Media whining about Trump not holding a presser since election

Nobody's been able to get Trump out of the fetal position for the last 2 weeks

Too funny...because that is exactly how I picture leftard pussies such as yourself.........curled up in the fetal position, rocking back and forth and babbling incoherently....... chanting ever so quietly "make it stop.....make it stop...make it allllllll go away".
No we've been out burning shit down and beating the crap out of Trump voters. Haven't you seen the news?

You mean beating up old people? Yeah buddy, takes real talent to do that. And as far as burning down places, once again, that is the response of 'tards worldwide. Nice to see who you identify with.
Sherman helped win the Civil War by burning a whole lot of shit down. Seems to be a language you baboons understand.
Nobody's been able to get Trump out of the fetal position for the last 2 weeks

Too funny...because that is exactly how I picture leftard pussies such as yourself.........curled up in the fetal position, rocking back and forth and babbling incoherently....... chanting ever so quietly "make it stop.....make it stop...make it allllllll go away".

Good God Almighty but is the leftard clown posse of sniveling commie pussies the lamest POS to ever grace this planet? Seriously, they are a fucking embarrassment to not only Americans but to their gender. They are embarrassing us in the eyes of the rest of the world with their lame purse-swinging funded by that POS George Soros........this country is a joke.
No we've been out burning shit down and beating the crap out of Trump voters. Haven't you seen the news?

You couldn't kick your own ass and no one would quake in fear when confronted by a sorry, wimpy POS like you. I have been very upfront about how glad I am that Trump won even though I do not vote in one has had the balls to say shit to me....I guess they value their dental work.......
People tend to look away and hurry past when a crazy homeless person starts screaming at them
Nobody's been able to get Trump out of the fetal position for the last 2 weeks

Too funny...because that is exactly how I picture leftard pussies such as yourself.........curled up in the fetal position, rocking back and forth and babbling incoherently....... chanting ever so quietly "make it stop.....make it stop...make it allllllll go away".
No we've been out burning shit down and beating the crap out of Trump voters. Haven't you seen the news?

You mean beating up old people? Yeah buddy, takes real talent to do that. And as far as burning down places, once again, that is the response of 'tards worldwide. Nice to see who you identify with.
Sherman helped win the Civil War by burning a whole lot of shit down. Seems to be a language you baboons understand.

Yes, he did. Sherman had an ARMY behind him. You have a bunch of juvenile delinquents. I know who I favor if the caca really hits the oscillator. And it ain't you cup cake.
Nobody's been able to get Trump out of the fetal position for the last 2 weeks

Too funny...because that is exactly how I picture leftard pussies such as yourself.........curled up in the fetal position, rocking back and forth and babbling incoherently....... chanting ever so quietly "make it stop.....make it stop...make it allllllll go away".

Good God Almighty but is the leftard clown posse of sniveling commie pussies the lamest POS to ever grace this planet? Seriously, they are a fucking embarrassment to not only Americans but to their gender. They are embarrassing us in the eyes of the rest of the world with their lame purse-swinging funded by that POS George Soros........this country is a joke.
No we've been out burning shit down and beating the crap out of Trump voters. Haven't you seen the news?

You couldn't kick your own ass and no one would quake in fear when confronted by a sorry, wimpy POS like you. I have been very upfront about how glad I am that Trump won even though I do not vote in one has had the balls to say shit to me....I guess they value their dental work.......
People tend to look away and hurry past when a crazy homeless person starts screaming at them

Not where I live. We try and help them. Sometimes they will accept the help, sometimes not. But we always try.
Nobody's been able to get Trump out of the fetal position for the last 2 weeks

Too funny...because that is exactly how I picture leftard pussies such as yourself.........curled up in the fetal position, rocking back and forth and babbling incoherently....... chanting ever so quietly "make it stop.....make it stop...make it allllllll go away".
No we've been out burning shit down and beating the crap out of Trump voters. Haven't you seen the news?

You mean beating up old people? Yeah buddy, takes real talent to do that. And as far as burning down places, once again, that is the response of 'tards worldwide. Nice to see who you identify with.
Sherman helped win the Civil War by burning a whole lot of shit down. Seems to be a language you baboons understand.

