Media Slams Biden For Border Crisis

Being unwilling to address the actual problem he deserves all the grief that comes his way.
Having CREATED the actual well as Joe Biden...deserve all the grief that comes their way! This isn't something done solely by Joe Biden...this was a policy that was pushed by the far left of the Democratic Party! AOC, Chuckie Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris...this is on ALL of you! You created this mess and you did so DELIBERATELY!

The problem has been around forever.
This nation will always have immigration concerns and issues......Everybody loves American MONEY$$$$$$$. The reason this nation can never solve immigration is two things....Corporations need illegals to keep wages low for Americans and there's no end game to illegals....the flow never ends...Only one president actually brought illegal immigration to a rational ebb and that was the black guy Obama. Google it....border crossings were actually down during his 8 year tenor. Biden was there, he should know better....he's due for press conference soon, I hope the reporters eat that old white fuck for lunch!!

The issue can NOT be judged on border crossings numbers. Those coming for jobs are not crossing where they are counted.

We have no clue how many are coming in at any given time.
Doesn't matter...I'm more upset about the kids than randoms coming into this country at any given time...been like this for centuries....what is pissing me off, are these sad disgusting parents giving there kids away to complete strangers, some as young as 9 yrs old in the hopes of making to this country, WHO IN THE FUCK DOES SHIT LIKE THIS??? Somebody needs to drag these fucked in the head parents over to Africa for a few lessons on starvation, violence and poverty. And for stupid as Joe to pour open our borders for this madness, is just beyond. AND DURING A FUCKIN PANDEMIC....I will never vote for this loser ever again in my life.

Someone pretty desperate I'd say. I can't understand people giving their kids to the government to go off and die in some foreign countries over lies either.
yeah, but our kids are giving choices...I joined the military at 19, I had a choice. But for these babies?????? I just don't understand it all. I don't give a shit how hard my life is and I live in a city that is number one in gun shot fatalities in the nation, I mean this city is a fuckin shit ho....but nothing on this planet would seperate me from my kids. Hell, I had mommie fits when my kids all went off to college and when they came home and moved out...I thought I'd have a fuckin heart attack

We allow our kids to go without medical/dental/nutritional care in large numbers because of it being unaffordable for many.

It's all a level of our standing.

In the Bible while the story is quite incomplete Jesus went off by himself at an early age.

The rich have sent their kids off to be raised by others for a long time.
We are venturing into apple and oranges territory here....this debate stems from a senile white guy, ie Biden swinging open our borders to kids during the worst pandemic in modern history. Instead of this stupid ass ho, focusing on the caged kids Trump allowed and finding them either homes or reuniting them with thier families, he encourages more of the shit, like who the hell does this shit, during a global pandemic and then, asking tax payers, you and I to support putting them until they find the american dream??? You commentary is apples and oranges and to put dear Jesus who told his mother, he's got work to'on, Biden screwed up end of story. As for your last mammies raised the rich during and oranges again

For a long time I argued that unless we address the reason people come here (for jobs) the problem is only going to get worse and here we are.
Being unwilling to address the actual problem he deserves all the grief that comes his way.
Having CREATED the actual well as Joe Biden...deserve all the grief that comes their way! This isn't something done solely by Joe Biden...this was a policy that was pushed by the far left of the Democratic Party! AOC, Chuckie Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris...this is on ALL of you! You created this mess and you did so DELIBERATELY!

The problem has been around forever.
The problem has been turned into a crisis by Joe Biden and the Democrats getting rid of Donald Trump's border policies, Pknopp! You know it. Anyone who says they didn't see this coming is either incredibly naive...or a bald faced liar!

As long as business gets away with hiring illegals the illegals will come to fill every position.

The economy is opening back up. Those who lost their jobs are coming back.
So those thousands upon thousands of children now crushing our immigration system at the Southern border are returning to the jobs they lost? Is that what you're going to claim, PK? Go have your morning coffee, dude! That reply is laughable!

There are a relatively small number of "minors" and if you pay attention many of those "minors are 15, 16, 17 and yes they are coming for jobs.
There are tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors! For you to claim otherwise is a total distortion of what's taking place! They're NOT coming back to jobs they lost when the economy was shut down for Covid...they're being sent to America by their parents who will soon be joining them here. At the rate they're flooding the southern border we're talking about millions of illegals being allowed into our country and the Democrats are hiding what's taking place from the public!

A minor can not survive here on their own. If the "minor" gets here their parents could have also.

I already noted that I care less about the grief the Democrats are getting because they like so many administrations before them refuse to address the actual problem.
Of course the parents will get here as well! That's the Democratic plan all along. Flood the country with Hispanics that you think will vote for Democrats. You know damn well that if those illegals were voting for Republicans that the Democrats would be SCREAMING for a secure border!

They don't vote. They will in the future though.
Which is why Democrats want them here! That's my POINT! They also affect how many members of Congress each State gets which means States like California with a huge population of illegals has more members of the House than they would be entitled to if that was determined by a count of legal residents which is one more reason why Democrats want as many of them in as possible!

Everyone wants them here. That's why no one will address the big issue. Employers willing to hire them.
I don't know a single person that supports illegal immigration. So I find your comment to be untrue.

I don't know a single employer that is willing to hire an illegal alien. I am sure there are some...but I don't know one...can you please provide me the names of some businesses you know that are willing to hire illegal aliens so that we can report them to law enforcement?
Are you serious.....put it this way, if you come to a place where the ppl don't speak english, chances are they're here check out a hotels kitchen, who hires the cousins or friends of those here legally, I see it all the time. That maid making up your hotel bed, that cleaning lady cleaning your companies office, that don't speak a friend of someone here legally.
what a bigoted thing to say...plenty of people come here legally and don't speak roomate in College's parents didn't speak English, they were here legally.

Wow...just a wildly bigoted thing to say
Being unwilling to address the actual problem he deserves all the grief that comes his way.
Having CREATED the actual well as Joe Biden...deserve all the grief that comes their way! This isn't something done solely by Joe Biden...this was a policy that was pushed by the far left of the Democratic Party! AOC, Chuckie Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris...this is on ALL of you! You created this mess and you did so DELIBERATELY!

The problem has been around forever.
The problem has been turned into a crisis by Joe Biden and the Democrats getting rid of Donald Trump's border policies, Pknopp! You know it. Anyone who says they didn't see this coming is either incredibly naive...or a bald faced liar!

As long as business gets away with hiring illegals the illegals will come to fill every position.

The economy is opening back up. Those who lost their jobs are coming back.
So those thousands upon thousands of children now crushing our immigration system at the Southern border are returning to the jobs they lost? Is that what you're going to claim, PK? Go have your morning coffee, dude! That reply is laughable!

There are a relatively small number of "minors" and if you pay attention many of those "minors are 15, 16, 17 and yes they are coming for jobs.
There are tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors! For you to claim otherwise is a total distortion of what's taking place! They're NOT coming back to jobs they lost when the economy was shut down for Covid...they're being sent to America by their parents who will soon be joining them here. At the rate they're flooding the southern border we're talking about millions of illegals being allowed into our country and the Democrats are hiding what's taking place from the public!

