Media Surprised That Christians Schools Are . . . Christian

No, you stupiid woman, it is YOU who knows nothing about Christians. We're not a homogenized group where everyone believes the same things. Since 67% of Americans approve of gay marriage, and 70% of Americans identify as "Christian", it is apparent to all but the most hopelessly stupid that a majority of Christians are not prejudiced and bigoted against gays, and that the position that the Pence have taken in this matter is not a "Christian" position as all since it's not shared by even a majority of Christians, but rather by a small subset of radicial right wing evangelical Christians who are out of touch with mainstream America.

Poll: Approval of same-sex marriage in U.S. reaches new high

Religion in America: U.S. Religious Data, Demographics and Statistics

So stop trying to pretend that our aversion to Mrs. Pence supporting radical right wing religious bigotry is somehow "anti-Christian" or unAmerican. It is the Pence's who are out of step with reality, not the rest of us.

It's still a private Christian school.

The issue isn't whether it's a private Christian school, and entitled by law to enclude anyone they consider "unsuitable", but whether the wife of the Vice-President of the United States should be working for an institution which displays such gross disrespect for the way Jesus lived his life, and the principles of equality and fairness to all Americans as enshrined in the Constitution.

Mrs. Pence is and should be held to a higher standard, than your run of the mill right wing bigot.

So, you would be happy if she just quit the job? Is that what it would take to resolve your issue? If not then what would it take?

The flip side of your argument is she is being held to a higher standard. It just so happens that it isn't a standard that you identify with. That is ok. The best that can be achieved is that it is a private Christian school.

The wife of the Vice President of the United States supports bigotry and intolerance. That's not a good message for a public servant and his family. A lot of gay people pay taxes to keep the Pences in their Washington mansion. She should show more respect for the voters.

The wife of the Vice President of the United States can support any beliefs she wants to, even if they contradict YOUR clearly-stated opinions about the only possibly acceptable beliefs anyone can be allowed to hold. "Wife of the Vice President" is another way of saying "completely private citizen who doesn't owe you jack". No one cares what "good message" you think people should be required. Would it shock you to know that I think YOUR message is evil and immoral? Would it shock you to know that my opinion holds just as much value as yours?

"The Pences" are not in public office; Mike Pence is. Mrs. Pence is not an elected official. And while you're wailing and hollering that people should be required to pretend to YOUR beliefs because "We pay taxes!" somehow gives you the right to dictate every aspect of someone's life, you should consider that Christians pay taxes, as well. We also vote, much as you probably hate that.

Thanks for sharing your "1984" utopian vision, but we'll pass.

So many assumptions, and all of them wrong.

1. Your implication is that people who disagree with you are not "Christian", is false. You belong to a small subset of radical right wing Christians whose beliefs are at odds with the United States Constitution and the law of the land. Your attempt to portray Mrs. Pence's beliefs as "mainstream", or held by the majority of American Christians is a total lie. Less than 20% of the American public identify as evangelical Christians, and even among evangelicals, not all discriminate against gays to the extent that the Pence's congregation does.

2. Mrs. Pence is not a private citizen. She is the wife of the Vice-President of the United States. The Pence's made a public announcement that his wife was returning to work at this school. I know of no "private citizens" about whom such an announcement would be made.

3. See item #1 above. Especially the part about the beliefs being at odds with the Constitution of the Government of the United States. Mrs. Pence is married to the a man who has sworn to uphold that Constitution, and the laws, and she is openly choosing to work for an organization which violates the spirit and the intent of both, and gives credence to fools like you who think they should do the same.

