Median Household Incomes D O W N under Obama! I Do Mean D-O-W-N

Logic never has been your strong point Carb but then it can never be a strong point fora hack.

Carb and his cousins on this thread come from the school of coke bottle economics.

It's worse than that,their position is simply "Obama is the smartest man in the Country THEREFORE he can NEVER be wrong."

Nope. Never said that and you are exhibiting the traits of a person who has trouble dealing with reality. That is a very weak argument. The sort of thing that we get from idiots here. You and your cheerleader here have really exposed yourselves.

I agree,you never "said" it it is simply what you do, the rest of your post is pure projection kid.

Nope. It is what you want to think I do. It feeds your false view of the world. For you to say something like that tells the world that you ain't much of a thinker.

It IS what both you and LL do,you react in a knee jerk fashion to EVERYTHING posted that is negative toward your King.

So,your ego hurt? ;)
Carb and his cousins on this thread come from the school of coke bottle economics.

It's worse than that,their position is simply "Obama is the smartest man in the Country THEREFORE he can NEVER be wrong."

Nope. Never said that and you are exhibiting the traits of a person who has trouble dealing with reality. That is a very weak argument. The sort of thing that we get from idiots here. You and your cheerleader here have really exposed yourselves.

I agree,you never "said" it it is simply what you do, the rest of your post is pure projection kid.

Nope. It is what you want to think I do. It feeds your false view of the world. For you to say something like that tells the world that you ain't much of a thinker.

It IS what both you and LL do,you react in a knee jerk fashion to EVERYTHING posted that is negative toward your King.

So,your ego hurt? ;)

I am LL.

I never react to anything in a knee-jerk fashion. That is you projecting. I have posted dozens of negative comments about the POTUS. You just don't see them. You don't register them if you do. That "king" shit is just another example of you being unable to grasp reality.

You are really less intelligent than I once gave you credit for. And yes....I'm one to judge.
It'll be fun to watch libs come on and try to twist THIS one. :)

And you seem so happy that this is happening because you can score political points.
The sad truth is the middle class has been sinking since the the early 80's. Flat wages for over 30 years has caught up with the middle class in Real Dollars. And yup, "O" has done nothing to improve this situation.
But you're EconChick and therefore you should surely know that what is happening to the middle class is the result over 30 years of flat wages, automation and outsourcing jobs. Naturally, most real economist have already pointed this out over and over again.
BUT, you go right ahead and gloat and deny reality that this whole thing is a result of the accumulation of a globalized economy.

Is the median household less today than the day Obama took office?

Was median household decreasing when Obama took office?

Was it Obama's fault it was decreasing?

Was it possible to stop the decrease on a dime the day he took office?

Did the momentum and damage from the Meltdown continue to push income down for two years?

Has the momentum turned positive?
Yes, since 2011. That would be three (3) years.

Is it intellectually dishonest to infer that it's Obama's fault it has decreased?

From Sentier Research, the research firm quoted in the article linked in the OP -- I can't make it any more clear than this, not that it matters:

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reality that this whole thing is a result of the accumulation of a globalized economy.

no dear whole thing is result of liberal unions, liberal taxes, and liberal deficts, and the liberals destruction of the family and schools.

Then they invited in 20 million illegals in to compete for the few jobs that remained and to drive wages even lower.

Do you understand?
Why are conservatives here pretending that household incomes being down is a bad thing, as far as they are concerned?

Are conservatives constantly bitching that union workers are overpaid, and government workers are overpaid, and that the minimum wage artificially jacks up wages,

and if American workers weren't so greedy we wouldn't lose all those jobs to overseas markets..?

Conservatives are getting what they've wished for, and yet,

now they're bitching about it and trying to blame it on Obama.

The problem with conservatives is that they do not believe anyone is really listening to them when they say all the stupid shit they actually believe. Then they try to say the complete opposite.
reality that this whole thing is a result of the accumulation of a globalized economy.

no dear whole thing is result of liberal unions, liberal taxes, and liberal deficts, and the liberals destruction of the family and schools.

Then they invited in 20 million illegals in to compete for the few jobs that remained and to drive wages even lower.

Do you understand?

Damn Obama for letting 20 million illegals into the country. Can you believe he did that? Come to think of it, every Democratic president has let 20 million illegals into this country. Thank God we had a few Republican presidents like Reagan, and Bush, and GW Bush, because they didn't let any illegals in. If they had, we really would be fucked.

Is the median household less today than the day Obama took office?

Was median household decreasing when Obama took office?

Was it Obama's fault it was decreasing?

Was it possible to stop the decrease on a dime the day he took office?

Did the momentum and damage from the Meltdown continue to push income down for two years?

Has the momentum turned positive?
Yes, since 2011. That would be three (3) years.

Is it intellectually dishonest to infer that it's Obama's fault it has decreased?

From Sentier Research, the research firm quoted in the article linked in the OP -- I can't make it any more clear than this, not that it matters:


LOL, Mac, you are trying soooooooooooooo hard to recover from having completely destroyed your own credibility in this thread by throwing the wrong graphs out early on.