A minor can not survive here on their own. If the "minor" gets here their parents could have also.

I already noted that I care less about the grief the Democrats are getting because they like so many administrations before them refuse to address the actual problem.
Of course the parents will get here as well! That's the Democratic plan all along. Flood the country with Hispanics that you think will vote for Democrats. You know damn well that if those illegals were voting for Republicans that the Democrats would be SCREAMING for a secure border!

They don't vote. They will in the future though.
Which is why Democrats want them here! That's my POINT! They also affect how many members of Congress each State gets which means States like California with a huge population of illegals has more members of the House than they would be entitled to if that was determined by a count of legal residents which is one more reason why Democrats want as many of them in as possible!

Everyone wants them here. That's why no one will address the big issue. Employers willing to hire them.
I don't know a single person that supports illegal immigration. So I find your comment to be untrue.

I don't know a single employer that is willing to hire an illegal alien. I am sure there are some...but I don't know one...can you please provide me the names of some businesses you know that are willing to hire illegal aliens so that we can report them to law enforcement?

If you aren't demanding that elected officials enforcing and strengthening employment laws but rather making excuses you are supporting it.

What you know is worthless. Thousands knowing are. I don't know a single serial killer either but that means nothing.
I totally wish they would! I wish Xiden would continue to follow the path laid out for him by Trump...who got the largest penalty in history for a business that knowingly hired illegals!

Serial killers are quite rare....maybe that's why you don't know any...just like businesses that knowingly hire illegals is quite rare....thanks for proving my point
Get the fuck outta here....Trump is nortorious for hiring contractors who sub contract to illegals. Fake news alert ppl
what's your point? That's hardly his fault....sounds like an issue for the contractors....
Being unwilling to address the actual problem he deserves all the grief that comes his way.
Having CREATED the actual well as Joe Biden...deserve all the grief that comes their way! This isn't something done solely by Joe Biden...this was a policy that was pushed by the far left of the Democratic Party! AOC, Chuckie Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris...this is on ALL of you! You created this mess and you did so DELIBERATELY!

The problem has been around forever.
This nation will always have immigration concerns and issues......Everybody loves American MONEY$$$$$$$. The reason this nation can never solve immigration is two things....Corporations need illegals to keep wages low for Americans and there's no end game to illegals....the flow never ends...Only one president actually brought illegal immigration to a rational ebb and that was the black guy Obama. Google it....border crossings were actually down during his 8 year tenor. Biden was there, he should know better....he's due for press conference soon, I hope the reporters eat that old white fuck for lunch!!

The issue can NOT be judged on border crossings numbers. Those coming for jobs are not crossing where they are counted.

We have no clue how many are coming in at any given time.
Doesn't matter...I'm more upset about the kids than randoms coming into this country at any given time...been like this for centuries....what is pissing me off, are these sad disgusting parents giving there kids away to complete strangers, some as young as 9 yrs old in the hopes of making to this country, WHO IN THE FUCK DOES SHIT LIKE THIS??? Somebody needs to drag these fucked in the head parents over to Africa for a few lessons on starvation, violence and poverty. And for stupid as Joe to pour open our borders for this madness, is just beyond. AND DURING A FUCKIN PANDEMIC....I will never vote for this loser ever again in my life.

Someone pretty desperate I'd say. I can't understand people giving their kids to the government to go off and die in some foreign countries over lies either.
yeah, but our kids are giving choices...I joined the military at 19, I had a choice. But for these babies?????? I just don't understand it all. I don't give a shit how hard my life is and I live in a city that is number one in gun shot fatalities in the nation, I mean this city is a fuckin shit ho....but nothing on this planet would seperate me from my kids. Hell, I had mommie fits when my kids all went off to college and when they came home and moved out...I thought I'd have a fuckin heart attack

We allow our kids to go without medical/dental/nutritional care in large numbers because of it being unaffordable for many.

It's all a level of our standing.

In the Bible while the story is quite incomplete Jesus went off by himself at an early age.

The rich have sent their kids off to be raised by others for a long time.
We are venturing into apple and oranges territory here....this debate stems from a senile white guy, ie Biden swinging open our borders to kids during the worst pandemic in modern history. Instead of this stupid ass ho, focusing on the caged kids Trump allowed and finding them either homes or reuniting them with thier families, he encourages more of the shit, like who the hell does this shit, during a global pandemic and then, asking tax payers, you and I to support putting them until they find the american dream??? You commentary is apples and oranges and to put dear Jesus who told his mother, he's got work to'on, Biden screwed up end of story. As for your last mammies raised the rich during and oranges again

For a long time I argued that unless we address the reason people come here (for jobs) the problem is only going to get worse and here we are.
so what's the solution? Have a horrible economy? Well...I give xiden some time
Being unwilling to address the actual problem he deserves all the grief that comes his way.
Having CREATED the actual well as Joe Biden...deserve all the grief that comes their way! This isn't something done solely by Joe Biden...this was a policy that was pushed by the far left of the Democratic Party! AOC, Chuckie Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris...this is on ALL of you! You created this mess and you did so DELIBERATELY!

The problem has been around forever.
This nation will always have immigration concerns and issues......Everybody loves American MONEY$$$$$$$. The reason this nation can never solve immigration is two things....Corporations need illegals to keep wages low for Americans and there's no end game to illegals....the flow never ends...Only one president actually brought illegal immigration to a rational ebb and that was the black guy Obama. Google it....border crossings were actually down during his 8 year tenor. Biden was there, he should know better....he's due for press conference soon, I hope the reporters eat that old white fuck for lunch!!

The issue can NOT be judged on border crossings numbers. Those coming for jobs are not crossing where they are counted.

We have no clue how many are coming in at any given time.
Doesn't matter...I'm more upset about the kids than randoms coming into this country at any given time...been like this for centuries....what is pissing me off, are these sad disgusting parents giving there kids away to complete strangers, some as young as 9 yrs old in the hopes of making to this country, WHO IN THE FUCK DOES SHIT LIKE THIS??? Somebody needs to drag these fucked in the head parents over to Africa for a few lessons on starvation, violence and poverty. And for stupid as Joe to pour open our borders for this madness, is just beyond. AND DURING A FUCKIN PANDEMIC....I will never vote for this loser ever again in my life.

Someone pretty desperate I'd say. I can't understand people giving their kids to the government to go off and die in some foreign countries over lies either.
yeah, but our kids are giving choices...I joined the military at 19, I had a choice. But for these babies?????? I just don't understand it all. I don't give a shit how hard my life is and I live in a city that is number one in gun shot fatalities in the nation, I mean this city is a fuckin shit ho....but nothing on this planet would seperate me from my kids. Hell, I had mommie fits when my kids all went off to college and when they came home and moved out...I thought I'd have a fuckin heart attack

We allow our kids to go without medical/dental/nutritional care in large numbers because of it being unaffordable for many.

It's all a level of our standing.

In the Bible while the story is quite incomplete Jesus went off by himself at an early age.

