Medical Authorities Have Spoken - - Open the Economy Already

The risk is minimal?

Holy shit...amazing

When you meet the CDC criteria to reopen the economy the risk is acceptable. If people keep mitigating properly it is minimal.
When you meet the CDC criteria to reopen the economy the risk is acceptable. If people keep mitigating properly it is minimal.
After weeks of trashing the CDC all of a sudden you love them


What is that criteria...
There is enough testing already for the CDC reopening phases. Many states already qualify for a phase-1 restart.
WTF are you TALKING about?

Enough testing?

Who the fuck told you THAT?

Dr. Fauci and Dr Birx at yesterday's presser when they explained how to use testing for the phase-I economic restart.
Dr Redfield further explained that testing is only to be done on hot spots, not routinely on all 331m Americans.
When you meet the CDC criteria to reopen the economy the risk is acceptable. If people keep mitigating properly it is minimal.
After weeks of trashing the CDC all of a sudden you love them


What is that criteria...
Here is the criteria, the daily testing only covers the healthcare workers, and is based on opening the economy only if the infection rate keeps getting lower:
When you meet the CDC criteria to reopen the economy the risk is acceptable. If people keep mitigating properly it is minimal.
After weeks of trashing the CDC all of a sudden you love them


What is that criteria...
Here is the criteria, the daily testing only covers the healthcare workers, and is based on opening the economy only if the infection rate keeps getting lower:

The BAREST of deal with something as horrific as this thing?

Dr Redfield further explained that testing is only to be done on hot spots, not routinely on all 331m Americans.
Oddly you would think that the head of the Center For Disease Control would understand how testing and contact tracing is routinely done in cases of pandemics.

One might think that thispolitical appointee (a controversial one at that) is crafting his position based on what the Admin is telling him
The secondary effects will be enormous and may well outweigh the benefits of this shutdown, especially if it drags on.

Anyone claiming to know otherwise, when those costs are only beginning to be estimated is patently full of shit.

After weeks of trashing the CDC all of a sudden you love them
Is the CDC going to work with Trump on a plan to save the economy or not? It's obvious to people in the business world we need to open the economy now.
Let me know when people in the medical world (not named Redfield) agree with that
I've already listed quotes from doctors who say open things up again. And doctors aren't the only people who get a say on this topic.
When you meet the CDC criteria to reopen the economy the risk is acceptable. If people keep mitigating properly it is minimal.
After weeks of trashing the CDC all of a sudden you love them


What is that criteria...
Here is the criteria, the daily testing only covers the healthcare workers, and is based on opening the economy only if the infection rate keeps getting lower:

The BAREST of deal with something as horrific as this thing?

Dr Redfield further explained that testing is only to be done on hot spots, not routinely on all 331m Americans.
Oddly you would think that the head of the Center For Disease Control would understand how testing and contact tracing is routinely done in cases of pandemics.

One might think that this political appointee (a controversial one at that) is crafting his position based on what the Admin is telling him.

Redfield explained that contact tracing is only done when hot spots are located, not all day every day.
Test results are good for about 5-minutes, then its back on mitigation protocols.
Lets hope that the hot summer weather back-stops this virus and we all get a summer break.
Then we get another break in the fall and can have a football season.
Then we get a vaccine early and we're back to normal.
The secondary effects will be enormous and may well outweigh the benefits of this shutdown, especially if it drags on.
Anyone claiming to know otherwise, when those costs are only beginning to be estimated is patently full of shit.
Dems don't care about the economic downturn. They might even be cheering it on.
The secondary effects will be enormous and may well outweigh the benefits of this shutdown, especially if it drags on.
Anyone claiming to know otherwise, when those costs are only beginning to be estimated is patently full of shit.
Dems don't care about the economic downturn. They might even be cheering it on.

Well Pritker and Co. certainly don't seem to care about data after spewing that the science should be our guide ad nauseum, that much is for sure.
Dr. Phil is not even a licensed doctor. If there’s a case for opening up the economy, he shouldn’t be making it
Ousting vaccine chief ‘is going to set us back,’ former FDA head says

Former FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb said the ouster of a top HHS vaccine expert would likely set back efforts to quickly roll out a vaccine for the coronavirus.

Asked in an interview on CBS' "Face the Nation" whether forcing out Rick Bright as director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) would have an impact, Gottlieb responded, "It's hard to say it doesn't."
Many have said we need to listen to our medical experts during this pandemic. The doctors have spoken. They say it's time to open things up. They agree with President Trump, it's time to end the lockdown.

---McGraw spoke out against the current lockdown measures, claiming they may cause "more deaths across time than the actual virus will itself," explaining the huge impact they have on the health of Americans, both mentally and physically....We have 45,000 people a year die from automobile accidents, 480,000 from cigarettes, 360,000 a year from swimming pools but we don't shut the country down for that.---

---Dr. Oz says schools should reopen---

Neither Dr. Oz nor Dr. Phil are medical doctors. Dr. Phil is a psychologist. He doesn't have a medical degree.

