Media is questioning its low standard for Trump vs Harris

I was...but since it annoys the living crap out of you...I think Iā€™ll keep doing it.
Keep going, it's an interesting mental phenomenon watching you spin on the wheel, madly running and going nowhere.
This is the part where you swear that it doesnā€™t annoy you....thus confirming your rampant intellectual dishonesty.
It's kind of amusing really to demolish your entire screed by pointing out you literally are complaining about something that doesn't exist.
You and the blob are a match made in heaven.
Again, do you see this blob in the room with you? Trust me, it will help with your diagnosis and treatment plan. Of course, you have to want to be better, and that can be difficult.
Nothing much worth responding to.

Your blobā€™s mental decline is well documented. But you canā€™t say so. Youā€™re in a cult.
To show a decline, you first have to establish a starting point. When do you say TRUMP! was on top of his game, 2017, 2018, perhaps 2020? Then you show how he has become worse over time. Thus far, all you've managed to do is pick out a few snippets here and there out of the thousands of words he utters every day that sound odd to you. Quid Pro Joe's decline, OTOH, became too obvious to ignore. I forget, were you one of those who kept insisting that Joe was doing just fine and was well in control, ready for another 4 years, right up until you couldn't with any credibility anymore?
Oh, so you're doing school yard taunts. Nice of you to admit it. Now we can do away with your childish "blob" nonsense.

Still can't find where anyone said to inject bleach? I couldn't either. The only thing that ever came close was when TRUMP! asked a question of some doctors about whether we could do something inside the body like disinfectants do outside it, but only a moron would think that was anywhere close to telling people to inject bleach. In fact, that's a dangerous lie, because someone might actually believe the president advised to do it after they heard the lie often enough. Do you like to perpetuate dangerous lies?

No, the blob. You seem to talk about it all the time as if it was real, so the rest of us were wondering if you see it in the room with you now. It would help your diagnosis.

What excuse? TRUMP! doesn't need one. We can play dueling sound bite games all day if you want, but you can't show a consistent decline in TRUMP!'s mental faculties like we could with Quid Pro Joe that culminated in that disastrous debate performance where it got so bad even his water carriers in the media that were trumpeting how fit he was just a few weeks before couldn't ignore it anymore.
Your blob was asked:

"ā€œIf you win in November,ā€ she wondered, ā€œcan you commit to prioritizing legislation to make childcare affordable, and, if so, what specific piece of legislation will you advance?ā€

Here was your blobā€™s answer;

ā€œWell, I would do that, and weā€™re sitting downā€”you know, I was, somebody, we had Senator Marco Rubio, and my daughter Ivanka was so impactful on that issue. Itā€™s a very important issue. But I think when you talk about the kind of numbers that Iā€™m talking about, thatā€”because look, child care is childcare, itā€™sā€”couldnā€™t, you know, itā€™s something, you have to have it, in this country you have to have it.

But when you talk about those numbers compared to the kind of numbers that Iā€™m talking about by taxing foreign nations at levels that theyā€™re not used toā€”but theyā€™ll get used to it very quicklyā€”and itā€™s not gonna stop them from doing business with us, but they'll have a very substantial tax when they send product into our country. Those numbers are so much bigger than any numbers that weā€™re talking about, including childcare, that itā€™s going to take care.

Weā€™re gonna haveā€”I look forward to having no deficits within a fairly short period of time, coupled with the reductions that I told you about on waste and fraud and all of the other things that are going on in our country, because I have to stay with childcare. I want to stay with childcare, but those numbers are small relative to the kind of economic numbers that I'm talking about, including growth, but growth also headed up by what the plan is that I justā€”that I just told you about.
Weā€™re gonna be taking in trillions of dollars, and as much as childcare is talked about as being expensive, itā€™s relatively speaking not very expensive compared to the kind of numbers weā€™ll be taking in. Weā€™re gonna make this into an incredible country that can afford to take care of its people, and then weā€™ll worry about the rest of the world.

Letā€™s help other people, but weā€™re going to take care of our country first. This is about America first. Itā€™s about ā€˜Make America Great Again.ā€™

We have to do it because right now weā€™re a failing nation, so weā€™ll take care of it. Thank you. Very good question. Thank you.ā€
Your blob was asked:

"ā€œIf you win in November,ā€ she wondered, ā€œcan you commit to prioritizing legislation to make childcare affordable, and, if so, what specific piece of legislation will you advance?ā€

Here was your blobā€™s answer;

ā€œWell, I would do that, and weā€™re sitting downā€”you know, I was, somebody, we had Senator Marco Rubio, and my daughter Ivanka was so impactful on that issue. Itā€™s a very important issue. But I think when you talk about the kind of numbers that Iā€™m talking about, thatā€”because look, child care is childcare, itā€™sā€”couldnā€™t, you know, itā€™s something, you have to have it, in this country you have to have it.

But when you talk about those numbers compared to the kind of numbers that Iā€™m talking about by taxing foreign nations at levels that theyā€™re not used toā€”but theyā€™ll get used to it very quicklyā€”and itā€™s not gonna stop them from doing business with us, but they'll have a very substantial tax when they send product into our country. Those numbers are so much bigger than any numbers that weā€™re talking about, including childcare, that itā€™s going to take care.

Weā€™re gonna haveā€”I look forward to having no deficits within a fairly short period of time, coupled with the reductions that I told you about on waste and fraud and all of the other things that are going on in our country, because I have to stay with childcare. I want to stay with childcare, but those numbers are small relative to the kind of economic numbers that I'm talking about, including growth, but growth also headed up by what the plan is that I justā€”that I just told you about.
Weā€™re gonna be taking in trillions of dollars, and as much as childcare is talked about as being expensive, itā€™s relatively speaking not very expensive compared to the kind of numbers weā€™ll be taking in. Weā€™re gonna make this into an incredible country that can afford to take care of its people, and then weā€™ll worry about the rest of the world.

Letā€™s help other people, but weā€™re going to take care of our country first. This is about America first. Itā€™s about ā€˜Make America Great Again.ā€™

We have to do it because right now weā€™re a failing nation, so weā€™ll take care of it. Thank you. Very good question. Thank you.ā€
There's a discrepancy in your post. On the one hand, you speak of an imaginary entity, I think you called it a blob and seem to think I own one. I don't, but I have a rainbow farting unicorn I can sell you, cheap. Let me know. OTOH, you quote President TRUMP! on childcare. Do you approve of his plan? Unless you say otherwise, I'll put you down on the plus side.

Can you pick a horse and stay on it? It will help with your diagnosis.

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