Media Matters = Liberal Bias


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

After $100k ‘public relations’ payment from teachers union, Media Matters attacked Fox News

Wednesday, August 29, 2012
By David Martosko

A document the National Education Association filed with the U.S. Department of Labor in 2011 indicates that the teachers union donated $100,000 to Media Matters For America nearly two years ago, describing it as a payment for “public relations costs.” In the months that followed, Media Matters’ online coverage of teachers unions increased, focusing largely on attacking the Fox News Channel and other media outlets it considers “conservative” in nature.

The $100,000 payment was first documented in “Shadowbosses: Government Unions Control America and Rob Taxpayers Blind,” a book by Citadel international politics professor Mallory Factor published on August 21.

“[T]o ensure that NEA’s agenda makes its way in the media,” Factor wrote, “NEA has given $100,000 to Media Matters, the George Soros-funded liberal ‘charitable organization’ dedicated to targeting mythical right-wing media bias.” (RELATED – Book: Obamacare law designed to unionize 21 million health care workers)

The Daily Caller has obtained an electronic document verifying Factor’s claim. It is available on a website operated by the Department of Labor’s Office of Labor-Management Standards.


Read more: After $100k payment from NEA, Media Matters attacked Fox News | The Daily Caller
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Truly Absurd Salon Headline: 'Fox News’ War on Muslims - Ailes, O'Reilly and Hannity Have Stoked Islamophobia'

By Noel Sheppard | September 12, 2012

On the eleventh anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, the horrendously liberal website Salon published a piece with the truly absurd headline, "Fox News’ War on Muslims: Roger Ailes, Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity have stoked Islamophobia -- and encouraged right-wing ignorance."

The contents - excerpted from Nathan Lean's book “The Islamophobia Industry: How the Right Manufactures Fear of Muslims” - were stocked with misinformation about America's leading cable news channel:


Apparently neither Lean nor Salon were concerned about checking the facts in this excerpt.

Reached for comment, a Fox News representative told NewsBusters:

“Had Salon bothered to check out the “facts” it was parroting from Rolling Stone and Media Matters which exists solely to attack FOX News, they would have seen that we already dismissed the 2011 story as fiction and fantasy. Their rip and write approach, especially in regards to stirring up religious hatred is a vivid example of irresponsible, lazy journalism made no less egregious by the fact that it was commissioned on 9/11.”


Read more: Truly Absurd Salon Headline: 'Fox News
Hey loincloth, I just noticed your Sig,

"Republican's want less government, for the same reasons criminals want less cops!"

you being a expert on criminals maybe you can tell us why criminals vote democrat...:eusa_whistle:
Maybe you should tell us why all the criminals in prison are republican?
Truly Absurd Salon Headline: 'Fox News’ War on Muslims - Ailes, O'Reilly and Hannity Have Stoked Islamophobia'

By Noel Sheppard | September 12, 2012

On the eleventh anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, the horrendously liberal website Salon published a piece with the truly absurd headline, "Fox News’ War on Muslims: Roger Ailes, Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity have stoked Islamophobia -- and encouraged right-wing ignorance."

The contents - excerpted from Nathan Lean's book “The Islamophobia Industry: How the Right Manufactures Fear of Muslims” - were stocked with misinformation about America's leading cable news channel:


Apparently neither Lean nor Salon were concerned about checking the facts in this excerpt.

Reached for comment, a Fox News representative told NewsBusters:

“Had Salon bothered to check out the “facts” it was parroting from Rolling Stone and Media Matters which exists solely to attack FOX News, they would have seen that we already dismissed the 2011 story as fiction and fantasy. Their rip and write approach, especially in regards to stirring up religious hatred is a vivid example of irresponsible, lazy journalism made no less egregious by the fact that it was commissioned on 9/11.”


Read more: Truly Absurd Salon Headline: 'Fox News
Yeah, Charles Manson dismissed reports that he was responsible for the Tate-Labianca murders, but that doesn't mean he's right.

Emails show Justice working with Media Matters on stories that target critics

Published September 18, 2012

Newly published emails show the top spokeswoman at the U.S. Justice Department regularly collaborating with the liberal advocacy group Media Matters on stories that slam the administration's critics.

The emails, obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request and published by The Daily Caller, often show department public affairs chief Tracy Schmaler communicating with Media Matters bloggers. Sometimes, the emails were in response to inquiries. Other times, Schmaler was pitching ideas, according to the Caller.

In a January 2012 email chain, Schmaler sent a Media Matters writer lines from House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa's comments at a recent hearing. She reportedly underlined passages where the California Republican tries to explain the difference between Operation Fast and Furious and other anti-gunrunning operations under former President George W. Bush.

Hours later, an article appeared on Media Matters' site titled "Rep. Issa Ties Himself in Fast and Furious Knots."


