are no more numerous or dangerous than fundamentalists in any other faith. “There are radical Christian, Jewish and Hindu movements, too,” says MPAC, “which are also capable of slaughtering innocents.” On occasion, MPAC has publicly condemned Islamic suicide bombings. These condemnations, however, are invariably accompanied by endorsements of Muslim “resistance” and “armed struggle” which MPAC frames as justified retribution against prior Israeli or Western transgressions.

Holding Israel entirely responsible for the "pattern of violence" in the Middle East, MPAC asserts that Hezbollah “could be called a liberation movement.” The Council likens Hezbollah members to American “freedom fighters hundreds of years ago whom the British regarded as terrorists.” In a November 1997 speech at the University of Pennsylvania, MPAC Co-Founder and Executive Director Salam Al-Marayati steadfastlyrefused to call Hezbollah a terrorist organization; he justified the existence of Hamasas a political entity and a provider of social programs and “educational operations”; and he equated jihad with the sentiments of the American statesman Patrick Henry, whose “Give me liberty or give me death” declaration was, in Al-Marayati’s view, “a way of looking at the term jihad from an American perspective.” In a 1999 position paper, MPAC justified Hezbollah’s deadly 1983 bombing of the American Marine barracks in Lebanon as a "military operation" rather than a terrorist attack. As Maher Hathout puts it: "Hezbollah is fighting for freedom, an organized army, limiting its operations against military people, this is a legitimate target against occupation. … this is legitimate, this is an American value -- freedom and liberty."
MPAC’s worldview is further revealed by its many additional public statements on a wide array of issues and events:

  • According to MPAC: “Israel was established by terrorism”; its founding “involved the unjust and illegal usurpation of Muslim and Christian land and rights”; and “to recognize the legitimacy of that crime is a crime in itself.”
  • MPAC characterizes Israel as a “racist, chauvinistic and militaristic” state that is prosecuting “a war to steal land from Palestinians, to decimate their leadership, to humiliate the Palestinian people.”
  • Condemning Israel’s “apartheid-like ideology,” MPAC warns: “History shows that Muslim and Christian religious rights are not safe under Israeli occupation.”
  • Israelis are “the worst terrorists in the world,” says MPAC, “… Yet Israel is not found on the list of state sponsors of terrorism in the [U.S.] State Department Report on Terrorism.”
  • MPAC co-sponsored pro-Palestinian rallies in the fall of 2000, where MPAC speakers chanted “Khaybar, Khaybar, oh Jews, the Army of Muhammed is coming for you!” The rally featured literature and many placards calling for the annihilation of the Jews and Israel.
  • A few hours after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, MPAC Co-Founder Salam Al-Marayati told a Los Angeles talk radio audience: "If we're going to look at suspects, we should look at the groups that benefit the most from these kinds of incidents, and I think we should put the state of Israel on the suspect list because I think this diverts attention from what's happening in the Palestinian territories so that they can go on with their aggression and occupation and apartheid policies."

  • MPAC speakers regularly complain that the U.S. is “dominated” by Zionists and favors Jews over Muslims.
  • Opposed to efforts to shut down Islamic charities that fund terrorism -- alleging that such efforts interfere with freedom of religion and the exercise of the Muslim obligation to give to charity -- MPAC states that the U.S. government should instead investigate what it terms Jewish “terrorists” like the Jewish Defense League. The Council signed and sponsored a petition to reinstate the assets of Hamas’ charitable front, the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, after it was designated as a front for terrorist financing.
  • According to MPAC, “A major threat to the safety of the Muslim community is the Islam-bashing that has been very evident since 9/11. There has been a steady stream of attacks on the Quran … These attacks are vicious, mean-spirited, and politically motivated. … [T]he most sustained and vitriolic [attacks] are from right-wing Christian groups led by Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson.”
  • The MPAC 2002 Annual Banquet featured Ali Al-Mazrui, a SUNY-Binghamton professor who said: "There is also suspicion that some members of the Bush administration in collusion with Israel are more than ready to plunge the Middle East into turmoil in the hope that the final outcome would be to the territorial advantage of Israel and the strategic advantage of the United States. All this is part of the emerging external sadism of the United States, a readiness to hurt others abroad."