This is NOT the example of upholding the law and the Constitution you want to see from the wife of ANY senior government official, much less the one is a heartbeat away from the Presidency of a President who will not be President by the 2020 elections.
This is NOT the example of upholding the law and the Constitution you want to see from the wife of ANY senior government official, much less the one is a heartbeat away from the Presidency of a President who will not be President by the 2020 elections.
How are you expecting Mrs. Pence's practice of her religious beliefs to affect America and American citizens as a whole?
This is NOT the example of upholding the law and the Constitution you want to see from the wife of ANY senior government official, much less the one is a heartbeat away from the Presidency of a President who will not be President by the 2020 elections.
How are you expecting Mrs. Pence's practice of her religious beliefs to affect America and American citizens as a whole?
"Lead by example" is just a silly platitude.
I'm sorry but it is the Christians or at least trying to pretend they are Christian. It isn't what they say but how they act. And they are acting like they have never read the bible. Yes there is no question in my mind that many Christians do believe that any sign of gayism is a road straight to hell. To bad they can't understand what the bible says. Look at the way they back the mistreatment of people that are in need of help. Do any of you supposed Christians know what the bible says about that. Remember that Christ was a refugee.
Of course Christ wasn't a refugee. What nonsense.
No politician is required to renounce his or her religion in order to serve in office. Absolutely no family member of a politician is required to renounce a religion.

Democrats will never stop attacking the Pence family religion because democrats can't hang a rape accusation against Mike Pence.
This is NOT the example of upholding the law and the Constitution you want to see from the wife of ANY senior government official, much less the one is a heartbeat away from the Presidency of a President who will not be President by the 2020 elections.
How are you expecting Mrs. Pence's practice of her religious beliefs to affect America and American citizens as a whole?

Again, she is portraying to the American public that she has no respect for the Constitution or the laws of the land, both of which he husband took an oath before God, to stand up for and uphold.

This is also one of those "dog whistle" messages to the base that it's OK to hate on gays. Mrs. Pence could have taken a teaching a job at any Christian school of her choosing. Who wouldn't want such the honour of having her on the faculty. That she CHOSE to teach at a school which does not qualify for federal funds on the basis of discrimination, really doesn't speak to the power of her husband's oath, now does it. And since the Pence's come from one of those sects where wives ask their husband's permission for everything, Mike Pence also supports her position.

Both are unacceptable in a high ranking official SWORN to uphold the Constitution. He's not sworn to uphold those parts of the Constitution he agrees with, he's sworn before God to uphold ALL of it.
If you knew anything about Christians other than how to hate them and spout ridiculous garbage about how they "should" practice beliefs you don't even share, you would know that nothing about Christianity requires them to judge and shun other people for their mistakes for the rest of their lives. It's amazing how hypocritically jackwads like you want to screech and holler about Christians being "judgemental", and THEN holler when they aren't as judgemental as you would be if you embraced any morality at all.

No, you stupiid woman, it is YOU who knows nothing about Christians. We're not a homogenized group where everyone believes the same things. Since 67% of Americans approve of gay marriage, and 70% of Americans identify as "Christian", it is apparent to all but the most hopelessly stupid that a majority of Christians are not prejudiced and bigoted against gays, and that the position that the Pence have taken in this matter is not a "Christian" position as all since it's not shared by even a majority of Christians, but rather by a small subset of radicial right wing evangelical Christians who are out of touch with mainstream America.

Poll: Approval of same-sex marriage in U.S. reaches new high

Religion in America: U.S. Religious Data, Demographics and Statistics

So stop trying to pretend that our aversion to Mrs. Pence supporting radical right wing religious bigotry is somehow "anti-Christian" or unAmerican. It is the Pence's who are out of step with reality, not the rest of us.

It's still a private Christian school.

The issue isn't whether it's a private Christian school, and entitled by law to enclude anyone they consider "unsuitable", but whether the wife of the Vice-President of the United States should be working for an institution which displays such gross disrespect for the way Jesus lived his life, and the principles of equality and fairness to all Americans as enshrined in the Constitution.

Mrs. Pence is and should be held to a higher standard, than your run of the mill right wing bigot.

So, you would be happy if she just quit the job? Is that what it would take to resolve your issue? If not then what would it take?

The flip side of your argument is she is being held to a higher standard. It just so happens that it isn't a standard that you identify with. That is ok. The best that can be achieved is that it is a private Christian school.

Dragon thinks she has the right to require that all elected officials AND their extended families should be required to conform to her particular beliefs, because she's just so self-evidently superior in all ways.

