Media Matter Blames Beck!

No Beck does not He has mentioned on his show that if anyone see anything to report them to the authority's. He has also said that he ill denouce anyone that would take such action.

Yes, my Little Jackbooted Fascist Friend! That's the Spirit! THAT'S THE SPIRIT!

Beck uses that crypto-freedom talk that messes the GoodThink that Obama and the Dems put such an effort into!

Beck will pervert you!

Beck is out to control you! People listen to Beck and interpret things incorrectly! Beck is dangerous! Let's take him off the air!

Don't let Beck control you!

It's not StateWise to let Beck control you, Let Obama control you!

At 10est, there's a 2 minute Hate on Republicans and their horrible, retched spending excesses that just caused a $165B deficit this July! We want to hear you sing out in hatred!


You're not making any sense....and NOTHING you have posted here changes the truth of what I said about Beck or the incorrect comparison to Manson/Helter Skelter.

And "jackbooted fascist friend" is a pretty absurd description of what I've posted here so far...I suggest you look up the definition of "fascism", because nothing I've posted here resembles that.....and to date nothing the Obama administration has done can be factually construed as "fascism" despite opinions, supposition and conjecture to the contrary.

Frank never makes sense. All of his information comes from the extreme right wing and he never questions it. You haven't seen anything yet. Wait until him and his pals descend on a particular thread and inundate us with their wisdom. You will swear you've never seen so many idiots in one place. Right, Frankie?? :lol:

Beck is a subversive and an enemy of the State because he begs people to get on their knees and pray -- to God! Not to Obama, but to God!

Do you see how dangerous Beck is to Obama's society?

Also, feel free to point out when FDR's New Deal ended the Great Depression and why you still have no problem whatsoever with FDR's New Deal Stimulus funds going to fund the Tuskegee Experiments.
OHHHHHHHH, so YOU know the intentions of both men...why didn't you SAY so.

WOW, you are beyond are a fucking GOD...


EVERYone knows the intention of that prissy little lie-beral, Congress-pussy Wiener. Fuck, even a douche such as you and that hopelessly stupid and dishonest Retarda know that the pandering little lie-beral piece of shit is just attempting to do the Obama Administration scut work, trying to silence Beck, a vocal critic of this Administration's agenda.

But I congratulate you on making it all the way through a post without your favorite new word. :clap2::clap2:

Let's imagine for a moment that Wiener and Rush' investigation into Goldline results in anything: What is the worst thing that could happen to Beck?

Death? Prison? Fine? Loss of his job?

All will only make his dogma stronger.

Attacking Beck through Goldline only spreads Becks ideas to people who mightn't ever heard of him, and makes him more popular among those that are familiar with him.

Dems are "shooting themselves in the foot."

Hopefully, Bfgrn is shooting himself where he'll have a good chance of missing anything less vital than his foot, like his pea-sized brain.

Let's imagine for a moment another possibility...the Congressional investigation will result in unethical and unscrupulous business practices being exposed that will result in consumer protection measures.

I'm sure all the consumers that lodged complaints against Goldline and trusted Glenn Beck's advice as a paid spokesman are BIG fans of his show now...
Congressional investigations resulting in unethical and unscrupulous business practicies? Which just conveniently happen to be exposing a business who sponsors the President's most outspoken critic. The one person the wife seems to be afraid of.

Yeah that won't look suspicious.
People can't be trusted to listen to Beck! He's Evil!

He does not come out directly and preach Revolution, Comrade No! He is too sinister for that!

Instead he mentions the Tides Foundation and their goal to turn America into our Marxist Utopia! Do you see how dangerous this man is and why he must be silenced!

Look at his heroes: the Founding Fathers! Evil! Men of wealth and property! Men who built a country to protect their wealth and property from the Laborers!
They can silence him but then they must silence others who also know and understand what Beck knows. Look no further I am one of them come and get you some. You take Beck out I will take his place. How about you Frank would you step up to the plate and take Becks place if you had too?
Yes Bfgrn... Capitalism is the essense of evil. Nobody should be allowed to be paid for work they do. Wow... are you just missing the days you could buy slaves off the boat or something? Should you even be allowed to be paid for work? Apparently the term "Caveat Emptor" is lost on you economic nihilists.

You have ZERO proof of fraud happening and you wanna start hanging people because some former Media Matters SHILL got elected to congress and is ABUSING HIS POSITION to make false allegations and claims to intimidate citizens who don't even live in his district for crimes that DON'T EVEN EXIST?!?!?!??! All you have are claims of stupid consumers if even those aren't shills providing cover for a fucking fascist. (oooOOOoooo GODWIN! GODWIN! :rolleyes)

You are a fucking tard. No... amend that. You're a Tard's Tard. The other tards would look up to you if they could figure out what the word "UP" meant!

