Media is questioning its low standard for Trump vs Harris

She says the exact same thing at her rallies word for word. That's not talking, that's a scripted rally, so she want screw up. Yes, she is that stupid.
It's called a message. I give speeches all the time and when I have several audiences that are going to hear it, you think I change the speech up? Just the beginning usually because when you have a message it doesnt change. However if I was rambling about boat batteries, sharks, bacon, and windmills it would be all new and pointless... just like Trumps.
It's called a message. I give speeches all the time and when I have several audiences that are going to hear it, you think I change the speech up? Just the beginning usually because when you have a message it doesnt change. However if I was rambling about boat batteries, sharks, bacon, and windmills it would be all new and pointless... just like Trumps.
But Trump is "connecting" with his maga, so he does have a message.
Keep up that false-flag routine, boy!
You're doing great!!
Trump committed treasonous, historic crimes: attempting to overturn a presidential election, disenfranchise millions of Americans, and disrupt the peaceful transfer of power.

For more than two hours Trump did nothing to stop the violent, lawless attack of the Capitol Building – an attack he himself incited.

And now we have Trump’s disgraceful, reprehensible attempt to exploit fallen American soldiers for crass political theater.

For these and scores of other reasons, Trump is unfit to be president – beyond partisan politics, policy positions, and the issues; there is no way to rationalize or justify voting for Trump.

Normal people don’t vote for the likes of Trump.
Harris is out on the stump every single day, talking to reporters, and talking to voters, listening to what the people are saying.

Trump goes out once a week, babbles incoherently for a couple of hours, while his audience gets bored of his same old tired material and walks out on him, and then spends the rest of his week golfing and rage tweeting.

Harris is out hiding from the press every single day.
And shes spoken to the people way more than Trump. You guys don't getto control the narratuve or set the fucking rules. Harris has been out there in the streets talking to the people and trump has not. So nobody GAF if they aren't holding staged interviews.

And shes spoken to the people way more than Trump.

It is to laugh at the relentless, mindless, totally incoherent cheerleading.

They why do you continue to do it?
Harris is out hiding from the press every single day.

Standing on a podium speaking into a microphone to crowds of cheering supporters, and then coming off stage and taking questions from the press is a strange way to "hide out from the press".

The media have clips of her answering their questions after every rally speech.

That dog isn't going to hunt either. Maybe you should go back to calling her a low IQ individual. Or saying she has no accomplishments.
They why do you continue to do it?

Standing on a podium speaking into a microphone to crowds of cheering supporters, and then coming off stage and taking questions from the press is a strange way to "hide out from the press".

The media have clips of her answering their questions after every rally speech.

That dog isn't going to hunt either. Maybe you should go back to calling her a low IQ individual. Or saying she has no accomplishments.

Reading her speech and then running away from the press is hiding from the press.

When is she going to sit down, without her emotional support animal, and take real questions? With follow ups?

What is she afraid of? Revealing she's an empty pantsuit?
Media: What do you plan to do for the country?

Trump: I'll do great things, the best anybody has ever seen.

Media: Thanks

Media; Madam VP?

Kamala: I will tax the rich, support U.S. manufacturing, continue to strengthen our alliances...

Media: Can you be more specific?
KumWhore could have sex with Joe Biden, Chuck S., Adam Schiff and screw all of them at the same time in the same room and you would never hear a word about it.. :springbed:
While people are parsing every word ever said by Harris and Walz, Trump is melting down right in front of our eyes. Finally the media is starting to question itself as to whether the standard for Trump is too low. Basically he says crazy shit all the time and supporters write it off as no big deal. What is even worse the media doesnt blow up when this nonsense comes to roost. He has flooded the air with so much nonsense the media barely questions it.

For 2 months they constantly ran stories about Biden’s age. Trump is now the oldest person to ever get nominated (from a major party) to run for President.

Not a peep from the press about his age and clear mental frailty.

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