Mediation with my wife, the most important negotiate perhaps in my life; has to be conducted solely through the mediator, we won't speak to each other


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Does this sound like a trustworthy process considering all I have been through?

So, I speak to the mediator through video, he speaks to her and then comes back to me and so on. We don't speak to one another nor hear each other.

Imagine the level of faith I have to have for this to even be accurate let alone transparent? She could have a lawyer right beside her, advising her etc. She will most certainly have her family.

When I compare Canada to Russia or some other state that lacks transparency, accountability and Due Process, you understand why. America understands what we are and as much as we mock the far-left, the ideology of central control isn't relegated to any one side...

As usual, I needed to share my "experiences" with certain stakeholders be they in Canada or elsewhere.
Mediation only works if you want it to ... you haven't posted your lawyer's advice, he/she should be able to tell you the consequences for having these disputes solved by a court-of-law ... [ka'ching] ... mediation is there to save you money ...

In Oregon, you'll get half the assets ... period ... it's never worth hiring a lawyer to argue otherwise, you''ll still lose ... it's up to you to decide if she was that good in bed ... because she'll be walking away with half your money ...

I would answer yes ... she was well worth half my money, I'd count the sex as good value ... I do love my children though they cost me 10 times what I lost in the divorce ... money well spent ...
Mediation only works if you want it to ... you haven't posted your lawyer's advice, he/she should be able to tell you the consequences for having these disputes solved by a court-of-law ... [ka'ching] ... mediation is there to save you money ...

In Oregon, you'll get half the assets ... period ... it's never worth hiring a lawyer to argue otherwise, you''ll still lose ... it's up to you to decide if she was that good in bed ... because she'll be walking away with half your money ...

I would answer yes ... she was well worth half my money, I'd count the sex as good value ... I do love my children though they cost me 10 times what I lost in the divorce ... money well spent ...
I'm aware of what would occur if we went to court, its equalization laws. 50/50 on pension and property.

She just wants her cake and eat it too I am betting. Similar to when we were together.
I'm aware of what would occur if we went to court, its equalization laws. 50/50 on pension and property.

She just wants her cake and eat it too I am betting. Similar to when we were together.

Then quit mediation and let the judge do the split ... you need to close this chapter in your life and move on ...

I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, It is good for them if they abide even as I.
But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn.

1 Corinthians 7:8-9
Then quit mediation and let the judge do the split ... you need to close this chapter in your life and move on ...

I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, It is good for them if they abide even as I.
But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn.

1 Corinthians 7:8-9
Depending on how difficult she is I may not have a choice. A judge would reward me WAY more than if she mediated fairly since I am flexible. A judge will not be.
Depending on how difficult she is I may not have a choice. A judge would reward me WAY more than if she mediated fairly since I am flexible. A judge will not be.

Canadian law must be different ... here in Oregon, the judge cannot participate in mediation and anything discussed in mediation cannot be used in court ... there's a hard wall between court and mediation ...

Judges in the USA do not reward anyone ... you're never going to curry favor in just one visit ... I was in court seven ten times a year for ten years before those judges were habituated to ruling in my favor ... ten solid years of perfect cases before I got any slack, not favors, basic slack ... forgetting one document in a defaulted case, the judge screamed at me from the bench "I'll pass it this time, but you better have that next time I see you" ... ha ha ...

Though I will suggest you stop blaming your wife and start blaming Parliament ... judges love to hear that ...
My ex and I went to mediation several times to settle financial and child custody and visitation issues. I won every time. My ex had no concept of fairness, thanks mainly to the way she was raised. The mediator informed us that her decisions usually carried the weight of the court although either of us were free to opt for a formal divorce court hearing. She informed my ex that the divorce laws of the state had changed shortly after our divorce and were more fair to all parties. My ex and her lawyer were insisting that our issues be decided using the old adversarial divorce laws. The mediator didn't agree and found in my favor each time.
My ex and I went to mediation several times to settle financial and child custody and visitation issues. I won every time. My ex had no concept of fairness, thanks mainly to the way she was raised. The mediator informed us that her decisions usually carried the weight of the court although either of us were free to opt for a formal divorce court hearing. She informed my ex that the divorce laws of the state had changed shortly after our divorce and were more fair to all parties. My ex and her lawyer were insisting that our issues be decided using the old adversarial divorce laws. The mediator didn't agree and found in my favor each time.

I sure don't remember the mediator making any binding decisions ... but things change over 30 years ... neither of us relented on child custody and I couldn't bring Child Welfare Services or school officials into mediation ...

... but I could in court ... where I won ... all the family assets went to the attorneys ... which was better than having the children taken into protective custody ... she admitted on the stand all she wanted was child support, not the children ...
Does this sound like a trustworthy process considering all I have been through?

So, I speak to the mediator through video, he speaks to her and then comes back to me and so on. We don't speak to one another nor hear each other.

Imagine the level of faith I have to have for this to even be accurate let alone transparent? She could have a lawyer right beside her, advising her etc. She will most certainly have her family.

When I compare Canada to Russia or some other state that lacks transparency, accountability and Due Process, you understand why. America understands what we are and as much as we mock the far-left, the ideology of central control isn't relegated to any one side...

As usual, I needed to share my "experiences" with certain stakeholders be they in Canada or elsewhere.
Personally I wouldn't accept a mediation using that process. The ONLY mediation that works is face to face interaction with the mediator refereeing the process and offering helpful suggestions to facilitate productive conversation.
Does this sound like a trustworthy process considering all I have been through?

So, I speak to the mediator through video, he speaks to her and then comes back to me and so on. We don't speak to one another nor hear each other.

Imagine the level of faith I have to have for this to even be accurate let alone transparent? She could have a lawyer right beside her, advising her etc. She will most certainly have her family.

When I compare Canada to Russia or some other state that lacks transparency, accountability and Due Process, you understand why. America understands what we are and as much as we mock the far-left, the ideology of central control isn't relegated to any one side...

As usual, I needed to share my "experiences" with certain stakeholders be they in Canada or elsewhere.

Sorry you're going through this. When a woman decides she doesn't love you anymore they can get very ruthless. If the relationship is over the first rule should always be protect yourself. You know for damn sure she will.
Then quit mediation and let the judge do the split ... you need to close this chapter in your life and move on ...

I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, It is good for them if they abide even as I.
But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn.

1 Corinthians 7:8-9
Depending on how difficult she is I may not have a choice.
Personally I wouldn't accept a mediation using that process. The ONLY mediation that works is face to face interaction with the mediator refereeing the process and offering helpful suggestions to facilitate productive conversation.

This is Ontario. Your ally...
Did she cheat on you?
Not that I know of.

I turned down advances out of loyalty. Some women even hit on me in front of her which really angered her. She blamed ME for them hitting on me. It was something else.
Most marriages fail because of selfish motives of either the husband or wife. A lasting marriage is built on trust and commitment to your partner.
Does this sound like a trustworthy process considering all I have been through?

So, I speak to the mediator through video, he speaks to her and then comes back to me and so on. We don't speak to one another nor hear each other.

Imagine the level of faith I have to have for this to even be accurate let alone transparent? She could have a lawyer right beside her, advising her etc. She will most certainly have her family.

When I compare Canada to Russia or some other state that lacks transparency, accountability and Due Process, you understand why. America understands what we are and as much as we mock the far-left, the ideology of central control isn't relegated to any one side...

As usual, I needed to share my "experiences" with certain stakeholders be they in Canada or elsewhere.

Just make sure that everything is video'd on your side.
My parents have a long lasting marriage based on trust and commitment.

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