Congrats, you've earned your new monicker: Tardtard.

and have some lolcat frosting.


Hey pea brain...YELLING won't change the facts.

Consumers, not Congressman have filed complaints against Goldline International.

'Capitalism is the essense of evil. Nobody should be allowed to be paid for work they do.'

I don't agree with your assessment. Capitalism is not evil, and people should be allowed to be paid for work they do.

AND...consumers should be made aware of unethical businesses and unethical business practices.

To steal a phrase from you right wing pea brains...

IF Goldline is Innocent, they have nothing to worry about...

Put your money where your mouth is then. Sell everything you have and move to Venezuela. Ol Maximum Leader will no doubt welcome you with open arms and you can live the life of luxury that socialism promises you. And please don't let the door hit you in the ass as you will cause a draft.

Put my money where my mouth is? You're confused...

I SAID: 'I don't agree with your assessment. Capitalism is not evil, and people should be allowed to be paid for work they do.'

It was BIG Fizzzzz who said: 'Capitalism is the essense of evil. Nobody should be allowed to be paid for work they do.'
Congressional investigations resulting in unethical and unscrupulous business practicies? Which just conveniently happen to be exposing a business who sponsors the President's most outspoken critic. The one person the wife seems to be afraid of.

Yeah that won't look suspicious.

WOW, you right wing pea brains REALLY have a man crush on Glenn Beck. Did it ever cross your mind that it was Beck VIEWERS who filed complaints against Goldline?

Let me ask you this. IF Goldline International IS using unethical and unscrupulous business practices, what should be done?
Congressional investigations resulting in unethical and unscrupulous business practicies? Which just conveniently happen to be exposing a business who sponsors the President's most outspoken critic. The one person the wife seems to be afraid of.

Yeah that won't look suspicious.

WOW, you right wing pea brains REALLY have a man crush on Glenn Beck. Did it ever cross your mind that it was Beck VIEWERS who filed complaints against Goldline?

Let me ask you this. IF Goldline International IS using unethical and unscrupulous business practices, what should be done?

hi thar, captain dumbfuck. out, dumbfuckering around are we?
People can't be trusted to listen to Beck! He's Evil!

He does not come out directly and preach Revolution, Comrade No! He is too sinister for that!

Instead he mentions the Tides Foundation and their goal to turn America into our Marxist Utopia! Do you see how dangerous this man is and why he must be silenced!

Look at his heroes: the Founding Fathers! Evil! Men of wealth and property! Men who built a country to protect their wealth and property from the Laborers!
They can silence him but then they must silence others who also know and understand what Beck knows. Look no further I am one of them come and get you some. You take Beck out I will take his place. How about you Frank would you step up to the plate and take Becks place if you had too?

Of course, but I'd be more like Eminem because one of my great joys in life is ridiculing and mocking Progressives and their lying ideology; it just plain makes me feel good. It's not very nice, but I enjoy it and it really so so easy because Progressives have a house of cards built lie upon lie upon lie. FDR's greatness - a lie. McCarthyism -- a lie. LBJ Civil Rights Hero -- a lie. Joe Biden sane -- a lie.

See how easy and fun this is?
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Congressional investigations resulting in unethical and unscrupulous business practicies? Which just conveniently happen to be exposing a business who sponsors the President's most outspoken critic. The one person the wife seems to be afraid of.

Yeah that won't look suspicious.

WOW, you right wing pea brains REALLY have a man crush on Glenn Beck. Did it ever cross your mind that it was Beck VIEWERS who filed complaints against Goldline?

Let me ask you this. IF Goldline International IS using unethical and unscrupulous business practices, what should be done?

hi thar, captain dumbfuck. out, dumbfuckering around are we?

Get comeback... you pea brains are sure proud of your always wear it on your sleeve...:lol::lol::lol:
Congressional investigations resulting in unethical and unscrupulous business practicies? Which just conveniently happen to be exposing a business who sponsors the President's most outspoken critic. The one person the wife seems to be afraid of.

Yeah that won't look suspicious.

WOW, you right wing pea brains REALLY have a man crush on Glenn Beck. Did it ever cross your mind that it was Beck VIEWERS who filed complaints against Goldline?

Let me ask you this. IF Goldline International IS using unethical and unscrupulous business practices, what should be done?

What would the damaging effect of said unethical and unscrupulous business practices be?

What party would have been injured by said behavior?

I will answer your question but I need more information first.
Congressional investigations resulting in unethical and unscrupulous business practicies? Which just conveniently happen to be exposing a business who sponsors the President's most outspoken critic. The one person the wife seems to be afraid of.