Yes, he did. Sherman had an ARMY behind him. You have a bunch of juvenile delinquents. I know who I favor if the caca really hits the oscillator. And it ain't you cup cake.
Well under a Trump, and inevitably in a few months a Pence Presidency, we may get to find out
Nobody's been able to get Trump out of the fetal position for the last 2 weeks

That's one of the most delusional posts I've seen in years, OldSchool! Despite non stop efforts to do so...nobody has managed to PUT Trump into the fetal position...let alone keep him there for weeks! He's going about the business of being President...carefully choosing his Cabinet. He's focused on THAT...and not the media.
Nobody's been able to get Trump out of the fetal position for the last 2 weeks

That's one of the most delusional posts I've seen in years, OldSchool! Despite non stop efforts to do so...nobody has managed to PUT Trump into the fetal position...let alone keep him there for weeks! He's going about the business of being President...carefully choosing his Cabinet. He's focused on THAT...and not the media.
Lol Trump couldn't even name all the Cabinet positions. He's rubberstamping what his advisers hand him while he hides from the rabble in his evil tower
Nobody's been able to get Trump out of the fetal position for the last 2 weeks

That's the shrilary you're talking about. The trumpster has been very busy.
Buckling in panic isn't the same as being busy

Panic? He's working quite well. The shrilary on the other hand is still crying like a baby....
Unlikely. She's doing the exact same thing she's been doing for over 40 years. Trump, who has absolutely no idea what he's doing, has holed himself up in Trump tower after realizing that.
Nobody's been able to get Trump out of the fetal position for the last 2 weeks

Too funny...because that is exactly how I picture leftard pussies such as yourself.........curled up in the fetal position, rocking back and forth and babbling incoherently....... chanting ever so quietly "make it stop.....make it stop...make it allllllll go away".
No we've been out burning shit down and beating the crap out of Trump voters. Haven't you seen the news?

You mean beating up old people? Yeah buddy, takes real talent to do that. And as far as burning down places, once again, that is the response of 'tards worldwide. Nice to see who you identify with.
Sherman helped win the Civil War by burning a whole lot of shit down. Seems to be a language you baboons understand.

You are comparing the commie leftard clown posse with the Northern army that was opposing the south that was supported by the Jesuits and encouraged by the Rothschilds??? Seriously? A wimpy POS like you wouldn't light a match unless you were surrounded by a mob of commie pussies. Leftards are like a pack of cowardly dogs...they are only brave when in a pack. Me? Come into my neighborhood threatening violence and I have justice bullets loaded in clips. Do ya want to play that game? Bring it on......
Just watched CNN whining that Trump isn't attending all of the daily security briefings...sending Mike Pence instead. CNN had a former Director of the FBI on and asked him if Trump's "indifference" to national security is a problem. The guy replied that since Trump's first appointment to his Cabinet was a National Security Advisor and that he wouldn't be taking office for another two months that he thought calling it indifference was an over the top statement. The idiot from CNN then noted that the President usually attends a daily briefing so why isn't which the former FBI Director replied...because he isn't President yet?

CNN has become laughable...
Nobody's been able to get Trump out of the fetal position for the last 2 weeks

That's the shrilary you're talking about. The trumpster has been very busy.
Buckling in panic isn't the same as being busy

Panic? He's working quite well. The shrilary on the other hand is still crying like a baby....
Unlikely. She's doing the exact same thing she's been doing for over 40 years. Trump, who has absolutely no idea what he's doing, has holed himself up in Trump tower after realizing that.
Nobody's been able to get Trump out of the fetal position for the last 2 weeks

Too funny...because that is exactly how I picture leftard pussies such as yourself.........curled up in the fetal position, rocking back and forth and babbling incoherently....... chanting ever so quietly "make it stop.....make it stop...make it allllllll go away".
No we've been out burning shit down and beating the crap out of Trump voters. Haven't you seen the news?

You mean beating up old people? Yeah buddy, takes real talent to do that. And as far as burning down places, once again, that is the response of 'tards worldwide. Nice to see who you identify with.
Sherman helped win the Civil War by burning a whole lot of shit down. Seems to be a language you baboons understand.