The rich have sent their kids off to be raised by others for a long time.
We are venturing into apple and oranges territory here....this debate stems from a senile white guy, ie Biden swinging open our borders to kids during the worst pandemic in modern history. Instead of this stupid ass ho, focusing on the caged kids Trump allowed and finding them either homes or reuniting them with thier families, he encourages more of the shit, like who the hell does this shit, during a global pandemic and then, asking tax payers, you and I to support putting them until they find the american dream??? You commentary is apples and oranges and to put dear Jesus who told his mother, he's got work to'on, Biden screwed up end of story. As for your last mammies raised the rich during and oranges again

For a long time I argued that unless we address the reason people come here (for jobs) the problem is only going to get worse and here we are.
Then what was the point of NAFTA? Because it sure as hell drained my state of good paying Union jobs. You can say jobs, but its for the money and the free shit you get also. Go to any ER or clinic in this nation, all you'll see is spanish speaking Latino's ready to deliver babies. These ppl could give two fucks about this country, all they truly want in the money. Number one reason few learn English, but their kids do with free public education. Listen, I don't want to hate on Latino's, but as a black person, I'm not a fan. They use our neighborhoods, to hide and build their families, they take over all the social amnesties offered, draining what few resources poor communities get, they set up shop with spanish only languages, they take all the low skilled jobs, once our teens use to have during summer vacations and they're the number one reason raises are few and far btwn and why raising the min. wage is never gonna happen.
Being unwilling to address the actual problem he deserves all the grief that comes his way.
Having CREATED the actual well as Joe Biden...deserve all the grief that comes their way! This isn't something done solely by Joe Biden...this was a policy that was pushed by the far left of the Democratic Party! AOC, Chuckie Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris...this is on ALL of you! You created this mess and you did so DELIBERATELY!

The problem has been around forever.
The problem has been turned into a crisis by Joe Biden and the Democrats getting rid of Donald Trump's border policies, Pknopp! You know it. Anyone who says they didn't see this coming is either incredibly naive...or a bald faced liar!

As long as business gets away with hiring illegals the illegals will come to fill every position.

The economy is opening back up. Those who lost their jobs are coming back.
So those thousands upon thousands of children now crushing our immigration system at the Southern border are returning to the jobs they lost? Is that what you're going to claim, PK? Go have your morning coffee, dude! That reply is laughable!

There are a relatively small number of "minors" and if you pay attention many of those "minors are 15, 16, 17 and yes they are coming for jobs.
There are tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors! For you to claim otherwise is a total distortion of what's taking place! They're NOT coming back to jobs they lost when the economy was shut down for Covid...they're being sent to America by their parents who will soon be joining them here. At the rate they're flooding the southern border we're talking about millions of illegals being allowed into our country and the Democrats are hiding what's taking place from the public!

A minor can not survive here on their own. If the "minor" gets here their parents could have also.

I already noted that I care less about the grief the Democrats are getting because they like so many administrations before them refuse to address the actual problem.
Of course the parents will get here as well! That's the Democratic plan all along. Flood the country with Hispanics that you think will vote for Democrats. You know damn well that if those illegals were voting for Republicans that the Democrats would be SCREAMING for a secure border!

They don't vote. They will in the future though.
Which is why Democrats want them here! That's my POINT! They also affect how many members of Congress each State gets which means States like California with a huge population of illegals has more members of the House than they would be entitled to if that was determined by a count of legal residents which is one more reason why Democrats want as many of them in as possible!

Everyone wants them here. That's why no one will address the big issue. Employers willing to hire them.
I don't know a single person that supports illegal immigration. So I find your comment to be untrue.

I don't know a single employer that is willing to hire an illegal alien. I am sure there are some...but I don't know one...can you please provide me the names of some businesses you know that are willing to hire illegal aliens so that we can report them to law enforcement?

If you aren't demanding that elected officials enforcing and strengthening employment laws but rather making excuses you are supporting it.

What you know is worthless. Thousands knowing are. I don't know a single serial killer either but that means nothing.
I totally wish they would! I wish Xiden would continue to follow the path laid out for him by Trump...who got the largest penalty in history for a business that knowingly hired illegals!

Serial killers are quite rare....maybe that's why you don't know any...just like businesses that knowingly hire illegals is quite rare....thanks for proving my point
Get the fuck outta here....Trump is nortorious for hiring contractors who sub contract to illegals. Fake news alert ppl
what's your point? That's hardly his fault....sounds like an issue for the contractors....
His flaggering hotels in Vegas is inudated with illegals, google it. Trump's a frickin con man, hating on Latino's and I would bet my last dollar in the kitchen at his prized Mar vomit hotel, there are illegals working...the man would do just about anything to house a dollar.
Being unwilling to address the actual problem he deserves all the grief that comes his way.
Having CREATED the actual well as Joe Biden...deserve all the grief that comes their way! This isn't something done solely by Joe Biden...this was a policy that was pushed by the far left of the Democratic Party! AOC, Chuckie Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris...this is on ALL of you! You created this mess and you did so DELIBERATELY!

The problem has been around forever.
The problem has been turned into a crisis by Joe Biden and the Democrats getting rid of Donald Trump's border policies, Pknopp! You know it. Anyone who says they didn't see this coming is either incredibly naive...or a bald faced liar!

As long as business gets away with hiring illegals the illegals will come to fill every position.

The economy is opening back up. Those who lost their jobs are coming back.
So those thousands upon thousands of children now crushing our immigration system at the Southern border are returning to the jobs they lost? Is that what you're going to claim, PK? Go have your morning coffee, dude! That reply is laughable!

There are a relatively small number of "minors" and if you pay attention many of those "minors are 15, 16, 17 and yes they are coming for jobs.
There are tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors! For you to claim otherwise is a total distortion of what's taking place! They're NOT coming back to jobs they lost when the economy was shut down for Covid...they're being sent to America by their parents who will soon be joining them here. At the rate they're flooding the southern border we're talking about millions of illegals being allowed into our country and the Democrats are hiding what's taking place from the public!

A minor can not survive here on their own. If the "minor" gets here their parents could have also.

I already noted that I care less about the grief the Democrats are getting because they like so many administrations before them refuse to address the actual problem.
Of course the parents will get here as well! That's the Democratic plan all along. Flood the country with Hispanics that you think will vote for Democrats. You know damn well that if those illegals were voting for Republicans that the Democrats would be SCREAMING for a secure border!

They don't vote. They will in the future though.
Which is why Democrats want them here! That's my POINT! They also affect how many members of Congress each State gets which means States like California with a huge population of illegals has more members of the House than they would be entitled to if that was determined by a count of legal residents which is one more reason why Democrats want as many of them in as possible!

Everyone wants them here. That's why no one will address the big issue. Employers willing to hire them.
I don't know a single person that supports illegal immigration. So I find your comment to be untrue.

I don't know a single employer that is willing to hire an illegal alien. I am sure there are some...but I don't know one...can you please provide me the names of some businesses you know that are willing to hire illegal aliens so that we can report them to law enforcement?

If you aren't demanding that elected officials enforcing and strengthening employment laws but rather making excuses you are supporting it.

What you know is worthless. Thousands knowing are. I don't know a single serial killer either but that means nothing.
I totally wish they would! I wish Xiden would continue to follow the path laid out for him by Trump...who got the largest penalty in history for a business that knowingly hired illegals!