Agreed but one step further. It seems a bit more calculated. There can be no detailed resolution until or unless there is a change in parties during the next election. Should Mrs. Pence up and say she will not work there that would mean the goal has been achieved. It is far better to keep it shifting until the election cycle based on emotions. It's definitely not an attempt to change hearts and minds. Dragon appears to be a part of that group that decides who is employed and for what based on 1) political party and 2) faux rage. Mrs. Pence can teach at that school and it is not a constitutional issue. It's a private Christian school.
Again, she is portraying to the American public that she has no respect for the Constitution or the laws of the land, both of which he husband took an oath before God, to stand up for and uphold.
The Constitution guarantees religious freedom. Which part of the Constitution is she violating/disrespecting? How do you recommend that she spotlight her respect?
No politician is required to renounce his or her religion in order to serve in office. Absolutely no family member of a politician is required to renounce a religion.

Democrats will never stop attacking the Pence family religion because democrats can't hang a rape accusation against Mike Pence.

No one asked the Pence's to "renounce their religion". We're saying that she shouldn't be working for a school which violates people's constitutional rights, and which is only legal because is't a private institution which accepts no public funds.
This is NOT the example of upholding the law and the Constitution you want to see from the wife of ANY senior government official, much less the one is a heartbeat away from the Presidency of a President who will not be President by the 2020 elections.
How are you expecting Mrs. Pence's practice of her religious beliefs to affect America and American citizens as a whole?

Again, she is portraying to the American public that she has no respect for the Constitution or the laws of the land, both of which he husband took an oath before God, to stand up for and uphold.

This is also one of those "dog whistle" messages to the base that it's OK to hate on gays. Mrs. Pence could have taken a teaching a job at any Christian school of her choosing. Who wouldn't want such the honour of having her on the faculty. That she CHOSE to teach at a school which does not qualify for federal funds on the basis of discrimination, really doesn't speak to the power of her husband's oath, now does it. And since the Pence's come from one of those sects where wives ask their husband's permission for everything, Mike Pence also supports her position.

Both are unacceptable in a high ranking official SWORN to uphold the Constitution. He's not sworn to uphold those parts of the Constitution he agrees with, he's sworn before God to uphold ALL of it.


I don't know where the hell you have been, lady. However, this has been an uphill battle to get people to understand that they cannot discriminate and receive public funds. This has led to mass confusion intentionally and willfully created in multiple areas starting with the original Charitable Choice. She is doing exactly what we want her to do which is that you can call your own shots providing that you don't accept public funding.
I would say that her working for a place that doesn't take public funds is leading by example.
This is NOT the example of upholding the law and the Constitution you want to see from the wife of ANY senior government official, much less the one is a heartbeat away from the Presidency of a President who will not be President by the 2020 elections.
How are you expecting Mrs. Pence's practice of her religious beliefs to affect America and American citizens as a whole?

Again, she is portraying to the American public that she has no respect for the Constitution or the laws of the land, both of which he husband took an oath before God, to stand up for and uphold.

This is also one of those "dog whistle" messages to the base that it's OK to hate on gays. Mrs. Pence could have taken a teaching a job at any Christian school of her choosing. Who wouldn't want such the honour of having her on the faculty. That she CHOSE to teach at a school which does not qualify for federal funds on the basis of discrimination, really doesn't speak to the power of her husband's oath, now does it. And since the Pence's come from one of those sects where wives ask their husband's permission for everything, Mike Pence also supports her position.

Both are unacceptable in a high ranking official SWORN to uphold the Constitution. He's not sworn to uphold those parts of the Constitution he agrees with, he's sworn before God to uphold ALL of it.


I don't know where the hell you have been, lady. However, this has been an uphill battle to get people to understand that they cannot discriminate and receive public funds. This has led to mass confusion intentionally and willfully created in multiple areas starting with the original Charitable Choice. She is doing exactly what we want her to do which is that you can call your own shots providing that you don't accept public funding.


The Pence's live in a house owned by the American people. The food on her table is paid for by the American people. And she spits in their eye by deliberately signing on with a school which violates the oath her husband took, that puts that food on the table.