That revealed how weak your analytical abilities are.

It's funny you keep trying hard to recover from that by disagreeing with a very clear fact that heavy hitters on the left and right agree with ---


Is the median household less today than the day Obama took office?

Was median household decreasing when Obama took office?

Was it Obama's fault it was decreasing?

Was it possible to stop the decrease on a dime the day he took office?

Did the momentum and damage from the Meltdown continue to push income down for two years?

Has the momentum turned positive?
Yes, since 2011. That would be three (3) years.

Is it intellectually dishonest to infer that it's Obama's fault it has decreased?

From Sentier Research, the research firm quoted in the article linked in the OP -- I can't make it any more clear than this, not that it matters:


LOL, Mac, you are trying soooooooooooooo hard to recover from having completely destroyed your own credibility in this thread by throwing the wrong graphs out early on.

That revealed how weak your analytical abilities are.

It's funny you keep trying hard to recover from that by disagreeing with a very clear fact that heavy hitters on the left and right agree with ---


The first line in my post says that, yet you say I'm disagreeing with it.

And then you avoid the rest of the post.

You're trying too hard.

I know she'll blame all those foreclosures on Obama.

Don't laugh. I've seen tards retroactively blame Obama for all kinds of stuff that happened before he took office. I've even seen them blame Obama for the plunge in median income in 2008..

And Democrats blamed W for the recession that started in 2000. They called it "The Bush Recession." You just see the side that serves your purpose.

The 2001 recession started in 2001. The most significant propaganda lie from those days was that from the Right claiming that Bush INHERITED a recession from Clinton.

So Bush did not inherit a recession from Clinton but Obama did inherit a recession from Bush. Be objective, goddamnit. EVERY president inherits a recession. They should be measured how they respond.

Is the median household less today than the day Obama took office?

Was median household decreasing when Obama took office?

Was it Obama's fault it was decreasing?

Was it possible to stop the decrease on a dime the day he took office?

Did the momentum and damage from the Meltdown continue to push income down for two years?

Has the momentum turned positive?
Yes, since 2011. That would be three (3) years.

Is it intellectually dishonest to infer that it's Obama's fault it has decreased?

From Sentier Research, the research firm quoted in the article linked in the OP -- I can't make it any more clear than this, not that it matters:


LOL, Mac, you are trying soooooooooooooo hard to recover from having completely destroyed your own credibility in this thread by throwing the wrong graphs out early on.

That revealed how weak your analytical abilities are.

It's funny you keep trying hard to recover from that by disagreeing with a very clear fact that heavy hitters on the left and right agree with ---


The first line in my post says that, yet you say I'm disagreeing with it.

And then you avoid the rest of the post.

You're trying too hard.


LOL, I'm the one trying to hard? LOL, it's my thread. YOU'RE the one after completely destroying your credibility keeps coming back and coming back and coming attempt to recover it to no avail. Then you come back and try again.

Bush did a better job putting more in the middle class' pockets than Obama. It's that simple.
And the harder you try to resist everyone on the left and right on this....the more you dig your hole, Mac.

I know she'll blame all those foreclosures on Obama.

Don't laugh. I've seen tards retroactively blame Obama for all kinds of stuff that happened before he took office. I've even seen them blame Obama for the plunge in median income in 2008..

And Democrats blamed W for the recession that started in 2000. They called it "The Bush Recession." You just see the side that serves your purpose.

The 2001 recession started in 2001. The most significant propaganda lie from those days was that from the Right claiming that Bush INHERITED a recession from Clinton.

So Bush did not inherit a recession from Clinton but Obama did inherit a recession from Bush. Be objective, goddamnit. EVERY president inherits a recession. They should be measured how they respond.

I also love how libs completely dismiss the economic mess Bush had to clean up after Al Qaeda hit us on 9/11.

Complete blind eye.
And the harder you try to resist everyone on the left and right on this....the more you dig your hole, Mac.


The fact that I disagree with left wing and right wing partisan ideologues is a very good sign.

I realize that someone like you would not see that.

You folks deserve your lack of credibility.


LOL, most of the people saying this OP are financial people not from either party, genius.

Try reading my "Investors believe......." thread to see why an economic mess is right around the corner....which is why you libs are doubly wrong.
I also love how libs completely dismiss the economic mess Bush had to clean up after Al Qaeda hit us on 9/11.

Complete blind eye.

Bush also said that the Clinton subprime loan strategy was a bad idea, then did nothing about it then interfered in free markets again by bailing out the losers.

He said the so called Campaign Finance Reform bill was Unconstitutional (it was) then signed it.

He did nothing about the borders.

He proposed government spending growth in excess of every economic measure even before negotiating with Democrats, expanded institutionalized budgeting to cover up the rate of government growth from the people and never vetoed a spending bill.

He continued to make taxes more complicated rather than less

At the same time he spend like money was going out of style on the prescription drug welfare program for Medicare, the no child gets ahead program, the "transportation" Christmas tree.

Then there are the wars. I know we disagree on that one, but he was a fiscal disaster even without them. The MBA President. Yeah.

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