Serial killers are quite rare....maybe that's why you don't know any...just like businesses that knowingly hire illegals is quite rare....thanks for proving my point
Get the fuck outta here....Trump is nortorious for hiring contractors who sub contract to illegals. Fake news alert ppl
what's your point? That's hardly his fault....sounds like an issue for the contractors....
His flaggering hotels in Vegas is inudated with illegals, google it. Trump's a frickin con man, hating on Latino's and I would bet my last dollar in the kitchen at his prized Mar vomit hotel, there are illegals working...the man would do just about anything to house a dollar.
until you can show me that he knowingly hired illegal aliens...then you got nothing.

I am sure some illegals might have gotten fraudulent paperwork and used it to get a job...they do that and businesses around the country.
Being unwilling to address the actual problem he deserves all the grief that comes his way.
Having CREATED the actual well as Joe Biden...deserve all the grief that comes their way! This isn't something done solely by Joe Biden...this was a policy that was pushed by the far left of the Democratic Party! AOC, Chuckie Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris...this is on ALL of you! You created this mess and you did so DELIBERATELY!

The problem has been around forever.
Democrats made it a MILLION times worse.

10, 12, 15, 20 million. Does it really matter?
I never saw an illegal immigrant in Washington State until the early 90's. In the past 25 years, democrats have flooded our country with illegals. There are WAY the fuck more illegals in the US now than there used to be. Quit downplaying this left wing catastrophe.

What does an illegal wear that makes them stand out to you?
Being unwilling to address the actual problem he deserves all the grief that comes his way.
Having CREATED the actual well as Joe Biden...deserve all the grief that comes their way! This isn't something done solely by Joe Biden...this was a policy that was pushed by the far left of the Democratic Party! AOC, Chuckie Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris...this is on ALL of you! You created this mess and you did so DELIBERATELY!

The problem has been around forever.
Democrats made it a MILLION times worse.

10, 12, 15, 20 million. Does it really matter?
I never saw an illegal immigrant in Washington State until the early 90's. In the past 25 years, democrats have flooded our country with illegals. There are WAY the fuck more illegals in the US now than there used to be. Quit downplaying this left wing catastrophe.

What does an illegal wear that makes them stand out to you?
What does that stupid question have to do with this discussion?
Being unwilling to address the actual problem he deserves all the grief that comes his way.
Having CREATED the actual well as Joe Biden...deserve all the grief that comes their way! This isn't something done solely by Joe Biden...this was a policy that was pushed by the far left of the Democratic Party! AOC, Chuckie Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris...this is on ALL of you! You created this mess and you did so DELIBERATELY!

The problem has been around forever.
The problem has been turned into a crisis by Joe Biden and the Democrats getting rid of Donald Trump's border policies, Pknopp! You know it. Anyone who says they didn't see this coming is either incredibly naive...or a bald faced liar!

As long as business gets away with hiring illegals the illegals will come to fill every position.

The economy is opening back up. Those who lost their jobs are coming back.
So those thousands upon thousands of children now crushing our immigration system at the Southern border are returning to the jobs they lost? Is that what you're going to claim, PK? Go have your morning coffee, dude! That reply is laughable!

There are a relatively small number of "minors" and if you pay attention many of those "minors are 15, 16, 17 and yes they are coming for jobs.
There are tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors! For you to claim otherwise is a total distortion of what's taking place! They're NOT coming back to jobs they lost when the economy was shut down for Covid...they're being sent to America by their parents who will soon be joining them here. At the rate they're flooding the southern border we're talking about millions of illegals being allowed into our country and the Democrats are hiding what's taking place from the public!

A minor can not survive here on their own. If the "minor" gets here their parents could have also.

I already noted that I care less about the grief the Democrats are getting because they like so many administrations before them refuse to address the actual problem.
Of course the parents will get here as well! That's the Democratic plan all along. Flood the country with Hispanics that you think will vote for Democrats. You know damn well that if those illegals were voting for Republicans that the Democrats would be SCREAMING for a secure border!

They don't vote. They will in the future though.
Which is why Democrats want them here! That's my POINT! They also affect how many members of Congress each State gets which means States like California with a huge population of illegals has more members of the House than they would be entitled to if that was determined by a count of legal residents which is one more reason why Democrats want as many of them in as possible!

Everyone wants them here. That's why no one will address the big issue. Employers willing to hire them.
I don't know a single person that supports illegal immigration. So I find your comment to be untrue.

I don't know a single employer that is willing to hire an illegal alien. I am sure there are some...but I don't know one...can you please provide me the names of some businesses you know that are willing to hire illegal aliens so that we can report them to law enforcement?

If you aren't demanding that elected officials enforcing and strengthening employment laws but rather making excuses you are supporting it.

What you know is worthless. Thousands knowing are. I don't know a single serial killer either but that means nothing.
I totally wish they would! I wish Xiden would continue to follow the path laid out for him by Trump...who got the largest penalty in history for a business that knowingly hired illegals!

Serial killers are quite rare....maybe that's why you don't know any...just like businesses that knowingly hire illegals is quite rare....thanks for proving my point
Get the fuck outta here....Trump is nortorious for hiring contractors who sub contract to illegals. Fake news alert ppl
what's your point? That's hardly his fault....sounds like an issue for the contractors....
His flaggering hotels in Vegas is inudated with illegals, google it. Trump's a frickin con man, hating on Latino's and I would bet my last dollar in the kitchen at his prized Mar vomit hotel, there are illegals working...the man would do just about anything to house a dollar.
until you can show me that he knowingly hired illegal aliens...then you got nothing.

I am sure some illegals might have gotten fraudulent paperwork and used it to get a job...they do that and businesses around the country.
How two housekeepers took on the president — and revealed that his company employed undocumented immigrants

Immigrant Workers At Trump’s Las Vegas Hotel Are Being Exploited, Overworked, And Underpaid

I know facts hurt the eyes of you losers, but your boy is nothing but a fuckin con man.....did you know that while at Reed hospital for Covid, Trump called Dr. Fauci because he was scared he was gonna die? Then after coming out of the hospital, told all you redneck losers, Covid is a joke and he took off his mask. You brain dead saps are nothing but pawns for this con man and I frankly think you dumb losers know it. News Flash, yes business around the nation hire illegals, but they're not here hating on them in public and treating them like shit, like that loser Trump does.
Being unwilling to address the actual problem he deserves all the grief that comes his way.
Having CREATED the actual well as Joe Biden...deserve all the grief that comes their way! This isn't something done solely by Joe Biden...this was a policy that was pushed by the far left of the Democratic Party! AOC, Chuckie Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris...this is on ALL of you! You created this mess and you did so DELIBERATELY!

The problem has been around forever.
This nation will always have immigration concerns and issues......Everybody loves American MONEY$$$$$$$. The reason this nation can never solve immigration is two things....Corporations need illegals to keep wages low for Americans and there's no end game to illegals....the flow never ends...Only one president actually brought illegal immigration to a rational ebb and that was the black guy Obama. Google it....border crossings were actually down during his 8 year tenor. Biden was there, he should know better....he's due for press conference soon, I hope the reporters eat that old white fuck for lunch!!