This isn't about a private citizen accepting a teach position in a private school which discriminates against gays. This is about the Wife of the Vice-President of the United States taking accepting an appointment to a teaching position, very publically, endorsing the policy of gay discrimination.
This is also one of those "dog whistle" messages to the base that it's OK to hate on gays
This is why I would like to see proper Bible studies brought into all schools. Who has said it is okay to "hate on gays"? What does that even consist of? I see people pointing to Bible verses that say men sleeping together is an abomination and so that those who love the Bible must think homosexuals are an abomination. They do not bother to read or understand what the Bible is saying. First, the word King James translates as "abomination" is more accurately translated as "irregular". Second, keep in mind that when the verses talk about "abominations" or "Irregularities" idolatry is often involved, or becoming close to someone who practices idolatry.

I have an irregular marriage, an abomination you (and the Bible) might say, because I, a person of faith, married an atheist. That does not mean people hate me or that I brought hatred upon myself. It does mean in practicing my faith while married to an atheist has run into some irregularities.

Perhaps stop accusing people of faith of hatred simply because they choose a regular/traditional path through life?

The Pence's live in a house owned by the American people. The food on her table is paid for by the American people. And she spits in their eye by deliberately signing on with a school which violates the oath her husband took, that puts that food on the table.
Do you make that argument about any citizen standing on American soil? Which religious denominations would you banish from American soil?
This is NOT the example of upholding the law and the Constitution you want to see from the wife of ANY senior government official, much less the one is a heartbeat away from the Presidency of a President who will not be President by the 2020 elections.
How are you expecting Mrs. Pence's practice of her religious beliefs to affect America and American citizens as a whole?

Again, she is portraying to the American public that she has no respect for the Constitution or the laws of the land, both of which he husband took an oath before God, to stand up for and uphold.

This is also one of those "dog whistle" messages to the base that it's OK to hate on gays. Mrs. Pence could have taken a teaching a job at any Christian school of her choosing. Who wouldn't want such the honour of having her on the faculty. That she CHOSE to teach at a school which does not qualify for federal funds on the basis of discrimination, really doesn't speak to the power of her husband's oath, now does it. And since the Pence's come from one of those sects where wives ask their husband's permission for everything, Mike Pence also supports her position.

Both are unacceptable in a high ranking official SWORN to uphold the Constitution. He's not sworn to uphold those parts of the Constitution he agrees with, he's sworn before God to uphold ALL of it.


I don't know where the hell you have been, lady. However, this has been an uphill battle to get people to understand that they cannot discriminate and receive public funds. This has led to mass confusion intentionally and willfully created in multiple areas starting with the original Charitable Choice. She is doing exactly what we want her to do which is that you can call your own shots providing that you don't accept public funding.


The Pence's live in a house owned by the American people. The food on her table is paid for by the American people. And she spits in their eye by deliberately signing on with a school which violates the oath her husband took, that puts that food on the table.

This isn't about a private citizen accepting a teach position in a private school which discriminates against gays. This is about the Wife of the Vice-President of the United States taking accepting an appointment to a teaching position, very publically, endorsing the policy of gay discrimination.
No. You are more than welcome to lay down the cash (like every other American) and take it to the Supreme Court if you can prove rights have been violated.
No, you stupiid woman, it is YOU who knows nothing about Christians. We're not a homogenized group where everyone believes the same things. Since 67% of Americans approve of gay marriage, and 70% of Americans identify as "Christian", it is apparent to all but the most hopelessly stupid that a majority of Christians are not prejudiced and bigoted against gays, and that the position that the Pence have taken in this matter is not a "Christian" position as all since it's not shared by even a majority of Christians, but rather by a small subset of radicial right wing evangelical Christians who are out of touch with mainstream America.

Poll: Approval of same-sex marriage in U.S. reaches new high

Religion in America: U.S. Religious Data, Demographics and Statistics

So stop trying to pretend that our aversion to Mrs. Pence supporting radical right wing religious bigotry is somehow "anti-Christian" or unAmerican. It is the Pence's who are out of step with reality, not the rest of us.

It's still a private Christian school.

The issue isn't whether it's a private Christian school, and entitled by law to enclude anyone they consider "unsuitable", but whether the wife of the Vice-President of the United States should be working for an institution which displays such gross disrespect for the way Jesus lived his life, and the principles of equality and fairness to all Americans as enshrined in the Constitution.