You are comparing the commie leftard clown posse with the Northern army that was opposing the south that was supported by the Jesuits and encouraged by the Rothschilds??? Seriously? A wimpy POS like you wouldn't light a match unless you were surrounded by a mob of commie pussies. Leftards are like a pack of cowardly dogs...they are only brave when in a pack. Me? Come into my neighborhood threatening violence and I have justice bullets loaded in clips. Do ya want to play that game? Bring it on......
Nobody's been able to get Trump out of the fetal position for the last 2 weeks

Too funny...because that is exactly how I picture leftard pussies such as yourself.........curled up in the fetal position, rocking back and forth and babbling incoherently....... chanting ever so quietly "make it stop.....make it stop...make it allllllll go away".

Good God Almighty but is the leftard clown posse of sniveling commie pussies the lamest POS to ever grace this planet? Seriously, they are a fucking embarrassment to not only Americans but to their gender. They are embarrassing us in the eyes of the rest of the world with their lame purse-swinging funded by that POS George Soros........this country is a joke.
No we've been out burning shit down and beating the crap out of Trump voters. Haven't you seen the news?

You couldn't kick your own ass and no one would quake in fear when confronted by a sorry, wimpy POS like you. I have been very upfront about how glad I am that Trump won even though I do not vote in one has had the balls to say shit to me....I guess they value their dental work.......
People tend to look away and hurry past when a crazy homeless person starts screaming at them

Homeless people have laptops and internet access? Do tell? (snicker)..

Welcome to the "Bitch Zone"...... (snicker)
Nobody's been able to get Trump out of the fetal position for the last 2 weeks

Too funny...because that is exactly how I picture leftard pussies such as yourself.........curled up in the fetal position, rocking back and forth and babbling incoherently....... chanting ever so quietly "make it stop.....make it stop...make it allllllll go away".

Good God Almighty but is the leftard clown posse of sniveling commie pussies the lamest POS to ever grace this planet? Seriously, they are a fucking embarrassment to not only Americans but to their gender. They are embarrassing us in the eyes of the rest of the world with their lame purse-swinging funded by that POS George Soros........this country is a joke.
No we've been out burning shit down and beating the crap out of Trump voters. Haven't you seen the news?

You couldn't kick your own ass and no one would quake in fear when confronted by a sorry, wimpy POS like you. I have been very upfront about how glad I am that Trump won even though I do not vote in one has had the balls to say shit to me....I guess they value their dental work.......
People tend to look away and hurry past when a crazy homeless person starts screaming at them

Homeless people have laptops and internet access? Do tell? (snicker)..

Welcome to the "Bitch Zone"...... (snicker)
Many do. At least smart phones. Bitch. (snicker)
Nobody's been able to get Trump out of the fetal position for the last 2 weeks

That's one of the most delusional posts I've seen in years, OldSchool! Despite non stop efforts to do so...nobody has managed to PUT Trump into the fetal position...let alone keep him there for weeks! He's going about the business of being President...carefully choosing his Cabinet. He's focused on THAT...and not the media.
Lol Trump couldn't even name all the Cabinet positions. He's rubberstamping what his advisers hand him while he hides from the rabble in his evil tower

You think Donald Trump "rubber stamps" things, OldSchool? Yeah, like he's THAT guy! (eye-roll)

Trump isn't in his "evil tower" by the way...he's down here in Florida.

Do you get even a bit embarrassed being wrong so much?
Nobody's been able to get Trump out of the fetal position for the last 2 weeks

That's one of the most delusional posts I've seen in years, OldSchool! Despite non stop efforts to do so...nobody has managed to PUT Trump into the fetal position...let alone keep him there for weeks! He's going about the business of being President...carefully choosing his Cabinet. He's focused on THAT...and not the media.
Lol Trump couldn't even name all the Cabinet positions. He's rubberstamping what his advisers hand him while he hides from the rabble in his evil tower

You think Donald Trump "rubber stamps" things, OldSchool? Yeah, like he's THAT guy! (eye-roll)

Trump isn't in his "evil tower" by the way...he's down here in Florida.

Do you get even a bit embarrassed being wrong so much?
He's avoiding the peasantry in his dark Floridian palace today?
Too funny...because that is exactly how I picture leftard pussies such as yourself.........curled up in the fetal position, rocking back and forth and babbling incoherently....... chanting ever so quietly "make it stop.....make it stop...make it allllllll go away".

Good God Almighty but is the leftard clown posse of sniveling commie pussies the lamest POS to ever grace this planet? Seriously, they are a fucking embarrassment to not only Americans but to their gender. They are embarrassing us in the eyes of the rest of the world with their lame purse-swinging funded by that POS George Soros........this country is a joke.
No we've been out burning shit down and beating the crap out of Trump voters. Haven't you seen the news?