The issue can NOT be judged on border crossings numbers. Those coming for jobs are not crossing where they are counted.

We have no clue how many are coming in at any given time.
Doesn't matter...I'm more upset about the kids than randoms coming into this country at any given time...been like this for centuries....what is pissing me off, are these sad disgusting parents giving there kids away to complete strangers, some as young as 9 yrs old in the hopes of making to this country, WHO IN THE FUCK DOES SHIT LIKE THIS??? Somebody needs to drag these fucked in the head parents over to Africa for a few lessons on starvation, violence and poverty. And for stupid as Joe to pour open our borders for this madness, is just beyond. AND DURING A FUCKIN PANDEMIC....I will never vote for this loser ever again in my life.

Someone pretty desperate I'd say. I can't understand people giving their kids to the government to go off and die in some foreign countries over lies either.
yeah, but our kids are giving choices...I joined the military at 19, I had a choice. But for these babies?????? I just don't understand it all. I don't give a shit how hard my life is and I live in a city that is number one in gun shot fatalities in the nation, I mean this city is a fuckin shit ho....but nothing on this planet would seperate me from my kids. Hell, I had mommie fits when my kids all went off to college and when they came home and moved out...I thought I'd have a fuckin heart attack

We allow our kids to go without medical/dental/nutritional care in large numbers because of it being unaffordable for many.

It's all a level of our standing.

In the Bible while the story is quite incomplete Jesus went off by himself at an early age.

The rich have sent their kids off to be raised by others for a long time.
We are venturing into apple and oranges territory here....this debate stems from a senile white guy, ie Biden swinging open our borders to kids during the worst pandemic in modern history. Instead of this stupid ass ho, focusing on the caged kids Trump allowed and finding them either homes or reuniting them with thier families, he encourages more of the shit, like who the hell does this shit, during a global pandemic and then, asking tax payers, you and I to support putting them until they find the american dream??? You commentary is apples and oranges and to put dear Jesus who told his mother, he's got work to'on, Biden screwed up end of story. As for your last mammies raised the rich during and oranges again

For a long time I argued that unless we address the reason people come here (for jobs) the problem is only going to get worse and here we are.
Then what was the point of NAFTA?

I didn't support NAFTA but business got what business wanted.
Being unwilling to address the actual problem he deserves all the grief that comes his way.
Having CREATED the actual well as Joe Biden...deserve all the grief that comes their way! This isn't something done solely by Joe Biden...this was a policy that was pushed by the far left of the Democratic Party! AOC, Chuckie Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris...this is on ALL of you! You created this mess and you did so DELIBERATELY!

The problem has been around forever.
Democrats made it a MILLION times worse.

10, 12, 15, 20 million. Does it really matter?
I never saw an illegal immigrant in Washington State until the early 90's. In the past 25 years, democrats have flooded our country with illegals. There are WAY the fuck more illegals in the US now than there used to be. Quit downplaying this left wing catastrophe.

What does an illegal wear that makes them stand out to you?
Being unwilling to address the actual problem he deserves all the grief that comes his way.
Having CREATED the actual well as Joe Biden...deserve all the grief that comes their way! This isn't something done solely by Joe Biden...this was a policy that was pushed by the far left of the Democratic Party! AOC, Chuckie Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris...this is on ALL of you! You created this mess and you did so DELIBERATELY!

The problem has been around forever.
Democrats made it a MILLION times worse.

10, 12, 15, 20 million. Does it really matter?
I never saw an illegal immigrant in Washington State until the early 90's. In the past 25 years, democrats have flooded our country with illegals. There are WAY the fuck more illegals in the US now than there used to be. Quit downplaying this left wing catastrophe.

What does an illegal wear that makes them stand out to you?
What does that stupid question have to do with this discussion?

it was said that no illegals were saw until the early 90's. I'm wondering what they wear that allows one to see them now?
Biden's assholes won't let the media interview immigrants, patrols or inspect facilities
Hiding, evading, cheating, scamming, and censorship are the lefty way.
For the last 3 years, these wonderful immigrants all you Trump losers support were caged and housed in crowded conditions and not one of you monsters gave a that a Democrats in the white house, you slime balls all of a sudden give a fuck about these kids???? Give me a fuckin break. You losers loved Putin, Xi and Kim, the same ppl who a few years ago, you hated. You hated cop killers until you started killing cops...white ppl are such hypocrites
Being unwilling to address the actual problem he deserves all the grief that comes his way.
Having CREATED the actual well as Joe Biden...deserve all the grief that comes their way! This isn't something done solely by Joe Biden...this was a policy that was pushed by the far left of the Democratic Party! AOC, Chuckie Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris...this is on ALL of you! You created this mess and you did so DELIBERATELY!

The problem has been around forever.
This nation will always have immigration concerns and issues......Everybody loves American MONEY$$$$$$$. The reason this nation can never solve immigration is two things....Corporations need illegals to keep wages low for Americans and there's no end game to illegals....the flow never ends...Only one president actually brought illegal immigration to a rational ebb and that was the black guy Obama. Google it....border crossings were actually down during his 8 year tenor. Biden was there, he should know better....he's due for press conference soon, I hope the reporters eat that old white fuck for lunch!!

The issue can NOT be judged on border crossings numbers. Those coming for jobs are not crossing where they are counted.

We have no clue how many are coming in at any given time.
Doesn't matter...I'm more upset about the kids than randoms coming into this country at any given time...been like this for centuries....what is pissing me off, are these sad disgusting parents giving there kids away to complete strangers, some as young as 9 yrs old in the hopes of making to this country, WHO IN THE FUCK DOES SHIT LIKE THIS??? Somebody needs to drag these fucked in the head parents over to Africa for a few lessons on starvation, violence and poverty. And for stupid as Joe to pour open our borders for this madness, is just beyond. AND DURING A FUCKIN PANDEMIC....I will never vote for this loser ever again in my life.

Someone pretty desperate I'd say. I can't understand people giving their kids to the government to go off and die in some foreign countries over lies either.
yeah, but our kids are giving choices...I joined the military at 19, I had a choice. But for these babies?????? I just don't understand it all. I don't give a shit how hard my life is and I live in a city that is number one in gun shot fatalities in the nation, I mean this city is a fuckin shit ho....but nothing on this planet would seperate me from my kids. Hell, I had mommie fits when my kids all went off to college and when they came home and moved out...I thought I'd have a fuckin heart attack

We allow our kids to go without medical/dental/nutritional care in large numbers because of it being unaffordable for many.

It's all a level of our standing.

In the Bible while the story is quite incomplete Jesus went off by himself at an early age.

The rich have sent their kids off to be raised by others for a long time.
We are venturing into apple and oranges territory here....this debate stems from a senile white guy, ie Biden swinging open our borders to kids during the worst pandemic in modern history. Instead of this stupid ass ho, focusing on the caged kids Trump allowed and finding them either homes or reuniting them with thier families, he encourages more of the shit, like who the hell does this shit, during a global pandemic and then, asking tax payers, you and I to support putting them until they find the american dream??? You commentary is apples and oranges and to put dear Jesus who told his mother, he's got work to'on, Biden screwed up end of story. As for your last mammies raised the rich during and oranges again

For a long time I argued that unless we address the reason people come here (for jobs) the problem is only going to get worse and here we are.
Then what was the point of NAFTA?

