Median Household Incomes D O W N under Obama! I Do Mean D-O-W-N

The fact that I disagree with left wing and right wing partisan ideologues is a very good sign.
It means you have no principles.

It just means that I think for myself.

Not much principle in blindly following the herd.


Exactly. Evidence points to the fact that we have before us "two sides of the exact same coin." Dems may be worse than Repubs but I kind of see it at the "good cop/bad cop" scenario. Both sides have taken turns "ruling the masses" and yet we see America in the mess she's in. I blame government, in general.
I know she'll blame all those foreclosures on Obama.

Don't laugh. I've seen tards retroactively blame Obama for all kinds of stuff that happened before he took office. I've even seen them blame Obama for the plunge in median income in 2008..

And Democrats blamed W for the recession that started in 2000. They called it "The Bush Recession." You just see the side that serves your purpose.

The 2001 recession started in 2001. The most significant propaganda lie from those days was that from the Right claiming that Bush INHERITED a recession from Clinton.

So Bush did not inherit a recession from Clinton but Obama did inherit a recession from Bush. Be objective, goddamnit. EVERY president inherits a recession. They should be measured how they respond.

I also love how libs completely dismiss the economic mess Bush had to clean up after Al Qaeda hit us on 9/11.

Complete blind eye.

Bush cleaned what up? Doing what exactly?
It just means that I think for myself.

Not much principle in blindly following the herd.[/QUOTE]Your assumption that people who embrace an ideology haven't thought about it is a big part of your problem. I don't blindly follow jack shit. I believe in a look before you leap, fix what's broke, if it ain't broke don't fix it and don't spend more than you make philosophy. I'm a conservative, not a party member but I will vote for the lessor of two evils because that moves things closer to my ideology.

Nobody ever did anything great by sitting on a fence.
I know she'll blame all those foreclosures on Obama.

Don't laugh. I've seen tards retroactively blame Obama for all kinds of stuff that happened before he took office. I've even seen them blame Obama for the plunge in median income in 2008..

And Democrats blamed W for the recession that started in 2000. They called it "The Bush Recession." You just see the side that serves your purpose.

The 2001 recession started in 2001. The most significant propaganda lie from those days was that from the Right claiming that Bush INHERITED a recession from Clinton.

So Bush did not inherit a recession from Clinton but Obama did inherit a recession from Bush. Be objective, goddamnit. EVERY president inherits a recession. They should be measured how they respond.

What do you mean every president inherits a recession?
I know she'll blame all those foreclosures on Obama.

Don't laugh. I've seen tards retroactively blame Obama for all kinds of stuff that happened before he took office. I've even seen them blame Obama for the plunge in median income in 2008..

And Democrats blamed W for the recession that started in 2000. They called it "The Bush Recession." You just see the side that serves your purpose.

The 2001 recession started in 2001. The most significant propaganda lie from those days was that from the Right claiming that Bush INHERITED a recession from Clinton.

So Bush did not inherit a recession from Clinton but Obama did inherit a recession from Bush. Be objective, goddamnit. EVERY president inherits a recession. They should be measured how they respond.

I also love how libs completely dismiss the economic mess Bush had to clean up after Al Qaeda hit us on 9/11.

Complete blind eye.

This is what Obama inherited:

Now you post what Bush inherited, or even had to deal with his first year,

and prove it was worse for Bush.
It just means that I think for myself.

Not much principle in blindly following the herd.
Your assumption that people who embrace an ideology haven't thought about it is a big part of your problem. I don't blindly follow jack shit. I believe in a look before you leap, fix what's broke, if it ain't broke don't fix it and don't spend more than you make philosophy. I'm a conservative, not a party member but I will vote for the lessor of two evils because that moves things closer to my ideology.

Nobody ever did anything great by sitting on a fence.

That's why some of us are disgusted by all of the Republican fence-sitters. It's why I support the Tea Party and the American Constitution Party.
I also love how libs completely dismiss the economic mess Bush had to clean up after Al Qaeda hit us on 9/11.

Complete blind eye.

Bush also said that the Clinton subprime loan strategy was a bad idea, then did nothing about it then interfered in free markets again by bailing out the losers.

He said the so called Campaign Finance Reform bill was Unconstitutional (it was) then signed it.

He did nothing about the borders.

He proposed government spending growth in excess of every economic measure even before negotiating with Democrats, expanded institutionalized budgeting to cover up the rate of government growth from the people and never vetoed a spending bill.

