Media Matter Blames Beck!

But your attempted sarcasm falls flat when compared to the REALITY of Beck's historically documented race baiting and paranoid hysteria that reflects many new conservative pundits and politicians. Remember, Beck makes SPECIFIC targets of his rants....small wonder that you'll eventually get some nut that takes him too seriously (which doesn't explain his popularity among the alleged sane & rational folk out there).

Can you link to a similar condemnation of Olbermann? Or is that different? Somehow?

If MediaMatters said the sun comes up in the east, I'd get up early with a compass. :cool:
If you have proof Obermann does the EXACT opposite of what Beck does, then please provide the proof as I did.
Olbermann does the exact same thing you accuse Beck of.

Sorry Dave, but avoiding content because you dislike the politics of the source does not automatically make your assertions correct. Bottom line: one must have the courage to read ALL information available in order to determine the truth. If you cannot disprove what Media Matters is printing, then all the sour grapes in the world won't change the facts contained. In short, ALL the source material I provided proves Beck to be a liar....period. If YOU can logically and factually disprove what I sourced, then have at it. If not, then you're just spitting in the wind.

As for Olberman....YOU need to PROVE your assertion, as I did.
You believe MediaMatters because they say what you want to hear. "Truth" has nothing to do with it. They have their agenda, and are not above distortion and fabrication to bring it about.

As for wouldn't accept anything I could show you, so why should I bother?
Ahhh, but Beck's little disclaimer comes AFTER the fact. This is a consistent pattern with pundits like Beck.....who duck behind the guise of "entertainment" and feign concern for public safety whenever their actions get them in trouble or cast them in a bad light. But as Michael (Savage) Weiner found out, that excuse will eventually give out.

Becks documented lies, slander, nasty little remarks regarding minorities, women, etc. are only excused by the audience that he appeals to.

So you have documented lies of Becks? Show them. Whos lies carry more damage obamas or Becks?

Actually it's not me that's documented Beck's history of lies, exaggerations and distortions. Others's some samples:

Media Matters

Beck falsely claimed average UAW worker makes $154 per hour | Media Matters for America

Beck calls Senate-confirmed Orszag a "czar" | Media Matters for America

Note to Beck: Doors repaired with stimulus funds were hangar doors and did not cost $1.4 million | Media Matters for America

Beck himself cops to lying

On The View Glenn Beck Admits that He Doesn?t Check Facts | Politicususa


Glenn Beck Lies | The Glenn Beck Report

MEDIA MATTERS? Don't make me climb through the computer screen to slap you silly. MEDIA MATTERS? OMG If you are using MEDIA MATTERS thrn it must be true in a rats arse.
Yes Bfgrn... Capitalism is the essense of evil. Nobody should be allowed to be paid for work they do. Wow... are you just missing the days you could buy slaves off the boat or something? Should you even be allowed to be paid for work? Apparently the term "Caveat Emptor" is lost on you economic nihilists.

You have ZERO proof of fraud happening and you wanna start hanging people because some former Media Matters SHILL got elected to congress and is ABUSING HIS POSITION to make false allegations and claims to intimidate citizens who don't even live in his district for crimes that DON'T EVEN EXIST?!?!?!??! All you have are claims of stupid consumers if even those aren't shills providing cover for a fucking fascist. (oooOOOoooo GODWIN! GODWIN! :rolleyes)

You are a fucking tard. No... amend that. You're a Tard's Tard. The other tards would look up to you if they could figure out what the word "UP" meant!

Congrats, you've earned your new monicker: Tardtard.

and have some lolcat frosting.


Hey pea brain...YELLING won't change the facts.

Consumers, not Congressman have filed complaints against Goldline International.

'Capitalism is the essense of evil. Nobody should be allowed to be paid for work they do.'

I don't agree with your assessment. Capitalism is not evil, and people should be allowed to be paid for work they do.

AND...consumers should be made aware of unethical businesses and unethical business practices.

To steal a phrase from you right wing pea brains...

IF Goldline is Innocent, they have nothing to worry about...
Except the fact you will never accept that Beck is innocent too.

Sorry for the delay. Life, which is more important than juvinile entertainment you provide, demanded attention.
It was BIG Fizzzzz who said: 'Capitalism is the essense of evil. Nobody should be allowed to be paid for work they do.'

Ohhhhhh Tardtard... You thought I wasn't watching didn't you?

Busted your lying ass, yet again. How about we take the whole statement in context, hmmm?

Yes Bfgrn... Capitalism is the essense of evil. Nobody should be allowed to be paid for work they do. Wow... are you just missing the days you could buy slaves off the boat or something? Should you even be allowed to be paid for work? Apparently the term "Caveat Emptor" is lost on you economic nihilists.

