Media Matters targeting radio stations

From your post which I was replying to.

"it may not participate in any campaign activity for or against political candidates."
Yeah. I suppose at all those meetings with the White House they were just exchanging recipes, huh?
You get burned by your own post and quickly pivot.

You're a regular Ballerina. :lol:
You can't read, can you? You're functionally illiterate.

That, or you let the voices in your head do the reading, and they lie.

Never mind, it doesn't matter. Nothing's ever going to get through your "Obama is god" programming.
Tax exemption has nothing to do with this thread. :)

Why not. How are they even paying for their adds? Are Their Propaganda Adds taxed in any way? What does Rush Pay for Advertizing? Is it Taxed? How is that Equal, Moron?

Because this is a thread about pressure on radio stations to stop carrying the Rush Limbaugh Show, that's why.

It's not about wingnut hissy fits over MM's tax status.
That's not for you to decide. Your little butthurt tantrums are meaningless.
Are you saying that he has a right to have a radio show broadcast over the public airwaves?

He has the right to his freedom of speech.... if someone wants to give him a 50,000 watt blow torch to do it.... thats THEIR right.

Exactly. We are trying to convince them to take away his 50,000 watt blowtorch.

Freedom of speech. What's the problem?
You're not going to succeed...unless you get the government involved. Like you'd like to.
Then don't go to their website. Simple, really.

If we're looking for a far-leftist ultra-biased spin on a topic, it's one of the best sources....
Don't forget DailyKos,, Color Of Change, Credo, Ultra Violet,, Firedoglake, United Republic, Democracy Fund, Democracy For America, Bold Progressives, Consumer Union Action Fund, and Crooks & Liars.

Yup, thanks for the sources for moonbat non-thinking. :clap2:

Bunch of morons all passing around the same opinion and pretending they thought of it first. :lol:
Are you saying that he has a right to have a radio show broadcast over the public airwaves?

As long as he has an audience, that is willing to support him, yes. He is the King of Talk Radio. You don't like it? Eat Shit. You use the Government to arbitrarily shut him down, We see it as an Attack on Our Liberty. So Fuck Off. I don't tell you who or what to listen to. I won't stoop that low, Maggot. How dare you presume to think you know what is best for our interest, your mind may well be jello, mine ain't. Don't include me in your false Utopian nightmare. I'm not interested in playing.

I just read the rest of this post. You're unhinged. :lol:

We're using the Government to shut him down?

It's an attack on your liberty to be deprived of your daily 3 hour dose of hate speech?

I don't give a flying fuck what you want or what you think is in your best interest. I want him off the public airwaves. I will continue that effort, as will millions more.
As long as he has an audience, that is willing to support him, yes. He is the King of Talk Radio. You don't like it? Eat Shit. You use the Government to arbitrarily shut him down, We see it as an Attack on Our Liberty. So Fuck Off. I don't tell you who or what to listen to. I won't stoop that low, Maggot. How dare you presume to think you know what is best for our interest, your mind may well be jello, mine ain't. Don't include me in your false Utopian nightmare. I'm not interested in playing.
You obviously don't have Clue #1 what a Right is, in The United States Of America.

Perhaps you can point out this Right in the Constitution that wingnuts claim to love.

I'll tell you what a Right is not, Ass Hat. An Entitlement. You contribute to Knocking Rush off the Air because of your Bias of what you have no control over, and I will make it My Mission to Target Anything and Everything connected to the Campaign, Scum Bucket. You think it okay to dictate to me what my Rights are, while censoring my Interests? You do not understand cause and effect. Don't piss yourself, it won't save you from the consequences of your actions. Times are changing, people know when they are being fleeced and manipulated. The Free Ride is soon enough out of reach.

The Constitution is chock full of "entitlements". Our country is founded on "entitling" it's citizens. If you do not believe in the "entitlements" granted us then get the fuck a move on to some country where there are no entitlements.
Should you decide to target Blowhard's, you might start with thew Networks.

Meanwhile, explain why Media Matters is Tax Exempt again? Try to leave out the Double Speak.

My friend is not interested in the hypocrisy oozing from the left.
It's only festering. It hasn't started to ooze yet.
Then you admit the left are hypocrites.

You can start your impotent and unconvincing backpedaling now.
I don't care. :lol:

That's why.

Because you are a disingenuous dishonest hack, slime ball that you are. The fact that you don't care or even want to know about the depth of corruption and Hypocrisy, is evidence of your stupidity. Sellout that you are.
No, I just don't care about their tax status.
Of course you don't. You don't care when leftist organizations break the law. Furthermore, you LOVE it when leftist organizations advance their agenda using tax dollars.
No, I just don't care about their tax status.

