Media Matter Blames Beck!

And you seriously think that those statements do not incite some nut to become violent???

You've made statements that could induce violence from the stupid on a forum. SHould you be held responsible for their criminal acts? His soapbox is bigger. That is all. You obviously have ignored all the times he's begged for non-violence, tolerance and restraint. So your complaint is intellectually disingenuous. Maybe we could hold Obama responsible for all his hateful violent talk.

And you seriously think the president is comparable to Lucifer as well as a snake in The Garden of Eden, and "dark dudes are coming our way"???

You worship him and I think your opinion is full of shit too you little boxcar loader. what do you think you're doing to Beck? Treating him to tea? Little truism for you Opinions are like assholes. Mkay? Everyone's got one and they all stink.

ANYBODY that falls for this crap is motivated by hate and is looking for reasons to act on that hate, or is just plain ignorant. Now that's the truth.

:Holds up a mirror.: Oh really, Captain Hypocrite? You listen to media matters. Known liars and purveyors of libel and slander. As if you have a place to stand.

Such crap. Go soak your stupid head, moron. If you cannot back up your claims, then shut up.
What proof do you have??? You always think we are just supposed to believe you people. If what you say is true, provide some proof.

"I see you haven't been around here long but you catch on quickly!!! You'll see that Dave and his numbnut pals NEVER care about facts. They are uninformed and ignorant. And if God Himself came down and presented them with the truth, they still would say it was a lie. They don't want to know the truth."​

Flaming hypocrite.

Now let me get this straight. You are going to use me to justify why you don't need to prove your baseless statements?? Got it!! I guess you don't see that you are just proving me correct. Thanks, stupid. :)
You're really not paying attention. I've shown you facts about MM lying and distorting...but you and your "... numbnut pals NEVER care about facts. They are uninformed and ignorant. And if God Himself came down and presented them with the truth, they still would say it was a lie. They don't want to know the truth."

But I think I see the disconnect in what you use instead of thinking. You "think" that if you believe something, it's true.

Don't feel bad. It's a common leftist failing.
Where did everybody go? I think taichiliberal scared you all away!!! :lol:

Real life. Might wanna try it some time. :cuckoo:

Sure. That's why you all showed up elsewhere, you bunch of lilly livered chickens. Don't give me that "real life" crap.
"Elsewhere"? Where else did I show up? Are you really prepared to defend the claim that I wasn't out of the house running errands yesterday? :cuckoo:
"I see you haven't been around here long but you catch on quickly!!! You'll see that Dave and his numbnut pals NEVER care about facts. They are uninformed and ignorant. And if God Himself came down and presented them with the truth, they still would say it was a lie. They don't want to know the truth."​

Flaming hypocrite.

Now let me get this straight. You are going to use me to justify why you don't need to prove your baseless statements?? Got it!! I guess you don't see that you are just proving me correct. Thanks, stupid. :)
You're really not paying attention. I've shown you facts about MM lying and distorting...but you and your "... numbnut pals NEVER care about facts. They are uninformed and ignorant. And if God Himself came down and presented them with the truth, they still would say it was a lie. They don't want to know the truth."

But I think I see the disconnect in what you use instead of thinking. You "think" that if you believe something, it's true.

Don't feel bad. It's a common leftist failing.

You have shown nothing. Stop lying.
Real life. Might wanna try it some time. :cuckoo:

Sure. That's why you all showed up elsewhere, you bunch of lilly livered chickens. Don't give me that "real life" crap.
"Elsewhere"? Where else did I show up? Are you really prepared to defend the claim that I wasn't out of the house running errands yesterday? :cuckoo:

Another stupid remark. I wouldn't know what you did yesterday. Errands or went to jail. In any case, who cares??
Now let me get this straight. You are going to use me to justify why you don't need to prove your baseless statements?? Got it!! I guess you don't see that you are just proving me correct. Thanks, stupid. :)
You're really not paying attention. I've shown you facts about MM lying and distorting...but you and your "... numbnut pals NEVER care about facts. They are uninformed and ignorant. And if God Himself came down and presented them with the truth, they still would say it was a lie. They don't want to know the truth."