You're so desperate to score points that you go so far as to distort the SARCASM which I was using. I shout because you seem to be unable to get the point of the statement, Tardtard. So... to make sure your two braincells don't burn from the friction of rubbing together so hard, here's what I'm doing:

I... am... mocking... you... because... you... are... insane... intellectually dishonest shit. I don't think I could trust you to poop your own diapers correctly, let alone use a toilet at this rate, Tardtard.

The discussion at hand was about whether Beck is a documented liar or not. If you look at my latest postings, you'll see that he is INDEED a documented liar.
If MediaMatters said the sun comes up in the east, I'd get up early with a compass. :cool:
If you have proof Obermann does the EXACT opposite of what Beck does, then please provide the proof as I did.
Olbermann does the exact same thing you accuse Beck of.

The ones that complain of Beck don't watch or listen to Beck. They rely on MediaMatters to get their marching orders for attack armed with false information and twisted anti-logic. Leftists are such good projectionists though, aren't they?
The discussion at hand was about whether Beck is a documented liar or not. If you look at my latest postings, you'll see that he is INDEED a documented liar.
If MediaMatters said the sun comes up in the east, I'd get up early with a compass. :cool:
If you have proof Obermann does the EXACT opposite of what Beck does, then please provide the proof as I did.
Olbermann does the exact same thing you accuse Beck of.

The ones that complain of Beck don't watch or listen to Beck. They rely on MediaMatters to get their marching orders for attack armed with false information and twisted anti-logic. Leftists are such good projectionists though, aren't they?

T stop it because we all know that democrats don't believe in the truth, just look at who they elected as a Prsident.
Media Matter continues their Jihad against a Free Press

"Media Matters: Glenn Beck, Holy Warrior

Back in April, Glenn Beck informed his radio listeners that during his trip to the Vatican, an "individual" there told him that "what you're doing is wildly important" in the upcoming struggle against forces of "great darkness."

Earlier the same week, Beck explained that he was promoting "the plan that [God] would have me articulate, I think, to you," against "darkness." While notable on their own merits, Beck's comments were especially striking because they marked what was (at the time) the culmination of Beck's regular portrayal of himself as fighting on behalf of "good" against the forces of "evil" and "darkness."

Darkness? That's crypto-racist talk because Obama's black!

I don't watch or listen to Beck, but I'm very interested in how Obama Ministry of Truth is out to silence him.

Bush did the same thing with the NY Times, amiright?
Laff #1: Congress-priss Weiner cares about the economic welfare of the American people. :lol: Pass the tax, please.

Laff #2: Congress-priss Weiner's attack on Beck is motivated solely and exclusively upon his concern for the economic welfare of the American people. :lol::lol:

Laff #3: If Goldline IS (as Schiff contends) "guilty" of selling gold to gullible American investors at a badly inflated price, then because Beck hawks for Goldline, Beck is guilty of some unspecified crime and alarming moral lapse! :lol::lol::lol:

Gee, I wonder if Congess-priss Weiner has ever hawked on behalf of some douchey liberal Democrat Parody policy or legislation which is fundamentally dishonest and actually not in the interest of the American people? Hm... Obamacare?
The discussion at hand was about whether Beck is a documented liar or not. If you look at my latest postings, you'll see that he is INDEED a documented liar.
If MediaMatters said the sun comes up in the east, I'd get up early with a compass. :cool:
If you have proof Obermann does the EXACT opposite of what Beck does, then please provide the proof as I did.
Olbermann does the exact same thing you accuse Beck of.

The ones that complain of Beck don't watch or listen to Beck. They rely on MediaMatters to get their marching orders for attack armed with false information and twisted anti-logic. Leftists are such good projectionists though, aren't they?

Lots and lots of practice.
It was BIG Fizzzzz who said: 'Capitalism is the essense of evil. Nobody should be allowed to be paid for work they do.'

Ohhhhhh Tardtard... You thought I wasn't watching didn't you?

Busted your lying ass, yet again. How about we take the whole statement in context, hmmm?

Yes Bfgrn... Capitalism is the essense of evil. Nobody should be allowed to be paid for work they do. Wow... are you just missing the days you could buy slaves off the boat or something? Should you even be allowed to be paid for work? Apparently the term "Caveat Emptor" is lost on you economic nihilists.

You're so desperate to score points that you go so far as to distort the SARCASM which I was using. I shout because you seem to be unable to get the point of the statement, Tardtard. So... to make sure your two braincells don't burn from the friction of rubbing together so hard, here's what I'm doing:

I... am... mocking... you... because... you... are... insane... intellectually dishonest shit. I don't think I could trust you to poop your own diapers correctly, let alone use a toilet at this rate, Tardtard.


