Media Mathematicians


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Sep 22, 2013
This is a media-culture mosaic inspired by Jerry Maguire.

Is media notation boring?




"Americans love the Pro Bowl (the annual all-star NFL game featuring the best talents around the league competing for their conference --- AFC or NFC). The Pro Bowl is held every year in Hawaii, America's idyllic state of scenic islands (e.g., Maui). You can find Pro Bowl memorabilia on eBay now. It's a terrific sports-fanfare TV experience for those not as much into the Oscar-viewing sector of the American populace. Someone should make a movie about the Pro Bowl(!)."


"Americans love to travel and you can take a gorgeous cruise to the beautiful Virgin Islands and bask in the warm glow of sunshine under clear blue skies. Everything is paradise. That's why social leaders such as Al Gore (Democratic Party) work to ensure that global warming is on the minds of all policy-makers trying to preserve Earth's natural splendors/beauty. Hotels in the Virgin Islands have TVs in rooms/suites, so you still feel 'connected' to civilization."


"Americans love comic books. Spider-Man (Marvel Comics), Wonder Woman (DC Comics), and Mandrake the Magician/Defenders of the Earth (King Features Syndicate) are popular/iconic comic book characters exhibiting extraordinary 'powers' and obligations to help humanity and protect democracy from fascists, terrorists, and 'super-villains' such as Brainiac (DC Comics), Electro (Marvel Comics), and Poison Ivy (DC Comics). Spider-Man tackles Electro so human beings can enjoy the fruits of electricity without worrying about electrical storms and terrorism."


"Americans love celebrities (movie-stars), and every March, they tune into the Oscars (the Academy Awards for outstanding work in motion-pictures/cinema) to see if their favorite actors/directors are honoured with the iconic trophy (the Oscar!). Woody Allen's representative film(!) Celebrity presents the story of Americans wandering around the modern melee of media-engaged social hypnosis (e.g., consumerism flowery) and features real-life Hollywood (USA) celebrity-actor Leo DiCaprio as a wild-child movie-star and super-celebrity named Brandon Darrow (an unruly superstar who forces those around him to question the sanity of commerce/paparazzi). Did Woody Allen intend to poke fun at his own industry?"


"Americans sports cheerleaders (e.g., NFL's Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders), since they are 'diplomats' of media frills and general civilian enthusiasm towards modern era celebrity fanfare. Cheerleaders remind us of the social glories afforded to sports superstars (e.g., Tom Brady, Jerry Rice, etc.), and if you're an American, you know about TV-coverage of NFL cheerleaders(!). There's even a modern TV program/series about the recruitment/training programs of the Dallas Cowboys franchise and their cheerleading-department (e.g., squad managers). Sports cheerleaders are the new seamstresses."


"Americans love stories/folk-tales about incredible battles and contests. We think about great/fictional heroes such as Green Arrow (DC Comics) tackling bizarre adversaries/nemeses such as Brainiac, Count Vertigo, Red Skull, and Leviathan. Green Arrow's devotion to humanity and his willingness to tackle crazy adversaries such as Leviathan reveals our social fascination with justice, ethics, patriotism, friendship, teamwork(!), and even optimism. America is a land of pluralism-intrigue, and contention-storytelling highlights our idealism regarding 'governance negotiation'."


GOD: Americans love Facebook.
SATAN: Americans like Planet Hollywood.
GOD: Americans like Wal-Mart.
SATAN: Americans love
GOD: This is the age of media/consumerism.
SATAN: TrumpUSA is a hallmark of governance frivolity.
GOD: Trump may be a celebrity-president, but he's obligated to be a finance-wizard.
SATAN: Yes, the U.S. President must be shrewd with economics...for capitalism's sake!
GOD: Every American should carry some kind of 'Facebook-badge' as patriotism-ID(!).
SATAN: That would be like fascism or brainwashing...
GOD: Nah, kids love MTV and don't mind 'indoctrinating' their parents(!).
SATAN: American youngsters should read more comic books --- e.g., Captain America.
GOD: Captain America (Marvel Comics) is a totem of democracy-propaganda.
SATAN: Nonviolent propaganda is harmless...
GOD: Propaganda should never violate free-speech rights.
SATAN: Modern social customs negotiation is like Saturday Night Live.




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