I didn't support NAFTA but business got what business wanted.
Sure, but your party sure loved it.
Being unwilling to address the actual problem he deserves all the grief that comes his way.
Having CREATED the actual well as Joe Biden...deserve all the grief that comes their way! This isn't something done solely by Joe Biden...this was a policy that was pushed by the far left of the Democratic Party! AOC, Chuckie Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris...this is on ALL of you! You created this mess and you did so DELIBERATELY!

The problem has been around forever.
The problem has been turned into a crisis by Joe Biden and the Democrats getting rid of Donald Trump's border policies, Pknopp! You know it. Anyone who says they didn't see this coming is either incredibly naive...or a bald faced liar!

As long as business gets away with hiring illegals the illegals will come to fill every position.

The economy is opening back up. Those who lost their jobs are coming back.
So those thousands upon thousands of children now crushing our immigration system at the Southern border are returning to the jobs they lost? Is that what you're going to claim, PK? Go have your morning coffee, dude! That reply is laughable!

There are a relatively small number of "minors" and if you pay attention many of those "minors are 15, 16, 17 and yes they are coming for jobs.
There are tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors! For you to claim otherwise is a total distortion of what's taking place! They're NOT coming back to jobs they lost when the economy was shut down for Covid...they're being sent to America by their parents who will soon be joining them here. At the rate they're flooding the southern border we're talking about millions of illegals being allowed into our country and the Democrats are hiding what's taking place from the public!

A minor can not survive here on their own. If the "minor" gets here their parents could have also.

I already noted that I care less about the grief the Democrats are getting because they like so many administrations before them refuse to address the actual problem.
Of course the parents will get here as well! That's the Democratic plan all along. Flood the country with Hispanics that you think will vote for Democrats. You know damn well that if those illegals were voting for Republicans that the Democrats would be SCREAMING for a secure border!

They don't vote. They will in the future though.
Which is why Democrats want them here! That's my POINT! They also affect how many members of Congress each State gets which means States like California with a huge population of illegals has more members of the House than they would be entitled to if that was determined by a count of legal residents which is one more reason why Democrats want as many of them in as possible!

Everyone wants them here. That's why no one will address the big issue. Employers willing to hire them.
I don't know a single person that supports illegal immigration. So I find your comment to be untrue.

I don't know a single employer that is willing to hire an illegal alien. I am sure there are some...but I don't know one...can you please provide me the names of some businesses you know that are willing to hire illegal aliens so that we can report them to law enforcement?

If you aren't demanding that elected officials enforcing and strengthening employment laws but rather making excuses you are supporting it.

What you know is worthless. Thousands knowing are. I don't know a single serial killer either but that means nothing.
I totally wish they would! I wish Xiden would continue to follow the path laid out for him by Trump...who got the largest penalty in history for a business that knowingly hired illegals!

Serial killers are quite rare....maybe that's why you don't know any...just like businesses that knowingly hire illegals is quite rare....thanks for proving my point
Get the fuck outta here....Trump is nortorious for hiring contractors who sub contract to illegals. Fake news alert ppl
what's your point? That's hardly his fault....sounds like an issue for the contractors....
His flaggering hotels in Vegas is inudated with illegals, google it. Trump's a frickin con man, hating on Latino's and I would bet my last dollar in the kitchen at his prized Mar vomit hotel, there are illegals working...the man would do just about anything to house a dollar.
until you can show me that he knowingly hired illegal aliens...then you got nothing.

I am sure some illegals might have gotten fraudulent paperwork and used it to get a job...they do that and businesses around the country.
How two housekeepers took on the president — and revealed that his company employed undocumented immigrants

Immigrant Workers At Trump’s Las Vegas Hotel Are Being Exploited, Overworked, And Underpaid

I know facts hurt the eyes of you losers, but your boy is nothing but a fuckin con man.....did you know that while at Reed hospital for Covid, Trump called Dr. Fauci because he was scared he was gonna die? Then after coming out of the hospital, told all you redneck losers, Covid is a joke and he took off his mask. You brain dead saps are nothing but pawns for this con man and I frankly think you dumb losers know it. News Flash, yes business around the nation hire illegals, but they're not here hating on them in public and treating them like shit, like that loser Trump does.
1) your first link has a paywall...but I think it's about the two illegals that used fraudulent documents to get a job....ok...yeah like I said illegals do that...ID theft is certainly another crime often committed by illegals to get work....that's why it's important to get them out, or not let them in
2) immigrants aren't I am not sure your point of the second link. They don't like their jobs they can go work at one of the other hotels in Las Vegas. Fail to see your point here
Being unwilling to address the actual problem he deserves all the grief that comes his way.
Having CREATED the actual well as Joe Biden...deserve all the grief that comes their way! This isn't something done solely by Joe Biden...this was a policy that was pushed by the far left of the Democratic Party! AOC, Chuckie Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris...this is on ALL of you! You created this mess and you did so DELIBERATELY!

The problem has been around forever.
The problem has been turned into a crisis by Joe Biden and the Democrats getting rid of Donald Trump's border policies, Pknopp! You know it. Anyone who says they didn't see this coming is either incredibly naive...or a bald faced liar!

As long as business gets away with hiring illegals the illegals will come to fill every position.

The economy is opening back up. Those who lost their jobs are coming back.
So those thousands upon thousands of children now crushing our immigration system at the Southern border are returning to the jobs they lost? Is that what you're going to claim, PK? Go have your morning coffee, dude! That reply is laughable!

There are a relatively small number of "minors" and if you pay attention many of those "minors are 15, 16, 17 and yes they are coming for jobs.
There are tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors! For you to claim otherwise is a total distortion of what's taking place! They're NOT coming back to jobs they lost when the economy was shut down for Covid...they're being sent to America by their parents who will soon be joining them here. At the rate they're flooding the southern border we're talking about millions of illegals being allowed into our country and the Democrats are hiding what's taking place from the public!

A minor can not survive here on their own. If the "minor" gets here their parents could have also.

I already noted that I care less about the grief the Democrats are getting because they like so many administrations before them refuse to address the actual problem.
Of course the parents will get here as well! That's the Democratic plan all along. Flood the country with Hispanics that you think will vote for Democrats. You know damn well that if those illegals were voting for Republicans that the Democrats would be SCREAMING for a secure border!

They don't vote. They will in the future though.
Which is why Democrats want them here! That's my POINT! They also affect how many members of Congress each State gets which means States like California with a huge population of illegals has more members of the House than they would be entitled to if that was determined by a count of legal residents which is one more reason why Democrats want as many of them in as possible!

Everyone wants them here. That's why no one will address the big issue. Employers willing to hire them.
I don't know a single person that supports illegal immigration. So I find your comment to be untrue.