Wrong AGAIN pea brain. I did not distort the sarcasm you were using, YOU did. I answered the PREMISE of your sarcasm.

You refuse to acknowledge FACTS: Consumers, not Congressman have filed complaints against Goldline International.

If Goldline is guilty of unethical business practices, what should be done? BTW, YOU were the one that was quick to call for capital punishment when people break the law...
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Media Matters has the damn videos. Did you watch them, Frank?? I doubt it. Go ahead and watch them and then say Beck isn't crazy.

Yes, Beck did just compare President Obama to Lucifer | Media Matters for America

Beck compares Obama to the snake in the Garden of Eden: "He will make the choices for you" | Media Matters for America

Beck tells listeners they are "fighting a power" greater than elected officials, warns that the "gates of Hell will open up" | Media Matters for America

Beck on health bill: "If this passes, they will control every aspect of your life," including whether you can have children

Beck: Progressives, like Satan, are supplanting God and taking away choice

Beck: "The real goal of the progressive movement" is "control of your life"

Beck: "God is under attack"

Beck again brands "collective salvation" "demonic"

Beck: "Dark dudes" are coming our way -- "I'm hoping that the guy with horns doesn't actually show up, but he could"

Oh, he doesn't appeal to nuts!!! He's never said anything to encourage violence!!! :rolleyes:
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So It's Beck's fault. Let's ignore all the talk on nonviolence, integrity, and changing of self. Doesn't really matter.

Read carefully what I wrote.....Beck's back peddling and gloss over's come AFTER all of his incendiary blatherings and mean spirited, ultra conservative paranoid ratnings. It's like someone consistently taking a piss on your front lawn and then making all types of apologies afterwards...yet they continue to piss on your front lawn.

Glenn hasn't been backpedalling at all. In order to accept your claims we have to ignore what Glenn actually says and talks about.

You're not making sense....Beck's BS is a predictable pattern....he makes all types of outrageous, inflammatory, distorted, insulting accusations, claims...and then AFTERWARDS tries to hedge his bet. As I demonstrated earlier, even Beck cops to not getting informed on the subject that he rants on about

All one has to do is indeed listen to Beck...and then do a little research to see if he's lying or not. As I demonstrated, Beck is indeed a liar.
So It's Beck's fault. Let's ignore all the talk on nonviolence, integrity, and changing of self. Doesn't really matter.

Read carefully what I wrote.....Beck's back peddling and gloss over's come AFTER all of his incendiary blatherings and mean spirited, ultra conservative paranoid ratnings. It's like someone consistently taking a piss on your front lawn and then making all types of apologies afterwards...yet they continue to piss on your front lawn.

Glenn hasn't been backpedalling at all. In order to accept your claims we have to ignore what Glenn actually says and talks about.

Can you link to a similar condemnation of Olbermann? Or is that different? Somehow?

If MediaMatters said the sun comes up in the east, I'd get up early with a compass. :cool:

Olbermann does the exact same thing you accuse Beck of.

Sorry Dave, but avoiding content because you dislike the politics of the source does not automatically make your assertions correct. Bottom line: one must have the courage to read ALL information available in order to determine the truth. If you cannot disprove what Media Matters is printing, then all the sour grapes in the world won't change the facts contained. In short, ALL the source material I provided proves Beck to be a liar....period. If YOU can logically and factually disprove what I sourced, then have at it. If not, then you're just spitting in the wind.

As for Olberman....YOU need to PROVE your assertion, as I did.
You believe MediaMatters because they say what you want to hear. "Truth" has nothing to do with it. They have their agenda, and are not above distortion and fabrication to bring it about.

As for wouldn't accept anything I could show you, so why should I bother?

Media Matters DOCUMENTS what it writes...that means it provides ORIGINAL source material for the subject in question. This is how they are able to point out Beck's lies and distortions. Mind you, opinion is one thing, but when Beck rants on specifics, that seals his fate to be exposed as a phony by folk like Media Matters. Even Beck himself admits to NOT doing proper research and being informed on the subjects he rants about.

Here's the thing is YOU who have demonstrated here that it's not about FACTS, but about what YOU WANT TO BELIEVE. That is why you cannot and will not discuss the details that Media Matters brings up, Dave...because to do so would mean honestly confronting the facts and then trying to logically defend Beck and your belief in what he asserts. Bottom line: you know you can't logically and/or factually defend Beck.

Finally, your last accusation is utter nonsense. As the chronology of the posts shows, I have readily provided proof for discussion of what I state. YOU HAVE NOT. Sorry Dave, but you can't bluff your way past me when there's a recorded record of what has transpired to contradict and disprove you.