You couldn't kick your own ass and no one would quake in fear when confronted by a sorry, wimpy POS like you. I have been very upfront about how glad I am that Trump won even though I do not vote in one has had the balls to say shit to me....I guess they value their dental work.......
People tend to look away and hurry past when a crazy homeless person starts screaming at them

Homeless people have laptops and internet access? Do tell? (snicker)..

Welcome to the "Bitch Zone"...... (snicker)
Many do. At least smart phones. Bitch. (snicker)

Really? Homeless people have smart phones with internet access? Do you REALLY believe that I am homeless and that I am not gainfully employed? Is that what you are contending? Wanna make a bet on that???? Put up or what is the wager???
Nobody's been able to get Trump out of the fetal position for the last 2 weeks

Too funny...because that is exactly how I picture leftard pussies such as yourself.........curled up in the fetal position, rocking back and forth and babbling incoherently....... chanting ever so quietly "make it stop.....make it stop...make it allllllll go away".
No we've been out burning shit down and beating the crap out of Trump voters. Haven't you seen the news?

You mean beating up old people? Yeah buddy, takes real talent to do that. And as far as burning down places, once again, that is the response of 'tards worldwide. Nice to see who you identify with.
Sherman helped win the Civil War by burning a whole lot of shit down. Seems to be a language you baboons understand.

Sherman burned his enemies infrastructure and crops...he didn't burn his own neighborhood. Duh? Looting the local CVS store and burning it to the ground isn't going to "win" anything!
Nobody's been able to get Trump out of the fetal position for the last 2 weeks

That's one of the most delusional posts I've seen in years, OldSchool! Despite non stop efforts to do so...nobody has managed to PUT Trump into the fetal position...let alone keep him there for weeks! He's going about the business of being President...carefully choosing his Cabinet. He's focused on THAT...and not the media.
Lol Trump couldn't even name all the Cabinet positions. He's rubberstamping what his advisers hand him while he hides from the rabble in his evil tower

You think Donald Trump "rubber stamps" things, OldSchool? Yeah, like he's THAT guy! (eye-roll)

Trump isn't in his "evil tower" by the way...he's down here in Florida.

Do you get even a bit embarrassed being wrong so much?
He's avoiding the peasantry in his dark Floridian palace today?

It's a beautiful sunny day here in Florida, OldSchool...anything else you want to be wrong about today?
Leftist Globalist Media. It's fake news. More & more Americans are beginning to understand that. Trump doesn't have to placate fake news assholes. It's not why he was elected.
Nobody's been able to get Trump out of the fetal position for the last 2 weeks

Too funny...because that is exactly how I picture leftard pussies such as yourself.........curled up in the fetal position, rocking back and forth and babbling incoherently....... chanting ever so quietly "make it stop.....make it stop...make it allllllll go away".
No we've been out burning shit down and beating the crap out of Trump voters. Haven't you seen the news?

You mean beating up old people? Yeah buddy, takes real talent to do that. And as far as burning down places, once again, that is the response of 'tards worldwide. Nice to see who you identify with.
Sherman helped win the Civil War by burning a whole lot of shit down. Seems to be a language you baboons understand.
So when are you going to mount your revolution? Or are you just gonna sit on your computer and pretend you'll be a part of it when somebody else starts it?
No we've been out burning shit down and beating the crap out of Trump voters. Haven't you seen the news?

You couldn't kick your own ass and no one would quake in fear when confronted by a sorry, wimpy POS like you. I have been very upfront about how glad I am that Trump won even though I do not vote in one has had the balls to say shit to me....I guess they value their dental work.......
People tend to look away and hurry past when a crazy homeless person starts screaming at them

Homeless people have laptops and internet access? Do tell? (snicker)..

Welcome to the "Bitch Zone"...... (snicker)
Many do. At least smart phones. Bitch. (snicker)

Really? Homeless people have smart phones with internet access? Do you REALLY believe that I am homeless and that I am not gainfully employed? Is that what you are contending? Wanna make a bet on that???? Put up or what is the wager???
I believe you are mentally ill, but somehow have access to the internet. Like a homeless guy who plants himself on a corner near my office everyday holding a sign that says he knows the truth about 9/11, and has a decent following on his youtube channel.

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