That's a real unbiased source isn't it?:rolleyes-41:
from rosie
do you have a link to support your assertion that muslims are "LESS LIKELY"
to report hate crimes against themselves?

answer from coyote
Statistics - Muslim Public Affairs Council
According to the LACCHR'S 2003 report, many immigrant groups including Asians, Middle Easterners and Latinos, are likely to under-report hate crimes against them for several cultural reasons, such as reluctance to contact authorities, lack of familiarity with hate crime laws, etc.

from rosie>>>
I am still waiting for a link to YOUR assertion COYOTE---that
MUSLIMS are less likely to report hate crimes In the post 9-11
period they were reporting "crimes" that did not exist all the way
to ------on the NEW SUBWAY system "SOMEBOY LOOKED AT ME
WITH HOSTILITY" "a person pulled my hijab" was the most common
shit mouth lie-----somehow such acts were never witnessed by an impartial
entity. The cops were beside themselves----being FORCED to make this
idiot claim a "report" Same people who refuse to make reports on petty
vandalisms like -------swawstikas-----the one on the side of my house ----
the one I lived in back then-----is still there---- no one cares---including me.
Wherever there are muslims-----they used to show up----but not in the Italian
sections of town. Plaster garden Marys----no longer get smashed

Come on, Rosie. Coyote wouldn't devote so many tens of thousands of postings across multiple forums if she didn't C.A.I.R. so much about the plight of the poor, misunderstood Islamist supremacist.

At least she's been outed now. For so long I thought this women Coyote was simply a misguided person. Now we know shes a mouth piece for the islamist.

Think what you want. You've shown yourself to be little more than a bigot.
Think what you want. You've shown yourself to be little more than a bigot.

Resisting those whose mission it is to replace our western values with the jack boot of totalitarian Islamic intolerance does not make one a bigot.

It makes one a patriot.
Think what you want. You've shown yourself to be little more than a bigot.

Resisting those whose mission it is to replace our western values with the jack boot of totalitarian Islamic intolerance does not make one a bigot.

It makes one a patriot.

You are no patriot.

Patriotism is often misused to disguise moral cowardice.
you got some examples of that "bigot" thing and "moral cowardice" thing------
uhm-----among the various empty phrases you like to TOSS about, coyote?
you got some examples of that "bigot" thing and "moral cowardice" thing------
uhm-----among the various empty phrases you like to TOSS about, coyote?

Sure,. once Dogma provides links to his various accusations (which are repeatedly asked for but never provided) then I'd by happy too :)
you got some examples of that "bigot" thing and "moral cowardice" thing------
uhm-----among the various empty phrases you like to TOSS about, coyote?

Sure,. once Dogma provides links to his various accusations (which are repeatedly asked for but never provided) then I'd by happy too :)

not posting links equals BIGOTRY and MORAL COWARDICE? --

BTW you got that link to support YOUR ASSERTION that muslims
are MORE LIKELY than other groups to report hate crimes?
you got some examples of that "bigot" thing and "moral cowardice" thing------
uhm-----among the various empty phrases you like to TOSS about, coyote?

Sure,. once Dogma provides links to his various accusations (which are repeatedly asked for but never provided) then I'd by happy too :)

not posting links equals BIGOTRY and MORAL COWARDICE? --

BTW you got that link to support YOUR ASSERTION that muslims
are MORE LIKELY than other groups to report hate crimes?

No one said it did Rosie, try to keep up.
I really lack the time or the "give a fuck" to follow all of your links to see if they were bullshit or actual real evidence of harm done to Muslims.
So.... I randomly selected one link, namely, 15 Anti-Muslim Attacks Reported in France Since Charlie Hebdo News teleSUR
I followed the link and read the story. About all it does is talk about how Iceland is racist. There is no evidence of even one anti-Muslim attack, let alone 15.

I won't follow another link without at least a teaser paragraph that supports your claim.

Believe what you want. I was asked to supply links and I did. You've supplied nothing to refute it.
Your links contain nothing but fluff. Really a kid got slapped at school?
you got some examples of that "bigot" thing and "moral cowardice" thing------
uhm-----among the various empty phrases you like to TOSS about, coyote?

Sure,. once Dogma provides links to his various accusations (which are repeatedly asked for but never provided) then I'd by happy too :)

not posting links equals BIGOTRY and MORAL COWARDICE? --

BTW you got that link to support YOUR ASSERTION that muslims
are MORE LIKELY than other groups to report hate crimes?