Do you care about Dennis Terry's tax status? Do you want it removed?
If it is, I'm sure there's a laundry list of Leftist Pastors that should have theirs pulled too. Reverend Wright... white courtesy phone.. Reverend Wright.... white courtesy phone.

Personally I have no Problem at all with Religious Organizations having voice, whether I support the message or not. Wright does represent a Church, Legitimately. I am against Censorship. Let the message stand or fall on it's own merit. Same with Rush. You don't like the Messenger, you are free to not listen. Like Air America, when enough people tune out, it falls by design.
And that shows the left's intentions.

They don't want to just not listen to Rush themselves -- they don't want ANYBODY to listen to Rush.

It's because their ideas can't survive contact with other ideas. Therefore -- remove all other ideas.
Socialists/Progressives do not support Free Speech Rights. I'm surprised so many haven't figured that out yet. No Socialist/Communist Nation on Earth has ever supported Free Speech Rights. So why would Socialists/Progressives here be any different? These are not Classical Liberals of the past. The Democratic Party is in the process of purging them from their Party. So stop looking to Socialists/Progressives for Free Speech support. It just aint gonna happen.
If it is, I'm sure there's a laundry list of Leftist Pastors that should have theirs pulled too. Reverend Wright... white courtesy phone.. Reverend Wright.... white courtesy phone.
I say pull all of the tax exempt status from every church, mosque, and synagogue.

You guy's were Never big on Constitutional Limits on Controlling Authority, Unalienable Rights, Human Right's, Protection of the Clergy from Totalitarian Government, thanks for confirming that yet again, you Centralized Planner you. ;)Totalitarian Utopia, You Must Love It, like it or Not...... or Off to the Reeducation Camp you go.
"Put me in the Gulag with the all the cool people." Chris Baker

"According to Limbaugh, this hasn't affected his business, and he claims that advertisers are still beating down the door to be on his show (despite a memo circulated by syndicator Premiere Radio Networks listing advertisers who specifically are asking to be excluded from Limbaugh and other controversial shows).

A closer look at the issue debunks Limbaugh's rhetoric."

You obviously don't have Clue #1 what a Right is, in The United States Of America.

Perhaps you can point out this Right in the Constitution that wingnuts claim to love.

I'll tell you what a Right is not, Ass Hat. An Entitlement. You contribute to Knocking Rush off the Air because of your Bias of what you have no control over, and I will make it My Mission to Target Anything and Everything connected to the Campaign, Scum Bucket. You think it okay to dictate to me what my Rights are, while censoring my Interests? You do not understand cause and effect. Don't piss yourself, it won't save you from the consequences of your actions. Times are changing, people know when they are being fleeced and manipulated. The Free Ride is soon enough out of reach.

The Constitution is chock full of "entitlements". Our country is founded on "entitling" it's citizens. If you do not believe in the "entitlements" granted us then get the fuck a move on to some country where there are no entitlements.

Huggy, My only hope for you is that the Pixies that serve Justice Pee in Your Wiper Fluid, and that A Teamster driving an 18 Wheeler, behind you, while you are cleaning your windshield, at 65 mph, lets you know how he feels about it. Whatever he gives you, ask him for one from me too, in solidarity. You are a Dick Sometimes, at least when you are not being a Prick, or a Schmuck.

Here is Something to think on, and when you are done, maybe you could reflect on all those wasted years in Public School, when you weren't in Detention, anyway.


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Constitution Mythbuster
Helping to restore liberty by busting progressive myths about the Constitution
Entitlements are what make us a great Country? Really Mr. President?

Posted on May 13, 2011


The Myth

According to our President we would not be a great country without Social Security, Medicare, ObamaCare, and all the other multitude of entitlements.

The Truth

Our Country has been great since its very beginning and entitlements, which are relatively new development in our country’s history, had absolutely nothing to do with that.

Instead of making us great entitlements are having the opposite effect. The run away cost of entitlements makes up the largest share of the massive debt that is destroying our country. This free money is acting like a drug that is destroying the spirit of self-reliance and entrepreneurship that did make our nation great.

The Facts

These entitlements were not in existence at the time of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Nor were they in existence when our Constitution was ratified. Our country’s greatness can be directly tied to these two events.

Entitlements are actually a relatively new addition to our country. It was 1935 when the first, Social Security, came into existence. When the president made the claim that entitlements are what made this country great he completely disregarded all other factors and events that made this nation great over its first 159 years.

Since the very beginning the United States has been a great country because it was called into existence by the signing of the Declaration of Independence. At the very core of the Declaration of Independence is the belief that we are all endowed by God with Natural Rights that the government cannot take away from us. Most important among these Natural Rights is life, liberty, and the freedom to acquire property and dispose of as we see fit.

