Media Matters lied err fudged err misinterpreted Rush's numbers


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Man oh man. MM really has a hard on for Rush. Why do liberals have to lie all the time?


Rush Limbaugh’s Camp Responds to Media Matters Piece. The consumer media war against conservative talk radio – led by Media Matters for America – has, in general, not seen a lot of pushback from the program hosts themselves and the producers of the shows.

But Premiere Networks-syndicated Rush Limbaugh, the chief target of criticism, fired back at Media Matters after a piece by its senior fellow Eric Boehlert was published in The Huffington Post that proclaimed Limbaugh’s program a ratings failure in Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York.

Limbaugh program spokesperson Brian Glicklich penned a response to Boehlert’s piece in which he takes Boehlert to task for, primarily, publishing the three stations’ weekly AQH numbers with the implication they are Limbaugh’s numbers before clarifying that later in his piece.

He then adds his statistics about changes in Limbaugh’s ratings on those outlets. With just four months under his belt on these stations, one thing is for sure: Limbaugh is still the primary target for Media Matters and scrutiny of the these signals is something the industry will see a lot of over the next year or so.

And a conservative finds the truth! Yay! ETA: I'm glad to see Rush fighting back.

Glicklich says Boehlert's conclusions about Rush's ratings are not exclusively for the time period Rush is on the air.

"The audience numbers he uses are not just from Rush's three-hour show ... but from each radio station's average 24-hour-a day-audience." And here's how Glicklich says Rush is doing in the ratings in those three markets.

-- Los Angeles: On newly minted KEIB-*AM, Rush has already increased the AQH (Average Quarter Hour) audience by 314 percent among all measured persons during his show hours, and increased it 230 percent among Adults 25*-54. Eric calls this a disaster. If so, may we be cursed for years.

-- San Francisco: On new affiliate KNEW-AM, Boehlert's claim of "miniscule" ratings is pure fiction, and poorly written. Rush has increased the station's share from 0.2 to 2.7 in the last year during his broadcast. AQH audience is up 969 percent in the same period.

-- New York: Since moving to WOR*-AM, Rush has maintained his position, long held, as the No. 1 talk show in his daypart in the market. He has led WOR into the Top 10 stations and increased WOR's ratings by more than 200 percent in the nation's largest market.

Glicklich says when Rush moves to a new station, audience size skyrockets. "Rush Limbaugh's success in the face of Media Matters propaganda about him is damning.

It's time for Eric Boehlert to stop lying, and stop writing about media matters he doesn't understand... or want to understand."

Radio Ink Magazine
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Lol, the left has been predicting Rush's downfall ever since he started 25+ years ago.

Buncha dumbasses. Lol.

because the Left are losers who lie to THEMSELVES first and foremost.

these are the same clowns who call RECORD WELFARE AND FOOD STAMPS under obama "forward progress"

they cant admit their own failures; why would anybody think they could be honest about the success of somebody on the Right?
The libs have been salivating, hoping that Rush will retire so they can proclaim they drove him off the air.

I think at this point Rush is determined to die in front of the Golden EIB microphone, with a cigar in his hand.
And a conservative finds the truth! Yay! ETA: I'm glad to see Rush fighting back.

Glicklich says Boehlert's conclusions about Rush's ratings are not exclusively for the time period Rush is on the air.

"The audience numbers he uses are not just from Rush's three-hour show ... but from each radio station's average 24-hour-a day-audience." And here's how Glicklich says Rush is doing in the ratings in those three markets.

-- Los Angeles: On newly minted KEIB-*AM, Rush has already increased the AQH (Average Quarter Hour) audience by 314 percent among all measured persons during his show hours, and increased it 230 percent among Adults 25*-54. Eric calls this a disaster. If so, may we be cursed for years.

-- San Francisco: On new affiliate KNEW-AM, Boehlert's claim of "miniscule" ratings is pure fiction, and poorly written. Rush has increased the station's share from 0.2 to 2.7 in the last year during his broadcast. AQH audience is up 969 percent in the same period.

-- New York: Since moving to WOR*-AM, Rush has maintained his position, long held, as the No. 1 talk show in his daypart in the market. He has led WOR into the Top 10 stations and increased WOR's ratings by more than 200 percent in the nation's largest market.

Glicklich says when Rush moves to a new station, audience size skyrockets. "Rush Limbaugh's success in the face of Media Matters propaganda about him is damning.

It's time for Eric Boehlert to stop lying, and stop writing about media matters he doesn't understand... or want to understand."