Yeah that won't look suspicious.

WOW, you right wing pea brains REALLY have a man crush on Glenn Beck. Did it ever cross your mind that it was Beck VIEWERS who filed complaints against Goldline?

Let me ask you this. IF Goldline International IS using unethical and unscrupulous business practices, what should be done?

What would the damaging effect of said unethical and unscrupulous business practices be?

What party would have been injured by said behavior?

I will answer your question but I need more information first.

[ame=]YouTube - Mining for Gold[/ame]
The Beatles weren't responsible for his deranged interpretations of a song that NEVER specified or alluded to the actions that Manson did.

Beck does as much as possible to stoke the doomsday, "they're coming to get you" paranoia of anti-gov't types, rabid ultra right wingers and various bigotries....BUT he stops short of actually advocating direct action. Beck's actions can be deemed as irresponsible and dangerous...especially when he makes specific references and people act upon them. I don't know if a case can be made in court for "inciting to riot", but if Beck wants to run the gauntlet he may NOT be so lucky in the near future.

So It's Beck's fault. Let's ignore all the talk on nonviolence, integrity, and changing of self. Doesn't really matter.

Read carefully what I wrote.....Beck's back peddling and gloss over's come AFTER all of his incendiary blatherings and mean spirited, ultra conservative paranoid ratnings. It's like someone consistently taking a piss on your front lawn and then making all types of apologies afterwards...yet they continue to piss on your front lawn.
The Beatles weren't responsible for his deranged interpretations of a song that NEVER specified or alluded to the actions that Manson did.

Beck does as much as possible to stoke the doomsday, "they're coming to get you" paranoia of anti-gov't types, rabid ultra right wingers and various bigotries....BUT he stops short of actually advocating direct action. Beck's actions can be deemed as irresponsible and dangerous...especially when he makes specifi references and people act upon them. I don't know if a case can be made in court for "inciting to riot", but if Beck wants to run the gauntlet he may NOT be so lucky in the near future.

So It's Beck's fault. Let's ignore all the talk on nonviolence, integrity, and changing of self. Doesn't really matter.

People can't be trusted to listen to Beck! He's Evil!

He does not come out directly and preach Revolution, Comrade No! He is too sinister for that!

Instead he mentions the Tides Foundation and their goal to turn America into our Marxist Utopia! Do you see how dangerous this man is and why he must be silenced!

Look at his heroes: the Founding Fathers! Evil! Men of wealth and property! Men who built a country to protect their wealth and property from the Laborers!

But your attempted sarcasm falls flat when compared to the REALITY of Beck's historically documented race baiting and paranoid hysteria that reflects many new conservative pundits and politicians. Remember, Beck makes SPECIFIC targets of his rants....small wonder that you'll eventually get some nut that takes him too seriously (which doesn't explain his popularity among the alleged sane & rational folk out there).
But your attempted sarcasm falls flat when compared to the REALITY of Beck's historically documented race baiting and paranoid hysteria that reflects many new conservative pundits and politicians. Remember, Beck makes SPECIFIC targets of his rants....small wonder that you'll eventually get some nut that takes him too seriously (which doesn't explain his popularity among the alleged sane & rational folk out there).

Can you link to a similar condemnation of Olbermann? Or is that different? Somehow?
No Beck does not He has mentioned on his show that if anyone see anything to report them to the authority's. He has also said that he ill denouce anyone that would take such action.

Ahhh, but Beck's little disclaimer comes AFTER the fact. This is a consistent pattern with pundits like Beck.....who duck behind the guise of "entertainment" and feign concern for public safety whenever their actions get them in trouble or cast them in a bad light. But as Michael (Savage) Weiner found out, that excuse will eventually give out.

Becks documented lies, slander, nasty little remarks regarding minorities, women, etc. are only excused by the audience that he appeals to.

So you have documented lies of Becks? Show them. Whos lies carry more damage obamas or Becks?

Actually it's not me that's documented Beck's history of lies, exaggerations and distortions. Others's some samples:

Media Matters

Beck falsely claimed average UAW worker makes $154 per hour | Media Matters for America

Beck calls Senate-confirmed Orszag a "czar" | Media Matters for America

Note to Beck: Doors repaired with stimulus funds were hangar doors and did not cost $1.4 million | Media Matters for America

Beck himself cops to lying

On The View Glenn Beck Admits that He Doesn?t Check Facts | Politicususa


Glenn Beck Lies | The Glenn Beck Report
No Beck does not He has mentioned on his show that if anyone see anything to report them to the authority's. He has also said that he ill denouce anyone that would take such action.

Yes, my Little Jackbooted Fascist Friend! That's the Spirit! THAT'S THE SPIRIT!