MEDIA MATTERS? Don't make me climb through the computer screen to slap you silly. MEDIA MATTERS? OMG If you are using MEDIA MATTERS thrn it must be true in a rats arse.

Bluff and bluster all you like BigReb, but until you can honestly discuss CONTENT, you're just pissing in the wind. Unlike you, I am quite willing and able to read ALL material available in order to reach a logical conclusion....that is how Beck is proven to be a liar time and again. You can believe what you want, BigReb...but PROVING it logically and factually is quite another issue.

I have, while you and your like minded compadres here have not to date.

MEDIA MATTERS? Don't make me climb through the computer screen to slap you silly. MEDIA MATTERS? OMG If you are using MEDIA MATTERS thrn it must be true in a rats arse.

The discussion at hand was about whether Beck is a documented liar or not. If you look at my latest postings, you'll see that he is INDEED a documented liar.
If MediaMatters said the sun comes up in the east, I'd get up early with a compass. :cool:
If you have proof Obermann does the EXACT opposite of what Beck does, then please provide the proof as I did.
Olbermann does the exact same thing you accuse Beck of.

The ones that complain of Beck don't watch or listen to Beck. They rely on MediaMatters to get their marching orders for attack armed with false information and twisted anti-logic. Leftists are such good projectionists though, aren't they?

You seem to try to pass off supposition and conjecture as fact. Unfortunately, your attempt fails miserably, because when all is said and done YOU and your like minded compadres just don't have the intellectual honesty to read and openly discuss any information that contradicts your beliefs. That is why you avoid any honest discussion on the material offered.

I've spent more time than I care to in the last 20 years listening on and off to the rise of the new conservative punditry.....which is why its so easy for others to document and disprove the lies of the like of Beck. They do this by linking the source material of what is being discussed, and the read sees for themselves how and why Beck is full of it. It was taught to me in junior high school that in order to have a valid opinion, one must read ALL information available, pro and con. Clearly, those that support Beck do not adhere to that lesson....which is why, like Beck, they're defense and excuses for him is dishonest.

As I said to one of your like mind, when you can provide proof as I have as to the charges against Olbermann being just like Beck, then we have a basis for discussion. Until then, you're just blowing smoke.
You refuse to acknowledge FACTS: Consumers, not Congressman have filed complaints against Goldline International.

Point me to the lawsuit or filed charges. You have complaints. The BBB has none. Funny how that works. It is also not illegal to sell overpriced goods in a market. If you're too fucking stupid to buy them, caveat emptor. Sucks that you're so goddamn dumb.

If Goldline is guilty of unethical business practices, what should be done? BTW, YOU were the one that was quick to call for capital punishment when people break the law...

Ding! have another one horse wonder award Tardtard. I'm not going to stoke your personal moonbat inferno. Try someone else.
Media Matters DOCUMENTS what it writes...that means it provides ORIGINAL source material for the subject in question. This is how they are able to point out Beck's lies and distortions. Mind you, opinion is one thing, but when Beck rants on specifics, that seals his fate to be exposed as a phony by folk like Media Matters. Even Beck himself admits to NOT doing proper research and being informed on the subjects he rants about.
Media Matters publishes lies and distortions. Like I said: You believe them because you want to believe them.
Here's the thing is YOU who have demonstrated here that it's not about FACTS, but about what YOU WANT TO BELIEVE. That is why you cannot and will not discuss the details that Media Matters brings up, Dave...because to do so would mean honestly confronting the facts and then trying to logically defend Beck and your belief in what he asserts. Bottom line: you know you can't logically and/or factually defend Beck.
I don't bother discussing the details that MM brings up because they lie. You probably should realize that wishing something is true doesn't make it true. That's a common leftist failing.
Finally, your last accusation is utter nonsense. As the chronology of the posts shows, I have readily provided proof for discussion of what I state. YOU HAVE NOT. Sorry Dave, but you can't bluff your way past me when there's a recorded record of what has transpired to contradict and disprove you.
No, you've provided opinion from people known to lie and distort. You call it "proof" because you believe the lies and distortions.

Michelle Malkin Media Matters Caught Context-Editing a Tape — Hey, Where Have We Heard That Before?

The Group Behind Smear Campaigns Against Limbaugh and O?Reilly |

Hot Air Media Matters dishonest editing in support of their “smear” argument exposed

“MEDIA MATTERS Watch” : Media Matters’ Falsehoods Exposed!

None of this will matter to you. You will continue believing MM because you want to.
Hyperbole still doesn't equal a call to violent action.

But keep the disingenuous wingnut fail a-comin'! :lol:

Thank you for being so predictable. You just proved that I can read the minds of the simple folk.

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