Medical Providers Urge Obama to Save 'Conscience' Rule


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
Doctors from across the country have come to Washington to try to save a federal regulation that gives added protection to medical workers who choose not to perform certain procedures, like abortion, that they morally object to.

"It is open season on healthcare professionals of conscience," said David Stevens, CEO of the Christian Medical Association. "Discriminate at will."

Though a number of "provider protection" laws have been on the books for decades, some doctors complained they weren't being enforced. So just before he left office, President Bush enacted a federal regulation calling for better enforcement and mandating that some medical schools and employers actually certify their compliance in writing.

Medical Providers Urge Obama to Save 'Conscience' Rule - First 100 Days of Presidency - Politics
I agree with this. A doctor be able should refuse to perform an operation if they morally disagree with it. Just because we want something to be legal, doesn't mean everyone has to agree with it morally.
What other employee is allowed to tell their boss they refuse to do their job? It's called insubordination. Don't want to do the job, then quit and find an employer who agrees with your values.
What other employee is allowed to tell their boss they refuse to do their job? It's called insubordination. Don't want to do the job, then quit and find an employer who agrees with your values.

I agree. And if someone doesn't want to dispense legal medications, maybe s/he shouldn't go to pharmacy school to begin with. If someone doesn't want to perform procedures on women, maybe s/he shouldn't specialize in gynecology. If someone doesn't want to counsel patients on reproductive health options, perhaps s/he should study veterinary medicine. If someone doesn't want to stock birth control products in his/her pharmacy, why doesn't s/he sell up and go into the ice cream parlor business?

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