Medicare for all capitalism is what Republicans should want:

You're saying you want the government to subsidize the whole thing?

And where are the numbers on the 80% savings?
Government through Medicaid Medicare as chip VA community clinics Indian health care etc. pays for most of healthcare now anyway by switching to capitalism prices will come down 80% and Americans could increasingly pay for more and more of their healthcare out of pocket so the $10,000 would gradually be reduced to zero dollars that's why we call it Medicare for all capitalism. Now do you understand
Where are the numbers on the 80%?

We both know you just made it up, but at least throw something out there for my amusement.
We know the difference between what is Germans and West Germans could afford and the difference between what Soviet citizens and American citizens could afford and the difference between what Floridians can afford and what Cubans Can afford. Now do you understand how liberal socialism makes people very very poor so I can't afford anything
Good numbers there.
Translation: as a typical liberal I lack the IQ to comment substantively
Translation: as a Mises silly, I got thumped again.
Government through Medicaid Medicare as chip VA community clinics Indian health care etc. pays for most of healthcare now anyway by switching to capitalism prices will come down 80% and Americans could increasingly pay for more and more of their healthcare out of pocket so the $10,000 would gradually be reduced to zero dollars that's why we call it Medicare for all capitalism. Now do you understand
Where are the numbers on the 80%?

We both know you just made it up, but at least throw something out there for my amusement.
We know the difference between what is Germans and West Germans could afford and the difference between what Soviet citizens and American citizens could afford and the difference between what Floridians can afford and what Cubans Can afford. Now do you understand how liberal socialism makes people very very poor so I can't afford anything
Good numbers there.
Translation: is a typical liberal I lack the IQ to comment substantively
Translation: Can't back up his claims, so he attacks.
What claims exactly you idiot liar?
Where are the numbers on the 80%?

We both know you just made it up, but at least throw something out there for my amusement.

And where are the doctors and healthcare professionals willing to take an 80% cut in pay?
All the doctors who are willing to work for 80% less are in Canada Europe Japan Australia 1+1 = 2
You wanna back THAT one up?

Of course not.
You need back up to know that Floridians are rich and Cubans are poor?? See why we are positive that liberalism is based pure ignorance
Medicare currently spends less than ten thousand dollars per person per year. That is taking care of the retired and disabled. Let everyone in on Medicare. Here is how you do it.

Currently, about one fourth of Medicare spending is through the Medicare Advantage program. In that program the government pays private insurance companies to take over the responsibilities of Medicare. It is a per month payment on a yearly contract. Let everyone in. Let the private companies bid for the contract and compete for the customers. Charge a single, per person, community rated premium. That means, the more young people a company enrolls the lower their cost and the higher their profits. They will, in turn, use some of those profits to lower their bid the next year. It is the very result of "free market" principals the right constantly talk about. It will work, insurance companies will still make money and everyone's cost will go down.
Where are the numbers on the 80%?

We both know you just made it up, but at least throw something out there for my amusement.
We know the difference between what is Germans and West Germans could afford and the difference between what Soviet citizens and American citizens could afford and the difference between what Floridians can afford and what Cubans Can afford. Now do you understand how liberal socialism makes people very very poor so I can't afford anything
Good numbers there.
Translation: is a typical liberal I lack the IQ to comment substantively
Translation: Can't back up his claims, so he attacks.
What claims exactly you idiot liar?
80% savings. Let's see the numbers.

Or you can just admit that you're making it up.

It's already obvious.
I have Medicare and it works great. The OP is stupid, just making stuff up.
Works great? How stupid it costs 4 times what other countries pay!! You mean it's great because it's free and you feel entitled to Leech off of other people??
You want to link to demonstrate that you think it works great because it's free and you get to leech off of other people?

I better write my congressman, I want what I've been paying into it for many years and also my Part B premium I pay monthly. No one told me it was free, the sob's been taking advantage of an old person.
Where are the numbers on the 80%?

We both know you just made it up, but at least throw something out there for my amusement.

And where are the doctors and healthcare professionals willing to take an 80% cut in pay?
All the doctors who are willing to work for 80% less are in Canada Europe Japan Australia 1+1 = 2
You wanna back THAT one up?

Of course not.
You need back up to know that Floridians are rich and Cubans are poor?? See why we are positive that liberalism is based pure ignorance
And by the way, show us the math on that idiotic "pay off the debt in six years" horse shit.

I'll wait here for those two gems.
I have Medicare and it works great. The OP is stupid, just making stuff up.
I have medicare and it worked great until I needed medical care. Then it didn't work at all.

Please expand on that. You have said that in a few different threads. In all my years working with people on Medicare I don't know anyone who had troubles. Yes if a doc does not accept Medicare they can still treat you and file a claim or maybe you might have to file the claim, Medicare will approve a certain amount and pay 80% of that approved amount and if you have a supplement that will pay the other 20% of what Medicare approved, so the difference between what Medicare approved and what the doc charge you owe, but you only can be charge by law 15% over what Medicare approved. Or maybe these provider's just won't see anyone on Medicare period? I don't understand how many people can have problems with it.