Beck uses that crypto-freedom talk that messes the GoodThink that Obama and the Dems put such an effort into!

Beck will pervert you!

Beck is out to control you! People listen to Beck and interpret things incorrectly! Beck is dangerous! Let's take him off the air!

Don't let Beck control you!

It's not StateWise to let Beck control you, Let Obama control you!

At 10est, there's a 2 minute Hate on Republicans and their horrible, retched spending excesses that just caused a $165B deficit this July! We want to hear you sing out in hatred!


You're not making any sense....and NOTHING you have posted here changes the truth of what I said about Beck or the incorrect comparison to Manson/Helter Skelter.

And "jackbooted fascist friend" is a pretty absurd description of what I've posted here so far...I suggest you look up the definition of "fascism", because nothing I've posted here resembles that.....and to date nothing the Obama administration has done can be factually construed as "fascism" despite opinions, supposition and conjecture to the contrary.

Frank never makes sense. All of his information comes from the extreme right wing and he never questions it. You haven't seen anything yet. Wait until him and his pals descend on a particular thread and inundate us with their wisdom. You will swear you've never seen so many idiots in one place. Right, Frankie?? :lol:

Well, I just came from a thread were similar folk exists.....experience dictates that one either ignores them, puts them on IA or just refuse to let them hijack the discussion.
But your attempted sarcasm falls flat when compared to the REALITY of Beck's historically documented race baiting and paranoid hysteria that reflects many new conservative pundits and politicians. Remember, Beck makes SPECIFIC targets of his rants....small wonder that you'll eventually get some nut that takes him too seriously (which doesn't explain his popularity among the alleged sane & rational folk out there).

Can you link to a similar condemnation of Olbermann? Or is that different? Somehow?

The discussion at hand was about whether Beck is a documented liar or not. If you look at my latest postings, you'll see that he is INDEED a documented liar.

If you have proof Obermann does the EXACT opposite of what Beck does, then please provide the proof as I did.
The discussion at hand was about whether Beck is a documented liar or not. If you look at my latest postings, you'll see that he is INDEED a documented liar.
If MediaMatters said the sun comes up in the east, I'd get up early with a compass. :cool:
If you have proof Obermann does the EXACT opposite of what Beck does, then please provide the proof as I did.
Olbermann does the exact same thing you accuse Beck of.
But your attempted sarcasm falls flat when compared to the REALITY of Beck's historically documented race baiting and paranoid hysteria that reflects many new conservative pundits and politicians. Remember, Beck makes SPECIFIC targets of his rants....small wonder that you'll eventually get some nut that takes him too seriously (which doesn't explain his popularity among the alleged sane & rational folk out there).

Can you link to a similar condemnation of Olbermann? Or is that different? Somehow?

The discussion at hand was about whether Beck is a documented liar or not. If you look at my latest postings, you'll see that he is INDEED a documented liar.
If MediaMatters said the sun comes up in the east, I'd get up early with a compass. :cool:
If you have proof Obermann does the EXACT opposite of what Beck does, then please provide the proof as I did.
Olbermann does the exact same thing you accuse Beck of.

Sorry Dave, but avoiding content because you dislike the politics of the source does not automatically make your assertions correct. Bottom line: one must have the courage to read ALL information available in order to determine the truth. If you cannot disprove what Media Matters is printing, then all the sour grapes in the world won't change the facts contained. In short, ALL the source material I provided proves Beck to be a liar....period. If YOU can logically and factually disprove what I sourced, then have at it. If not, then you're just spitting in the wind.

As for Olberman....YOU need to PROVE your assertion, as I did.
The Beatles weren't responsible for his deranged interpretations of a song that NEVER specified or alluded to the actions that Manson did.

Beck does as much as possible to stoke the doomsday, "they're coming to get you" paranoia of anti-gov't types, rabid ultra right wingers and various bigotries....BUT he stops short of actually advocating direct action. Beck's actions can be deemed as irresponsible and dangerous...especially when he makes specific references and people act upon them. I don't know if a case can be made in court for "inciting to riot", but if Beck wants to run the gauntlet he may NOT be so lucky in the near future.

So It's Beck's fault. Let's ignore all the talk on nonviolence, integrity, and changing of self. Doesn't really matter.

Read carefully what I wrote.....Beck's back peddling and gloss over's come AFTER all of his incendiary blatherings and mean spirited, ultra conservative paranoid ratnings. It's like someone consistently taking a piss on your front lawn and then making all types of apologies afterwards...yet they continue to piss on your front lawn.

Glenn hasn't been backpedalling at all. In order to accept your claims we have to ignore what Glenn actually says and talks about.

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