I don't know a single employer that is willing to hire an illegal alien. I am sure there are some...but I don't know one...can you please provide me the names of some businesses you know that are willing to hire illegal aliens so that we can report them to law enforcement?

If you aren't demanding that elected officials enforcing and strengthening employment laws but rather making excuses you are supporting it.

What you know is worthless. Thousands knowing are. I don't know a single serial killer either but that means nothing.
I totally wish they would! I wish Xiden would continue to follow the path laid out for him by Trump...who got the largest penalty in history for a business that knowingly hired illegals!

Serial killers are quite rare....maybe that's why you don't know any...just like businesses that knowingly hire illegals is quite rare....thanks for proving my point
Get the fuck outta here....Trump is nortorious for hiring contractors who sub contract to illegals. Fake news alert ppl
what's your point? That's hardly his fault....sounds like an issue for the contractors....
His flaggering hotels in Vegas is inudated with illegals, google it. Trump's a frickin con man, hating on Latino's and I would bet my last dollar in the kitchen at his prized Mar vomit hotel, there are illegals working...the man would do just about anything to house a dollar.
until you can show me that he knowingly hired illegal aliens...then you got nothing.

I am sure some illegals might have gotten fraudulent paperwork and used it to get a job...they do that and businesses around the country.
How two housekeepers took on the president — and revealed that his company employed undocumented immigrants

Immigrant Workers At Trump’s Las Vegas Hotel Are Being Exploited, Overworked, And Underpaid

I know facts hurt the eyes of you losers, but your boy is nothing but a fuckin con man.....did you know that while at Reed hospital for Covid, Trump called Dr. Fauci because he was scared he was gonna die? Then after coming out of the hospital, told all you redneck losers, Covid is a joke and he took off his mask. You brain dead saps are nothing but pawns for this con man and I frankly think you dumb losers know it. News Flash, yes business around the nation hire illegals, but they're not here hating on them in public and treating them like shit, like that loser Trump does.
1) your first link has a paywall...but I think it's about the two illegals that used fraudulent documents to get a job....ok...yeah like I said illegals do that...ID theft is certainly another crime often committed by illegals to get work....that's why it's important to get them out, or not let them in
2) immigrants aren't I am not sure your point of the second link. They don't like their jobs they can go work at one of the other hotels in Las Vegas. Fail to see your point here
Listen, its not my job to prove you wrong and me right...the one thing I pride myself on is facts and when one of you nuts make a claim, I immediately google it to research the facts...and I am the first, which is rare to admit being on that note, if you doubt that your orange monster hired illegals, than research the short, I'm not gonna do it for you nuts because FACTS MEAN NOTHING TO TRUMP NUTS
Being unwilling to address the actual problem he deserves all the grief that comes his way.
Having CREATED the actual well as Joe Biden...deserve all the grief that comes their way! This isn't something done solely by Joe Biden...this was a policy that was pushed by the far left of the Democratic Party! AOC, Chuckie Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris...this is on ALL of you! You created this mess and you did so DELIBERATELY!

The problem has been around forever.
This nation will always have immigration concerns and issues......Everybody loves American MONEY$$$$$$$. The reason this nation can never solve immigration is two things....Corporations need illegals to keep wages low for Americans and there's no end game to illegals....the flow never ends...Only one president actually brought illegal immigration to a rational ebb and that was the black guy Obama. Google it....border crossings were actually down during his 8 year tenor. Biden was there, he should know better....he's due for press conference soon, I hope the reporters eat that old white fuck for lunch!!

The issue can NOT be judged on border crossings numbers. Those coming for jobs are not crossing where they are counted.

We have no clue how many are coming in at any given time.
Doesn't matter...I'm more upset about the kids than randoms coming into this country at any given time...been like this for centuries....what is pissing me off, are these sad disgusting parents giving there kids away to complete strangers, some as young as 9 yrs old in the hopes of making to this country, WHO IN THE FUCK DOES SHIT LIKE THIS??? Somebody needs to drag these fucked in the head parents over to Africa for a few lessons on starvation, violence and poverty. And for stupid as Joe to pour open our borders for this madness, is just beyond. AND DURING A FUCKIN PANDEMIC....I will never vote for this loser ever again in my life.

Someone pretty desperate I'd say. I can't understand people giving their kids to the government to go off and die in some foreign countries over lies either.
yeah, but our kids are giving choices...I joined the military at 19, I had a choice. But for these babies?????? I just don't understand it all. I don't give a shit how hard my life is and I live in a city that is number one in gun shot fatalities in the nation, I mean this city is a fuckin shit ho....but nothing on this planet would seperate me from my kids. Hell, I had mommie fits when my kids all went off to college and when they came home and moved out...I thought I'd have a fuckin heart attack

We allow our kids to go without medical/dental/nutritional care in large numbers because of it being unaffordable for many.

It's all a level of our standing.

In the Bible while the story is quite incomplete Jesus went off by himself at an early age.

The rich have sent their kids off to be raised by others for a long time.
We are venturing into apple and oranges territory here....this debate stems from a senile white guy, ie Biden swinging open our borders to kids during the worst pandemic in modern history. Instead of this stupid ass ho, focusing on the caged kids Trump allowed and finding them either homes or reuniting them with thier families, he encourages more of the shit, like who the hell does this shit, during a global pandemic and then, asking tax payers, you and I to support putting them until they find the american dream??? You commentary is apples and oranges and to put dear Jesus who told his mother, he's got work to'on, Biden screwed up end of story. As for your last mammies raised the rich during and oranges again

For a long time I argued that unless we address the reason people come here (for jobs) the problem is only going to get worse and here we are.
Then what was the point of NAFTA?

I didn't support NAFTA but business got what business wanted.
Sure, but your party sure loved it.

What an ignorant statement. What is my party?
Being unwilling to address the actual problem he deserves all the grief that comes his way.
Having CREATED the actual well as Joe Biden...deserve all the grief that comes their way! This isn't something done solely by Joe Biden...this was a policy that was pushed by the far left of the Democratic Party! AOC, Chuckie Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris...this is on ALL of you! You created this mess and you did so DELIBERATELY!

The problem has been around forever.
The problem has been turned into a crisis by Joe Biden and the Democrats getting rid of Donald Trump's border policies, Pknopp! You know it. Anyone who says they didn't see this coming is either incredibly naive...or a bald faced liar!

As long as business gets away with hiring illegals the illegals will come to fill every position.

The economy is opening back up. Those who lost their jobs are coming back.
So those thousands upon thousands of children now crushing our immigration system at the Southern border are returning to the jobs they lost? Is that what you're going to claim, PK? Go have your morning coffee, dude! That reply is laughable!

There are a relatively small number of "minors" and if you pay attention many of those "minors are 15, 16, 17 and yes they are coming for jobs.
There are tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors! For you to claim otherwise is a total distortion of what's taking place! They're NOT coming back to jobs they lost when the economy was shut down for Covid...they're being sent to America by their parents who will soon be joining them here. At the rate they're flooding the southern border we're talking about millions of illegals being allowed into our country and the Democrats are hiding what's taking place from the public!

A minor can not survive here on their own. If the "minor" gets here their parents could have also.