Radio Ink Magazine

Yikes! Quick, somebody hide this from JoeB. It'll entirely screw up his Rush is dying, nearly dead narrative. I'm really concerned it might push him over the edge, maybe even force him to just make up some more stuff because he thinks that helps solidify his delusion(s). Or something.
Man oh man. MM really has a hard on for Rush. Why do liberals have to lie all the time?


Rush Limbaugh’s Camp Responds to Media Matters Piece. The consumer media war against conservative talk radio – led by Media Matters for America – has, in general, not seen a lot of pushback from the program hosts themselves and the producers of the shows.

But Premiere Networks-syndicated Rush Limbaugh, the chief target of criticism, fired back at Media Matters after a piece by its senior fellow Eric Boehlert was published in The Huffington Post that proclaimed Limbaugh’s program a ratings failure in Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York.

Limbaugh program spokesperson Brian Glicklich penned a response to Boehlert’s piece in which he takes Boehlert to task for, primarily, publishing the three stations’ weekly AQH numbers with the implication they are Limbaugh’s numbers before clarifying that later in his piece.

He then adds his statistics about changes in Limbaugh’s ratings on those outlets. With just four months under his belt on these stations, one thing is for sure: Limbaugh is still the primary target for Media Matters and scrutiny of the these signals is something the industry will see a lot of over the next year or so.


Isn't it curious the OP lists an article purportedly refuting another article ---- and never links the original?

Why not? What is she afraid of?

Here it is, I had to go search it out myself...

>> Clear Channel, which syndicates Limbaugh's program nationally, owns the station and flipped the call letters to KEIB in honor of him when the company announced he was leaving his longtime Los Angeles radio home, KFI, and moving to KEIB in January. There, according to Clear Channel, he would anchor a new, all-conservative lineup of Republican-friendly talkers, including Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity.

Three months later, Limbaugh's KEIB is a ratings disaster, coming in 37th place in the second largest radio market in America with a .5 rating share in March, the most recent month available, according to Nielsen ratings. (A ratings share represents the percent of those listening to radio in the market who are dialed into a particular station.)

How small is KEIB's audience? So small that 11 non-English radio stations have larger audiences in Los Angeles. And so small that KEIB actually trails four college-run, non-commercial stations in the market. This, for a man who makes $40 million a year to attract big radio audiences? As for KFI, the station Limbaugh left and which switched to an all-local news and talk format, its ratings remain healthy in the talker's absence. A top-10 station, KFI boasts an audience six times larger than KEIB's. <<

Now it's apparent why TD didn't want to link the original piece --- because it's about the "conservative lineup" that Limblob was supposed to "anchor" on this new station. Regardless what the writer pretends, this lead section is about the station as a whole and the idea behind it. Once again, from the above:

There, [at KEIB] according to Clear Channel, he would anchor a new, all-conservative lineup of Republican-friendly talkers, including Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity.

--- after which discussion of KEIB, the article then moves on to the Limblob effect in other markets -- on other stations-- with analysis of what it means. So there's no "fudge", no "misinterpretation", no "lie". But I'm sure there will be a TD retraction any minute now.

Meanwhile, the article TD can be bothered to link is written by "Brian Glicklich, Spokesperson, The Rush Limbaugh Show" -- not exactly an objective source if you catch my drift, radio pun intended. Even the roundabout link the OP provided leads off the entire story with, "Rush Limbaugh&#8217;s Camp Responds to Media Matters Piece". It wasn't a secret.

But hey, Limblob had to leave KFI and needed an outlet, right?

Oh wait --- KFI, the station that discontinued Limblob, is also owned by ClearChannel. :oops:

So this is a story about a marketing design, wherein ClearChannel wanted to package KEIB into a "conservative" (read: right wing demagogue) mouthpiece, and the ratings indicate the plan has backfired. At least by the benchmark of ratings. And unless you or I are buying or selling radio time on the show, those ratings are irrelevant to anything anyway, because ad rates are their sole purpose. So this is a story about a ClearChannel radio programming design that's not working. In effect a marketing plan that appears to be a flop.

Couldn't happen to a nicer monopoly, sez I.
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Are we comparing Tinydancer to Joe Göbbels? Really? I think that's going a bit far. :nono:
Glicklich says Boehlert's conclusions about Rush's ratings are not exclusively for the time period Rush is on the air.

Nor did the original article say they were. This is what happens when you take your story as a remake by The Spinners instead of the original artist.

(music biz reference for TD :) )
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