He continued to make taxes more complicated rather than less

At the same time he spend like money was going out of style on the prescription drug welfare program for Medicare, the no child gets ahead program, the "transportation" Christmas tree.

Then there are the wars. I know we disagree on that one, but he was a fiscal disaster even without them. The MBA President. Yeah.

Bush wanted to concentrate on cleaning up all things domestic, including our financial situation. That small thing called the 9/11 attack that came close to crippling our economy interfered. Whether people have figured it out or not yet, the WMD was there. The expensive actions he took were for a good reason.

Yes, he wound up being a much bigger spender than he planned. I agree he has to take a major hit even though many of those decisions were foisted upon him. Medicare he gets the blame for 100%. If we hadn't been attacked, even that would've been more manageable.

But in the end analysis, I agree he has to take a big hit regardless of excuses, just like Obama does ....regardless of the long list of lib excuses.

Yet despite all he did to stress the economy, Bush still managed to help the middle class incomes more than Obama has. PERIOD, END OF STOP. :)
Don't laugh. I've seen tards retroactively blame Obama for all kinds of stuff that happened before he took office. I've even seen them blame Obama for the plunge in median income in 2008..

And Democrats blamed W for the recession that started in 2000. They called it "The Bush Recession." You just see the side that serves your purpose.

The 2001 recession started in 2001. The most significant propaganda lie from those days was that from the Right claiming that Bush INHERITED a recession from Clinton.

So Bush did not inherit a recession from Clinton but Obama did inherit a recession from Bush. Be objective, goddamnit. EVERY president inherits a recession. They should be measured how they respond.

I also love how libs completely dismiss the economic mess Bush had to clean up after Al Qaeda hit us on 9/11.

Complete blind eye.

This is what Obama inherited:

Now you post what Bush inherited, or even had to deal with his first year,

and prove it was worse for Bush.

Can anyone help EC out? She appears stymied, as usual.
Don't laugh. I've seen tards retroactively blame Obama for all kinds of stuff that happened before he took office. I've even seen them blame Obama for the plunge in median income in 2008..

And Democrats blamed W for the recession that started in 2000. They called it "The Bush Recession." You just see the side that serves your purpose.

The 2001 recession started in 2001. The most significant propaganda lie from those days was that from the Right claiming that Bush INHERITED a recession from Clinton.

So Bush did not inherit a recession from Clinton but Obama did inherit a recession from Bush. Be objective, goddamnit. EVERY president inherits a recession. They should be measured how they respond.

I also love how libs completely dismiss the economic mess Bush had to clean up after Al Qaeda hit us on 9/11.

Complete blind eye.

Bush cleaned what up? Doing what exactly?

Did you just fart? Smells terrible. Wow. I'm going to come back after the clear smoke clears....
The fact that I disagree with left wing and right wing partisan ideologues is a very good sign.
It means you have no principles.

Mac, also has no credentials to discuss economics because he can't even tell difference between MEDIAN and MEAN.

My goodness, I'm really in your head.

Perhaps you can show the post that illustrates your claim.

Otherwise, I think I've enabled your adolescent behavior enough, don't you?

Nobody ever did anything great by sitting on a fence.

The mere fact that a person doesn't obediently march in lockstep with a partisan ideology does not mean that they're sitting on a fence.

It just means that we're not obediently marching in lockstep with a partisan ideology.

I have opinions on most issues, just like anyone else.


Someone who keeps throwing up MEAN stats when the apples to apples comparison is MEDIAN stats doesn't even rate to be in the category of serious commentators. You know it and I know it.

But thanks for bumping.
And Democrats blamed W for the recession that started in 2000. They called it "The Bush Recession." You just see the side that serves your purpose.

The 2001 recession started in 2001. The most significant propaganda lie from those days was that from the Right claiming that Bush INHERITED a recession from Clinton.

So Bush did not inherit a recession from Clinton but Obama did inherit a recession from Bush. Be objective, goddamnit. EVERY president inherits a recession. They should be measured how they respond.

I also love how libs completely dismiss the economic mess Bush had to clean up after Al Qaeda hit us on 9/11.

Complete blind eye.

Bush cleaned what up? Doing what exactly?

Did you just fart? Smells terrible. Wow. I'm going to come back after the clear smoke clears....

I think that's natrual gas you're smelling.

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