But I think I see the disconnect in what you use instead of thinking. You "think" that if you believe something, it's true.

Don't feel bad. It's a common leftist failing.

You have shown nothing. Stop lying.
You claim I've shown nothing because you refuse to see it.

Such a closed, intolerant, small little mind.
Sure. That's why you all showed up elsewhere, you bunch of lilly livered chickens. Don't give me that "real life" crap.
"Elsewhere"? Where else did I show up? Are you really prepared to defend the claim that I wasn't out of the house running errands yesterday? :cuckoo:

Another stupid remark. I wouldn't know what you did yesterday. Errands or went to jail. In any case, who cares??
Gaea's achin' pancreas. You can't have it both ways. Either I ran away from teh skeeeery leftist but "showed up elsewhere", or I was out running errands.

Make up yourclosed, intolerant, small little mind.
Now let me get this straight. You are going to use me to justify why you don't need to prove your baseless statements?? Got it!! I guess you don't see that you are just proving me correct. Thanks, stupid. :)
You're really not paying attention. I've shown you facts about MM lying and distorting...but you and your "... numbnut pals NEVER care about facts. They are uninformed and ignorant. And if God Himself came down and presented them with the truth, they still would say it was a lie. They don't want to know the truth."

But I think I see the disconnect in what you use instead of thinking. You "think" that if you believe something, it's true.

Don't feel bad. It's a common leftist failing.

You have shown nothing. Stop lying.

How about you do the same.
Amazing that we are on page 34 and still no sign of any evidence that Glenn has incited anyone to violence.

Nor any point where a historical fact that Glenn has referred to has been disputed.

Seriously, that's kind of sad.
What...You really hoped that people would buy into your paranoid hallucinations?


And you seriously think that those statements do not incite some nut to become violent???

You've made statements that could induce violence from the stupid on a forum. SHould you be held responsible for their criminal acts? His soapbox is bigger. That is all. You obviously have ignored all the times he's begged for non-violence, tolerance and restraint. So your complaint is intellectually disingenuous. Maybe we could hold Obama responsible for all his hateful violent talk.

You worship him and I think your opinion is full of shit too you little boxcar loader. what do you think you're doing to Beck? Treating him to tea? Little truism for you Opinions are like assholes. Mkay? Everyone's got one and they all stink.

ANYBODY that falls for this crap is motivated by hate and is looking for reasons to act on that hate, or is just plain ignorant. Now that's the truth.

:Holds up a mirror.: Oh really, Captain Hypocrite? You listen to media matters. Known liars and purveyors of libel and slander. As if you have a place to stand.

Such crap. Go soak your stupid head, moron. If you cannot back up your claims, then shut up.

Pwned again and you got nothing but 'shut up'.

And your proof of Glenn Beck stating "Go hurt people" or some variant therein is where?

The fact it does not exist proves Media Matter's claims are lies. IIRC there were like 4 links earlier in the thread showing the lies of Media Matters. Be honest and go read them. You only have to search this thread.

But you won't. We know this already. The lie is comfortable and good with milk.
Even if Beck misspoke or was misreported in the past, so what? What the fuck does that have to do with what Media Matter is DOING right now trying to directly blame Beck for this incident?

King Obama misspeaks all the time, at least daily. The NY Times prints retractions, are we going to close the Times and demand Obama resign?

Really??? You're ignorant. I doubt that you have any idea how stupid you sound. Give details, don't just make arbitrary accusations. Be specific. What are you talking about??
Daveman already burned you to death on that one. Go back and read his quotes from P-BO using the Media Matters Creative Edit Process (tm)
Even if Beck misspoke or was misreported in the past, so what? What the fuck does that have to do with what Media Matter is DOING right now trying to directly blame Beck for this incident?

King Obama misspeaks all the time, at least daily. The NY Times prints retractions, are we going to close the Times and demand Obama resign?

Really??? You're ignorant. I doubt that you have any idea how stupid you sound. Give details, don't just make arbitrary accusations. Be specific. What are you talking about??
Daveman already burned you to death on that one. Go back and read his quotes from P-BO using the Media Matters Creative Edit Process (tm)

Never happen. She's in full-on LALALA mode.


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