Mrs. Pence is and should be held to a higher standard, than your run of the mill right wing bigot.

So, you would be happy if she just quit the job? Is that what it would take to resolve your issue? If not then what would it take?

The flip side of your argument is she is being held to a higher standard. It just so happens that it isn't a standard that you identify with. That is ok. The best that can be achieved is that it is a private Christian school.

Dragon thinks she has the right to require that all elected officials AND their extended families should be required to conform to her particular beliefs, because she's just so self-evidently superior in all ways.

Agreed but one step further. It seems a bit more calculated. There can be no detailed resolution until or unless there is a change in parties during the next election. Should Mrs. Pence up and say she will not work there that would mean the goal has been achieved. It is far better to keep it shifting until the election cycle based on emotions. It's definitely not an attempt to change hearts and minds. Dragon appears to be a part of that group that decides who is employed and for what based on 1) political party and 2) faux rage. Mrs. Pence can teach at that school and it is not a constitutional issue. It's a private Christian school.

I doubt Dragon has thought far enough to try to get her drawers in an uproar on a Constitutional basis. I think she's just working on the standard leftist default mindset of "My beliefs are morality! It's wrong for anyone to not agree with them because they're SO RIGHT!"
It's still a private Christian school.

The issue isn't whether it's a private Christian school, and entitled by law to enclude anyone they consider "unsuitable", but whether the wife of the Vice-President of the United States should be working for an institution which displays such gross disrespect for the way Jesus lived his life, and the principles of equality and fairness to all Americans as enshrined in the Constitution.

Mrs. Pence is and should be held to a higher standard, than your run of the mill right wing bigot.

So, you would be happy if she just quit the job? Is that what it would take to resolve your issue? If not then what would it take?

The flip side of your argument is she is being held to a higher standard. It just so happens that it isn't a standard that you identify with. That is ok. The best that can be achieved is that it is a private Christian school.

The wife of the Vice President of the United States supports bigotry and intolerance. That's not a good message for a public servant and his family. A lot of gay people pay taxes to keep the Pences in their Washington mansion. She should show more respect for the voters.

The wife of the Vice President of the United States can support any beliefs she wants to, even if they contradict YOUR clearly-stated opinions about the only possibly acceptable beliefs anyone can be allowed to hold. "Wife of the Vice President" is another way of saying "completely private citizen who doesn't owe you jack". No one cares what "good message" you think people should be required. Would it shock you to know that I think YOUR message is evil and immoral? Would it shock you to know that my opinion holds just as much value as yours?

"The Pences" are not in public office; Mike Pence is. Mrs. Pence is not an elected official. And while you're wailing and hollering that people should be required to pretend to YOUR beliefs because "We pay taxes!" somehow gives you the right to dictate every aspect of someone's life, you should consider that Christians pay taxes, as well. We also vote, much as you probably hate that.

Thanks for sharing your "1984" utopian vision, but we'll pass.

So many assumptions, and all of them wrong.

1. Your implication is that people who disagree with you are not "Christian", is false. You belong to a small subset of radical right wing Christians whose beliefs are at odds with the United States Constitution and the law of the land. Your attempt to portray Mrs. Pence's beliefs as "mainstream", or held by the majority of American Christians is a total lie. Less than 20% of the American public identify as evangelical Christians, and even among evangelicals, not all discriminate against gays to the extent that the Pence's congregation does.

2. Mrs. Pence is not a private citizen. She is the wife of the Vice-President of the United States. The Pence's made a public announcement that his wife was returning to work at this school. I know of no "private citizens" about whom such an announcement would be made.

3. See item #1 above. Especially the part about the beliefs being at odds with the Constitution of the Government of the United States. Mrs. Pence is married to the a man who has sworn to uphold that Constitution, and the laws, and she is openly choosing to work for an organization which violates the spirit and the intent of both, and gives credence to fools like you who think they should do the same.

This is NOT the example of upholding the law and the Constitution you want to see from the wife of ANY senior government official, much less the one is a heartbeat away from the Presidency of a President who will not be President by the 2020 elections.

She has done nothing contrary to either the law or the Constitution.

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