Dr. Phil has a B.A. in psychology, an M.A. in experimental psychology & a PhD in clinical psychology. Not a medical degree in sight.

Dr. Oz has a medical degree, from Harvard no less, but he is not a practicing physician, nor does he work in the fields of public health or epidemiology.

Neither are qualified to publically opine on a pandemic.
Dr. Phil is a Doctor of Psychology. Not Psychiatry. Only five states even allow Psychologists to even prescribe medication.

He’s not even a licensed psychologist. He’s no more a psychologist than judge Judy is a judge
I love it!! The sycophants who support a reality game show host as President are pointing to two reality TV show "doctors" as expert sources to open the country back up. You CANNOT make this shit up! :)

WTF? You want to go on welfare? Why not go back to work where possible?
Gov Cuomo and his NYC agar dish may want to work from home longer, but eventually even they will need to reopen, or NYC will be a ghost town.

Except if you send everyone back in now when testing isn't anywhere that it remotely needs to be and without an even somewhat reliable anti-body test, you're liable to create a situation that will make what we are going through right now look like a minor inconvenience. I work from home so nothing really changes for me, outside of not being able to go to the gym.

Did you see Redfield's explanation of how testing needs to be used?
It's not used on all 331m Americans. Its only used locally in areas that have infections.
If the infections keep dropping we're good.
There is no fucking way that Cuomo can bird-dog every case that develops.
Anti-body testing may give 1% or so of survivors confidence, but they can still be carriers.
Its a crap-shoot until the vaccine gets rolled-out, but a necessary crap-shoot, be very careful.

You don't even have an accurate test yet. You don't have any functioning testing system whatsoever. And the cases and the deaths are still climbing.


Americans have turned into total idiots. You're not the boss of me. I'm not staying home and you can't make me. The ECONOMY!!!!

The virus doesn't fucking care about your economy, your rights, or your politics. It's not Republican or Democrat, rural or urban. Stop being a nation of whiny, spoiled children. You did this to yourselves when you elected an unqualified reality show host to lead the nation. Now sit down, shut up and do what is necessary to get through this and quit complaining.

Otherwise, this will go on and on until there are riots in the street. The illness and the dying don't end until you SIT DOWN, SHUT UP AND STAY HOME.

I love it!! The sycophants who support a reality game show host as President are pointing to two reality TV show "doctors" as expert sources to open the country back up. You CANNOT make this shit up! :)

WTF? You want to go on welfare? Why not go back to work where possible?
Gov Cuomo and his NYC agar dish may want to work from home longer, but eventually even they will need to reopen, or NYC will be a ghost town.

Except if you send everyone back in now when testing isn't anywhere that it remotely needs to be and without an even somewhat reliable anti-body test, you're liable to create a situation that will make what we are going through right now look like a minor inconvenience. I work from home so nothing really changes for me, outside of not being able to go to the gym.

Did you see Redfield's explanation of how testing needs to be used?
It's not used on all 331m Americans. Its only used locally in areas that have infections.
If the infections keep dropping we're good.
There is no fucking way that Cuomo can bird-dog every case that develops.
Anti-body testing may give 1% or so of survivors confidence, but they can still be carriers.
Its a crap-shoot until the vaccine gets rolled-out, but a necessary crap-shoot, be very careful.

You don't even have an accurate test yet. You don't have any functioning testing system whatsoever. And the cases and the deaths are still climbing.


Americans have turned into total idiots. You're not the boss of me. I'm not staying home and you can't make me. The ECONOMY!!!!

The virus doesn't fucking care about your economy, your rights, or your politics. It's not Republican or Democrat, rural or urban. Stop being a nation of whiny, spoiled children. You did this to yourselves when you elected an unqualified reality show host to lead the nation. Now sit down, shut up and do what is necessary to get through this and quit complaining.

Otherwise, this will go on and on until there are riots in the street. The illness and the dying don't end until you SIT DOWN, SHUT UP AND STAY HOME.


First of all, the cases are increasing because we’re testing more people. Duh. Second of all the deaths are a lagging indicator, so the people that are dying today were more than likely hospitalized weeks ago. Furthermore hospitalizations are down, which is a good sign. Dr. Fauci says we need to double testing before we think of reopening the economy on a national scale. Which makes sense, we need more data. Lastly you don’t know the first thing about Americans, you stupid Canuck
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Neither Dr. Oz nor Dr. Phil are medical doctors. Dr. Phil is a psychologist. He doesn't have a medical degree.
Dr. Phil has a B.A. in psychology, an M.A. in experimental psychology & a PhD in clinical psychology. Not a medical degree in sight.
Dr. Oz has a medical degree, from Harvard no less, but he is not a practicing physician, nor does he work in the fields of public health or epidemiology.
Neither are qualified to publically opine on a pandemic.
I'll still take their advice over any clueless liberal.

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