Yes I can see by one poster saying Medicare forced his mother out of the hospital and into rehab and she passed the next day, but from experience with many family member's it's the hospital that says, we can no longer help and forces them into rehab. In each case I have personally dealt with the rehab actually killed them.
Where are the numbers on the 80%?

We both know you just made it up, but at least throw something out there for my amusement.

And where are the doctors and healthcare professionals willing to take an 80% cut in pay?
All the doctors who are willing to work for 80% less are in Canada Europe Japan Australia 1+1 = 2
You wanna back THAT one up?

Of course not.
You need back up to know that Floridians are rich and Cubans are poor?? See why we are positive that liberalism is based pure ignorance
And by the way, show us the math on that idiotic "pay off the debt in six years" horse shit.

I'll wait here for those two gems.
Mac1958 has you on the spit roast, Edward, and you can't wriggle your way off. Answer his questions.
And where are the doctors and healthcare professionals willing to take an 80% cut in pay?
All the doctors who are willing to work for 80% less are in Canada Europe Japan Australia 1+1 = 2
You wanna back THAT one up?

Of course not.
You need back up to know that Floridians are rich and Cubans are poor?? See why we are positive that liberalism is based pure ignorance
And by the way, show us the math on that idiotic "pay off the debt in six years" horse shit.

I'll wait here for those two gems.
Mac1958 has you on the spit roast, Edward, and you can't wriggle your way off. Answer his questions.

Every week Ed starts some kind of thread on this capitalism and healthcare, this week its Medicare. I usually don't play along after the first one he posted weeks ago, but since I've been working in this particular field for a long time, I thought I'd take a look and now he has sucked me again to play.
We know the difference between what is Germans and West Germans could afford and the difference between what Soviet citizens and American citizens could afford and the difference between what Floridians can afford and what Cubans Can afford. Now do you understand how liberal socialism makes people very very poor so I can't afford anything
Good numbers there.
Translation: is a typical liberal I lack the IQ to comment substantively
Translation: Can't back up his claims, so he attacks.
What claims exactly you idiot liar?
80% savings. Let's see the numbers.

Or you can just admit that you're making it up.

It's already obvious.
Look at how poor china was before they switched to Republican capitalism. Liberals would have recommended they keep lib socialism even to this day despite the fact thatbRepublican capitalism eliminated 40% of all the poverty on earth when China switched to it.
All the doctors who are willing to work for 80% less are in Canada Europe Japan Australia 1+1 = 2
You wanna back THAT one up?

Of course not.
You need back up to know that Floridians are rich and Cubans are poor?? See why we are positive that liberalism is based pure ignorance
And by the way, show us the math on that idiotic "pay off the debt in six years" horse shit.

I'll wait here for those two gems.
Mac1958 has you on the spit roast, Edward, and you can't wriggle your way off. Answer his questions.

Every week Ed starts some kind of thread on this capitalism and healthcare, this week its Medicare. I usually don't play along after the first one he posted weeks ago, but since I've been working in this particular field for a long time, I thought I'd take a look and now he has sucked me again to play.
Nice story but why not try to put into words exactly why you agree or disagree with OPliberals have to learn that they should have reasons for their positions not just bigoted feelings and they are morally superior because they always support more and more crippling welfare
Where are the numbers on the 80%?

We both know you just made it up, but at least throw something out there for my amusement.

And where are the doctors and healthcare professionals willing to take an 80% cut in pay?
All the doctors who are willing to work for 80% less are in Canada Europe Japan Australia 1+1 = 2
You wanna back THAT one up?

Of course not.
You need back up to know that Floridians are rich and Cubans are poor?? See why we are positive that liberalism is based pure ignorance
And by the way, show us the math on that idiotic "pay off the debt in six years" horse shit.

I'll wait here for those two gems.
If you save 80% of $10,000 how long does it take you to pay off the national debt ?? Isn't thinking fun?
All the doctors who are willing to work for 80% less are in Canada Europe Japan Australia 1+1 = 2 why did you think their healthcare costs 25% of what ours does???

Because they all have socialized medicine.
But you said no one would work for 80% less and now you're apparently agreeing that in those countries they do work for 80% percent less do you understand how you contradicted yourself
But you said no one would work for 80% less and now you're apparently agreeing that in those countries they do work for 80% percent less do you understand how you contradicted yourself

Their salaries are subsidized by the government.

Are you ready for the same here in republican capitalist America?
And where are the doctors and healthcare professionals willing to take an 80% cut in pay?
All the doctors who are willing to work for 80% less are in Canada Europe Japan Australia 1+1 = 2
You wanna back THAT one up?

Of course not.
You need back up to know that Floridians are rich and Cubans are poor?? See why we are positive that liberalism is based pure ignorance
And by the way, show us the math on that idiotic "pay off the debt in six years" horse shit.

I'll wait here for those two gems.
If you save 80% of $10,000 how long does it take you to pay off the national debt ?? Isn't thinking fun?
Thinking is indeed fun. So is math.

You're really bad at this. When you make wild claims that you can't back up, you look foolish. And ignorant. And dishonest.

Maybe just avoid using numbers in the future. Faking it in front of people who understand them just isn't going to fly.

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