The Constitution was written to limit the power and size of the federal government so it would never pose a threat to the Natural Rights of this country’s citizens. By restraining the federal government the citizens of this country were free to prosper. The Constitution created a country where individuals are free to live their lives as they wish as long as they do not interfere with the rights of others.

Because the Constitution created a country where individuals are free to acquire property and dispose of it as they wish there is great incentive for people to become entrepreneurs and to innovate. This led to a prosperous nation as a whole.

This nation was also founded on Judeo-Christian principles. Charity is one of the cornerstones of these principles. Our founding fathers knew for us to remain a great nation it was essential we remained a country rooted in Judeo Christian principles.

Our founding fathers knew not everyone would prosper no matter how prosperous our country became. They also knew that by creating a prosperous nation, made up of free individuals, that is rooted in Judeo-Christian principles, we would be a charitable nation. The Declaration of Independence and Constitution together created a nation of individuals who, out of the goodness of their hearts, would help those in need.

Too much charity can lead to dependence, those receiving it can lose sight of the need to work, and too much easy money can lead to fraud and corruption. Our founding fathers understood this and sought to limit government charity. They knew the best way to limit the harmful effects of charity is keep it under strict local control. The framers of the Constitution did not grant the Federal Government any powers to provide charity in any form. Entitlements, like all other forms of charity, are unconstitutional.

The framers of the Constitution also had a more compelling justification to make entitlements by the Federal Government unconstitutional. They are a form of theft by taxes. Money is forcibly confiscated from the productive and given to the unproductive. Individuals do have a moral obligation to pay taxes but only for those services the government has a moral obligation to provide. At the federal level the government has a moral and a constitutional obligation to provide for the common defense and things that improve the well-being of the nation as a whole.

By confiscating wealth from the more productive you are reducing the incentive to become productive. By transferring wealth to the unproductive you are providing an incentive to become unproductive. By confiscating this wealth by taxes the government is reducing the amount of money these individuals would normally give to private charity. Our founding fathers understood the government is far more inefficient at providing anything compared to the private sector.........

Entitlements are what make us a great Country? Really Mr. President? « Constitution Mythbuster
The Constitution is chock full of "entitlements". Our country is founded on "entitling" it's citizens. If you do not believe in the "entitlements" granted us then get the fuck a move on to some country where there are no entitlements.

f()ck, I like this post. Did sanity break through for Huggy? :eusa_shifty:

Since when was Huggy not full of shit. The Entitlements Huggy refers to are not in the Constitution, but Constructs later claimed.
I'll tell you what a Right is not, Ass Hat. An Entitlement. You contribute to Knocking Rush off the Air because of your Bias of what you have no control over, and I will make it My Mission to Target Anything and Everything connected to the Campaign, Scum Bucket. You think it okay to dictate to me what my Rights are, while censoring my Interests? You do not understand cause and effect. Don't piss yourself, it won't save you from the consequences of your actions. Times are changing, people know when they are being fleeced and manipulated. The Free Ride is soon enough out of reach.

The Constitution is chock full of "entitlements". Our country is founded on "entitling" it's citizens. If you do not believe in the "entitlements" granted us then get the fuck a move on to some country where there are no entitlements.

Huggy, My only hope for you is that the Pixies that serve Justice Pee in Your Wiper Fluid, and that A Teamster driving an 18 Wheeler, behind you, while you are cleaning your windshield, at 65 mph, lets you know how he feels about it. Whatever he gives you, ask him for one from me too, in solidarity. You are a Dick Sometimes, at least when you are not being a Prick, or a Schmuck.

Here is Something to think on, and when you are done, maybe you could reflect on all those wasted years in Public School, when you weren't in Detention, anyway.


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Constitution Mythbuster
Helping to restore liberty by busting progressive myths about the Constitution
Entitlements are what make us a great Country? Really Mr. President?

Posted on May 13, 2011


The Myth

According to our President we would not be a great country without Social Security, Medicare, ObamaCare, and all the other multitude of entitlements.

The Truth

Our Country has been great since its very beginning and entitlements, which are relatively new development in our country’s history, had absolutely nothing to do with that.

Instead of making us great entitlements are having the opposite effect. The run away cost of entitlements makes up the largest share of the massive debt that is destroying our country. This free money is acting like a drug that is destroying the spirit of self-reliance and entrepreneurship that did make our nation great.

The Facts

These entitlements were not in existence at the time of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Nor were they in existence when our Constitution was ratified. Our country’s greatness can be directly tied to these two events.

Entitlements are actually a relatively new addition to our country. It was 1935 when the first, Social Security, came into existence. When the president made the claim that entitlements are what made this country great he completely disregarded all other factors and events that made this nation great over its first 159 years.

