Media whining about Trump not holding a presser since election

The questions were scripted. You don't seem to understand my point. He hasn't taken questions from a group of reporters who ask follow up questions and expect him to have real answers.

Debates are NOT press conferences. They are full of rules.

That said, he sucked at those debates. He's lucky they weren't tougher.

Seriously? Those debates weren't REAL debates...because one side got to choose the questions that the other side had to answer as well as their own. It's hard to envision a tougher environment for a conservative than a "debate" run by liberal CNN moderators who have been prepped with questions that the Clinton campaign provided. What's amazing is that Clinton looked as bad as she did in those debates with all of the advantages she had going in.

Please stop being retarded. I don't have time to deal with ignorance.

Hitlary has more to worry about than the election...what she needs to do is come up with a strategy on how to safely get out of the country once people start rolling over on her and Podesta concerning Pizzagate.........this isn't going away. There is something about the abuse of little children and their exploitation that makes even the most lethargic citizen stand up and take notice. This has been going on for decades with both political parties heavily involved......not only time to drain the swamp but to hang those responsible from the highest lamp-posts. This is one genie that the lame stream media can't put back in the bottle....

Please, East Coast Dale, don't "quote" me and then spill crazy juice all over the place. I've no desire to mop up.

Really? Have you even looked at this or are you staying in that echo chamber with your hands over your ears? This isn't partisan politics....this shit has been going on for decades. The Franklin Cover-up included giving child prostitutes tours of the WH at midnight when Reagan and Bush were in office.....this is real so open your fucking eyes. The most innocent among us are being tortured and murdered by these sick elite fucks whether you want to believe it or not....denying it because it causes you to feel uncomfortable doesn't wash away the fact that some little child is being sodomized in a Aliester Crowley OTO satanic ritual....too fucking bad if your sense of decorum is offended but this is real and I will continue to rub this in everyone's face as long as God gives me the strength to do so until they take the shit out of their ears. I have been trying to wake people up to these occultists for the last four years. I have been validated ten ways to Sunday.

Looking forward to this so called swamp drain, could prove to be another slogan since we're going to apparently do this with recycled swamp rats. As for something that might makes even the most lethargic citizen stand up and take notice; most americans are more inclined to get themselves arrested in a mall holiday shopping brawl than in getting arrested for protesting or standing up against the economic cannibalization of society.
I don't whine about shit and then go back to be glued to it. The media is corporate state propaganda.

Indeed. And their bought and paid for candidate..................lost. Now they are finally deciding that maybe they should do their job. Too late though. Their credibility is shot. Now every thinking person knows they are propagandists for the political class. Kind of like you.

Nothing's changed, the corporate state propaganda train will roll right on down the tracks with your good guys and your bad guys merely riding in different cars on the same train.

Nope. You're wrong. The media no longer are the sole mouthpiece for this nation. We now have a voice that the corporate world can't silence.
I don't whine about shit and then go back to be glued to it. The media is corporate state propaganda.

Indeed. And their bought and paid for candidate..................lost. Now they are finally deciding that maybe they should do their job. Too late though. Their credibility is shot. Now every thinking person knows they are propagandists for the political class. Kind of like you.

Nothing's changed, the corporate state propaganda train will roll right on down the tracks with your good guys and your bad guys merely riding in different cars on the same train.

Nope. You're wrong. The media no longer are the sole mouthpiece for this nation. We now have a voice that the corporate world can't silence.

That's a wonderful fantasy, cling to it with all due desperation my friend.
Wow, 2 whole weeks?

Yea, that TRUMP guy is not at all accessible. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Did they pressure Hillary into having pressers when she was running?

NOPE....Hillary was inaccessible as HELL.....not much whining.

Trump has interacted CONSTANTLY with the media for 19 months...including meeting with them this week...then the media cries about Trump not yet having a presser since the election?

It's incredible how badly Trump has trolled the absolute SHIT out of the media.

They deserve nothing.

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