I already noted that I care less about the grief the Democrats are getting because they like so many administrations before them refuse to address the actual problem.
Of course the parents will get here as well! That's the Democratic plan all along. Flood the country with Hispanics that you think will vote for Democrats. You know damn well that if those illegals were voting for Republicans that the Democrats would be SCREAMING for a secure border!

They don't vote. They will in the future though.
Which is why Democrats want them here! That's my POINT! They also affect how many members of Congress each State gets which means States like California with a huge population of illegals has more members of the House than they would be entitled to if that was determined by a count of legal residents which is one more reason why Democrats want as many of them in as possible!

Everyone wants them here. That's why no one will address the big issue. Employers willing to hire them.
I don't know a single person that supports illegal immigration. So I find your comment to be untrue.

I don't know a single employer that is willing to hire an illegal alien. I am sure there are some...but I don't know one...can you please provide me the names of some businesses you know that are willing to hire illegal aliens so that we can report them to law enforcement?

If you aren't demanding that elected officials enforcing and strengthening employment laws but rather making excuses you are supporting it.

What you know is worthless. Thousands knowing are. I don't know a single serial killer either but that means nothing.
I totally wish they would! I wish Xiden would continue to follow the path laid out for him by Trump...who got the largest penalty in history for a business that knowingly hired illegals!

Serial killers are quite rare....maybe that's why you don't know any...just like businesses that knowingly hire illegals is quite rare....thanks for proving my point
Get the fuck outta here....Trump is nortorious for hiring contractors who sub contract to illegals. Fake news alert ppl
what's your point? That's hardly his fault....sounds like an issue for the contractors....
His flaggering hotels in Vegas is inudated with illegals, google it. Trump's a frickin con man, hating on Latino's and I would bet my last dollar in the kitchen at his prized Mar vomit hotel, there are illegals working...the man would do just about anything to house a dollar.
until you can show me that he knowingly hired illegal aliens...then you got nothing.

I am sure some illegals might have gotten fraudulent paperwork and used it to get a job...they do that and businesses around the country.
How two housekeepers took on the president — and revealed that his company employed undocumented immigrants

Immigrant Workers At Trump’s Las Vegas Hotel Are Being Exploited, Overworked, And Underpaid

I know facts hurt the eyes of you losers, but your boy is nothing but a fuckin con man.....did you know that while at Reed hospital for Covid, Trump called Dr. Fauci because he was scared he was gonna die? Then after coming out of the hospital, told all you redneck losers, Covid is a joke and he took off his mask. You brain dead saps are nothing but pawns for this con man and I frankly think you dumb losers know it. News Flash, yes business around the nation hire illegals, but they're not here hating on them in public and treating them like shit, like that loser Trump does.
1) your first link has a paywall...but I think it's about the two illegals that used fraudulent documents to get a job....ok...yeah like I said illegals do that...ID theft is certainly another crime often committed by illegals to get work....that's why it's important to get them out, or not let them in
2) immigrants aren't I am not sure your point of the second link. They don't like their jobs they can go work at one of the other hotels in Las Vegas. Fail to see your point here
Listen, its not my job to prove you wrong and me right...the one thing I pride myself on is facts and when one of you nuts make a claim, I immediately google it to research the facts...and I am the first, which is rare to admit being on that note, if you doubt that your orange monster hired illegals, than research the short, I'm not gonna do it for you nuts because FACTS MEAN NOTHING TO TRUMP NUTS
I never made a claim, if I did I agree it would be my burden. You however made a claim, and can't seem to prove it...

I never suggest illegals weren't hired, in fact quite the opposite I said it was possible illegals were unknowingly hired...and you provided a link to a story from the Post about two illegals that did in fact use fraudulent documents to get a job...

and then a second link that is not relevant at all about do realize immigrates aren't all illegal right? You do know the difference? Or do you just assume that all immigrates are?
Being unwilling to address the actual problem he deserves all the grief that comes his way.
Having CREATED the actual well as Joe Biden...deserve all the grief that comes their way! This isn't something done solely by Joe Biden...this was a policy that was pushed by the far left of the Democratic Party! AOC, Chuckie Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris...this is on ALL of you! You created this mess and you did so DELIBERATELY!

The problem has been around forever.
Democrats made it a MILLION times worse.

10, 12, 15, 20 million. Does it really matter?
I never saw an illegal immigrant in Washington State until the early 90's. In the past 25 years, democrats have flooded our country with illegals. There are WAY the fuck more illegals in the US now than there used to be. Quit downplaying this left wing catastrophe.

What does an illegal wear that makes them stand out to you?
Being unwilling to address the actual problem he deserves all the grief that comes his way.
Having CREATED the actual well as Joe Biden...deserve all the grief that comes their way! This isn't something done solely by Joe Biden...this was a policy that was pushed by the far left of the Democratic Party! AOC, Chuckie Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris...this is on ALL of you! You created this mess and you did so DELIBERATELY!

The problem has been around forever.
Democrats made it a MILLION times worse.

10, 12, 15, 20 million. Does it really matter?
I never saw an illegal immigrant in Washington State until the early 90's. In the past 25 years, democrats have flooded our country with illegals. There are WAY the fuck more illegals in the US now than there used to be. Quit downplaying this left wing catastrophe.

What does an illegal wear that makes them stand out to you?
What does that stupid question have to do with this discussion?

it was said that no illegals were saw until the early 90's. I'm wondering what they wear that allows one to see them now?
There were barely ANY mexicans in western Washington in the 90's.
Being unwilling to address the actual problem he deserves all the grief that comes his way.
Having CREATED the actual well as Joe Biden...deserve all the grief that comes their way! This isn't something done solely by Joe Biden...this was a policy that was pushed by the far left of the Democratic Party! AOC, Chuckie Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris...this is on ALL of you! You created this mess and you did so DELIBERATELY!

The problem has been around forever.
Democrats made it a MILLION times worse.

10, 12, 15, 20 million. Does it really matter?
I never saw an illegal immigrant in Washington State until the early 90's. In the past 25 years, democrats have flooded our country with illegals. There are WAY the fuck more illegals in the US now than there used to be. Quit downplaying this left wing catastrophe.

What does an illegal wear that makes them stand out to you?
Being unwilling to address the actual problem he deserves all the grief that comes his way.
Having CREATED the actual well as Joe Biden...deserve all the grief that comes their way! This isn't something done solely by Joe Biden...this was a policy that was pushed by the far left of the Democratic Party! AOC, Chuckie Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris...this is on ALL of you! You created this mess and you did so DELIBERATELY!

The problem has been around forever.
Democrats made it a MILLION times worse.

10, 12, 15, 20 million. Does it really matter?
I never saw an illegal immigrant in Washington State until the early 90's. In the past 25 years, democrats have flooded our country with illegals. There are WAY the fuck more illegals in the US now than there used to be. Quit downplaying this left wing catastrophe.

What does an illegal wear that makes them stand out to you?
What does that stupid question have to do with this discussion?

it was said that no illegals were saw until the early 90's. I'm wondering what they wear that allows one to see them now?
There were barely ANY mexicans in western Washington in the 90's.

There you go. You see Hispanics and you see "illegal".

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