Media Matters targeting radio stations

Hey libs. Let's stop the dance.

Concisely and precisely: is the effort of Media Matters to get Rush Limbaugh off the air a valid move that gives due consideration for the value we place on free speech and the open market of competing ideas?

I say that Media Matters is WAY off base. I say YOU libs OUGHT to be agreeing with me on that.
What the fuck are they waiting for?

I can't disagree with the bolded, because he's too chickenshit to appear anywhere to debate anybody.

Why doesn't his 20 year-long cowardice bother you? If he's so damn smart, why won't he debate anyone?

Let him go on The Rachel Maddow Show, or The Last Word w/Lawrence O'Donnell, or even The Daily Show, and see how he holds up. :lol:

He won't. He can't. He's a coward.

Hey Fuck Head, He has more listeners combined everyday, than All Liberal Radio Commentators combined. You want to Debate. Hive him a Call. Idiot.
So that he can mute me, or talk over me when he starts to lose the argument? No thanks.

Republicans cannot hold up their end of a debate fairly, so they resort to those tactics. As you very well know.

The point remains that Rush is a coward who is unable to defend his positions against a Liberal, armed with the facts.
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Hey Fuck Head, He has more listeners combined everyday, than All Liberal Radio Commentators combined. You want to Debate. Hive him a Call. Idiot.
He's probably tried and bitter because Bo Snerdley shuts him down every time when he gets through the busy signal.
I've never tried to call, because of the reasons I just stated, but you make an excellent point: Rush needs someone to filter out anyone who would expose his bullshit.
If it is, I'm sure there's a laundry list of Leftist Pastors that should have theirs pulled too. Reverend Wright... white courtesy phone.. Reverend Wright.... white courtesy phone.
I say pull all of the tax exempt status from every church, mosque, and synagogue.

You guy's were Never big on Constitutional Limits on Controlling Authority, Unalienable Rights, Human Right's, Protection of the Clergy from Totalitarian Government, thanks for confirming that yet again, you Centralized Planner you. ;)Totalitarian Utopia, You Must Love It, like it or Not...... or Off to the Reeducation Camp you go.
Why should churches have tax exempt status?
Yeah. I suppose at all those meetings with the White House they were just exchanging recipes, huh?
You get burned by your own post and quickly pivot.

You're a regular Ballerina. :lol:
You can't read, can you? You're functionally illiterate.

That, or you let the voices in your head do the reading, and they lie.

Never mind, it doesn't matter. Nothing's ever going to get through your "Obama is god" programming.
This, from Mr. "Anybody But Obama". :lol:
Because you are a disingenuous dishonest hack, slime ball that you are. The fact that you don't care or even want to know about the depth of corruption and Hypocrisy, is evidence of your stupidity. Sellout that you are.
No, I just don't care about their tax status.
Of course you don't. You don't care when leftist organizations break the law. Furthermore, you LOVE it when leftist organizations advance their agenda using tax dollars.
Why not. How are they even paying for their adds? Are Their Propaganda Adds taxed in any way? What does Rush Pay for Advertizing? Is it Taxed? How is that Equal, Moron?

Because this is a thread about pressure on radio stations to stop carrying the Rush Limbaugh Show, that's why.

It's not about wingnut hissy fits over MM's tax status.
That's not for you to decide. Your little butthurt tantrums are meaningless.

Media Matters targeting radio stations

Yeah - it's about tax status. :lol:

Media Matters needs to be stripped of it's tax exempt Status. It is a Propaganda Machine.

Good thing we have laws governing tax-exempt organization, and don't base it on whatever you're feeling.

But let a republican preacher preach politics from the pulpit and you blow a gasket every time.

Can you say 'hypocrite'?
The question is: why aren't you blowing a gasket over it?
Hey libs. Let's stop the dance.

Concisely and precisely: is the effort of Media Matters to get Rush Limbaugh off the air a valid move that gives due consideration for the value we place on free speech and the open market of competing ideas?

I say that Media Matters is WAY off base. I say YOU libs OUGHT to be agreeing with me on that.
No one is trying to deprive Rush of his free speech. He doesn't have a right to a radio show. He doesn't have a right to spew hatred over the nation's publicly owned airwaves. And if he is that committed to having his voice heard, he can record podcasts and sell them. THAT would be the free market at work. But he knows that very few people would buy them.

Glenn Beck is finding that out.
Hey libs. Let's stop the dance.

Concisely and precisely: is the effort of Media Matters to get Rush Limbaugh off the air a valid move that gives due consideration for the value we place on free speech and the open market of competing ideas?

I say that Media Matters is WAY off base. I say YOU libs OUGHT to be agreeing with me on that.
No one is trying to deprive Rush of his free speech. He doesn't have a right to a radio show. He doesn't have a right to spew hatred over the nation's publicly owned airwaves. And if he is that committed to having his voice heard, he can record podcasts and sell them. THAT would be the free market at work. But he knows that very few people would buy them.

Glenn Beck is finding that out.

Wrong. Media Nutters is unquestionably trying to get Rush off the air. They wish to silence him rather than take him on. It is the way of all pathetic cowards who pay only lip service to the values of free speech.

The concern is not that their efforts might work. They will fail. The concern is that they even think it's ok to try.

It is shit like that that devalues the term "liberal."
How is it any different from the American Family Association's boycott of JcPenney over hiring Ellen as a spokesperson?

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