Since the very beginning the United States has been a great country because it was called into existence by the signing of the Declaration of Independence. At the very core of the Declaration of Independence is the belief that we are all endowed by God with Natural Rights that the government cannot take away from us. Most important among these Natural Rights is life, liberty, and the freedom to acquire property and dispose of as we see fit.

The Constitution was written to limit the power and size of the federal government so it would never pose a threat to the Natural Rights of this country’s citizens. By restraining the federal government the citizens of this country were free to prosper. The Constitution created a country where individuals are free to live their lives as they wish as long as they do not interfere with the rights of others.

Because the Constitution created a country where individuals are free to acquire property and dispose of it as they wish there is great incentive for people to become entrepreneurs and to innovate. This led to a prosperous nation as a whole.

This nation was also founded on Judeo-Christian principles. Charity is one of the cornerstones of these principles. Our founding fathers knew for us to remain a great nation it was essential we remained a country rooted in Judeo Christian principles.

Our founding fathers knew not everyone would prosper no matter how prosperous our country became. They also knew that by creating a prosperous nation, made up of free individuals, that is rooted in Judeo-Christian principles, we would be a charitable nation. The Declaration of Independence and Constitution together created a nation of individuals who, out of the goodness of their hearts, would help those in need.

Too much charity can lead to dependence, those receiving it can lose sight of the need to work, and too much easy money can lead to fraud and corruption. Our founding fathers understood this and sought to limit government charity. They knew the best way to limit the harmful effects of charity is keep it under strict local control. The framers of the Constitution did not grant the Federal Government any powers to provide charity in any form. Entitlements, like all other forms of charity, are unconstitutional.

The framers of the Constitution also had a more compelling justification to make entitlements by the Federal Government unconstitutional. They are a form of theft by taxes. Money is forcibly confiscated from the productive and given to the unproductive. Individuals do have a moral obligation to pay taxes but only for those services the government has a moral obligation to provide. At the federal level the government has a moral and a constitutional obligation to provide for the common defense and things that improve the well-being of the nation as a whole.

By confiscating wealth from the more productive you are reducing the incentive to become productive. By transferring wealth to the unproductive you are providing an incentive to become unproductive. By confiscating this wealth by taxes the government is reducing the amount of money these individuals would normally give to private charity. Our founding fathers understood the government is far more inefficient at providing anything compared to the private sector.........

Entitlements are what make us a great Country? Really Mr. President? « Constitution Mythbuster

I dissagree with you strongly. Back in the 17th, 18th and nineteenth centuries most of the population was not dependant on the whims of the rich and powerfull to live whatever life they wanted. Most people lived on small farms. If a kid went to the city to strike it rich or get a good education like Lincoln for example he could and if he struck out he could always go back on the farm. I wouldn't call that "great" but it was a sort of a safety net.

This country wasn't "great" for most of it's founding. At first it wasn't even considered "a country" at all by most of it's citizens. Being a Virginian for instance meant more that being a citizen of the United States. The rest of the world certainly didn't have this inflated high regard for us. And I'm not talking about your bumper sticker "Obama Apologizes" either. It was well known that we wouldn't even have won independance without Frances half assed help.

You idiots think the OLD DAYS were great? You are morons. Slavery..stealing land from the native Americans.. This country was founded by thieves and scum that bought and sold human beings. Everytime I see one of you fuckwits talk about "the founders" like they were gods ..makes me want to puke.

This country was never GREAT until we took on the real power of the AXIS in WWII and kicked their asses...totally...thoroughly.. And we did it for all the right reasons. Before that we were small time. We were not great until we started acting like a nation of men and women that when of a comon purpose were the cream of the human crop. The whole planet looks to us for a number of reasons ...fairness..rule of law...opportunity freedom of religion.. freedom of speach.. freedom of press.. ALL good reasons to be called great. BUT ....for most of our existance they were empty words to most of our population. We did not let women vote as a national right until the early twentieth century. No..we were not a GREAT country until relatively recently and with social security and medicare we are even a better country. Why do we do it? Because it is the right thing to do. Just like fighting WWII.
Media Matters needs to be stripped of it's tax exempt Status. It is a Propaganda Machine.

Good thing we have laws governing tax-exempt organization, and don't base it on whatever you're feeling.

But let a republican preacher preach politics from the pulpit and you blow a gasket every time.

Can you say 'hypocrite'?

I don't think preachers should be making political pronouncements from the pulpit (and that also goes for African-American pastors making appeals on the behalf of Democrats), but short of endorsing candidates, they're allowed to do that and maintain their tax-exempt status.

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