No one said it did Rosie, try to keep up.

oh typo!!!!! I had asked for you to post a link to your assertion
report hate crimes--------this is the second time I am asking for that
link-------the question above was mis-written try to keep up
you got some examples of that "bigot" thing and "moral cowardice" thing------
uhm-----among the various empty phrases you like to TOSS about, coyote?

Sure,. once Dogma provides links to his various accusations (which are repeatedly asked for but never provided) then I'd by happy too :)

not posting links equals BIGOTRY and MORAL COWARDICE? --

BTW you got that link to support YOUR ASSERTION that muslims
are MORE LIKELY than other groups to report hate crimes?

No one said it did Rosie, try to keep up.

oh typo!!!!! I had asked for you to post a link to your assertion
report hate crimes--------this is the second time I am asking for that
link-------the question above was mis-written try to keep up

Link was posted. Not my fault if you don't read through the thread.
you got some examples of that "bigot" thing and "moral cowardice" thing------
uhm-----among the various empty phrases you like to TOSS about, coyote?

Sure,. once Dogma provides links to his various accusations (which are repeatedly asked for but never provided) then I'd by happy too :)

not posting links equals BIGOTRY and MORAL COWARDICE? --

BTW you got that link to support YOUR ASSERTION that muslims
are MORE LIKELY than other groups to report hate crimes?

No one said it did Rosie, try to keep up.

oh typo!!!!! I had asked for you to post a link to your assertion
report hate crimes--------this is the second time I am asking for that
link-------the question above was mis-written try to keep up

Link was posted. Not my fault if you don't read through the thread.

I read the link you posted------it did not make the claim that you made----
it was a kind of CONJECTURE----that immigrant groups IN GENERAL---
avoid making waves and are afraid of cops------it was no evidence of anything
at all. certainly did not indicate that muslims are PARTICULARLY RETICENT
IN THE FACE OF ABUSE--------in fact------they ain't reticent about anything
regarding their own perceived "rights"
I really lack the time or the "give a fuck" to follow all of your links to see if they were bullshit or actual real evidence of harm done to Muslims.
So.... I randomly selected one link, namely, 15 Anti-Muslim Attacks Reported in France Since Charlie Hebdo News teleSUR
I followed the link and read the story. About all it does is talk about how Iceland is racist. There is no evidence of even one anti-Muslim attack, let alone 15.

I won't follow another link without at least a teaser paragraph that supports your claim.

Believe what you want. I was asked to supply links and I did. You've supplied nothing to refute it.
Your links contain nothing but fluff. Really a kid got slapped at school?

Sure. Fluff.

Media Hoax 20 Muslims Holding Hands Become 1 000-Strong Ring of Peace at Oslo Synagogue Page 6 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Mosques in French have in recent years regularly been targeted, but since Wednesday’s deadly attack on the satirical magazine by a pair of radical Islamists, there has been a spike in the number of attacks.

The latest came on Friday night when shots were fired at a Muslim prayer centre in Digne-les-Bains in Provence, and at a mosque in Soissons, about 20 miles away from the town where the Charlie Hebdo suspects were shot dead by police.

On Thursday, a homemade bomb went off outside a mosque in the central city of Villefranche-sur-Saone, while on Friday the head of a wild pig was placed outside a prayer room in Corte in Corsica.

A letter lay beside the head that warned “the next time it will be the head of one of yours.”
Sure,. once Dogma provides links to his various accusations (which are repeatedly asked for but never provided) then I'd by happy too :)

not posting links equals BIGOTRY and MORAL COWARDICE? --

BTW you got that link to support YOUR ASSERTION that muslims
are MORE LIKELY than other groups to report hate crimes?

No one said it did Rosie, try to keep up.

oh typo!!!!! I had asked for you to post a link to your assertion
report hate crimes--------this is the second time I am asking for that
link-------the question above was mis-written try to keep up

Link was posted. Not my fault if you don't read through the thread.

I read the link you posted------it did not make the claim that you made----
it was a kind of CONJECTURE----that immigrant groups IN GENERAL---
avoid making waves and are afraid of cops------it was no evidence of anything
at all. certainly did not indicate that muslims are PARTICULARLY RETICENT
IN THE FACE OF ABUSE--------in fact------they ain't reticent about anything
regarding their own perceived "rights"

It stated that certain immigrant groups, amongst them Middle Easterners, might be less reluctant to report. Most Middle Easterners are Muslim. Recent immigrants in general are less likely to report hate crimes.

Do you have a link to show they are less reticient?

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