Read more: Emails show Justice working with Media Matters on stories that target critics | Fox News

There is no doubt that Media Matters is bias. All their attention is directed at conservatives/conservative media.
But let's not forget that the right has their own resources that are biased against the left/lefty media!
So, if one is going to whine about one, they should whine about them all. And I do. I'm so tired of people using one-sided resources. These resources are for those who are just plain lazy to do research on their own or are people who refuse to stop drinking the Kool-aid their masters feed them.
Hey loincloth, I just noticed your Sig,

"Republican's want less government, for the same reasons criminals want less cops!"

you being a expert on criminals maybe you can tell us why criminals vote democrat...:eusa_whistle:
Maybe you should tell us why all the criminals in prison are republican?

And your proof of this accusation would be.... what?
Hey loincloth, I just noticed your Sig,

"Republican's want less government, for the same reasons criminals want less cops!"

you being a expert on criminals maybe you can tell us why criminals vote democrat...:eusa_whistle:
Maybe you should tell us why all the criminals in prison are republican?

First, felons are more likely to be single. Singles are more likely to be Democrats than married people. Second, felons are poorer than the average person. Poorer people are more likely to be Democrats. Third, felons are more likely to be black or Hispanic. Blacks and Hispanics are more likely to be Democrats, much more likely in the case of blacks. Fourth, felons are more likely to come from urban areas. Those from urban areas are more likely to be Democrats. You can now see why anyone familiar with American voting patterns would expect most felons to be Democrats.


And we should not forget another point that I have mentioned before &mdash although the Seattle Times does not mention it. When these searches for felons on the voting lists are made, they certainly miss many felons. Relying, as they do, on name matches, they will miss any felon who changes his name. And in Washington (and probably Florida), they will miss those who committed their crimes in another state. (Washington forbids them from voting if they could not vote in the state where they committed their crimes.) More than 5,600 felons voted illegally in Florida in 2000; more than 1,000 felons voted illegally in Washington in 2004. Almost certainly many more, in both elections.

Media Matters isn't just biased. It's mission statement says it all. It's purpose is to monitor (only) conservative speech. The ironic thing is that the libs keep whining about corporations paying more taxes while MM is tax exempt.
Hey loincloth, I just noticed your Sig,

"Republican's want less government, for the same reasons criminals want less cops!"

you being a expert on criminals maybe you can tell us why criminals vote democrat...:eusa_whistle:
Maybe you should tell us why all the criminals in prison are republican?

So THAT'S what happened to all those black Republicans. I wondered where they were.
Media Matters isn't just biased. It's mission statement says it all. It's purpose is to monitor (only) conservative speech. The ironic thing is that the libs keep whining about corporations paying more taxes while MM is tax exempt.


Emails show Justice working with Media Matters on stories that target critics

Published September 18, 2012

Newly published emails show the top spokeswoman at the U.S. Justice Department regularly collaborating with the liberal advocacy group Media Matters on stories that slam the administration's critics.

The emails, obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request and published by The Daily Caller, often show department public affairs chief Tracy Schmaler communicating with Media Matters bloggers. Sometimes, the emails were in response to inquiries. Other times, Schmaler was pitching ideas, according to the Caller.

In a January 2012 email chain, Schmaler sent a Media Matters writer lines from House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa's comments at a recent hearing. She reportedly underlined passages where the California Republican tries to explain the difference between Operation Fast and Furious and other anti-gunrunning operations under former President George W. Bush.

Hours later, an article appeared on Media Matters' site titled "Rep. Issa Ties Himself in Fast and Furious Knots."


Read more: Emails show Justice working with Media Matters on stories that target critics | Fox News


Dozens of pages of emails between DOJ Office of Public Affairs Director Tracy Schmaler and Media Matters staffers show Schmaler, Holder’s top press defender, working with Media Matters to attack reporters covering DOJ scandals. TheDC obtained the emails through a Freedom of Information Act request.
Emails sent in September and November 2010 show Schmaler working with Media Matters staffer Jeremy Holden on attacking news coverage of the New Black Panther Party voter intimidation scandal.
Holden attacked former DOJ Civil Rights Division attorneys J. Christian Adams and Hans von Spakovsky on Sept. 20, 2010 for what he called an attempt “to reignite the phony New Black Panther Party scandal.”[...]
Fox News played its tease shortly after of a segment promising new information on Fast and Furious, and at 10:18 a.m. Gertz sent the text of Fox News anchor Bill Hemmer’s tease to Schmaler.

“Also two weapons found at the scene where Border Agent Brian, uh, Terry was murdered linked to a botched federal gunrunning sting operation, and today the plot thickens once again,” Gertz quoted Hemmer as saying.
Eight minutes later, Schmaler wrote a terse “??” back to Gertz, likely indicating that she did not understand Hemmer’s statement.
Seconds after receiving Schmaler’s reply, Gertz respon “Also two weapons found at the scene where Border Agent Brian, uh, Terry was murdered linked to a botched federal gunrunning sting operation, and today the plot thickens once again,” Gertz quoted Hemmer as saying.
Eight minutes later, Schmaler wrote a terse “??” back to Gertz, likely indicating that she did not understand Hemmer’s statement.
Seconds after receiving Schmaler’s reply, Gertz responded, “No idea. Will let you know when the segment happens.”
Schmaler then praised Gertz for monitoring the situation: “Thanks Matt,” she replied.

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